Kgatleng district council kgatleng district development committee ministry of local government

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2.5Links to NDP 9 Theme

The theme for NDP 9 is “ Towards Realisation of Vision 2016; Sustainable and Diversified Development through Competitiveness in Global Markets.” This choice of the theme was mainly influenced by the fact that NDP 9 provides the first opportunity for the various sectors to integrate Vision 2016 goals and objectives into development planning process. Hence DDP6 will also focus on realisation of the goals and objectives of Vision 2016 as it is enshrined in NDP 9. In implementing the plan, the district will take cognisance of the national issues of concern such as HIV/AIDS, water, diversification of the economic base and environmental key issues as outlined in the Environmental Keynote Paper.


3.1Planning Framework

This Chapter links the District policies to National policies and the National Development Plan 9 theme and objectives. National Development Plan 9 theme is “Towards Realisation of Vision 2016: Sustainable and Diversified Development through Competitiveness in Global Markets”. Government has made a commitment during the Mid Term Review of National Development Plan 8 that plans will be guided by Vision 2016 which charts the development of the nation into the 21st century. DDP6 will therefore focus on projects and programmes which drives the nation towards the goals and objectives of Vision 2016.

3.1.1Vision 2016

Botswana’s Vision 2016 emphasises economic diversification and prosperity as critical for employment creation and poverty alleviation. These should start at the district level. The district needs to further diversify the economy from the mining sector by vigorously implementing strategies and government - supported schemes to promote growth of the non - mining sector. There is still potential for diversification in the agriculture, manufacturing and tourism sectors. Agriculture is particularly important for employment creation and poverty alleviation given that many poor people in the rural areas are dependent on agriculture.
i. An Educated and Informed Nation

In addition to formal education that is provided in schools, local authorities in Kgatleng will spearhead consultation in the district as a way of availing information to the communities including the remote areas. This will be done through strengthening extension service delivery by resuscitating the District and Village Extension Teams so that they provide the right information at the right time.

Library services will also be strengthened to provide information using other sources such as video and audio cassettes, as well as making home deliveries to home bound clients.
ii. A Compassionate, Just and Caring Nation

The District provides services to the communities and social safety nets for the underprivileged. The more pronounced efforts to address this pillar are in the targeted projects including destitutes, orphan care, and provision of old age pensions. Basic shelter will be made available for needy destitutes.

In the early years of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, Information, Education and Communication (IEC) was the main strategy used for combating the scourge. However, as time went on, the situation became more complex, hence a need arose for mitigation programmes such as Community Home Based Care (CHBC), Orphan Care Programmes, Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission of HIV/AIDS (PMTCT), Isoniazid Preventive Therapy (IPT) and Antiretroviral Therapy (ARV) for HIV patients.
iii. A Prosperous, Productive and Innovative Nation

Kgatleng District emphasizes the need to diversify in order to produce enough food both at the household and national levels. The Remote Area Programme is one strategy that the district will use to equip RADs with various skills as per their needs so as to empower them to start their own projects. They will be encouraged to embark on projects by utilizing government schemes. Empowering the RADs with the skills and knowledge will help them to be economically independent and have a good understanding of their rights, such as land rights since currently they occupy very limited hectares of land. They will also be able to compete for positions of high social standing.

Emphasis will also be put on providing excellent vocational and technical skills to young people enrolling in vocational and technical centers such as Kgatleng Brigade Development Trust and the upcoming School of Applied Arts and Technology in Oodi. These centers will equip trainees with life skills so that after graduating they will be able to venture into productive business activities. Entrepreneurs will also be trained on basic business concepts to ensure profitability and sustainability of small-scale projects to support income generation and employment creation drive.
iii. An Open, Democratic and Accountable Nation

This pillar calls for community oriented democracy with strong decentralized institutions. Government institutions need to be brought closer to the people so that they participate in decisions that affect their lives. The Local Government Structure Commission recommended construction of service centres in villages. Implementation of these facilities will enhance participatory development by communities through bottom up planning.

iv. A Safe and Secure Nation

The occurrence of natural disasters cannot be ignored under normal circumstances. As such well-planned strategies need to be put in place to counter the effects of these disasters. The district has a Disaster Management Committee which deals with all the components of disaster namely:- response, mitigation, preparedness, and re-construction. The committee is still preparing a District Disaster Management Plan that will guide the preparation and management of disaster activities in the district.

In cases of domestic fire outbreaks the District Council assists with fire extinguishers, while the Botswana Defence Force and the Botswana Police Service provide rescue services. Funds permitting, the district would build a fire station and purchase fire-fighting equipment.
The Botswana Police Service is committed to providing a quality service to the communities in Kgatleng District by focusing on crime reduction including traffic offences. A community policing will increase public confidence in Police Officers and this will go long way in building a safe and secure nation by the year 2016.
The District also engages in vigorous road safety campaigns throughout the plan period to publicize the road safety drive as much as possible.
v. A United and Proud Nation

Batswana should take pride in their clean and unlittered surroundings. The district environmental health plans for the next six years shall endeavour to create an enabling environment for the realization of the above. This will be done through sustainable waste management and entails among other things, waste minimization and reuse of products and recycling of goods.

3.1.2National Environmental Key Issues

The key environmental issues experienced in Botswana are many and varied. However, notable ones include conflicts caused by pressure on land and land scarcity, sub-optimal land management, water scarcities, narrow scope of natural resource utilization, increasing veld fires, fuel wood depletion, pollution and waste management.
Past development plans paid little attention to environmental conservation and the impact of development programmees and projects on the environment. DDP6 will give attention to these issues by making it a point that all development projects from all sectors are screened for compliance with environmental impact assessment with a view to taking timely corrective measures.

3.1.3District Environmental Key Issues Management

The district’s close proximity to Gaborone has contributed to the pressure on the land in Kgatleng Diastrict. At Mmamashia this has lead to squatting and illegal change of land use from arable farming to commercial ventures such as poultry. Also worthy of mention are illegal transfers of land.
Elsewhere in the district villages are inundated with applications for residential and other land uses which can not be provided in Gaborone. Villages of Mochudi, Pilane, Rasesa, Morwa, Bokaa, Modipane, Oodi Matebele and the river villages are particuraly worth mentioning in this respect.
In villages where village plans have not been prepared, the issue of sub-optimal land management is a problem. Lack of controlled planning leads to haphazard lands allocations which in turn contribute to village sprawl. Preparatration of the said plans during DDP6 will be the objective of the district. Communal grazing can also be said to contribute to sub optimal land management as it is not possible to practice proper stocking rates. The implementation of National Agricultural Policy during DDP6 will arrest the situation. Resources Utilization

Fuelwood depletion and a declining trend in wildlife species are some of the district’s environmental issues. Fuelwood depletion comes about as a result of both population growth and persistent droughts.
The uncontrolled extraction of sand and gravel for the construction industry has lead to pressure of these resources. Contractors coming from within and outside the district extract these resources haphazardly, without sustainable utilization. This also often leaves the land with borrow pits without rehabilitation. In some instances the resources are harvested illegally without seeking permission from the appropriate authorities which makes it difficult to monitor. Supply

The district gets its water supply from two sources namely the North South Water Carrier and ground water sources supplied from boreholes by council’s Water Departmeent. The North South water Carrier supplies the village of Mochudi, Pilane Morwa, Oodi, Modipane Bokaa and Rasesa will soon be conected.
During DDP6 it is expected that water will be tapped from Molatedi Dam which also supplies Gaborone from the Republic of South Africa to supply the river villages. The quality of water is hard and the quantity is insufficient at these villages. A consultant has currently been engaged to look into the situation and advise accordingly, the outcome of which will have a bearing on the Molatedi water supply project. and Waste Management

Pollution of ground water especially from pit latrines has been an environmental issue in the district. However, with the advent of the construction of a sewerage disposal pipeline in Mochudi, the situation will improve during DDP6 plan period.
The other pollution issue in the district is the disposal of waste water into Notwane River from Gaborone. During DDP6 plan period, some mechanisms will be put in place to monitor contaminants that are brought by waste water into the river.
There already exists a sanitary landfill at Pilane. Another one is planned for during DDP6 to be constructed in the river villages. There are small waste disposal sites near all settlements. Consequently, Kgatleng District will during DDP6 plan period concentrate on capacity building to meet the required minimum standards of waste disposal by landfill. Veldt Fires

Increasing veldt fires are a source of concern for the district as they often exacerbate the incidences of drought. Construction of fire breaks and the implementation of the National Agricultural Policy during DDP6 will help resolve the problem.

3.1.4Ministry of Local Government Strategic Plan

The Ministry of Local Government is charged with the responsibility to provide basic physical and social facilities to the communities. The ministry’s strategy is based on the seven pillars of Vision 2016 with the overall objective of being a competitive and customer focused centre of excellence. This would be achieved through embarking on comprehensive public sector reforms.
To achieve its goals the ministry will roll out the Performance Management System concept to Local Authorities and request them to produce strategic plans that are in line with the Ministry’s strategic plan. Through the Local Authorities, the district will ensure that the Ministry’s KRAs are achieved.

3.1.5District Key Issues

The district key issues are: Implementation and Monitoring of Planned Projects

The district experienced cost overruns during DDP5 due to delayed project completion by the citizen contractors. For example Boseja clinic with maternity started in 1998 and to date it is still incomplete.

Unemployment is still prevalent in the district especially in the rural villages. This leads to migration from rural areas to the main centres. of Slaughtering Facilities

There is no abattoir in the district. Animals are slaughtered at the butcheries and/or kraals. This is not a healthy situation because there is no guarantee that the meat is safe for human consumption. There is therefore a need for an abattoir in the district to ensure a healthy and secure nation in 2016. of Settlement

The district is overwhelmed by the mushrooming of settlements. To combat the situation an evaluation of unrecognised settlements in line with NSP is necessary in DDP 6. There has been a demand for recognition of settlements such as Mokatse and Khurutshe. Sand Extraction

Quarrying and extraction of sand are the only mining activities that occur in the district. There is a serious concern of uncontrolled and unregulated extraction of sand and gravel coupled with the non-payment of extraction fees. The whole situation is exacerbated by the fact that there are no enabling bye-laws. Absence of zoned quarrying areas also encourages indiscriminate quarrying. water Drainage

Mochudi village suffers from an inadequate and poorly coordinated drainage system. The village receives substantial quantities of natural surface water run-off from the surrounding hills, with consequent problems of erosion and surface water disposal. Although ultimately the water flows into Notwane River, it first goes through natural channels such as Molatlhegi, Tsope, Mmadipamo, Molapo-wa-baruti, and Raserura streams, which transverse the village creating access problems and hazards to public safety. A coordinated drainage system does not exist. There is need for a well-designed storm water drainage system. Collection

People are of the view that firewood collection has reached alarming proportions. Consequently some form of regulatory measures should be imposed on institutions that are still using firewood for cooking and heating. Bye Laws should be put in place to curb the depletion of trees. Development Committees (VDCs)

VDC’s take two years as office bearers. However this two-year period is too short for VDCs to realise their goals and objectives. Hence the committees favour a five-year period to enable them implement their strategies and even evaluate before handing over to the incoming VDCs. The incumbents complain that this is the reason why incoming VDCs usually work with poor records, scanty information and not up to date financial statements from the outgoing VDCs.

There is lack of employment opportunities in rural areas due to the fact that the main source of livelihood, which is agriculture, has been experiencing a dramatic decline because of drought. It has also emerged that though some individuals and groups have been granted FAP and CEDA funds to assist them to start income - generating projects, there is insignificant progress because of the following factors. of entrepreneurial skills

There is lack of markets and lack of diversification of projects undertaken since most FAP and CEDA recipients concentrate on the same type of projects such as sewing, welding, brick moulding etc of Day Care Centres by Government

Village Development Committees are unable to pay teachers hence a lot of Day Care Centres are not operational. The proposal is to request Government to takeover running of these institutions. of a sub-district at Mmathubudukwane

There is need to establish a sub-district at Mmathubudukwane to bring services closer to the people since they have to travel long distances to Mochudi to get their services.

There is still a challenge to reduce the rising incidence of the HIV virus, particularly among the young people. A further challenge is to assess and minimize the impact of AIDS related illnesses and death on families, businesses, government budget, and the economy as a whole. of agricultural Land for Residential Purposes

Kgatleng District is one area where there is shortage of land. Arable fields are being acquired for residential, commercial and industrial development. The area with rapid change of use is the A1 corridor from Gaborone to Dibete.

3.1.6Respective Long Term District Plans

There are a number of long term plans for the district, which are aimed at guiding development to ensure efficient land utilisation. They also provide a framework for the provision of services. East Regional Master Plan (2003-2027)

This is a long-term plan covering a period of twenty years, aimed at improving the living conditions of the resident population through the use of natural resources found within the region. This has the potential to ensure sustainability as an area will utilize natural resources at its disposal This Master Plan includes seven district councils, namely Southern, Kweneng, Kgtaleng South East, Jwaneng, Lobatse and Gaborone. District Settlement Strategy (2003-2027)

This settlement strategy aims at efficient utilization of land by carefully allocating land to suitable uses and also providing services to settlements in accordance with their status in the settlement hierarchy. It helps in creating linkages between settlements and identifying production, processing and marketing of goods and services. Planning Area (1995-2015)

This planning area covers the other villages of Morwa, Bokaa, Pilane and Rasesa. The plan articulates the various land uses in these areas. The plan has been running for the last eight years. It consequently needs to be reviewed to assess its benefits and shortfalls. The plan was gazetted under the Town and Country Planning Act (Declaration of Planning Areas) order of 18th April 1995 through statutory instrument No 27 0f 1995. Villages Development Plan (2002-2026)

A development plan is being prepared for the five villages of Malolwane, Ramonaka, Mathubudukwane, Mabalane and Sikwane. These settlements do not have clear village boundaries and the only thing that helps to show their extent is the water works boundaries. The River Villages as they are referred to in the plan are located along the Marrico River that borders the Republic of South Africa in the south east of Kgatleng District. It is expected that the plan will promote efficient and utilization and avoid sprawling and uncoordinated village growth. Integrated Land Management Plan (1999)

The Integrated Land Management Plan for Mmamashia came about as result of prevalence of squatting, illegal exchange of land between parties leading to unauthorized developments, pressure for land allocation by the citizenry and unguided change of land use.
The objectives of the management plan is to subdivide the affected area into specific categories of land use zones, preserve agricultural land, promote and encourage prudency in land utilization and offer the land board the opportunity to respond to land issues in the affected area decisively and encourage development.

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