Legions of atlantis

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Legion Organisation
An Atlantean legion is recruited from Atlantean natives and foreign mercenaries and is designed to be a stand alone formation which can support friendly powers and punish unfriendly ones.
Aten’s Cohort - Headquarters 700

Sun Cohort - Infantry 700

Spark Cohort - artillery and engineers 700
Dragon Cohort - cavalry 700
Maiden Cohort - Infantry 700

Mother Cohort - Infantry 700

Crone Cohort - Infantry 700

TOTAL 4900

An unusual feature of the Altantean military system is that ALL Officers are part of the Navy hence the scarlet tunic clad legionaries are officered by blue uniformed Naval personnel.

Cohort Officers

Each Cohort is commanded by a Major whom is usually a 3rd, 2nd or 1st Lieutenant – they wear a diagonal Red sash and taboosh and a golden helmet to identify themselves, they are also the Centurion of the Dragon (3rd) Century of the Cohort. A Spark Cohort’s Deputy Major does not wear a golden helmet.
A Century is commanded by a junior Officer (often a Midshipman or Sub-lieutenant, less often a Sailing Master or 3rd lieutenant,) they wear a diagonal sash and have gold inlay on their helmet or alternative headgear. They are assisted by a Deputy Centurion who is either a senior NCO or Midshipmen who wear an appropriate coloured taboosh for their century round their waists.
Officers also wear broaches of their Cohorts symbol on their right chest - these are in Brass for Deputy Centurions, Silver for Centurions and Gold for Majors. Often they will have a piece of cloth pinned behind in the colour of their century (Also common behind their hat broaches.)
Legion Officers

Legions Prefect is its commander. He is elected by the Senate to the Post for a period of time. He may wear rank from regular service or have the stripes and feathers of a commodore. He will wear a taboosh, diagonal sash and cape in the colours and proportions of the Legion’s piping and carries a baton.
A Deputy Prefect is elected with the prefect or chosen by him after election. He may wear rank from regular service or have the stripes and feathers of a commodore. He will wear a taboosh and diagonal sash in the colours and proportions of the Legion’s piping and carries a (smaller) baton.
The Chief of Staff usually Post Captain, chief planning officer and 3rd in command of the Legion simply has a diagonal sash in the colours and proportions of the Legions piping in addition to his normal rank distinctions
The Adjutant usually Post Captain, responsible for discipline who the Gendarme Centurion answers to, wears a taboosh in the colours and proportions of the Legions piping.
The Quartermaster and his deputy simply wear a lanyard in the colours and proportions of the Legions Piping
All these Officers are accompanied by a standard bearer to aid recognition on the battlefield (the precise standard chosen just before to confuse the enemy.)
Specialist Officers

Please not all badges noted are in addition to any officers may wear as a Centurion of Deputy Centurion.

The Church of Aten treats all Legions are a mobile diocese with a Legion Bishop and council. All wear Yellow capes with their travelling clothes. They may effect legionnaire or (Naval) Officer dress but are in fact part of neither though subject to the Articles of War. The Bishop wears a large purple tabard inscribed with the golden triangle and yin-yang of Aten his

Vicar General, Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Legion Deacon and Legion Treasurer will usually wear one bearing the symbol of another of the aspects. This does leave a aspect unrepresented but this is seen as appropriate as war is a very ‘unbalanced’ business.

Signalmen wear an open book badge under their Century/Cohort identifying patch.

Buglers wear a bugle badge.

Intelligence officers wear a crossed looking glass and quill badge under their Century/Cohort identifying bade.

Medical officers are either Barbers-Surgeons (apprentices) or Surgeons who have passed university and regarded as fully qualified.

Barber-Surgeons wear Naval Warrant Officer dress – i.e. A Dark Blue Plebeian clothing with a legion forage cap or helmet and a crossed Saw/Clamp badge under their Cohort/Century patch.
Centaury Surgeons wear full naval officers uniform but with no rank distinctions and an entwined serpents with a staff brass broach. On their right chest and patch on their chuffs.

The Legion Surgeon has the same but in gold and with a cuff piping in the Legions colours while his Deputy’s Badge is Silver.

The arrangements for Vets are the same as those for Surgeons while farriers have the same arrangements as Barber Surgeons. The badge for both classes however is a horses head

All Engineer officers wear a Fort badge under their century identification to distinguish them from their Artillery Colleagues in the Spark Cohort who have a crossed cannon badge. The Chief Engineer and Chief Gunner wear much larger version of these badges.

Like their men Gendarmes officers have a Cap with a peak, wear a silvered gorget and have all their equipment bright white.


Wagonner Officers have a Cartwheel badge on their chest under the Cohort/Century patch. Their Vets wear both badges.

Cohort’s Organisation
Infantry Cohort

7 Centuries each consisting of 100 men. A Century is made up of 7 Sections each of 13 men (a Corporal, Lance Corporal and 11 men.) Each century forms a rank of cohort in battle plus command staff.

Centurion (commander of Century usually of 3rd lieutenant but higher if Cohort CO*.)

Deputy Centurion

Drummer (carry musket and sword)

Bugler (carry musket and sword)

Century Master

Century Barber (medic) (or Cohort Surgeon)

2 Century Barber’s Apprentices (or deputy Cohort Surgeon)

Standard Bearer

* = usually mounted.
1st Century Skirmishers

These are musketeer or riflemen they skirmish in front of cohort, retire to flanks in a melee and guard flanks on the march. Wear leather cap, jerkin and skirt a long arm, bayonet and long sword.

2nd and 3rd Century Musketeers

Armed as above but fight in the line of battle and carry short swords (In a crush little room to swing a sword.)

4th, 5th, 6th Century Pikes

Carry pikes and short sword. Wear steel pot helmets and breastplates with greaves.

7th Century Halberds

Armed with Halberds rather than pikes form centre of a square in case cavalry break in.

Cavalry Cohort

Consists again of 7 Centuries.

1st Century Carabineers

Wear leather cap, jerkin and skirt a long arm, bayonet and long sword. Carry carbine and brace at least of pistols. Again used to skirmish around the main body of cohort.

2nd and 3rd Century Lancers

Wear breastplate, pot helm and greaves. Carry lance, long sword and brace (at least) of pistols.)

4th, 5th, 6th, 7th Century Cuirassiers

Wear breastplate, pot helm and greaves. Carry lance, long sword and brace (at least) of pistols.)

A Century is made up of 7 Sections each of 13 men and a century forms a rank of cohort in battle.
1 Centurion (as per Infantry)

Deputy Centurion

Bugler (carry musket and sword)

Chief Century Farrier Sergeant

Chief Century Veterinary Sergeant

Century 1st Sergeant

Century Barber (medic) (or Cohort Surgeon)

Century Barber’s Apprentice (or deputy Cohort Surgeon)

Century Standard Bearer

Aten’s Cohort (Command Cohort)

The Aten’s Cohort is the headquarters of the legion; hence its Centuries are somewhat different to those of the main Legion.
1st Century Aten’s Century of Aten’s Cohort

Consists of the staff of the prefect (Land Commodore or higher) in command of the legion.


Deputy Prefect (takes over legion in event of disaster)

Chief of Staff (Post Captain, chief planning officer, 3rd in command)

Adjutant (Post Captain, responsible for discipline, the Gendarme Centurion answers to him)

Quartermaster (a senior Post Captain responsible for supply, the Wagoner Centurion answers to him )

Deputy Quartermaster

Centurion (unpopular post as have relatively little to do but good for building political connections.)

Intelligence Officer (usually a linguist. 3rd lieutenant)

Prefect’s Steward (general lackey and guard)

All are armed and equipped as Cuirassiers and mounted.
Plus 7 specialised sections.
1.A Padre Section (each Legion is in effect a Diocese on the move)

Legion Bishop

Legion Vicar General

Legion Chancellor,

Legion Vice Chancellor,

Legion Deacon,

Legion Treasurer

All the above are Priests they furthermore have six lay persons each representing an aspect of Aten as assistants. They are also responsible for the priest’s safety. A Legionnaire Master completes the Padre Section to the mystical 13 is in charge of the military aspects of the Padre section. Given the occasional clashes between spiritual and military duties this is often an unpopular duty used as a punishment. All are armed and equipped as Cuirassiers and mounted.

2. Colour Section

Aten Standard Bearer and a guard

Sun Standard Bearer and a guard

Spark Standard Bearer and a guard

Dragon Standard Bearer and a guard

Maiden Standard Bearer and a guard

Mother Standard Bearer and a guard

Crone Standard Bearer and a guard

A Colour Master (highest ranked NCO in a Legion) is in charge of their conduct and discipline.
They accompany staff members so that the Legion, dispatch riders etc; may easily locate them. (Which standard bearer(s) accompanies which staff member is only revealed on the verge of battle. So it is harder for enemy assassins to spot who is who.) All are armed and equipped as Cuirassiers and mounted.
Aten’s Cohort (Command Cohort ctd.)
3. Signal Section

Prefect’s bugler

Deputy Prefect bugler

Chief of Staff’s bugler

Adjutant’ bugler

Quartermaster’s bugler

Deputy Quartermaster’s bugler (tends to double the Prefect’s bugler)

Centurion’s bugler

Intelligence Officer’s bugler (tends to double the Adjutant’s bugler)

Prefect’s Signalman (reads naval signal flags, also have duties to try and learn enemy signals and if possible languages)

Deputy Prefect’s Signalman

Chief of Staffs Signalman

Adjutant’s Signalman

Sergeant of Signals (attends conduct discipline etc;)

All are armed and equipped as Cuirassiers and mounted. Tend to act as close guards for their charges as most officers prefer to use gendarmes as dispatch riders. Signal men are often loaned to the intelligence officer given their memory and that they’re often picked for their wits.
Four Guard Sections

Usually assigned to the Prefect, His Deputy, Chief of Staff and Adjutant but occasionally elsewhere as part of deception plan. All armed and equipped as Cuirassiers and mounted. All consist of a Corporal, Lance Corporal and 11 legionnaires. They answer to the Colour Master and if necessary the Centurion.

2nd Century Gendarmes

Mounted men on swift horses with simple leather armour, swords and pistols. They ride in pairs and give instructions to Cohort commanders from the commander in chief and take their reports to the Legion’s Prefect (Land Commodore or higher). Any spares are used to visit and report on battles, for reconnaissance and as an additional escort for the 1st or Aten’s Century. On garrison duty they are used as the commander’s escort, to distribute the commander’s orders and as a military police in camp. They wear metal gorgets to signify their role. (They are nicknamed ‘chain-dogs’ by other men.)
3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Century Wagoners

Divided in a 7 sections of six wagons (each with a pair of drivers,) and a corporal on horseback. Carry supplies also scavenge, bake bread and perform other supply functions. Armed with sword and musket. Wear leather armour. Guard supplies in battle, ferry ammunition to units and casualties to the Legion Surgeon.

7th Century Hospital
The nine person staff of a Hospital Century is

The Legion Surgeon

His deputy

Legion Surgeon’s Attendant (lackey, guard, dogsbody)

The Legion Chief Veterinary

His Deputy

Legion Veterinary’s Attendant ( as above)

Hospital Bugler

Chief Orderly (Cohort Sergeant)
Six Sections consist of a senior surgeon, his deputy, two barbers and seven orderlies.

All wear leather armour and short swords.

The last section is made up of 5 veterinarians and seven farriers.
Spark’s Cohort (Artillery and Engineerrs)

Command Century

The staff is :-


Deputy Major

2 Cohort Captain Bugler/dispatch riders

Chief Engineer (senior officer)

Chief Gunner (senior officer)

Master Map Maker (Master)

Spark Standard Bearer

Gunner Guardsman

All equipped as cuirassiers and mounted.

The rest of the command century consists of 7 sections of 13 men.
3 Engineer Centuries

Century staff is - Engineer Centurion

Engineer Deputy Centurion

Centurion’s bugler

Century Master

Century Standard Bearer

Century Surgeon

Century Barber

Century Mapmaker

Engineer Guardsman

All equipped as cuirassiers and mounted.
7 Sections each consists of a Corporal, a Lance Corporal and 11 Legionaries. They have two wagons each with six men and Corporals are mounted (at least on the march.) Troops carry a pistol, musket and sword. Usually wear leather but do have some heavy plate – enough for one section for special tasks. Direct infantry etc; in building fortifications, roads, aqueducts – conduct sapping operations, build siege engines, prepare forlorn hopes, lay lines for night operations etc; in field operations with no use for engineering they are normally deployed to guard the guns and or help the wagon train,
3 Artillery Centuries (two light (21 guns each), one Heavy (14 guns each.))

Century staff is - Gunner Centurion

Gunner Deputy Centurion

Centurion’s bugler

Century Master

Century Standard Bearer

Century Surgeon

Century Barber

Century Farrier (guns are horse drawn)

Gunner Guardsman

All equipped as cuirassiers and mounted.
7 Batteries each of 13 men with either

2 Heavy guns (12 pounders) with two six man crew and an overseeing Corporal (with halberd.)


3 Lighter Guns (6 pounders) with four man crew once of which includes the Corporal.

Gunners wear leather armour and carry swords







A Token of a better age

Old Contemptibles

Old Timers




For Senate and City




Where duty leads

Duty Men



Mindful of former valour




Aggressive in attack




Nobody assails me with impunity




Ready and faithful




Swift, skilled, alert




Yield to None




No one shall cause our retreat




Action from knowledge




Unless Aten’s with us all is in vain




Truth, duty, valour



Double Green

Nothing without work




Either in the charge, or hand to hand




We lead others follow





Death or Glory

Glory Boys



For Senate, for law, for country strive




With mind and hand




For our altars and our homes



Triple Green

Knowledge gives force to the arm




Who Dares Wins

Dare Devils



Strength through Unity

Union Men


1st-6th Legions are based in Hyboria supporting Zingoria and Argos allies fighting ‘The Axis’ (A Lemurian led pact of Stygians, Ophir, Shem and Aquilonia.)

7th Legion is guarding trading posts in the Hyborian Black Kingdoms

8th-9th Legion are garrisoning colonies in the Pictish Islands

10th Legion are based on Aquarius Island

11th Legion are based on Pisces Island

12th Legion are based on the Capricorn Archipelago

13th-15th Legions are based in Kaa-U fighting the Brotherhood of the Broach (Japhet, Eden and lesser City states) and their Lemurian backers

16th Legion are based guarding Whaling Stations on the Isles of Beset

17th Legion is besieged by Lemurians IN the trading outpost Kali Liber Fort on Mu-Mu.

18th-19th Legions are based on the Gemini Islands

20th -23rd Legions are based on Virgo

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