Lion’s den gifted and Talented Program Ponder High School Ponder Independent School District Texas State Goal for the Education of Gifted and Talented Students

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Gifted and Talented


Ponder High School

Ponder Independent

School District
Texas State Goal

for the Education of

Gifted and Talented Students

Students who participate in services designed for

gifted students will demonstrate skills in self-directed learning, thinking, research, and communication as evidenced by the development of innovative products and performances that reflect individuality and creativity and are advanced in relation to students of similar age, experience, or environment. High school graduates who have participated in services for gifted students will have produced products and performances of professional quality as part of their program services.
Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students

Texas Education Agency Division of Advanced Academic Services

Ponder Independent School District

Gifted and Talented Program Handbook
Mission Statement
The mission of the gifted and talented program in the Ponder

Independent School District is to provide effective educational opportunities that meet the unique intellectual, emotional, and social needs of the gifted and talented student.


  • All students are unique; however, some students possess distinct intellectual gifts and talents that need to be fostered.

  • Gifted and talented students need provision for a differentiated curriculum that best meets their individual and unique needs.

  • Gifted and talented students should be provided with the opportunities necessary to achieve their own potentials.


  • Gifted students will be provided with a working environment that supports opportunities to produce advanced results.

  • Gifted students will utilize higher level thinking skills to demonstrate advanced capabilities.

  • Gifted students will develop the self-concept necessary to meet their emotional and intellectual needs.

  • Gifted students will demonstrate the ability that will enable them to become independent and self-directed learners.

Gifted and Talented Objectives

  • Gifted students will be provided a learning and working environment that presents opportunities for advanced products through independent study and self-directed research.

  • Students will utilize higher level thinking skills to demonstrate advanced abilities within the four core areas of curriculum which include mathematics, science, social studies and English/language arts.

  • Gifted students will be provided opportunities to develop self-concepts that meet their individual emotional and intellectual needs.

  • Gifted students will demonstrate the ability to become independent and self-directed learners.

  • Gifted students will regularly demonstrate communications skills in oral, written, and visual areas.

G/T Selection Process
Identification Criteria
Identification criteria for gifted and talented students are approved by the PISD school board and are specific to the state’s definition of gifted and talented. The criteria will ensure fair assessment of students with special needs, including those students who are culturally different and/or economically disadvantaged, as well as students with disabilities.

Parental Consent
Written parental consent is required before any formal assessment is conducted as part of the gifted and talented identification process. All student information collected during the screening and identification process shall be part of the student’s educational record and therefore subject to protection under the law.

Nominations and Assessments
Students for the gifted and talented program may be nominated by teachers, parents, and administrators. The nomination process is ongoing throughout the year with testing once a year in 1st through

5th grades. Testing for students at the secondary level (6th through 12th grades) is provided annually in late spring of each school year for possible placement in the program at the beginning of the next fall semester.

Data collected through both objective and subjective assessments will be measured with board-approved criteria to determine individual eligibility for the gifted and talented program. Assessment tools may include the following: achievement tests, intelligence/abilities tests, test of creativity, behavioral checklists completed by teachers, and parent observation checklists.

The selection committee will evaluate each student nominated for the gifted and talented program according to board-approved criteria, then will select those students for who the gifted and talented program in the most appropriate educational setting. The committee is composed of at least three professional educators who have received training in the nature and needs of gifted students.

Upon selection of students to the gifted and talented program, parents and students will be notified in writing. Participation in any program or services provided to gifted and talented students is voluntary. The district will require written permission from parents before a student is placed in the gifted and talented program.

Gifted and Talented

Student Policies
Transfer Students
When a student who is identified as gifted and talented by a previous school district transfers into Ponder ISD, the student’s records will be reviewed by the selection committee to determine if placement in the district’s gifted and talented program is appropriate. After review of the student’s records, re-testing may be indicated.

Students who are unable to maintain satisfactory performance in the gifted and talented program may be placed on furlough at the end of the current school year by the student’s gifted and talented teacher through recommendation submitted to the selection committee.
A furlough may also be granted at the request of the student and parent by written request. The selection committee will consider the furlough request and make recommendations.
The time period for a student’s furlough will be determined by the selection committee. At the end of the furlough, the student’s progress will be assessed, at which time the student may re-enter the gifted and talented program or be removed from the program.

If a student requests a second furlough, that student must be re-evaluated to be considered for re-instatement in the gifted and talented program.

Exit Provisions
All students in the gifted and talented program will be monitored for performance in the program. A student may be removed from the program at any time that the selection committee determines that this would be in the student’s best interest.

According to Ponder ISD policy, parents and students may appeal any final decision of the selection committee for or removal from the gifted program. Appeals shall be made first to the selection committee. Any subsequent appeals shall be made with FNG (LOCAL) policy beginning at level two (the building principal).
Program Specifications
High School
Lion’s Den students at Ponder High School may participate in pre-advanced and advanced placement classes in the core academic areas, as well as in regular core classes utilizing differentiated instruction. Advanced Placement teachers have received training

through the Advanced Placement Institute, as well as in the nature and needs of gifted students. Teachers in the core subject areas have also received instruction in the nature and needs of gifted students. Gifted and talented students are also encouraged to participate in dual credit courses, correspondence courses, or accelerated summer programs.

Program Design

  • A variety of learning opportunities that emphasizes content in the core academic areas will be available during each school day for gifted and talented students.

  • Program options enable gifted and talented students to work together in groups, partner with other students, and work independently.

  • When possible, out-of-school options relevant to students areas of strength will be provided.

  • Credit by exam and early high school graduation are options that are available for gifted and talented students.

  • Information concerning special opportunities is available and disseminated to students and parents.

  • Gifted and talented students may choose to participate in dual credit/concurrent enrollment, correspondence courses, and/or accelerated summer programs.

  • Annual evaluations will be conducted for the purpose of continued program improvement and development and reviewed by the administration and the school board.

Professional Development

  • Prior to assignment in the gifted and talented program, teachers who provide instruction and services to students in the program must have a minimum of thirty (30) clock hours of staff development that includes the nature and needs of gifted students, assessing student needs, and curriculum and instruction for gifted students.

  • In order to be in compliance with TEA law, teachers without the required training who provide instruction and services to gifted and talented students must complete the required thirty (30) hours of training within one semester.

  • Teachers who provide instruction and services for gifted and talented students must receive a minimum of six (6) hours of annual professional development in gifted education.

  • Pre-AP and Advanced Placement teachers who have completed the week-long Advanced Placement Institute must complete twelve (12) hours of gifted and talented training which includes the nature and needs of gifted and talented students, as well as curriculum and instructional strategies.

  • Administrators and counselors who have authority for gifted and talented program decisions are required to have a minimum of six (6) hours of professional development that includes the nature and needs of gifted and talented students, as well as program options for gifted and talented students.

  • Information about professional development in gifted education is distributed to professional in the school district.

Program Evaluation
The gifted program shall be evaluated periodically. Evaluation information shall be shared with school board members, administrators, teachers, counselors, students in the gifted and talented program, and the community.

Ponder Independent School District

Gifted and Talented Program
Referral Date of Referral __________
Student Name ________________________________________________

Date of Birth _________________________________________________

Person Making Referral ________________________________________

Relation to Student ____________________________________________

Student’s Grade _________ Student’s Teacher ___________________

Campus _____________________________________________________

Parent(s) Name(s) _____________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________

City, State, Zip ________________________________________________

Home Phone __________________________________________________
Reasons for Referral Please identify any characteristics you feel best describe this student and your reasons for referral to the gifted and talented program. ________________________________________

Does the student receive any special needs accommodations? Yes No

If yes, please explain. ___________________________________________

Permission to test for the gifted and talented program (Required):
Parent Signature _______________________________________________
Date _________________________________________________________
Ponder Independent School District

Gifted and Talented Program
Furlough Form
Name _______________________________________________
Grade _________________ Date ____________________
Reason for request:

Student Signature _____________________________________
Parent Signature ______________________________________
Length of furlough (to be determined by the G/T Selection Committee)

Selection Committee

__________________________ ______________________

Signature Date
___________________________________ _____________________________

Signature Date
___________________________________ _____________________________

Signature Date
___________________________________ _____________________________

Program Coordinator Date

Ponder Independent School District

Gifted and Talented Program
Exiting Form
______________________________ is exiting from the PISD

gifted and talented program.

Effective Date ______________________________________
School _____________________________________________
Reason ____________________________________________

If the student is not exiting the gifted and talented program due to a scheduling conflict, retesting for the program would be required if the student wishes to re-enter the program at a later date.

__________________________ ____________________________

Student Parent

______________________________ _________________________________

Teacher Counselor

______________________________ _________________________________

Program Coordinator Principal

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