Location Specific Hurricane Information Chesapeake Bay

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General Information (general.html)
^Location Specific Hurricane Information
^^Chesapeake Bay (will need to be added as a section/link within this page)
Title: Hurricane Surge Predictions for Chesapeake Bay (September 1959)

This report presents a comprehensive investigation of hurricane surge problems for the Chesapeake Bay area. The report presents and calibrates methods and techniques with available surge data so that the computational procedures result in reasonable estimates of maximum hurricane surge for design purposes. Further refinements of these results will require additional suitable hurricane surge data.

- Image: surge_chesbay


^General Hurricane Information
^^Hurricane Climatology (will need to be added as a section/link within this page)
Title: Hurricane Climatology for the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States (April 1987)

This report is a comprehensive set of hurricane climatological statistics for the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the U.S. Coastal tidal inundations of these areas are primarily caused by hurricanes, and therefore the characteristics of these storms are the beginning point in making tidal flood-frequency analyses that are essential in establishing flood insurance criteria for a given community.

- Image: atl_gulf_hurr_climatology


^^Storm Surge (will need to be added as a section/link within this page)
Title: Characteristics of the Hurricane Storm Surge (1963)

This report discusses the principal characteristics of the coastal flooding produced by hurricanes and the physical processes that are believed to account for the observations. The report examines the assembled data, the methods used in processing the data, and the resulting uncertainties in the final figures. Part two of the report presents the assembled data from a number of the best documented hurricane storm surge cases.

- Image: chars_storm_surge


Title: SLOSH: Sea, Lake, and Overland Surges from Hurricanes (April 1992)

This report presents a numerical-dynamic, tropical storm surge model, SLOSH, for real-time forecasting of hurricane storm surges on continental shelves, across inland water bodies, along coastlines, and for inland routing of water either from the sea or from inland water bodies. The National Weather Service uses the SLOSH model for operational forecasting to simulate the flooding caused by individual hurricanes.

- Image: slosh

- File: SLOSH_TR48.pdf

Measured Storm Effects (stormEffects.html)
^Hurricane Allen (will need to be added as a section/link within this page)
Title: Pertinent Meteorological Data for Hurricane Allen of 1980 (September 1983)

This report provides information on a single storm event, Hurricane Allen, for possible use in dynamic storm surge models. The study presents detailed analyses of the storm track, forward speed, central pressure, and radius to maximum wind, with particular attention given to the period surrounding landfall.

- Image: meteor_data_hurr_allen


^Hurricane Carla (will need to be added as a section/link within this page)
Title: Pertinent Meteorological and Hurricane Tide Data for Hurricane Carla (August 1982)

This report combines the meteorological and oceanographic data for a single storm event, Hurricane Carla, providing information useful for storm surge modeling. The study presents detailed analyses of the storm track, forward speed, central pressure, and radius to maximum wind, with particular attention given to the period surrounding landfall. Tide gage and high water mark data give both a time history and geographic depiction of the storm surge.

- Image: meteor_data_hurr_carla


Hurricane Evacuation Studies (hes.html)
^Mid Atlantic (will need to be added as a section/link within this page)
Title: Hurricane Study: Atlantic Coast Delaware-Maryland Line to Gargathy Inlet, Virginia (October 1963)

This report presents a summary of the hurricane problem on the Atlantic Coast of Maryland and Virginia from the Delaware-Maryland line to the southern boundary of the U.S. Army Engineer District, about 16 miles south of Chincoteague, Virginia. The authors present a plan of protection for the area, along with an economic analysis of the proposed protection recommendations. The purpose of the report is to aid area officials in the establishment of floodplain regulatory measures and evacuation procedures.

- Image: hurr_study_de_md_va


Title: Hurricane Survey: Chesapeake Bay, Potomac, and Rappahannock Rivers (June 1956)

This report presents a summary of the hurricane problem in the tidal area of the Washington District as determined from reconnaissance surveys and public hearings, and presents plans for continuation of the hurricane survey. The area covered by this report includes the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland from Cove Point to Point Lookout; portions of Virginia from Smith Point at the mouth of the Potomac River to Wolf Trap Light; and the tidal reaches of the Potomac, Rappahannock, Patuxent, and Piankatank Rivers.

- Image: hurr_survey_chesbay_potomac_rapp


Title: Hurricane Survey: Colonial Beach, Westmoreland County, Virginia (February 1961)

This report presents the results from studies of hurricane tidal flooding and wave damage to the Town of Colonial Beach, Virginia, and adjacent areas. The purpose is to present the findings of this extended reconnaissance survey and recommendations for reduction of damages during future hurricanes.

- Image: hurrsurvey_colonialbeach


Title: Hurricane Survey: Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area (May 1963)

This report concentrates on hurricane effects that are subject to modification by protective works, zoning, and evacuation. The study seeks to determine the extent of hurricane-induced tides, evaluate damages for various levels of flooding, determine the engineering and economic feasibility of protective works, and determine the need for zoning and evacuation plans.

- Image: hurr_survey_wash_dc


Title: Hurricane Survey: Tidewater Portions of Patuxent, Potomac, and Rappahannock Rivers, including adjacent Chesapeake Bay Shoreline (May 1963)

This report includes a general appraisal of the hurricane problem related to the tidewater areas of the Patuxent, Potomac, and Rappahannock Rivers and portions of the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay. The report includes information from public hearings to aid in defining problem areas and to record the public's interests and desires. Also included is an assessment of probable damages, a compilation of information on the frequency of hurricane activity and attendant tidal flooding, and assessments of the need for floodplain regulatory measures, protective warning and evacuation procedures, and other possible means of reducing damages.

- Image: hurr_survey_tidewater


^Maryland (will need to be added as a section/link within this page)
Title: Maryland Hurricane Evacuation Study (December 1990)

The purpose of this study is to develop policies and plans to safely and efficiently evacuate people during a hurricane and to increase public awareness of hurricane dangers. The report consists of five separate yet related analyses: a hazards analysis, a vulnerability analysis, a behavioral analysis, a shelter analysis, and a transportation analysis. The analyses produce data that define hurricane hazards and responses.

- Image: md_hes

- File: MD_HES.zip

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