Lovett Elementary will implement the Accelerated Reading Program in grades K-5. Below you will find AR expectations based on your child’s grade level
Kindergarten-First Grade: Incorporating AR in grades K-1 allows for students to be exposed to the program and the idea of goal setting to improve their reading. Teachers will make decisions on when to incorporate individual AR goals.
Students will be expected to participate in a whole class approach to meet a class AR goal
Second grade: AR use in the second grade will represent student’s transition from using AR as a whole class to participating in AR based on their individual goals
Students will be encouraged to set individual AR goals and work towards meeting their individual goals
Students will be able to earn individual incentives based on both class and school wide incentive systems
AR Home connect will be available for parents to monitor progress
Third grade-Fifth Grade:
Students will receive two grades/nine weeks: a grade based on the percentage of AR goal met and a grade for the average of their quiz scores for the 9 weeks