March 2016 doc.: Ieee 802. 11-16/0293r1 ieee p802. 11

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March 2016 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0293r1

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Full Working Group

Date: 2016-03-14







Stephen McCann

BlackBerry Ltd

200 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 3XE, UK

+44 1753 667099


This document constitutes the minutes of the IEEE 802.11 full working group for the March 2016, Macau meeting.

Please note that all affiliations at this meeting are shown in Annex A.

IEEE 802.11 Plenary Meeting – Session #156

Venetian Sands Hotel, Macau

March 14th – 18th, 2016
IEEE 802.11 Opening Plenary, Monday 14th March 2016
The chair: Adrian STEPHENS (Intel Corporation) opened the meeting at 10:30 China Standard Time (CST).
Jon ROSDAHL Vice-chair 1 (VC1) Qualcomm

Dorothy STANLEY Vice-chair 2 (VC2) HPE

Stephen MCCANN Secretary BlackBerry
There are 343 voting and 11 Ex-Officio members of IEEE 802.11

  1. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-16-0214r2)

    1. This is the main agenda for the week and shows the allocation of meetings to time slots. Some of the slots have been changed, particularly TGak and IEEE 802.18.

    2. Comment (C): I would like to release the TGaj Thursday AM1 slot.

    3. C: I would like to take this slot for TGay.

    4. Chair: yes, that’s fine.

    5. Chair: Any other modifications to the agenda in document 11-16-0214r3

    6. C: I would like to check that there is an AoB agenda item at the end of the week.

    7. Chair: Yes, I believe that there is.

    8. None

    9. Move to approve the agenda

    10. Moved Jon Rosdahl, 2nd Al Petrick

    11. No objection to the approval of the agenda.

  1. Notices

    1. There are no IEEE staff members present today.

    2. Please note that photographs and recording devices are not allowed in these meetings and put cell phones to vibrate please. If there are any members of the press present, please can they make themselves known.

  1. January 2016 WG Minutes

    1. Move to approve the Atlanta January 2016 minutes document 11-16-0064r0

    2. Moved: Stephen McCann, 2nd: Stuart Kerry

    3. Following neither discussion nor dissent the minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

    1. Move to approve the Harbin January 2016 minutes document 11-16-0210r1

    2. Moved: Stephen McCann, 2nd: Jon Rosdahl

    3. Following neither discussion nor dissent the minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

  1. Attendance

    1. Please remember to login and register your attendance.

    2. 13 people attended this meeting for the first time out of 214 people in the room.

    3. Chair: There will be a new member’s meeting today at PM1 today, in room Florence 2304 on the Atrium level.

  1. Policy and Procedures (11-16-0223r0)

    1. Regarding patent information, please view for IEEE-SA patent information.

    2. The VC2 called for essential patents information.

    3. No statements were made.

    4. The IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) is considering changes to their Policies and Procedures (P&P) and their Operations Manual (OM) as shown which will be considered at their Friday meeting this week.

    5. There are also some suggested changes to the IEEE 802.11 Operations Manual (OM), which will be considered during the Wednesday mid-week plenary.

    6. No questions

  1. Announcements Part 1 (11-16-0215r3)

    1. 5G EC SC (IMT 2020)

      1. Chair: This group has been formed by the EC workshop to form a standing committee to pursue this topic. It will be meeting tonight and tomorrow evenings.

      2. No questions

    1. Incoming liaison from 3GPP (slide #4)

      1. Chair: We have received this liaison which will be presented during WNG during Tuesday AM1.

      2. Chair: There are also some other liaisons on the slide. Would Andrew Myles and Peter Ecclesine be willing to look at this ISO liaison.

      3. Yes, they are.

      4. No questions

    1. Passing of Kim Chang

      1. Chair: It is with great sadness that we have to report that Kim Change has passed away.

      2. The chair read out a short obituary of his active standards involvement within IEEE 802.11 and many other standards organization.

      3. VC1: There is a card and notebook which will be sent to his family after this meeting finishes. It is at the IEEE 802 registration desk.

      4. There was a minute’s silence in memory of Kim.

      5. No questions

    1. Joint Meetings this week (slide #6)

      1. Chair: TGak, 802.1 ARC will all have a joint meeting this week on Thursday morning.

      2. For voting members, you can claim reciprocal credit in IEEE 802.18 and IEEE 802.19.

      3. There will be a report of the 5G EC SC meetings later in the week.

      4. No questions

    1. 802 EC and IEEE-SA Standards Board (slide #9)

      1. Chair: Nothing to report on this so far this week.

  1. Announcements Part 2 (11-16-0246r0)

    1. Other IEEE 802 working groups (slide #4)

      1. VC1: This slide shows the agendas of the other working groups, together with an online schedule which is suitable for most mobile devices. There are various QR codes to find agenda and schedules on the electronic panels by the meeting rooms on the bulletin boards and on your individual badges.

    1. Meeting rooms and online calendar (slide #6)

      1. VC1: Please note that online calendar has been updated and is more automated and should match the attendance and online schedule.

    1. May 2016 interim (slide #7)

      1. VC1: Please note that the registration for May 2016 meeting is now open. This meeting will be held in Waikoloa, Hawaii.

    1. Attendance (slide #9)

      1. VC1: Please remember to register your attendance including affiliation for each meeting that you attend. Please record your attendance honestly.

    1. Breaks and Wednesday social (slide #12)

      1. Please note the times of lunches and breaks.

      2. Lunch is being provided this week, but please make sure that you are displaying your badge as this is a very large venue.

      3. On the third floor there is the Venetian food court if you want some other choices.

      4. The social is in the Macau Tower. If you wish to go to the top of the tower, this is not included in the social. It is a separate cost. There will be a craft market there, which will only take cash.

      5. You were handed an event survey from the Macau ministry of tourism. Please can you complete this, as this will assist IEEE 802 to gain some funding from the ministry.

    1. Attendees Work Lounge

      1. There is an attendees’ work lounge at this venue, as we decided not to have the Wi-Fi café in the corridors of the hotel. Please look out for it, if you need a quiet area to work.

  1. IEEE 802.11 Working Group Officer Elections Process (11-14-0629r14)

    1. VC2: This document describes the process that we following for the working group officer elections this week.

    2. Please note that there are separate steps occurring during the week.

  1. Status of all groups Part 1 (11-16-0215r3)

    1. A status summary of all the groups within IEEE 802.11 was presented.

    2. The change in officers for the week is shown in slide #14.

    3. There are some minor updates to the IEEE 802.11 groups on slide #16.

    4. TGai is not meeting this week and Yongho Seok cannot be here this week for TGah, so Alfred Asterjadi standing in for him.

    5. TGaj have now completed their ballot 217, which passed with 88% approval.

  1. Status of all groups (11-16-0222r2)

    1. In addition to the reports within the document, here are some extra notes.

    2. Editor’s Meeting: This occurs at 7am on Tuesday morning

    3. PAR SC: This Standing Committee (SC) will formalize the review of PARs from other IEEE 802 working groups. There are 8 PARs to be reviewed this week from the other groups.

    4. Regulatory: This group is a working under a new form this week, providing input for the IEEE 802.18 group.

    5. WNG: There is one meeting on Tuesday morning to consider future topics for IEEE 802.11. There are currently 2 presentations regarding visible light and the liaison from 3GPP on LWA and LWIP.

    6. TGmc: Of the 828 comments in the sponsor ballot re-circulation ballot, there are about half of them left to work on this week. There may be a face to face meeting in April 2016.

    7. TGax: There are 35 presentations this week.

    8. TGaz: This group is looking for technical presentations this week.

    9. LRLP TIG: This group will be considering some documentation to allow them to create a study group.

  1. IEEE 802.11 Working Group Officer Elections Speeches (11-16-0216r1)

    1. Chair: I would like to invite the nominees to make short presentations. They each will have 10 minutes, followed by Q&A.

    2. Chair: I will now pass the chair over to the VC1.

    3. VC1: Are there any nominations for chair:

      1. Adrian Stephens – Intel

      2. Standing for IEEE 802.11 chair

      3. VC1: Nominations are now closed.

      4. Adrian made a few personal statements about standing for his position of chair. He mentioned the relationship with the Wi-Fi Alliance and some of the history behind the Publicity standing Committee.

      5. Question (Q): You mentioned about the rules. I would like to ask about the issue regarding bringing a motion to multiple groups. You have said that chairs can make their own decision about this. I would like you to re-consider this statement and consider that chairs should have some consistency.

      6. Adrian: I regard Robert’s Rules as being for guidance purposes only. I think your statement means that we follow some of Robert’s Rules, but not all of them.

      7. Q: The problem is that one person cannot be in multiple places at once, so it’s impossible to keep track of motions, which sub-group chairs are currently allowed to interpret in different way.

      8. Adrian: Perhaps you could bring this to the Friday plenary?

    4. VC1: I will now pass the chair over to Adrian Stephens.

    5. Chair: Are there any nominations for vice-chairs?

      1. Jon Rosdahl – Qualcomm

      2. Standing for IEEE 802.11 vice-chair

      3. Chair: Nominations are now closed.

      4. Jon made a few personal statements about standing for his position of vice-chair. He discussed his position of vice-chair and also as treasurer. He stated that he has been able to reduce many charges for the operation of the meetings.

      5. No questions

      1. Dorothy Stanley – HPE

      2. Standing for IEEE 802.11 vice-chair

      3. Chair: Nominations are now closed.

      4. Dorothy made a few personal statements about standing for her position of vice-chair. She has uploaded a revised personal statement from that of two years ago 11-14-0354r1. She also stated that she is now a member of NesCom.

      5. No questions

  1. Any Other Business

    1. VC1: Please can we stagger lunch a little. As we have finished a little early, there will be a line at the moment, so please do not all rush.

    2. Regarding the May 2016 Hawaii meeting, the early bird bock is almost sold out, so please can you address this immediately if you wish to go. The registration page will go live on Wednesday Pacific Time (which is Thursday, here in Macau).

    3. Meeting recessed at 12:00 CST

Wednesday, 16th March 2016
IEEE 802.11 Mid-Week Plenary
Presiding chair: Adrian STEPHENS (Intel Corporation) opened the meeting at 10:30 CST
158 people present.

  1. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-16-0214r5)

    1. Chair: There have been a few changes today, so I propose to approve 11-16-0214r5.

    2. Q: Regarding the appointed positions. Could we move it to after the chair election please?

    3. Chair: No, I’d prefer to leave it where it is.

    4. Any objection to accepting this change to the agenda.

    5. Moved: Al Petrick, Second: Jim Lansford.

    6. No objections, so moved and approved.

  1. Call for Essential Patents

    1. Call for essential patents

    2. No statements were made.

  1. Response to 3GPP Liaison

    1. Chair: Following the discussion during the opening plenary, I’ve asked some people to form an ad-hoc to create a liaison response to the one received from 3GPP.

    2. No questions.

  1. Appointed Positions (11-16-0216r10)

    1. Chair: These are the current appointed positions,

    2. I’ve asked Robert Stacy to look after running some of the tools we use in IEEE 802.11. He will also become the ANA authority and a co-technical editor.

    3. No questions.

  1. Announcements

    1. VC1: Just a reminder that the book of condolences for Kim Chang is now at the IEEE 802 registration desk.

    2. VC1: The busses for the social tonight will start to leave at 6pm from the West Lobby and return from 8.30pm. If you wish to go to the top of the tower you have to do this by yourself. You will require your IEEE 802 badge and social ticket for this event.

    3. VC2: One of the IEEE 802.15 delegates has lost his bag, so please look out for it.

  1. Treasurers’ Report (11-16-0245r2)

    1. VC1: This is the summary of the current IEEE 802.11/15 finances. This meeting is an IEEE 802 hosted meeting, so does not affect the IEEE 802.11/15 treasury.

    2. VC1: The registration for the May 2016 (Hawaii) IEEE 802 wireless meeting has now opened.

    3. No questions

  1. IETF Report (11-16-0428r0)

    1. This is the liaison report about the IETF.

    2. No questions

  1. EC 5G SC Report

    1. This group met for two sessions on Monday and Tuesday evening.

    2. I will bring another summary on Friday, with some more information.

    3. This group is assessing various ways forward for this topic.

    4. There is an extra meeting today for this group.

    5. Q: Where is this extra meeting at 12.30pm

    6. A: Florence 2202

    7. Chair: The process of making decisions within this group has not been decided yet.

  1. IEEE 802E Report (11-16-0454r0)

    1. No questions

  1. Room change requests

    1. Chair: The Joint TGak meeting will have telephone participation.

    2. Please can TGaq have an extra slot for Thurs AM1?

    3. Chair: This will be subject to confirmation.

    4. Please can TGah have an extra slot for Thurs PM2?

    5. Chair: The TGah request may be unlikely, as there are many other meetings at the same time.

  1. IEEE 802 EC workshop (11-16-0216r2)

    1. Chair: This report is about the workshop occurred after the Atlanta January 2016 meeting.

    2. IEEE 802 Chair: What does 8.5 mean on slide #13.

    3. Chair: I’m not sure, but that is the value from the EC workshop minutes.

    4. Q: I welcome this workshop and would like for it to occur again. Please can the chair request that this workshop happens again.

    5. VC1: The next EC workshop is due in July 2018.

    6. Chair: I’d also like to arrange a slightly larger venue for other interested people.

    7. No questions

  1. IEEE 5G (11-16-0459r0)

    1. Chair: I’d like to welcome Patrick Slaats from the IEEE who will present some information about the IEEE 5G initiative.

    2. No questions

  1. WG Officer Election Process (11-16-0224r1)

    1. Chair: I will hand the chair over to VC1.

    2. VC1: I will now run meeting for the motion of the IEEE 802.11 chair

    3. Move to Affirm Adrian Stephens as IEEE 802.11 WG chair.

      1. Moved: Rich Kennedy, 2nd: John Notor

      2. For: 144, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes)

    4. VC1: I will hand the chair over to Adrian Stephens VC1:

    5. Chair: I will now continue with motions for the IEEE 802.11 vice-chairs

    6. Move to Affirm Jon Rosdahl as IEEE 802.11 WG vice chair.

      1. Moved: Stuart Kerry, 2nd: Sean Coffey

      2. For: 147, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes)

    7. Move to Affirm Dorothy Stanley as IEEE 802.11 WG vice chair.

      1. Moved: Filip Mestanov, 2nd: Donald Eastlake

      2. For: 146, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes)

  1. WG appointed positions

    1. Chair: These are the WG appointed positions:

      1. Stephen McCann – secretary

      2. Jon Rosdahl - treasurer

      3. Robert Stacy - technical editor

      4. Peter Ecclesine - technical co-editor

  1. LRLP TIG Report

    1. LRLP chair: The LRLP has not been able to come any conclusion this week.

    2. Chair: Will there be any motions this week from the LRLP?

    3. LRLP chair: Perhaps a motion for an extension of the TIG.

  1. IEEE SA response to IEEE 802.11 members (11-16-0216r2 slide #17)

    1. Chair: This slide is the response from the IEEE-SA regarded some questions from IEEE 802.11 members.

    2. IEEE 802 Chair: Does the group have access to the generic slide set.

    3. Chair: No.

    4. Chair’s Action: I will turn the questions into a presentation.

  1. Received liaison from ISO/IEC 11801-06 (11-16-0452r0)

    1. This document reports on the decision about the liaison received from ISO/IEC.

    2. It recommends that a small ad-hoc be created by the chair to produce a set of corrections for JTC1/SC25/WG3

    3. Q: I think there are asking for specific information.

    4. A: Yes, it’s regarding distances from access points. Some of their references are incorrect though.

    5. Q: Sure, but is it within the scope of IEEE 802.11?

    6. A: Yes, that may be true.

    7. Q: I think this is a reasonable response to this document? Is there any official ballot within ISO for this topic?

    8. A: Not that I’m aware of. I know the next meeting is in September 2016.

    9. C: Some of the distances quoted by the ISO documents can be misinterpreted and clarifications are required.

    10. A: Yes, these misrepresentations need to be corrected.

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