Memo/08/222 Bruxelles, le 04 avril 2008 calendrier du 07 avril au 13 avril 2008

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Bruxelles, le 04 avril 2008

CALENDRIER du 07 avril au 13 avril 2008

(susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine)

Activités des Institutions

Déplacements et visites

Lundi 07 avril

Conseil transports (Luxembourg)

09.20: Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA gives a keynote speech at the Conference "European Cities Integrating Migrants" (Committee of the Regions , Brussels)

Lundi 07 avril (suite)

11.30: Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO gives a speech at the Faculdade de Letras (Lisbon, Portugal)

15.30: Mrs Margot WALLSTRÖM meets the members of the Praesidium of the Grand Committee of the Finnish Parliament

16.30: Mrs Margot WALLSTROM meets Mr Jean-Pierre JOUYET, French Minister of State, , responsible for European Affairs

Ms Danuta HÜBNER at Conference on the Future of Cohesion Policy organised by the Slovene Presidency of the EU (Maribor): opening speech (09h00), press conference (11h30)

Mr Siim KALLAS attends an informal summit of Liberal Heads of Government and Commissioners (Ruka, Finland)

Mrs Viviane REDING in Luxembourg (7-8). Attends Intelligent car event 2008 – iCar quiz and prize draw (Automobile Club of Luxembourg in Colmar-Berg) (7). Opening Keynote Speech at the Security Awareness Day (8)

13.00: Participation de M. Joaquín ALMUNIA au déjeuner avec le Directeur des Bureaux régionaux espagnols à Bruxelles

10.00: Mr Stavros DIMAS receives Mr Pavan SUKHDEV, Deutsche Bank Leader of the Review on Economics of Biodiversity

15.30: Mr Janez POTOČNIK receives Mr Daniel TARDY, President of FIEC (European Construction Industry Federation)

16.45: Mr Janez POTOČNIK receives Mr Andrea BENASSI, Secretary General of UEAPME (Union Européenne de l’Artisanat, des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises)

10.00: Mr Ján FIGEL' participates in a debate on the Lisbon Treaty with the President of the Slovak Republic, H.E. Ivan GASPAROVIC, and university students, at the University of Economics (Bratislava, Slovakia)

14.30: Mr Ján FIGEL' visits the Bratislava High School of Law

12.30: Mme Androulla VASSILIOU reçoit M. Jean-Pierre JOUYET , secrétaire d’Etat français chargé des Affaires européennes

14.30: Discours de Mme Androulla VASSILIOU lors de le Conférence sur le Cancer au "European Cancer Patient Coalition" (ECPC)

09.30: M. Louis MICHEL reçoit Mme Martine CHINE du Centre de Migration Burundi

14.00: Mr László KOVÁCS opens the Brussels Tax Forum

15.00: Mrs Mariann FISCHER BOEL receives a delegation of the European tobacco growers organisations

10.00: Mrs Benita FERRERO-WALDNER receives Mr Jorge SAMPAIO, High Representative of the United Nations

19.30: Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA participates at the 2008 Brussels Tax Forum Dinner

12.30: Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech "Towards an Energy Policy for Europe – Current Issues and Opportunities" (Regent’s College, London)

15.00: Discours de M. Leonard ORBAN à l'ouverture du séminaire de formation organisé par l'Ecole de Management ESCP-EAP "European Competitiveness and Multilingualism" (Résidence Palace)

18.30: Mr. Leonard ORBAN inaugurates the Representation office of the Romanian Center Region (Rue Joseph II, 108)

Mardi 08 avril

20.00: Mr Janez POTOČNIK at a dinner debate "Europe and the Global Knowledge Economy" (EP)

16.00: Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA gives an opening speech at the International day of Roma Event (European Parliament, Brussels)

Mardi 08 avril (suite)

16.00: Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Mr Jean-Michel QUILLARDET Grand Maitre du Grand Orient de France

17.00: Mrs Margot WALLSTRÖM participates at launch event for a new project 'Everyday Democracy'

09.30: M. Jacques BARROT intervient à l'ouverture de l'audition sur le totalitarisme (Charlemagne)

13.00: Mr Siim KALLAS attends and gives a speech at the 1000th EUCG (European Union Cyclists' Group) member celebration (Piazza Berlaymont)

12.00: Mr Stavros DIMAS and Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA receive Mr John MONKS, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation

19.15: Discours de M. Joaquín ALMUNIA au diner du "1st Luxembourg Foreign Trade Conference" à Luxembourg

Ms Danuta HÜBNER in Washington (8-10) at meeting of the Commission on Growth and Development, a collaboration of the World Bank, the Governments of Australia, the Netherlands, Sweden, the UK and the Hewlett Foundation, chaired by economics Nobel-Laureate Michael SPENCE (discussions on final report and communication strategy, follow-up to meetings in Suzhou and London)

11.00: Mr Joe BORG receives Mr Peter DILL, President of Deutsche See (Association of the German fish industry and fish wholesalers)

12.00: Mr Joe BORG receives the members of the European Association of Fish Producers Organisations (EAPO)

09.00: Mr Janez POTOČNIK at the European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC) Cancer Patient Summit (under the Patronage of the Slovenian EU Presidency and the

Committee of Regions, venue: CoR)

09.30: Mr Ján FIGEL' receives the Slovak Women Manager's Association

13.30: Discours de Mme Androulla VASSILIOU à l'occasion de la Conférence du "European Patients' Forum"

10.30: Mr Olli REHN receives Mr Gordan JANDROKOVIC, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Croatia in Brussels (VIP corner)      

11.00: Mr Olli REHN at EPP Seminar "Enlargement and consolidation of the European union" at the Hans-Seidel Stiftung

18.00: Mr Olli REHN participates in the Official opening of Istanbul Centre

08.00: M. Louis MICHEL reçoit M. Jean PING, président de l'Union Africaine

17.20: Closing speech of Mr László KOVÁCS at the Brussels Tax Forum

Mrs Benita FERRERO-WALDNER on official visit to Tajikistan

10.00: Mr Charlie McCREEVY addresses the Financial Services Authority Annual Insurance Sector Conference on "International Developments in Insurance Regulation" QEII Conference Centre (Westminster, London)

15.30: Mr Charlie McCREEVY participates in Roundtable Discussion with Financial Services Authority Practitioner Panel (London Stock Exchange)

16.40: Mr Charlie McCREEVY participates in Roundtable Discussion with Financial Services Authority Consumer Panel London Stock Exchange

14.00: Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA gives a speech at the 2008 Brussels Tax Forum about "how can tax policies contribute to the development of a modern, innovative and sustainable European Social Model" (Charlemagne, Room S3)

19.00: Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA participates at a dinner with German Employers Insurance organisations

15.00: Mr Peter MANDELSON meets with a group of Ukrainian chief editors and the Head of National Journalist Union of Ukraine

17.00: Mr Peter MANDELSON meets with the Dublin Chamber of Commerce (Hilton Hotel, Brussels)

12.30: Speech of Mr. Leonard ORBAN at the European Office of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung "Multilingualism – What does it mean in today’s European Union?"

18.30: Speech of Mr. Leonard ORBAN at the conference organised by "Romania-EU Club" "Romanians in the European Commission of the year 2013" and he will receive the title of honorary member of "Clubul "Romania-UE" / "Romania-EU" club organisation

Mercredi 09 avril

12.30: Conférence de presse de M. Louis MICHEL "The EU as a global partner for development: doing more, better and faster - delivering on our commitments"

18.30: Mr Joe BORG delivers a speech for the entry of Malta in the Euro and Schengen Zones (EP)

Mrs Benita FERRERO-WALDNER attends the Foreign Ministers Troika on Central Asia in Turkmenistan (9-10)

15.00: Mr Olli REHN on report on the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia  and Croatia (PE)

16.30: Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Jorge SAMPAIO UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilization

20.00: Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO participates in Le Soir/European Movement Belgium debate on key European issues (Press room, BERL)

12.30: M. Jacques BARROT reçoit le Ministre de l'Intérieur de la Slovénie, Mr Dragutin MATE

16.30: M. Jacques BARROT participe à la clôture de la conférence "Solar Impulse" (BXL - PE)

18.30: Participation and speech by Mrs Viviane REDING at the Internet Watch Foundation Reception to mark the publication of the Annual Report

16.00: Mr Stavros DIMAS receives Mr. Jean MARTIN, President of he Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries in the EU (CIAA)

Mr Joe BORG meets with French Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, Mr Michel BARNIER

17.00: Mr Ján FIGEL' receives Mr Jan BJÖRKLUND, Swedish Minister of Education

19.00: Mr Ján FIGEL' meets with the Minister of Culture of Baden-Württenberg, at the Representation of Baden-Württenberg in Brussels

15.00: Mme Androulla VASSILOU reçoit le Ministre français de l' Agriculture, M. Michel BARNIER

09.00: M. Louis MICHEL participe à la réunion de la Commission - Adoption du paquet:"The EU as a global partner for development: Doing more, better and faster - Delivering on our commitments"

14.00: M. Louis MICHEL reçoit M. Joseph BLATTER et M. Michel PLATINI (FIFA)

16.30: Mr Louis MICHEL receives Mme Zainab Hawa BANGURA, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Coopération de Sierra Leone

19.30: M. Louis MICHEL participe à la conférence "L'Europe des droits de l'Homme" avec Mme TULKENS, Juge à la Cour européenne

15.30: Mrs Mariann FISCHER BOEL receives Mr Gonzalo SAENZ de SAMANIEGO BERGANZO, Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries of the Basque Autonomous Government

14.00: Mr Charlie McCREEVY receives Mr Marcus NEUHAUS

16.15: Mr Charlie McCREEVY receives Mr John Griffith-Jones and Mr Rolf NONNENMACHER, KPMG

17.15: Mr Charlie McCREEVY receives a Member of the Dublin Chamber of Commerce

12.30: Mr Peter MANDELSON meets with Mr Abdellatif MAZOUZ, Moroccan Minister of Foreign Trade

17.00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at the Geode V Spring Seminar (the European Association of Energy Distribution Companies)

14.30: Ms Meglena KUNEVA gives a keynote speech at the Second Toy Industry European Summit "Toy Safety: Today and into the Future" (Hotel Sofitel, Place Jordan)

Jeudi 10 avril

10.00: Mr Janez POTOČNIK attends a press conference on Eurostars (EP)

Jeudi 10 avril (suite)

Official visit to Turkey of the Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO and Mr Olli REHN (10-12)

10.00: Mrs Margot WALLSTRÖM meets Swedish Minister of Education, Mr Jan BJORKLUND

15.00: Mrs Margot WALLSTRÖM meets European Ombudsman, Mr Nikiforos DIAMANDOUROS

19.30: Mrs Margot WALLSTRÖM meets UK House of Lords Leader Catherine ASHTON, Baroness Ashton of Upholland

17.30: M. Jacques BARROT participe à la clôture du colloque "Transports et Mobilité durables - quelles solutions pour demain ?", organisé par la revue Le Moniteur (Paris)

09.00: Mr Siim KALLAS delivers the opening speech at the Architects' Council of Europe Conference : "Designing for the Future : the Market and the Quality of Life" (Flagey Building)

M. Joaquín ALMUNIA à la réunion du Conseil de la Banque Central Européenne à Francfort

10.00: Mr Joe BORG receives Mr Uwe DÖRING, Minister for Justice, Employment and European Affairs of Land Schleswig-Holstein

11.00: Mr Joe BORG receives representatives of leading marine research institutes in Europe: Pr Peter HERZIG (IFM-GEOMAR), Mr Jean-Yves PERROT (IFREMER) and Pr Ed HILL (NOCS)

Visit of Mrs Dalia GRYBAUSKAITE to The Hague. Participation with Mr Frans TIMMERMANS, Dutch Minister for European Affairs and Mr Wouter BOS, Minister for Finance in the roundtable Conference on the EU Budget Reform. Opening speech by the Commissioner "What is at stake in the budget reform".

12.00: Mr Janez POTOČNIK receives Mrs Mauro DELL'AMBROGIO, Swiss State Secretary for Education and Research

11.45: Mr Ján FIGEL' meets with Dr ZVER, Slovene Minister of Education and Sports (Ljubljana, Slovenia)

15.00: Mr Ján FIGEL' gives the closing speech at the conference "Promoting Innovation and Creativity: Schools' Response to the Challenges of Future Societies" (Brdo, Slovenia)

19.00: Mr Ján FIGEL' gives the opening speech at the conference "Europe, World and Humanity in 21st Century" (Brdo, Slovenia)

11.30: Participation de M. Louis MICHEL au débat "Sensibilisation à l'UE", projet pédagogique IRRI (Centre de conférences, Palais d'Egmont)

20.00: M. Louis MICHEL participe à une soirée-débat sur le thème de "L'Europe et Bruxelles, capitale de l'Europe" (MRLB, rue de Paris, 1)

09.30: Mr Charlie McCREEVY receives Mr David DEVLIN, President of the Fédération des Experts Comptables Européens

17.00: Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA meets Minister Xavier BERTRAND, Minister for Labour, Labour Relations, the Family and Solidarity (Paris)

10.00: Mr Peter MANDELSON receives Mr Vu Huy HOANG, Vietnam Minister of Industry and Trade

15.00: Mr Peter MANDELSON receives Mr Bohdan DANYLYSHYN, Ukraine Minister of Economics

16:00-16:30 Mr Peter MANDELSON receives Ms Yolanda MAYORA DE GAVIDIA, El Salvador Minister of Economy

09.00: Ms Meglena KUNEVA receives Mr Bryan STOCKTON, President of Mattel

10.00: Mr. Leonard ORBAN receives the German Minister of European Affairs from Hessen, Mr. Volker HOFF

Vendredi 11 avril

Informal Environment Council (Ljubljana, 11-12)

M. Joaquín ALMUNIA à Washington aux réunions du FMI, de la Banque Mondiale et du G7 (11-12)

18.30: Mr Ján FIGEL' attends a conference on the Charter of Social Responsibility and Accountability, at the Zappeion Hall (Athens, Greece)

M. Louis MICHEL participe (11-13) au Comité de développement de la Banque Mondiale, réunions de printemps de la Banque Mondiale et du Fonds Monétaire Européen (Washington)

Visit of Mrs Mariann FISCHER BOEL to Tuscany (11-12). Speech at the opening ceremony of the Accademia dei Georgofili and Handing over diploma of Accademico Onorario In Florence (11). Visit of wine producing farm in the Chianti countryside (12)

11.00: Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA receives Ms Myria VASSILIADOU, Secretary General of the European Women's Lobby

12.00: Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Sigmar GABRIEL, Federal Environmental Minister of Germany

Ms Meglena KUNEVA in Lisbon, Portugal. (9h30) Opening Speech at the Seminar "Financial Products and Consumer Rights". (10h30) Meeting with Mr Victor CONSTANCIO, Governor of the Bank of Portugal. (12h00) Meeting with Mr Aníbal António CAVACO SILVA, President of Portugal. (15h00) Meeting with Mr Jaime GAMA, President of the Portuguese Parliament.

Samedi 12 avril

09.00: Mr Ján FIGEL' attends the conference "The School of the Future and the Future of School", at the Doukas School (Athens, Greece)

Ms Meglena KUNEVA in Porto, PORTUGAL. (10h00) Roundtable on Consumers and Energy in the University of Porto.

Prévisions d'avril à juin 2008






Conseil Agriculture et Pêche (Luxembourg)

Réunion informelle des Ministres "Compétitivité" (Slovénie)

Conseil Justice, Affaires intérieures (Luxembourg)

Session plénière du Parlement européen (Strasbourg)

Conseil Affaires générales et Relations extérieures (Luxembourg)


















Réunion informelle des Ministres "Transport" (Slovénie)

Mini session plénière du Parelement européen (Bruxelles)

Réunion de l'Eurogroup

Conseil Affaires économiques et financières

EU-Latin America and Caribbean Summit, Lima (Perou)

Session plénière du Parlement européen (Strasbourg)

Conseil Agriculture et Pêche

Conseil Education, Jeunesse et Culture

Conseil Affaires générales et Relations extérieures (Défense + Développement)

Conseil Compétitivité

Réunion de l'Eurogroup (Luxembourg)

Conseil des Affaires économiques et financières (Luxembourg

Mini session plénière du Parlement européen (Bruxelles)

Conseil Justice, Affaires intérieures (Luxembourg)

Conseil Environnement (Luxembourg)

Conseil Transports, Telecommunications et Energie (Energie) (Lux.)

Conseil Emploi, Affaires sociales, Santé, Consommateurs (Lux.)

Conseil Transports, Telecommunications et Energie (Transports) (Lux.)


Conseil Affaires générales et Relations extérieures




Session plénière du Parlement européen (Strasbourg)

Sommet européen (Bruxelles)

Conseil Agriculture et Pêche (Luxembourg)

Permanence DG COMM le WE du 12 et 13 avril: Mireille THOM - GSM : 0498/991.630

Service Audiovisuel, planning studio - tél : 02/295 21 23

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