Memo/09/137 Bruxelles, le 27 mars 2009 calendrier du 30 mars au 05 avril 2009

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Bruxelles, le 27 mars 2009

CALENDRIER du 30 mars au 05 avril 2009

(susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine)

Activités des Institutions

Déplacements et visites

Lundi 30 mars

Conseil "Transports, télécommunications et énergie" (TTE) - Transports

Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA attends G8 Labour Ministers' meeting and G8 social summit (30-31, Rome)

Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Mr Günther ÖTTINGER, Minister President of the Land Baden-Württemberg

Mrs Margot WALLSTRÖM in Germany: discusses with pupils at Städtisches Luisengymnasium (Munich); meets with editors of women magazines and active female Europeans (Bavaria); opens the new Europe Direct Information Centre (Munich)

M. Jacques BARROT participe à la conférence  "l’Union européenne face aux défis en matière de Justice, Liberté et Sécurité: le programme de Stockholm 2010-2014" (l'Université catholique de Lyon)

Mr Siim KALLAS in Bulgaria (30-31): meets with prosecutor-general Ms Margarita POPOVA; meets with Prime Minister Mr Sergey STANISHEV; participates in the Press event at the Commission Representation; attends a meeting with the European Affairs Minister Ms Gergana PASSY; meets H. M. Simeon II Saxe Cobourg, chairman of National Movement for Stability and Progress (30, Sofia). Opens the initiative "Manager for one day in the state administration", organized by MSAAR and Junior Achievement Bulgaria; visits Varna Municipality and meets with Mr Kiril YORDANOV, Mayor of Varna; meets with teachers, business representatives and students from Varna University of Economics (31, Varna)

Ms Danuta HÜBNER in La Rioja (Spain): meets President of La Rioja, Mr Pedro SANZ ALONSO and his Government. (Palacio de Gobierno, Logrono); gives a Press Conference with the President Mr Pedro SANZ ALONSO (Palacio de Gobierno, Logrono); visits "Ecoparque" (la Rad de Varea s/n - Villamediana); visits the "Centro Tecnolόgico de la Fombera" and participates in Globaltech's final meeting; visits the Juan Alcorta winery; visits CILENGUA

Mr Janez POTOČNIK receives the chairmen of ETP (European Technology Platform) for a meeting on the recovery plan

M. Louis MICHEL en République Démocratique du Congo: participe à l'Assemblée Parlementaire de la Francophonie; signe la Convention de Financement du 10ème Fonds Européen pour le Développement (Kinshasa)

Opening remarks by Mr László KOVÁCS at the Brussels Tax Forum 2009, followed by Press point (CHARL)

Mrs Neelie KROES in Toronto: delivers a speech 'Competition, Crisis and the Road to Recovery' at Economic Club of Toronto; participates in a bilateral meeting with Canadian Competition Bureau

Opening speech of Mrs Mariann FISCHER BOEL at the Conference "Capacity building for national rural networks" (Centre Borschette)

Mrs Mariann FISCHER BOEL receives Mr Lars-Göran PETTERSSON, President of the federation of Swedish Farmers

Mrs Benita FERRERO-WALDNER visits China (29-30)

Mr Andris PIEBALGS takes part in the Energy Forum (Sarajevo)

Ms Meglena KUNEVA receives members of the Bar Councils of England and Wales

Mr Leonard ORBAN in Beijing (30-01): visit of the Confucius Institute; participation in the Conference on Multilingualism; meeting with the EUCCC (European Union Chamber of Commerce in China), with the METP (Manager Exchange and Training Programme); meeting with Vice-Minister of Education, Mr Zhang XINSHENG (30). Visit to the Beijing Foreign Studies University; meeting with the SCIC Alumni (31). Speech at the STF conference (Science and Technology Fellowship Project) (01)

Mardi 31 mars

Conseil "Transports, télécommunications et énergie" (TTE) - Télécommunications

Mrs Margot WALLSTRÖM speaks at the seminar "Women at the heart of Europe" (EP)

Mr Antonio TAJANI takes part in the signing ceremony of the protocol extending the EU-China maritime transport agreement to Bulgaria and Romania (Council)

Mr Janez POTOČNIK participates in the joint Public Hearing (of the Committee on Industry, Research & Energy and the Committee on Women's Rights & Gender Equality) on Women and Science (EP)

Mr Olli REHN at the Committee of Foreign Affairs (EP)

Mr Olli REHN at the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee (EP)

M. Louis MICHEL participe à la "Commission Développement" (PE)

M. Louis MICHEL participe à la Troïka Ministérielle UE-IGAD (Autorité intergouvernementale pour le développement) + point presse (Conseil)

Mrs Mariann FISCHER BOEL at the Agriculture Committee (EP)

Press Conference by Mr Charlie McCREEVY on Community Trade Mark Fee Reduction

Ms Meglena KUNEVA participates at a Seminar "EU Consumer Policy" hosted by Stiftung Marktwirtschaft and Friedrich Naumann Foundation (EP)

Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO receives Nothern Ireland leaders

Mr Antonio TAJANI receives the Chinese Minister of Transport, Mr Li SHENGLIN

Mrs Viviane REDING receives Mr Ivan LANGER, Czech Home Affairs Minister

Mr Stavros DIMAS receives Ms Theresa VILLIERS, Member of Parliament and Shadow Secretary of State for Transport, to discuss air quality and Heathrow airport

Mr Stavros DIMAS visits the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI) upon invitation by Mr Patrick LAMBERT, Director of EACI

Ms Danuta HÜBNER attends the OECD meeting in Paris (France): gives a speech on "Investing for Growth: Building Innovative Regions" and attends a meeting at ministerial level of the Territorial Development Policy Committee (TDPC) of the OECD (09.30); gives a press conference (13.00)

Mr Ján FIGEL' attends the opening of the conference "Der Landessportbünde"

Mr Ján FIGEL' meets with a group of academics and businessmen and with Mr Eoin RZAN, MEP

Mr Olli REHN speaks at the European Policy Centre on "EU enlargement - Five years on" (EPC)

General conclusions by Mr László KOVÁCS at the Brussels Tax Forum 2009 (CHARL)

Opening speech of Mariann FISCHER BOEL at the "Forum Berglandwirtschaft" organised by the Bavarian representation (Brussels)

Mrs Benita FERRERO-WALDNER participates in the International Conference on Afghanistan (The Hague)

Mr Charlie McCREEVY receives Ms Sheri S. McCOY, Worldwide Chairman of J&J (Johnson and Johnson) Pharmaceuticals

Mr Charlie McCREEVY receives Northern Ireland's First Minister, Mr Peter ROBINSON, and Northern Ireland's Deputy First minister, Mr Martin McGUINESS

Ms Meglena KUNEVA delivers a keynote speech at the Round table "Online Data Collecting, Targeting and Profiling for Commercial Purposes in Online Environments" (Hotel Renaissance)

Ms Meglena KUNEVA attends a lecture delivered by Mr Hans-Gert PÖTTERING, President of the European Parliament (Cercle Royal Gaulois Artistique)

Mrs Androulla VASSILIOU addresses the EU Food Law Annual Conference

Mrs Androulla VASSILIOU meets with Young Gasteiners

Mercredi 01 avril

Réunion de la Commission

Mini session plénière du Parlement européen (01-02, Bruxelles)

Press conference by Mr Stavros DIMAS on the White Paper to adaptation of climate change

Ms Danuta HÜBNER participates in the Plenary debate on the Structural Funds Regulations (EP)

Mrs Margot WALLSTRÖM speaks at Postkodslotteriet event (Stockholm)

M. Jacques BARROT reçoit M. Alain DELETROZ, Vice-président (Europe) d’International Crisis Group

Mr Antonio TAJANI receives the Dutch Minister of Transport, Public Affairs and Water Management, Mr CAMIEL EURLINGS

Mrs Viviane REDING receives Mr Rodrigo COSTA, CEO Zon Multimédia in Portugal

Mr Stavros DIMAS, Mr Joe BORG, Mrs Mariann FISCHER BOEL and Mr Ján FIGEL' receive Mr Egemen BAĞIŞ, Turkish Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator

Ms Danuta HÜBNER gives a keynote speech at the opening session of the EU coordinators meeting (Swedish permanent representation, Brussels)

Ms Danuta HÜBNER meets the Members of the Section for Economic and Monetary Union, Economic and Social Cohesion of the EESC (Brussels)

Mr Joe BORG at the WWF screening of the film "The end of the line", followed by a debate (Cinema Actor’s Studio, Brussels)

Mr Janez POTOČNIK receives Mr JUNG HYUN KIM, Vice-Minister of Education, Science and Technology of the Rep. of Korea

Mr Ján FIGEL' receives Mrs Diane FINLEY, Canadian Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development

Mr Ján FIGEL' receives Mr Manuel VEIGA, Minister of Culture of Cap Verde and Mr Joaquim MORAIS, President of the National Library

Mr Charlie McCREEVY attends IASCF (International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation) Monitoring Board and Trustees' Meeting (London)

Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at the 1st European Bioethanol Fuel Conference (Brussels)

Ms Meglena KUNEVA chairs a plenary session with consumers during the European Consumer Summit 2009 (CHARL)

Ms Meglena KUNEVA meets with representatives of the Consumer Policy Network, Consumer Enforcement Network, European Consumer Consultative Group and European Consumer Centres (Autoworld)

Jeudi 02 avril

G20 summit on the financial and economic crisis and on improving financial regulation (London)

Press conference of Mr Ján FIGEL' for Adoption of the Communication on "EU Forum for University Business Dialogue"

Mr Ján FIGEL' meets with the Culture Committee (EP)

Ms Meglena KUNEVA at the Committee on the Internal Marker and Consumer Protection (EP)

Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers an opening speech at the ITRE Committee Hearing on Energy Security (EP)

Mr Siim KALLAS receives Mrs Meglena PLUGCHIEVA, Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European Funds

Mr Antonio TAJANI takes part in the Parliament-Senate Joint hearing on trans-European Transport networks (TEN-T) (Rome)

Mrs Viviane REDING receives Mr Nicolas DE TAVERNOST, President of the ACT (Association of Commercial Television in Europe)

Mr Stavros DIMAS attends the European Water Conference (CHARL)

Mr Stavros DIMAS receives Lord Adair TURNER (Chair) and Mr David KENNEDY (Chief Executive) of the UK Climate Change Committee

Ms Danuta HÜBNER in Bolzano and Trento (02-03): meets Mr Luis DURNWALDER, President of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano; gives a press conference; visits the European Research Academy (EURAC) and various projects presented under the initiatives INTERREG VI IT-AT, INTERREG IIIA IT-AT and FESR; visits the Municipal Centre, conference hall, a state of the art infrastructure in terms of low energy consumption in SMARANO; meets Mr Lorenzo DELLAI, President of the Autonomous Province of Trento, and gives a press conference; attends a meeting on "Technological District Habitat & OECD LEED Programme" (02)

Mr Joe BORG in Zeeland (NL): meeting with the Queen's Commissioner for Zeeland, Mrs Karla PEIJS; visits to innovative fish and shellfish farms, storm barriers, Scheldt Maritime Safety Coordination Centre and Loodsensociëteit

Mr Janez POTOČNIK receives Mr Craig MUNDIE, senior leader and chief Research at Microsoft Corporation

Mr Ján FIGEL' participates in the opening of the exhibition Orbis Pictus (MADOU)

Mr Olli REHN delivers opening speech at the Conference "International cooperation and the prosecution of war crimes in the States of the Western Balkans" (Brussels)

M. Louis MICHEL reçoit S.E. Amadou TOUMANI TOURE, Président du Mali

M. Louis MICHEL ouvre et participe au Colloque international "Culture et Création, facteurs de développement" (Palais d'Egmont)

M. Louis MICHEL assiste au spectacle "Mode et Musique" et à la réception, dans le cadre du Colloque international "Culture et Création, facteurs de développement" (BOZAR)

Mrs Mariann FISCHER BOEL in Scotland (02-03): meeting with Mr Richard LOCHHEAD, Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Environment; visit of local agricultural establishments and rural development projects

Mr Charlie McCREEVY delivers the closing remarks at the "ContraFake 2009" - High Level Conference on Counterfeiting and Piracy (Concert Noble)
Mr Vladimír ŠPIDLA in Germany (02-03): gives keynote speech at Talks on social policy organised by the Employers' organisation for the chemical industry (Wiesbaden); attends a conference on "The Future of Europe: Views from Founding Fathers" (Frankfurt am Main); attends the Board of Directors' meeting of DGB (Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund) of South Hessen and Works Council (Darmstadt) (02). Attends a meeting with the Board of the Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Federal Agency for Labour) (Nurnberg) (03)

Ms Meglena KUNEVA delivers a keynote speech at the European Consumer Summit 2009 (Autoworld)

Mr Leonard ORBAN takes part in the Arsenal Double Club Primary Launch Event (Emirates Stadium, London)

Mrs Androulla VASSILIOU in Ethiopia, Kenya, Zambia (02-12): addresses the opening speech at the Conference "Better Training for Safer Food"; meets with the African Union Commissioner for Trade and Industry, Mrs Elizabeth TANKEU; meets with the African Union Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, Mrs Rhoda PEACE TUMUSIIME; addresses the concluding remarks at the Conference "Better Training for Safer Food" (03, Addis Abeba). Visits the Fistula Hospital with the African Union Commissioner for Social Affairs, Mrs Bience GAWANAS and/or Ethiopian Minister for Health, Mr Teodros ADHANOM and/or Minister of Women Affairs, Mrs W/ro Hirut DELEBO; visits the Flower Farm with the African Union Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, Mrs Rhoda PEACE TUMUSIIME, and/or African Union Commissioner for Trade and Industry, Mrs Elizabeth TANKEU, and Ethiopian Minister for Agriculture, Mr Ato ADDISU LEGESSE, and/or Ethiopian Minister for Trade, Mr Ato GRIMA BIRU (04, Addis Abeba)

Vendredi 03 avril

Réunion de l'Eurogroupe (Prague)

Réunion informelle des ministres chargés de l'Économie et des Finances (ECOFIN) (03-04, Prague)

Mrs Margot WALLSTRÖM speaks at conference organised by President of Finland, Mr Tarja HALONEN: "EP elections: Democracy and fellowship - the role of civil society in the EU" (Helsinki)

M. Jacques BARROT reçoit M. Antonio GUTERRES, haut commissaire des Nations-Unies pour les Réfugiés

M. Jacques BARROT participe au colloque "Face à la crise" organisé par France Forum (Sénat de Paris)

Mr Antonio TAJANI participates in the conference " EUROPE: Ground Zero - Ruling Europe towards new model" organised by the YES-European Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs, Confindustria-Lombardy Region and Confindustria-Young Entrepreneurs (Milan)

Mr Joe BORG addresses a conference organised by the Institute for European Environmental Policy on Common Fisheries Policy reform

Mr Janez POTOČNIK participates in the Conference "Knowledge-based Society in practice: HI TECH Slovakia" (Bratislava)

M. Ján FIGEL' participe au Colloque International "Culture et Création, facteurs de développement" (Palais d'Egmont)

Mr Olli REHN participates in a discussion forum in Helsinki organised by MP Heidi HAUTALA

M. Louis MICHEL participates in the 7th European Business Summit (Tour & Taxis)

M. Louis MICHEL rencontre Mr Ely OULD MOHAMED VALL, ex-Président de la Mauritanie (Tour & Taxis)

Mr Leonard ORBAN participates in the Juvenes Translatores Award ceremony (BERL press room)

Samedi 04 avril

Mrs Danuta HÜBNER in Japan (04-07): visits Niigata; meets mayor of Niigata city (04). Gives a presentation followed by Q&A session at the Annual EU - Japan Journalists Conference(Toki Messe Conference Centre); visits Hoppo Bunka Museum with mayor of Niigata City; meets the Head of the European Commission Delegation, Ambassador Hugh RICHARDSON (HRs residence) (05)

Mrs Neelie KROES delivers a speech 'The Agenda for the Competitiveness of Europe’s Economy and Financial System' at a conference on The Outlook for financial markets, for governance, and for finance in Villa d'Este (Cernobbio, Italy)

Dimanche 05 avril

Sommet UE - États-Unis (Prague)

Prévisions d'avril à juin 2009 (les Conseils du mois d'avril ont lieu au Luxembourg)

06-07.04.09 Conseil "Justice et affaires intérieures"

08.04.09 Réunion des directeurs politiques UE - Russie (Troïka) (Prague)

14-15.04.09 Réunion informelle des ministres chargés de l'Environnement (Prague)

21-24.04.09 Session plénière du Parlement européen (Strasbourg)

23-24.04.09 Conseil "Agriculture et pêche"

23-24.04.09 Réunion informelle des ministres chargés du Développement régional (Mariánské


27-28.04.09 Conseil "Affaires générales et relations extérieures" (CAGRE)

27-28.04.09 Réunion du Conseil d'association UE – Égypte (Luxembourg)

28.04.09 Troïka ministérielle UE - États-Unis sur la Justice et les Affaires intérieures (Prague)

28-30.04.09 Réunion informelle des ministres chargés des Transports (Litoměřice)

03-05.05.09 Réunion informelle des ministres chargés de la Compétitivité (Prague)

04.05.09 Réunion de l'Eurogroupe

04-07.05.09 Session plénière du Parlement européen (Strasbourg)

05.05.09 Conseil "Affaires économiques et financières" (ECOFIN)

06.05.09 Réunion des hauts fonctionnaires UE - Cap-Vert (Troïka) (Praia, Cap-Vert)

07.05.09 Réunion ministérielle UE - Cap-Vert (Troïka) (Praia, Cap-Vert)

11-12.05.09 Conseil "Éducation, jeunesse et culture"

11-14.05.09 XIVe réunion ministérielle UE - Groupe de Rio (Prague)

12.05.09 Réunion des directeurs politiques UE - Moldavie (Troïka) (Prague)

14.05.09 Conseil d'association UE - Chili (Prague)

18-19.05.09 Conseil "Affaires générales et relations extérieures" (CAGRE)

18-19.05.09 Réunion du Conseil d'association UE - Israël

25.05.09 Réunion ministérielle UE - Birmanie (Troïka) (Hanoï, Viêt Nam)

25-26.05.09 Conseil "Agriculture et pêche"

28-29.05.09 Conseil "Compétitivité"

31.05-02.06.09 Réunion informelle des ministres chargés de l'Agriculture et de la Pêche (Brno)

04-05.06.09 Conseil "Justice et affaires intérieures"

08.06.09 Réunion de l'Eurogroupe

08-09.06.09 Conseil "Emploi, politique sociale, santé et consommateurs"

09.06.09 Conseil "Affaires économiques et financières" (ECOFIN)

11.06.09 Conseil "Transports, télécommunications et énergie" (TTE) - Transports

12.06.09 Conseil "Transports, télécommunications et énergie" (TTE) - télécommunications et


15.06.09 Réunion des hauts fonctionnaires UE-Communauté économique des États de

l'Afrique de l'Ouest (Troïka) (Luxembourg)

15-16.06.09 Conseil "Affaires générales et relations extérieures" (CAGRE)

15-16.06.09 Réunion du Conseil d'association UE - Algérie (Luxembourg)

16.06.09 Réunion du Conseil de coopération UE - Ukraine (Luxembourg)

16.06.09 Réunion du Conseil de coopération UE - Moldavie (Luxembourg)

16.06.09 Réunion ministérielle UE - Communauté économique des États de l'Afrique de

l'Ouest - CEDEAO (Troïka) (Luxembourg)

18-19.06.09 Conseil Européen

22-23.06.09 Conseil "Agriculture et pêche"

23.06.09 Réunion des directeurs politiques UE - Canada (Troïka) (Prague)

25.06.09 Conseil "Environnement"

Permanence DG COMM le WE du 28 et 29 mars: Jonathan TODD - GSM: 0498/994.107

Service Audiovisuel, planning studio – tél.: 02/295 21 23

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