Patrick F. Merle

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Patrick F. Merle

cell: 574 276 8280

French native- U.S. citizen.

Last updated on May 25, 2012.


  • Doctorate of Philosophy in Mass Communication (Expected 2013)

College of Mass Communications, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas
Chair: Coy Callison, Ph.D.

Dissertation topics: political communication, agenda-setting.

  • Post-master’s degree in Journalism and Mass Communication (1998)

Institut Français de Presse, Paris II, Panthéon-Assas, Paris, France

Thesis: The American Correspondents in Paris: Study of an Elite

Chair: Remy Rieffel, Ph.D.

  • Master of Arts, History (1997)

Université Pierre Mendès France (UPMF), Grenoble, France, and St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Ireland

Thesis: John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s Visit to Ireland in June 1963

Honors Graduate

  • Bachelor of Arts, History (1996)

Université Pierre Mendès France (UPMF), Grenoble, France

Academic Positions

  • Graduate Part-time Instructor – August 2010- current

College of Mass Communications

Texas Tech University

  • Assistant Professor – May 2006-August 2010

Ancilla Domini College, IN.

  • Instructor of Communication – January 2003 – May 2006

Ancilla Domini College, IN.

  • Adjunct Instructor of Communication – August-December 2005

School of Communication

Loyola University Chicago

Grants and Awards

Research Team Member (Awarded 2010).

“Sustaining commitment to Project Clear: Re-enforcing the importance of quality physician-nurse communication in the emergency room.” (Funded by Department of Emergency Medicine Warren Alpert Medical School, Brown University), total grant $299,575—TTU subcontract $47,500.

  • Select Honors and Awards

2012 AEJMC MidWinter Top Paper Award, Mass Communication & Society Division

2012 Nominee for Mentor of the Year Award, Texas Tech University

2011 AEJMC Annual Convention Graduate travel fund recipient

2011 Media Agenda Project scholarship recipient

2011 President’s Diversity and Equity Award, Texas Tech University

2011 PhD scholarship recipient, WAPOR, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2010-2013 Graduate assistantship, Texas Tech University

2010 Helen DeWitt Jones Scholarship ($ 5,000), Texas Tech University

2004 Ancilla College Outstanding Service Award

2004 Catherine Kasper’s Award for leading Ancilla’s Student Senate

1996 Master’s Research Award ($2,000), University PMF, Grenoble, France

Scholarship and Research Activities

  • Refereed Publications

Merle, P. (in press). City of Lights? The waning elitism of U.S. correspondents in Paris between 1998 and 2010. The International Communication Gazette.
Merle, P., & Craig, C. (in press). Economic reporting: The value of soft and international perspectives. Newspaper Research Journal

Merle, P. (2008). The instructor’s manual for Mastering Public Speaking by Grice and Skinner. Boston: Pearson.

  • Manuscripts under review

Merle, P. Political aptitude: An updated look at the operationalization of political sophistication. Political Behavior. Submitting in May 2012.
Merle, P. & Patterson, D. The French presidential election, April/May, 2012. Electoral Studies. Submitted in May 2012.
Merle, P., & Callison, C. Absence of trade press coverage of mass communication academic research: How public relations leads the pack in a race of laggards. PR Journal. Submitted in April 2012.
Green, J., & Merle, P. If you scare them will they join? An experimental investigation of mortality salience on civic engagement intentions. Mass Communication & Society. Submitted in April 2012.
Wilkinson, K., & Merle, P. The merits and challenges of using business

press and trade journal reports in academic research on media industries. Communication, Culture and Critique. Submitted in April 2012.

Bouchillon, B., & Merle, P. Terrorist, free speech advocate or sexual offender, who is Julian Assange really? A cross-cultural content-analysis of the man behind WikiLeaks.

International Journal of Communication. Submitted in April 2012.
Craig, C., & Merle, P. Understanding the technological advantages of web surveys: Can response formats impact data quality? Social Science Computer Review. Submitted in March 2012.
Merle, P., & Sims, A. Source and message credibility in public policy: The mass public doubtful and skeptic of political actors. Southwestern Mass Communication Journal. Submitted in March 2012.
Merle, P., & Zhang, W. France and the USA: A comparative analysis of social capital on both sides of the pond. French Politics. Submitted in March 2012.

  • Refereed Book Chapter under review

Merle, P., Elkhoury, J., & Rahimi, M. Revolution 2.0: Deciphering a cross-national newspaper discourse. In Najma Al Zidjaly (Ed.), Social Media, Cultural Practices and the Arab Spring: A Critical Linguistic and Multimodal Perspective. NY: Oxford University Press. (Forthcoming 2012-2013).

  • Refereed Conference Papers

Merle, P., Callison, C., & Cummins, G. (August, 2012). Dynamic v. static infographics in online news: Impact of format on perceptions, memory and consumption. Paper to be presented to the Electronic News Division at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Chicago, IL.
Craig, C., & Merle, P. (August, 2012). Understanding the technological advantages of web surveys: Can response formats impact data quality? Paper to be presented to the Communication Technology Division at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Chicago, IL.
Green, J., & Merle, P. (August, 2012). Terror management and civic engagement: An experimental investigation of mortality salience on civic engagement intentions. Paper to be presented to the Mass Communication & Society Division at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Chicago, IL.
Merle, P., & Patterson, D. (June, 2012). Agendas and public policies: How partisanship and political behavior affect attitudes toward the environment. Paper to be presented at the 5th annual conference of the Comparative Agendas Project, Reims, France.
Hmielowski, J., Hutchens, M., & Merle, P. (May, 2012). Creating, sustaining and reducing gaps in trust and participation: A Comparative perspective. Paper presented to the Political Communication Division at the annual conference of the International Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ.
Green, J., & Merle, P. (March, 2012). If you scare them, they will join: Effects of mortality salience and self-construals on civic engagement. Paper presented to the Mass Communication & Society Division at the AEJMC Mid-Winter conference, Oklahoma University, Norman, OK.

(Top Paper Award, Mass Communication & Society division)
Merle, P., & Elkhoury, J. (March, 2012). @Revolution 2.0: A cross-national analysis of social media’s salience during the Egypt unrests. Paper presented to the International Communication Division at the AEJMC Mid-Winter conference, Oklahoma University, Norman, OK.
Craig, C., & Merle, P. (March, 2012). The slider effect: An experimental look at differences between several modes of scale presentations in Internet surveys. Paper presented to the Communication Technology Division at the AEJMC Mid-Winter conference, Oklahoma University, Norman, OK.
Merle, P., & Zhang, W. (November, 2011). France and the USA: A comparative analysis of social capital on both sides of the pond. Paper presented at the 36th conference of the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, Chicago, IL.
Merle, P., & Sims, A. (November, 2011). Influencing public policy: A study of perceptual differences of credibility between political elites and citizens. Paper presented at the 36th conference of the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, Chicago, IL.
Merle, P., & Craig, C. (November, 2011). Economic news: An inside look at U.S. citizens' recognition and preferences of news types. Paper presented at the 81st annual meeting of the Southern Economic Association, Washington, D.C.
Bouchillon, B., & Merle, P. (November, 2011). Cultural Frames of Julian Assange: The fine line between free speech and terror. Paper presented at 3rd annual International Research Conference for Graduate Students, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX.
Merle, P., & Foster, J. (September, 2011). The impact of exposure to foreign culture on international news interest. Paper presented at the 64th World Association for Public Opinion Research annual conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Merle, P. (August, 2011). The waning elitism of U.S. correspondents in Paris between 1998 and 2010. Paper presented to the International Communication Division at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), St. Louis, MO.
Merle, P., Haislett, R., Kiambi, D., Bichard, S., Livingston, K.,; Borua, S., Sorensen, S., Kang, S., Seltzer, T., Gardner, L., & Callison, C. (August, 2011). Branding health communication strategies aimed at healthcare professionals: An assessment of barriers, message tactics, and sustainability measures and their impact on the patient experience. Paper presented to the Communicating Science, Health, Environment, and Risk division at the annual conference the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), St. Louis, MO.
Merle, P. (May, 2011). Inter-media agenda-setting: A Franco-American affair? Relationships between Le Monde and The New York Times. Paper presented at the Media and Agendas Symposium, Paris, France.
Merle, P. (March, 2011). The U.S. correspondents in Paris: A longitudinal study of the profession from 1998 to 2010. Paper presented to the International Communication Division at the 2011 AEJMC Mid-Winter Conference, Oklahoma University, Norman, OK.
Merle, P. (November, 2010). The American correspondents in Paris in 1998, an elite group overseas. Paper presented at the 2nd annual International Research Conference for Graduate Students, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX.

  • Book chapters

Trejos-Castillo, E., & Merle, P. (forthcoming). Bilingualism. In C. E. Cortes & G.J. Golson (Eds). Multicultural America. SAGE.

Merle, P. & Trejos-Castillo, E (forthcoming). Media-Foreign Language. In C. E. Cortes & G.J. Golson (Eds). Multicultural America. SAGE.

  • Book Translation

Merle, P. & Labrunye, J-P. (2003). Mon programme de forme et d'entraînement. Paris: L’Archipel. A French translation of Armstrong, L., Carmichael, C, & Nye, P. J. (2000) The Lance Armstrong Performance Program: Seven Weeks to the Perfect Ride. New York: Rodale Books.

  • Professional Publications

Merle, P. (2012). Editorial supplements about the London Olympics, and Equatorial Guinea for The Financial Times, Le Nouvel Economiste.
Merle, P. (2006-2010). MySpeechFeed, instructional blog to supplement communication courses, Pearson Publishing. (
Merle, P. (2008). Special Olympic Games Beijing 2008. Editorial supplement for The Financial Times Asia.
Merle, P. (2007). Pay your own way: Creating a personal journalism code. The Community College Journalist. Fall 2007, 4-5.
Merle, P. (2007). Find your editor. The Community College Journalist. Winter 2006/Spring 2007,18-19.

  • Invited Presentations

Merle, P. (March, 2007). Faculty’s favorites: Why students should read The Name of the Rose, A Year in Provence and Falling Angels. Presentation to faculty, students and staff at Ancilla College, IN.
Merle, P. (June, 2006). What are the main differences between U.S. and French journalism styles? Presentation to an association of journalists, Monaco.
Merle, P. (April, 2004). Academic opportunities associated with a foreign exchange program. Presentation to faculty, staff and the president of the institution. Ancilla College, IN.
Merle, P. (February, 2003). The challenges associated with reporting in New York after September 11, 2001. Presentation to the Professional Francophone Group, Chicago, IL.

Teaching Experience

Texas Tech University, College of Mass Communications, Fall 2010-current

  • Instructor of record

PR 4301 International and Multicultural Public Relations (Spring 2012)

JOUR 3312 Reporting (Fall 2011)

EMC 3308 Visual Communication (Summer II, 2011)

  • Lab Instructor

MCOM 2410 News Writing Lab (Spring 2011)

  • Guest Lectures

JOUR 2302 Principles of Journalism (Spring 2012)

Journalism practices: the question of independence
EMC 3358 International Electronic Media (Fall 2011)

Media in France: Illustration of a public media system

ADV 4313 International Advertising (Fall 2011)

Advertising in France: Between history and culture

MCOM 3300 Mass Media Theories and Society (Spring 2011)

Media stereotypes: Definition and analysis of the four phases of minorities’ visibility

Media violence: Framing the debate and introduction to global comparative research
MCOM 3310 Introduction to Electronic Media and Communication (Spring 2011)

Perspectives: Developing an identity as a journalist

MCOM 2410 News Writing (Spring 2011)

Methodology: How to prepare and conduct interviews

EMC 3358 International Electronic Media (Fall 2010)

Western Europe: French media, a love-hate relationship with power

JOUR 2302 Principles of Journalism (Fall 2010)

Media ethics: The singularity of French media

Ancilla College, Donaldson, IN, Spring 2003-Spring 2010
JOUR 150 Journalism I (News Writing)

JOUR 250 Journalism II (Feature Writing)

COMM 100 Introduction to Mass Communication

COMM 240 Cinema History

COMM 115 Public Speaking

COMM 299 Communication Internship

Loyola University of Chicago, Fall 2005
CMUN 101-1/2 Public Speaking and Critical Thinking

Professional Media Experience

  • Public Relations: press officer, writer, professional agent.

2012 Writer, IMC Europe, London, Great Britain

Editorial supplements for The Financial Times, Le Nouvel Economiste.
2009 Writer and translator, Louis Garneau USA

Press releases in English and French
2006-2010 Agent for an international professional athlete

Press releases, media relations, media contracts

2004-2007 Writer, translator, K’Limage Production, Paris, France

Script writer in French and English

2005 Chief Press Officer, IAAF, France

World cross-country championships, March.

Reporting and editing press releases to members of the world press

Management of news conferences

Translations in English, Spanish, and French of official statements

  • Special Reporting Assignments

2008 Reporter/Producer in Chihuahua, Mexico for French and Italian networks.

2005 Correspondent for ABC Radio, Detroit, MI

Coverage of the July 7 London bombings
2004 Reporter/Producer, Eurosport International, Paris, France

Reporting/Editing of a weekly 26-min segment, Olympic News

Reporting in Athens, Greece.
2001 Reporter/Producer in New York, TF1, Paris, France.

Coverage of September 11 events: Interviews with NYC Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, NYC firefighters, and city officials.

  • News Reporter and editor (2003-2010)

International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) (
2010 Feature writer in New York and Eugene

2009 News Editor for the French section of the IAAF website

2007 Reporter/Producer in Naucalpan, Mexico

2003 Reporting/Editing of the IAAF TV magazine (three half-hour shows)

Reporter, Paris World Athletics Championships: Live TV interviews in English, French, and Spanish

  • Deputy News Editor, Reporter and Web Manager (2000-2002)

Eurosport International, Paris, France
Editorial management of the international newsroom (English, Spanish and French)

Foreign Reporting in Austria, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Sweden

Various media outlets (print, broadcast and web)
2006 Freelance columnist, “Pardon My French,” The Pilot News, Plymouth, IN

2005 Freelance feature writer, The South Bend Tribune, IN

2003-2005 Correspondent for Agence France Presse, Washington Bureau
2002 Reporter/Producer for Bader TV (New York) in Monaco.

Reporter/Editor of the world feed for the Laureus World Sports Awards

Management of a 5-person TV crew
2000-2002 Editorial Assistant to P. Ford, European Chief for The Christian Science Monitor

1998 Editorial Assistant to C. Whitney, Paris Bureau Chief for The New York Times

Special Television Reports

  • Camillioni, M., & Merle, P. (October, 2003) “Ride for the Roses.” Documentary on the Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF). Reporting in Austin, Texas; Interviews with Lance Armstrong and members of the LAF.

  • Merle, P. (May-September, 2003) The IAAF TV Mag: Portrait of athletes based on exclusive interviews and extensive on-site footage.

  • Merle, P. (November, 2001) “The NYC Marathon: What’s next after 9/11?”, a 26-minute-long documentary focusing on the consequences of September 11, 2001 on an international sporting event. Eurosport International.

  • Merle, P. (July, 2001) “Michael Johnson, a unique athlete”: Exclusive interview with Michael Johnson; Eurosport International.

  • Merle, P. (November 3, 2001) “Larry Parker, a New York City’s fireman runs the marathon to raise funds”: Segment focusing on a fireman who actively raised funds for the families of the September 11 victims; TF1 Evening News, France National Television.

Service Activities

  • University Service

Texas Tech University (2010-current)
Member of the search committee for the position of PR Senior Faculty

Mentor for the undergraduate mentorship program (2011-2012)

Selected PhD student to interview the Dean of the Graduate School (July 2011)

Judge/Reviewer at the 2011 TTU Undergraduate Research competition (May 2011)

Creator and Organizer of a Doctoral Brown Bag series (2011-current)
Ancilla College (2003-2010)
Co-created a Mass Communication major (2004 and 2009)

Wrote articulation agreements with other colleges for a Mass Comm program (2009)

Faculty adviser to the student newspaper and student government (2003-2010)

Member of the Diversity and Student Development committees (2007-2010)

Member of the Search Committee for the position of Admission Officer (2007-2008)

Member of the Diversity and Academic Resources committees (2006-2007)

Member of the Diversity Committee (2005-2006)

Co-leader of Ancilla College’s mission trip to Mexico (March 2004)

Member of the Library and Student Services committees (2003-2004)

  • Professional Service


Global Communication and Social Change Division

Paper reviewer for the 2012 annual convention


International Communication Division

2011-2012 Newsletter Editor

2011 Spring Newsletter Designer
European Consortium of Political Research Graduate Conference (Bremen, GER, 2012)

Co-Chair of the Political Methodology Section

Midwest Association of Public Opinion Research

Moderator at the 2011 annual conference, Chicago, IL.

IACMR (International Association of Communication and Media Research)

Appointed Officer with the Emerging Scholars Network (June 2011-present)

Southern Economic Association

Discussant at the Behavioral Economics panel

81st annual convention, Washington, D.C., November 2011.

Professional Membership

Memberships to Professional Affiliations

  • Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication

  • International Association for Media and Communication Research

  • International Communication Association

  • World Association of Public Opinion Research

  • Comparative Media Agenda Project

  • Southern Economic Association

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