Reading Guide Future Development Part I pages 104-113

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CHAA Exam Reading Guide

Future Development - Part I

Pages 104-113

  1. Data Integrity refers to the process of ensuring that data is _________________ and _____________. In order to verify information, patient access must develop a consistent _______________ to measure the ______________ and verify the ____________ of the data collected.

  2. The PRIMARY ROLE of patient access is to create the basis of the ________________ ________________ through the capture of specific information prior to the Encounter.

  3. Patient Access Staff gather data classified into to broad (widespread) categories: _______________________ data and _______________ data.

  4. ____________________ data is divided into three sub categories: Demographic, Socioeconomic (Culture/Income), and Financial data.

  5. Such data has a direct relationship to patient care and to the ________________ integrity of the healthcare facility.

  6. The most common elements of Patient Identification are _____________ ___________ and _________ of ___________.

  7. See other patient identifiers on page 96. Were there any surprises?

  8. Due to a heightened awareness of protecting patient’s identity, some facilities no longer require ___________________________ as a patient identifier.

  9. The data collected provides valuable statistical, ____________, and _______________ information. Why is statistical information important?

  10. Proper _________________ ____________ _______________ will have processes in place to verify that the administrative data captured during the registration process are consistent and accurate.

  11. The main repository (database/warehouse) for Patient Access is the ___________________, ________________, and ______________ ( ) system.

  12. The most important patient tracking link and resource in a healthcare facility is the ________________ __________________ ___________________ ( ). It is used to minimize duplicate records by matching patients being registered for care to their previous medical records.

  13. Failure to link patients to the correct existing medical record number may compromise patient ______________ and negatively impact the ability of the organization to obtain _________________ for services.

  14. Patient Access in not considered a clinical department, but they are responsible for capturing specific _________________ information necessary for the healthcare encounter and claims billing process.

  15. Through searching the scheduling information and/or the physician order, patient access must capture the _________________ for the encounter and if appropriate, the _________________ information.

  16. List six components of physician orders: _____________________; _____________ name; ______________; ______________ or ______________ ordered; diagnosis, signs, or symptoms; and ____________________ signature.

  17. Data Accuracy can be measured by a ____________ system (by hand), but in recent years ______________/automated Quality Assurance processes have been designed to provide real time feedback. UMHC’s system is known as _______________.

  18. Some benefits of Automated Quality Assurance Programs are: __________% of registrations audited; Registrars receive feedback on errors and __________ _____________; errors are corrected earlier in the _________ cycle; clean data before ___________ _____________; etc.

  19. Internal auditing provides a snap-shot of the results produced by current __________. Accuracy of the registration data results in fewer ____________, rejected __________, and other delays. The data measured is used to implement ____________ ____________ initiatives designed to meet the revenue cycle goals of reducing Accounts Receivable (A/R) and improving cash flow for the organization.

  20. Resource Management is the efficient and effective ________________ and ________________ of an organization’s resources when they are needed. Resources include financial, supplies, human resources, and information technology (IT).

  21. One of our most valuable resources is ___________. The largest expense item in the patient access budget is ____________. This expense can be managed by: __________ staffing levels and _________ staffing to volumes.

  22. Typically the secondary largest budgetary expense is ______________, including forms.

  23. Customer Service impressions are the result of staff _____________ and ___________.

  24. According to the Press-Ganey survey, “satisfied patients become ____________ patients,” who will ________ their friends and family to our facility.

  25. Patient Access Staff must provide _______________ and _________________ registration services and also demonstrate a high level of understanding concerning _____________ __________ payer requirements, ___________ of ______________ expenses, ___________________ _________________ programs, and government regulations and guidelines. They must also be able to _________________ this info to the patient.

  26. Compassion is as significant as ________________________ in creating a positive healthcare experience. Simple gestures such as _________________ and making ______ _______________ show genuine care and concern.

  27. Avoid referring to patients using slang terms such as ______________ or _______________. Instead, ask the patient their ______________ way to be addressed.

  28. Evaluating Customer Satisfaction results from obtaining _______________ and _____________________ feedback. ____________ feedback occurs when the provider requests information from the patient. _____________ feedback is the formal and informal process of obtaining and responding to patient compliments and concerns.

  29. Customer surveys, comment cards, and call back programs are examples of _____________ feedback.

  30. Letters from patients and families and conversations with patients and families are examples of _________________ feedback.

  31. Both positive and negative feedback have a purpose in health care surveys. ____________ feedback provides an opportunity to practice positive employee engagement. ________________ feedback is an opportunity to apply quality improvement principles within the organization.

  32. Survey Results are the best way to find out if a customer is ______________. Surveys can be written or ____________. The survey should be conducted ___________ after the encounter while the experience is fresh in the patient’s mind.

  33. Survey Results are used to measure _____________ and engage in quality ____________________ initiatives.

  34. Survey Results also have an effect on patient selection of the hospital and financial reimbursement for services rendered. For example, many consumers are turning to published surveys to see which providers ___________ or __________________ expectations. Insurance companies are also moving towards only reimbursing services and treatments from providers who meet or exceed a level of __________________ _____________________.

  35. Customer Service Survey information is used for public relations (_________________ scores) and performance improvement (___________________ scores).

  36. When initiating a customer satisfaction survey, you must determine:

    1. What data measurements are ________________

    2. What data measures are important to the organizations ______________ _____________ process

    3. What data measures are important in day to day __________________.

  37. The sample survey questions relating to service by individual care givers show compassion, concern, and empathy more than __________________ competence.

  38. Healthcare Facilities also use _______________ surveys to gain feedback concerning employee engagement and loyalty to initiate programs to impact employee _______________ and customer service scores.

  39. The purpose of any Quality Improvement program is to: ____________ and ____________ data, initiate _________________ or _______________ action, and to ______________ actions.

  40. TJC defines quality control as the performance processes through which actual performance is _________________ and compared with ___________ and the difference is ___________ on.

  41. TJC defines quality assurance as the continuous study and improvement in providing healthcare to meet the needs of _______________________.

  42. TJC defines performance improvement as: the continuous study and _______________ of a healthcare organizations ____________________ and __________________ to increase the probability of achieving desired outcomes.

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