Request for funding to the [insert the foundation/funder’s name]

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An after-school program to promote students’

mathematics skills and social development
A request for funding to the [insert the foundation/funder’s name]

from [insert the requesting agency’s name]

to purchase materials and staff training to implement the

AfterSchool KidzMath™ mathematics enrichment program
[You may want to modify the following sample funding proposal to tailor it to the specific guidelines or requirements of your anticipated funding source. If the funding source has its own application form, be sure to use it, but some of the language below may be useful to you in filling it out. If you are using this form, remember to delete all the sections printed in red, which are suggestions for you to follow, before submitting it to the funding source.]

This proposal is a request from [insert the requesting agency’s name] for [insert requested amount of money] to purchase materials and provide staff training to implement an after-school mathematics enrichment program called AfterSchool KidzMath. AfterSchool KidzMath aims to help elementary-aged young people (1) build their mathematics skills and understanding of number, measurement, and geometry concepts; (2) increase their opportunities to explore mathematics with adults and peers in a supportive, collaborative environment; and (3) foster their social development, particularly their abilities to be responsible, make decisions, give and get help, and collaborate and communicate with others.

The AfterSchool KidzMath program

Research-based and created specifically for use in after-school settings, AfterSchool KidzMath is a mathematics enrichment program designed to promote the mathematical learning and social development of children in grades K–6. Closely aligned with the standards of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the program includes cooperative Games and literature-based Story Guides activities that give children opportunities to practice and build key mathematical skills and concepts in fun, engaging ways, and to become confident math learners.
To facilitate implementation at after-school sites, the program’s materials are divided into four packaged sets—grades K–2 Games, grades K–2 Story Guides, grades 3–6 Games, and grades 3–6 Story Guides—each of which includes the appropriate resources to implement the activities with small and large groups of children.
AfterSchool KidzMath Games: The Games sets for grades K–2 and 3–6 include 20 and 30 number games respectively. The games, which include card, dice, and small- and large-group games, are fun for children of multiple ages and skill levels, and foster children’s number sense—their understanding of numbers, and number relationships, and their computational fluency. The games help children develop mathematical problem-solving strategies and provide opportunities for them to communicate about mathematics, express their thinking in a variety of ways, and consider the perspectives and mathematical approaches of others. The cooperative nature of the games fosters children’s ability to think for themselves, make decisions individually and with others, be responsible for their learning and behavior, and collaborate and communicate effectively with others.
Each Games set includes a “Leader’s Kit” which includes materials for the large group games and a Leader’s Guide that provides youth workers with guidelines for conducting the activities, and five “Kids’ Kits” which include game boards and materials for playing the small-group games. The Leader’s Guide offers clear, step-by-step instructions for each game, which include both a mathematical learning focus and a social development focus1.
AfterSchool KidzMath Story Guides: The Story Guides sets for grades K–2 and 3–6 each contain 30 math-focused activities that relate to stories contained in ten multi-cultural, children’s books, appropriate for the respective grade range. The books focus on themes that link mathematics to daily life. After hearing the story read aloud, children participate in math activities—including explorations, drama, art, games, and movement—which extend the mathematical focus in the story and promote a spirit of cooperation and fun. The activities help children develop number, measurement, and geometry concepts, and also foster the social skills of asking for and giving help when needed, talking in front of a group, making decisions together, and being respectful of each other’s work. Each set contains a Leader’s Guide, ten children’s literature books, a Story Guide for each book (which provide guidelines for conducting mathematical activities related to the story), and math tools such as rulers and calculators needed to implement the activities.
The mathematical focus in the grades K–2 program includes counting, number relationships, addition, subtraction, measurement, and geometry. The mathematical focus in the grades 3–6 program includes place value, number relationships, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, percents, measurement, and geometry. The integrated focus on building key social skills —e.g., being responsible, respectful, and helpful—also builds caring personal relationships and a corresponding “sense of community” that, as research has shown, creates a positive environment conducive to academic learning.
AfterSchool KidzMath builds mathematics skills and concepts based on key research: Approaches used by AfterSchool KidzMath to improve children’s mathematics competency are based on research that indicates:

  • Games give children a chance to be imaginative and creative—essential qualities for good problem solving. (Bruner, 1983; Kauke & Ziller, 1996; Keller, 1990; Krulik, 1977)

  • The success of all mathematics teaching depends on the active involvement of the learner. Games promote active engagement and a positive social environment. (Ernest, 1986; Kauke & Ziller, 1996, Kilpatrick, 1985; Krulik, 1977)

  • Math-related stories provide rich opportunities to engage students in explorations of mathematics concepts (Balka and Callan, 2001). Math-related literature can spark children’s imagination, engage them in exciting problem solving, and help them connect mathematics to the imaginative ideas in books (Burns, 1992).

  • Math stories can show children how math is used in the “real world” in ways that math textbooks usually cannot (Braddon, Hall, and Taylor, 1993). When math is connected to the “real world,” children can relate mathematics to their own and others’ experiences (Whitin and Wilde, 1995).

  • Inclusive environments, in which students have consistent opportunities to participate in discussion groups, play a powerful role in providing an atmosphere for motivation and success. (Alvermann, 2000).

Staff training: In addition to the Leader’s Guides contained in the Games and Story Guides sets, staff development is available during a one-day workshop provided by AfterSchool KidzMath trainers. This workshop gives youth workers an overview of, and hands-on experience with, the program, and introduces them to strategies that create a supportive after-school community among children.
AfterSchool KidzMath was created by Developmental Studies Center (DSC) in Oakland, CA—a nonprofit educational organization established in 1980 to research and develop learner-centered programs that integrate children’s intellectual, social, and ethical development. DSC is also the creator of the AfterSchool KidzLit reading enrichment program. AfterSchool KidzMath was developed with funding from the National Science Foundation and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.
[Optional;] We have included a copy of DSC’s After-School Catalog, which includes more information about the program.

Information about our after-school program

Provide the funder with information about your after-school program that will help them understand who you are and the youth population you serve —for example:

  • Where you are located.

  • The population and number of children your program serves—e.g., ages, socioeconomic and ethnicity information, what neighborhood(s) these children come from.

  • Information about other activities you offer—e.g. do you provide recreational activities? other enrichment activities? what are your hours/days of operation?

  • The mission and history of your program—e.g. how long have you been operating and what are the purpose/goals of your program.

  • How AfterSchool KidzMath fits with your overall program and how it will help you achieve your goals for the children you serve.

  • How you are funded, and any other information that will help the funder understand the needs of the community you serve and how AfterSchool KidzMath will help meet this community’s needs. Are there limited facilities/support for the population you serve? Are you located in a troubled or transitional neighborhood?

Funding request

To help purchase and implement the AfterSchool KidzMath program at our after-school site, we are requesting a total of [insert the total amount of money you are seeking] to purchase:
[Provide an itemized list of the AfterSchool KidzMath materials (Games sets, Story Guide sets) you want to purchase]

[Include an amount to pay for staff development]

1 The Leader’s Guide also includes (1) a mathematics glossary; (2) a “Leader’s Checklist”—an assessment tool that guides youth leaders in preparing/planning for the activity, assessing their facilitation of the activity, and reflecting on the activity and how/whether it met the intended learning goals; (3) an “AfterSchool KidzMath Questionnaire”—a student survey, which invites students to evaluate their experience vis-à-vis the program’s goals (e.g., enjoyment of math, understanding of math and math skills, and ability to work with others); (5) a site planning tool, which guides youth leaders in setting up the space for the activities, scheduling the activities, and training the staff; (6) a “Dear Family” letter, which youth workers can copy and use for informing participating students’ families about the AfterSchool KidzMath program; (7) a “Dear Teacher” letter, which youth workers can copy and use to tell participating students’ teachers about the program and seek feedback from the teachers, specifically, for example, on mathematical “problem” areas in which the student needs particular help; and (8) a bibliography of additional resources that youth workers can refer to for additional learning.

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