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Arkansas Comprehensive School Improvement Plan


The staff of Joseph R. Booker Arts Magnet School believes and expects that every individual can and will learn. Our mission is to educate all students to higher levels of academic performance, while developing divergent thinking and creativity, promoting physical and emotional well-being, and fostering positive growth in social behaviors through integration of the curriculum and the fine and performing arts. In partnership with parents and the community, we accept the responsibility to teach all students with the goal of enabling them to achieve their ultimate educational potential and to equip them to meet the challenges of the Twenty-first century.

Grade Span: K-5

Title I: Not Applicable

School Improvement: MS

Table of Contents

Priority 1: Literacy
    Goal: All students will improve in reading comprehension and written expression, with additional attention to practical reading passages, content and style writing domains, and formulating appropriate responses to open response questions.

Goal 2: To narrow the achievement gap between proficient and non-proficient learners in literacy. (Strategic Plan)

Goal 3: All Booker Arts Magnet School students will read on grade level by the end of third grade. (Strategic Plan)

Priority 2: Mathematics
    Goal: All students will improve in mathematics computation and problem solving, with additional attention to geometry and measurement, and formulating appropriate responses to open response questions.

Goal 2: To narrow the achievement gap between proficient and non-proficient learners in mathematics. (Strategic Plan)

Priority 3: Wellness
    Goal: All students will increase healthy eating habits, practice good hygiene, and engage in fitness activities, as indicated by increases in the attendance rate and percentages of students having ratings of healthy on the BMI.

Priority 4: Parental Involvement
    Goal: All parents/guardians will become engaged in parental involvement activities that will result in increases in student achievement.

Priority 1:

Improve Student Achievement in Reading and Writing Literacy

Supporting Data:


    Augmented Benchmark Exam - Third Grade Literacy Exam 2009

    Combined Population: 103 were tested and 42% scored proficient or advanced. The analysis of the open response and multiple choice questions in the three types of reading passages revealed that the lowest areas were Practical - multiple choice and open response. The analysis of the writing prompts revealed that the lowest identified areas were Content and Style. African American, Caucasian, Economically Disadvantaged, Limited English Proficient students, and Students with Disabilities also had difficulty with Content - open response. In addition, Hispanic students and Students with Disabilities had difficulty with Literary - open response.

    Augmented Benchmark Exam - Third Grade Literacy Exam 2010

    Combined Population: 101 were tested and 55% scored proficient or advanced. The analysis of the open response and multiple choice questions in the three types of reading passages revealed that the lowest identified areas were Content and Practical - multiple choice and Practical - open response. The analysis of the open response questions in the five writing domains revealed that the lowest identified areas were Content and Style. The lowest identified areas for the subpopulations were not available.

    Augmented Benchmark Exam - Third Grade Literacy Exam 2011

    Combined Population: 91 were tested and 68% scored proficient or advanced. The analysis of the open response and multiple choice questions in the three types of reading passages revealed that the lowest identified areas were Content - multiple choice and Practical - open response. An analysis of the responses to the writing prompts indicated the lowest identified areas were the Content and Style domains. The lowest identified areas for Limited English Proficient students and Students with Disabilities were summarizing major points in non-fiction text and recognizing and using variations of print. The lowest identified areas for the other subpopulations were not identified.

    The staff at Booker Arts Magnet School has reviewed three years of assessment data from the Augmented Benchmark Exam to determine the student achievement needs of our third grade students. An analysis of this data indicated areas of need that have been prioritized. The areas of greatest concern for our Combined student population were Practical - Open Response and Content and Style in the Writing domains. Additionally, our subgroups of students have other areas of weakness. Our African American, Caucasian, Economically Disadvantaged, and Limited English Proficient students also had difficulty with Content - Open Response. Our Hispanic students also had difficulty with Literary - Open response. In addition, our Students with Disabilities had difficulty with Content and Literary - Open response. Our goals are to increase the percentage of all students scoring proficient or advanced on the Augmented Benchmark Exam and to reduce our achievement gap. Our School Improvement Plan includes strategic interventions that support "Academic Performance, Learning Environment, and Leadership" (Arkansas Standards and Indicators for School Improvement, 2006).


    Augmented Benchmark Exam - Fourth Grade Literacy Exam 2009

    Combined Population: 97 students were tested and 72% of students scored proficient or advanced. The analysis of the open response and multiple choice questions in the three types of reading passages revealed that the lowest identified area was Practical - multiple choice and Literary - open response. An analysis of the responses to the writing prompts indicated the lowest identified areas were the Style and Sentence Formation domains. African American and Hispanic students also had difficulty with the Content domain in writing. Caucasian students and Economically Disadvantaged students also had difficulty with the Mechanics domain in writing.

    Augmented Benchmark Exam - Fourth Grade Literacy Exam - 2010

    Combined Population: 95 were tested and 69% scored proficient or advanced. The analysis of the open response and multiple-choice questions in the three types of reading passages revealed that the lowest identified areas were Literary - multiple choice and Practical - open response. The analysis of the open response questions in the five writing domains revealed that the lowest identified area was Style. The lowest identified areas for the subpopulations were not available.

    Augmented Benchmark Exam - Fourth Grade Literacy Exam 2011

    Combined Population: 102 were tested and 70% scored proficient or advanced. The analysis of the open response and multiple choice questions in the three types of reading passages revealed that the lowest identified areas were Content and Practical - multiple choice and Content and Practical - open response. An analysis of the responses to the writing prompts indicated the lowest identified areas were the Content and Style domains. The lowest identified areas for Limited English Proficient students and Students with Disabilities were making connections from text to self and editing. The lowest identified areas for the other subpopulations were not available.

    The staff at Booker Arts Magnet School has reviewed three years of assessment data from the Augmented Benchmark Exam to determine the student achievement needs of our fourth grade students. an analysis of this data indicated areas of need that have been prioritized. The areas of greatest need for our Combined student population were Practical - Open Response and Style in the Writing domains. Additionally, our subgroups of students have other areas of weakness. Our African American, Caucasian, and Economically Disadvantaged students had difficulty with Literary - Open Response. Our Hispanic students, Limited English Proficient students, and Students with Disabilities had difficulty with Content - Open Response. Sentence Formation was an area of need for our African American, Hispanic, and Limited English Proficient students, as well as our Students with Disabilities. Mechanics were most difficult for Caucasian and Economically Disadvantaged students. Our goals are to increase the percentage of all students scoring proficient or advanced on the Augmented Benchmark Exam and to reduce our achievement gap. Our School Improvement Plan includes strategic interventions that support "Academic Performance, Learning Environment, and Leadership" (Arkansas Standards and Indicators for School Improvement, 2006).


    Augmented Benchmark Exam - 5th Grade Literacy Exam 2009

    Combined Population: 100 students were tested and 70% scored proficient or advanced. The analysis of the multiple choice and open response questions on the three types of reading passages revealed that the lowest identified area was Content - multiple choice and Practical - open response. An analysis of the responses to the writing prompts indicated the lowest identified areas were the Content and Style domains. Students with Disabilities also had difficulty with Content - open response.

    Augmented Benchmark Exam - Fifth Grade Literacy Exam 2010

    Combined Population: 89 were tested and 72% scored proficient or advanced. The analysis of the open response and multiple choice questions in the three types of reading passages revealed that the lowest identified areas were Content - multiple choice and Practical - open response. The analysis of the open response questions in the five writing domains revealed that the lowest identified area was Style. The lowest identified areas for the subpopulations were not available.

    Augmented Benchmark Exam - Fifth Grade Literacy Exam 2011

    Combined Population: 83 were tested and 76% scored proficient or advanced. The analysis of the open response and multiple choice questions in the three types of reading passages revealed that the lowest identified areas were Literacy and Content - multiple choice and Literary - open response. An analysis of the responses to the writing prompts indicated the lowest identified areas were the Content and Style domains. The lowest identified areas for Limited English Proficient students and Students with Disabilities were using text features to locate information, editing, and identifying figurative language. The lowest identified areas for the other subpopulations were not available.

    The staff at Booker Arts Magnet School has reviewed three years of assessment data from the Augmented Benchmark Exam to determine the student achievement needs of our fifth grade students. An analysis of this data indicated areas of need that have been prioritized. The areas of greatest need for our Combined student population were Practical - Open Response and Content and Style - in the Writing domains. Additionally, one subgroup of students had another area of weakness. Our Students with Disabilities also had difficulty with Content - Open Response. All other subgroups had the same areas of weakness as the Combined student population. Our goals are to increase the percentage of all students scoring proficient or advanced on the Augmented Benchmark Exam and to reduce our achievement gap. Our School Improvement Plan includes strategic interventions that support "Academic Performance, Learning Environment, and Leadership" (Arkansas Standards and Indicators for School Improvement, 2006).


    An examination of the Augmented Benchmark Literacy Exam results for third through fifth grade students for 2008-2009, 2009-2010, and 2010-2011, indicated that Combined students had difficulty with the Content - multiple choice and Practical - open response and Content and Style - writing domains. In 2008-2009, Economically Disadvantaged students had difficulty in Content and Practical Passages - open response. Students with Disabilities had difficulty with open response questions in Content and Practical passages. The lowest identified areas for the subpopulations were not available for 2009-2010 and 2010-2011.

  4. Stanford 10 - Grade 5 Reading Comprehension

    2009: Combined Population: 99 students were tested and 44.0% scored at or above the 50th percentile. The lowest identified are for Combined students was selecting the appropriate comprehension strategy. The lowest identified areas for subpopulation were not available.

    Stanford 10 Grade 5 Comprehensive Language

    2009: Combined Population: 99 students were tested and 51.0% of students scored at or above the 50th percentile. The lowest identified areas for Combined students were Usage and Capitalization. The lowest identified areas for subpopulations were not available.

    Stanford 10 - Grade 5 Total Reading

    2010: Combined Population: 89 students were tested and 60.7% scored at or above the 50th percentile. The lowest area for Combined students was Informational - Using Monitoring Strategies. The lowest areas for the subpopulations were not available.

    Stanford 10 Grade 5 Comprehensive Language

    2010: Combined Population: 89 students were tested and 43% scored at or above the 50th percentile. The lowest area for Combined students was Capitalization - Informative. The lowest areas for the subpopulations were not available.

    Iowa Test of Basic Skills - Grade 5 Total Reading 2011

    Combined Population: 83 were tested and 35% scored at or above the 50th percentile on the Total Reading test. The lowest area for Combined Students was determining main idea. Limited English Proficient students had the most difficulty with vocabulary and drawing conclusions. Students with Disabilities had the most difficulty with determining main idea, drawing conclusions, and understanding stated information. The lowest identified areas for the other subpopulations were not available.

    Iowa Test of Basic Skills Grade 5 Total Language - 2011

    Combined Population: 83 were tested and 36% scored at or above the 50th percentile on the Total Language test. The lowest area for Combined students was usage and expression. The lowest areas for Limited English Proficient students were usage and expression - verbs and modifiers. The lowest areas for Students with Disabilities were capitalization, use of apostrophes, and usage and expression - modifier.

    The staff at Booker Arts Magnet School has reviewed three years of assessment data from the Stanford 10 and Iowa Test of Basic Skills to determine the student achievement needs of our fifth grade students. An analysis of this data indicated areas of need that have been prioritized. The areas of greatest concern for our Combined student population were selecting the appropriate comprehension strategy and capitalization. Limited English Proficient students had the most difficulty with drawing conclusions and vocabulary. Students with Disabilities had the most difficulty with drawing conclusions and identifying the main idea. The lowest areas for other subpopulations were not available. Our goals are to increase the percentage of students scoring at or above the 50th percentile on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills and to reduce the achievement gap. Our School Improvement Plan includes strategic interventions that support "Academic Performance, Learning Environment, and Leadership" (Arkansas Standards and Indicators for School Improvement, 2006).

  5. Stanford 10 Grade 4 Reading Comprehension

    2009: Combined Population: 96 Students were tested and 58.0% scored at or above the 50th percentile. The lowest identified areas for Combined students were: making inferences, text characteristics, and explicit supporting details. The lowest identified areas for subpopulations were not available.

    Stanford 10 Grade 4 Comprehensive Language

    2009: Combined Population: 96 students were tested and 39.0% scored at or above the 50th percentile. The lowest identified area for Combined students was: Content and Organization. The lowest identified areas for subpopulations were: not available.

    Stanford 10 Grade 4 Total Reading

    2010: Combined Population: 95 students were tested and 65.3% scored at or above the 50th percentile. The lowest area for Combined students was Functional - Explicit Supporting Details. The lowest areas for the subpopulations were not available.

    Stanford 10 Grade 4 Comprehensive Language

    2010: Combined Population: 95 students were tested and 18% scored at or above the 50th percentile. The lowest area for Combined students was Content and Organization - Narrative. The lowest areas for the subpopulations were not available.

    Iowa Test of Basic Skills - Grade 4 Total Reading 2011

    Combined Population: 102 were tested and 33% scored at or above the 50th percentile on the Total Reading test. The lowest are for Combined and Students with Disabilities was vocabulary - modifier. Limited English Proficient students had the most difficulty with vocabulary - verb. The lowest identified areas for the other subpopulations were not available.

    Iowa Test of Basic Skills - Grade 4 Total Language 2011

    Combined Population: 102 were tested and 36% scored at or above the 50th percentile on the Total Language test. The lowest area for Combined students was capitalization of names and titles. Limited English Proficient students had the most difficulty with suffixes in spelling. Students with Disabilities had the most difficulty with usage of commas and spelling with consonants. The lowest identified areas for the other subpopulations were not available.

    The staff at Booker Arts Magnet School has reviewed three years of assessment data from the Stanford 10 and the Iowa Test of Basic Skills to determine the student achievement needs of our fourth grade students. An analysis of this data indicated areas of need that have been prioritized. The areas of greatest concern for our Combined student population were explicit support details and content and organization. Students with Disabilities had the most difficulty with vocabulary-verb and suffixes in spelling. The lowest areas for other subpopulations were not available. Our goals are to increase the percentage of all students scoring at or above the 50th percentile on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills and to reduce the achievement gap. Our School Improvement Plan includes strategic interventions that support "Academic Performance, Learning environment, and Leadership" (Arkansas Standards and Indicators for School Improvement, 2006).

  6. Stanford 10 Grade 3 Reading Comprehension

    2009: Combined Population: 102 Students were tested and 19.0% of Combined students scored at/above the 50th percentile. The lowest identified areas for Combined students were: selecting the appropriate comprehension strategy and extending meaning. The lowest identified area for subpopulations were not available.

    Stanford 10 Grade 3 Comprehensive Language

    2009: Combined Population: 102 Students were tested and 17.0% of students scored at/above the 50th percentile. The lowest identified areas for Combined students were usage, punctuation, revision, and content and organization. The lowest identified areas for subpopulations were not available.

    Stanford 10 Grade 3 Total Reading

    2010: Combined Population: 101 students were tested and 32.7% scored at or above the 50th percentile. The lowest area for Combined students was Functional - Extending Meaning. The lowest areas for the subpopulations were not available.

    Stanford 10 Grade 3 Comprehensive Language

    2010: Combined Population: 95 students were tested and 17% scored at or above the 50th percentile. The lowest area for Combined students was Punctuation - Narrative. The lowest areas for the subpopulations were not available.

    Iowa Test of Basic Skills - Grade 3 Total Reading 2011

    Combined Population: 91 were tested and 32% scored at or above the 50th percentile on the Total Reading test. The lowest area for Combined students was vocabulary - modifier. Limited English Proficient Students had the most difficulty with vocabulary - modifier and nouns and drawing conclusion. Students with Disabilities had the most difficulty with inference and interpretation. The lowest identified areas for the other subpopulations were not available.

    Iowa Test of Basic Skills - Grade 3 Total Language 2011

    Combined Population: 91 were tested and 20% scored at or above the 50th percentile on the Total Language Test. The lowest area for Combined students was spelling - consonants. Limited English Proficient Students had the most difficulty with use of apostrophes and commas. Students with Disabilities had the most difficulty with the use of verbs. The lowest areas for the other subpopulations were not available.

    The staff at Booker Arts Magnet School has reviewed three years of assessment data from the Stanford 10 and the Iowa Test of Basic Skills to determine the student achievement needs of our third grade students. An analysis of this data indicated areas of need that have been prioritized. The areas of greatest concern for our Combined student population were extending meaning and correct usage of punctuation. Students with Disabilities had the most difficulty with inference and interpretation and verb usage. Limited English Proficient students had the most difficulty with drawing conclusions and correct usage of apostrophes and commas. The lowest areas for the other subpopulations were not available. Our goals are to increase the percentage of all students scoring at or above the 50th percentile on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills and to reduce our achievement gap. Our School Improvement Plan includes strategic interventions that support "Academic Performance, Learning Environment, and Leadership" (Arkansas Standards and Indicators for School Improvement, 2006).

  7. Sanford 10 Grade 2 Reading Comprehension

    2009: Combined Population: 110 students were tested and 31.0% scored at or above the 50th percentile. The lowest identified areas for Combined students and subpopulations were not available.

    Stanford 10 Grade 2 Total Reading

    2010: Combined Population: 99 students were tested and 24.2% scored at or above the 50th percentile. The lowest areas for Combined students and for the subpopulations were not available.

    Iowa Test of Basic Skills - Grade 2 Total Reading 2011

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