Section 4: Members of the consortium

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Section 4: Members of the consortium

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The information provided here will be used to judge the operational capacity.

4.1. Participants (applicants)
Please provide, for each participant, the following (if available):

  • a description of the legal entity and its main tasks, with an explanation of how its profile matches the tasks in the proposal.

  • a curriculum vitae or description of the profile of the persons, including their gender, who will be primarily responsible for carrying out the proposed research and/or innovation activities;

  • a list of up to 5 relevant publications, and/or products, services (including widely-used datasets or software), or other achievements relevant to the  call content;

  • a list of up to 5 relevant previous projects or activities, connected to the subject of this proposal;

  • a description of any significant infrastructure and/or any major items of technical equipment, relevant to the proposed work;

  • [any other supporting documents specified in the work programme for this call]

4.1.1 FOM-Nikhef
Nikhef is the Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics, coordinating and leading the Dutch experimental activities in the fields of accelerator-based particle physics and astroparticle physics, with the mission of studying the interactions and structure of all elementary particles and fields at the smallest distance scale and the highest attainable energy. Nikhef is a partnership between the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM, which is the legal entity in this proposal) and five universities: Groningen University, Radboud University Nijmegen, University of Amsterdam, Utrecht University and VU University Amsterdam. The research at Nikhef relies on the development of innovative technologies. The knowledge and technology transfer to third parties, i.e., industry, civil society and general public, is an integral part of Nikhef mission.
The Nikhef collaboration consists of about 210 physicists (70 tenured staff, 40 postdocs, 100 PhD students), 75 technical and engineering staff and 25 support staff and has at present eight experimental research lines (ATLAS, ALICE, LHCb, Gravitational Waves, Dark Matter, Neutrino Telescopes, Cosmic Rays and electron Electric Dipole Moment), and in addition research lines on Theoretical Physics, Detector R&D and Physics Data Processing, supporting the experimental effort. The FOM-institute Nikhef is located in the Amsterdam Science Park.
CV of key personnel

Prof. dr. Maarten the Jong (m) is a leading scientist in the field of neutrino astronomy. He has been project leader at CERN (19971999), Nikhef team leader (19992012), work package coordinator in the Design Study of KM3NeT (20062009), deputy spokesperson of ANTARES (20062008), and currently is the spokesperson of KM3NeT (2013now). In this last capacity he has been responsible for consolidating of the position of KM3NeT 2.0 on the 2016 ESFRI Roadmap.

Maarten de Jong is the inventor of the “All-data-to-shore” concept which was pioneered in ANTARES and is the standard in KM3NeT. Maarten de Jong has developed the software algorithms that yield the world’s best direction and energy resolution of charged-current interactions of muon neutrinos (the primary signal for neutrino astronomy with KM3NeT).

Relevant publications

  • M. de Jong et al., Final results from a search for νμ→ντ oscillations with the CHORUS experiment Nucl. Phys. B 793 (2008) 326-343;

  • M. de Jong et al., Measurement of nucleon structure functions in neutrino scattering Phys. Lett. B 632 (2006) 65-75;

  • M. de Jong et al., The prototype detection unit of the KM3NeT detector Eur. Phys. J. C (2016) 76:1-12;

  • M. de Jong et al., ANTARES constrains a blazar origin of two IceCube PeV neutrino events A&A Lett. 576 (2015) L8;

  • M. de Jong et al., High-energy Neutrino follow-up search of Gravitational Wave Candidate G184098 accepted by Phys Rev D22;

Relevant infrastructure

Nikhef has three technical departments together comprising 75 fte: Mechanic Technology (MT), Electronics Technology (ET) and Computing Technology (CT). Nikhef is equipped with state-of-the-art tools and equipment for engineering design optimization (3D CAD,  FE calculations, material studies, thermal modelling, electromagnetic shielding, etc.), production of mechanical sub-assemblies (such as 5-axis CNC milling machines, welding, 3D metrology), processing of microelectronics wafers (clean-rooms, bonding machines, an electron microscope), analogue, digital and mixed-signal electronics and micro-electronics design, production and testing (Mentor Graphics, HDL works EASE, Cadence, Synopsys, signal generators and analyzers, optical labs, irradiation facilities, etc.). Nikhef’s datacenter hosts an LHC Tier-1 facility and is a colocation for the  Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX), housing about 130 different customers.

Nikhef also hosts the Particle and Astro-particle track of the Physics Master of the universities of Amsterdam.
Partner Role

4.1.2 Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (National Centre for Scientific Research) is a government-funded research organization, under the administrative authority of France's Ministry of Research. CNRS's annual budget represents a quarter of French public spending on civilian research. As the largest fundamental research organization in Europe, CNRS carried out research in almost all fields of knowledge, through its eight research institutes : Mathematics (INSMI), Physics (INP), Chemistry (INC); Biological Sciences (INSB); Humanities and Social Sciences (INSHS); Ecology

and Environment (INEE); Engineering and Systems (INSIS); Information Sciences (INS2I); and its two national institutes: the National Institute of Earth Sciences and Astronomy (INSU); and the National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3).

Its own laboratories as well as those it maintains jointly with universities, other research organizations, or industry are located throughout France, but also overseas with international joint laboratories located in several countries. Measured by the amount of human and material resources it commits to scientific research or by the great range of disciplines in which its scientists carry on their work, the CNRS is clearly the hub of research activity in France. It is also an important breeding ground for scientific and technological innovation.

The institute of the CNRS concerned with this proposal is the IN2P3 (National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics). The researchers and engineers are deployed in mixed research units, UMR (usually laboratories) where they work together with researcher lecturers employed by the University system.

IN2P3 (National institute of nuclear and particle physics)
Founded in 1971, the aim of the National institute of nuclear and particle physics (IN2P3) of the CNRS is to promote and unify research activities in the fields of nuclear physics, particle and astroparticle physics. It coordinates programmes within these fields on behalf of the CNRS and universities, in partnership with CEA. The goal of this research is to explore the physics of elementary particles,

their fundamental interactions and the manner in which they assemble into atomic nuclei, to study the properties of these nuclei and to explore the connections between the infinitely small and the infinitely large. Whilst these main themes represent the core of the discipline, IN2P3 also has several

additional vocations: enabling other scientific domains to benefit from its competencies and solving certain problems posed by society, and accompanying universities in contributing to youngsters’ training. IN2P3 is also responsible for running several major national facilities including particle

accelerators. It also supports several international facilities (e.g. CERN, EGO/VIRGO,...). As the experiments require significant investments in terms of financing and personnel, from the outset the Institute took the structure of a limited number of large laboratories and Infrastructures or technological

platforms in order to facilitate the pooling and optimization of its resources and competencies. IN2P3 also shares with the CNRS/INSU Institute for Astrophysics the support to some projects in Astrophysics and Cosmology. CNRS, together with CEA-IRFU, fund almost all national e-Infrastructures for these domains. The CC-IN2P3 (Centre de Calcul de l’IN2P3), the National Computing Centre of the IN2P3 Institute provides data archive and computing resources for many of

astroparticle physics experiments: AMS, ANTARES, H.E.S.S., VIRGO, Fermi. It supports the future major projects such as KM3NeT, CTA, EUCLID and LSST. It provide computing resources also to research projects in other fields such as biology and life science, humanity and social science.

CPPM (Center for Particle Physics of Marseille)
CPPM is a mixed research laboratory (UMR6550) supported by the CNRS/IN2P3 and the University of Aix-Marseille (University of Aix-Marseille has no person/months and will not claim any costs in the project). The principal activity of the laboratory is fundamental research in particle physics, astroparticles physics and in observational cosmology. The CPPM is the host laboratory for the ANTARES neutrino telescope and is also responsible for one of the installation sites of the KM3NeT RI.
CV of key personnel
Paschal Coyle (m) is a Director of Research, CNRS, at the CPPM. He has worked on particle physics experiments at the SLAC (SLD) and CERN (WA69, ALEPH) accelerators. Since 2000 he has been involved in the ANTARES deep sea neutrino telescope and during 2008-2014 was the SpokesPerson of the Collaboration. Coyle represented the IN2P3 during the Design Study and Preparatory Phases of the KM3NeT project and was a key contributor in proposing and managing these projects. He is currently the Deputy SpokesPerson of the KM3NeT Collaboration. He has published over 350 papers related to particle physics and neutrino astronomy.
Relevant publications

  • Coyle P., et al. (2011). ANTARES: the first undersea neutrino telescope. Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A656 pp.11-38, 10.1016/j.nima.2011.06.103

  • Coyle P., et al. (2014). Searches for Point-like and extended neutrino sources close to the Galactic Centre using the ANTARES neutrino Telescope. Astrophys.J. Vol. 786, L5, DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/786/1/L5

  • Coyle P., et al. (2012). The ANTARES Telescope Neutrino Alert System, Astropart. Phys. Vol. 35, pp 530-536, DOI: 10.1016/j.astropartphys.2011.11.011

  • Coyle P., et al. (2010). KM3NeT: The technical design report for a deep-sea research infrastructure in the Mediterranean Sea Incorporating a very large volume neutrino telescope. KM3NeT website

  • Coyle P., et al. (2013). Detection Potential of the KM3NeT Detector for High-Energy Neutrinos from the Fermi Bubbles. Astropart. Phys. Vol. 42, pp 7-14 DOI: 10.1016/j.astropartphys.2012.11.010

Partner Role
4.1.3 FAU - ECAP

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) is one of the largest universities in Germany. With its five faculties, FAU offers an almost unique scope of subjects ranging from the Humanities to Law and Economics as well as Sciences, Medicine and Engineering. FAU offers perfect conditions for interdisciplinary research and learning to students and scientists alike. Moreover, over the last decades, the University has established its reputation as a top-ranking institution in cutting-edge research. It is firmly anchored in a close network of interdisciplinary co-operations. These include partners from industry, specialized non-university research centres and a number of leading international universities.

In 2007, the Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP) was founded as a focus research centre of the FAU. ECAP encompasses the working groups of eleven professors with over hundred scientists. An electronics and a mechanics workshop with more than twenty engineers and technicians support the research. ECAP has rapidly developed to become the largest astroparticle site of all German universities. ECAP combines expertise in the fields of neutrino, TeV gamma, X-ray and optical astronomy as well as development of novel detectors. It is a major player in: neutrino astronomy, with strong participations in ANTARES, IceCube, KM3NeT and acoustic detection; gamma-ray astronomy with a major participation in H.E.S.S. and the future CTA project; X-ray astronomy. The scientists at ECAP have long-standing, leading expertise in construction and operation of large-scale experiments and in their scientific exploitation (data analysis and interpretation). The neutrino astronomy group at ECAP comprises about 20 members and is providing major contributions to KM3NeT in the fields of simulation and physics studies, software development and management, component test and assembly, and data analysis.
CV of key personnel

Uli Katz (m) holds a chair in experimental physics (astroparticle physics) at ECAP. His fields of expertise are astroparticle physics, particle physics, and detector development. Currently his main activity is on high-energy neutrino and gamma astronomy. He is physics and software coordinator of the KM3NeT collaboration and member of the KM3NeT project management team. In addition he is member of ANTARES, IceCube, CTA, H.E.S.S. and the Particle Data Group. He acts as a referee for diverse journals, and as advisor for the German BMBF, MPG, HGF and Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation as well as for international organisations such as NWO (NL), FWO (BE), MIUR (IT), GIF (IL), Croatea (HR) and the EU. In the years 2005-2012 he was a member of the APPEC peer review committee and the ASPERA Scientific Advisory Committee. He coordinated the EU-funded KM3NeT Design Study (FP6, 2006-2010) and the work packages Data and Control and User Support and Impact Assessment in the KM3NeT Preparatory Phase project (FP7, 2008-2012).
Bibliometric data: 278 published papers, >20,600 citations, h-index 75 (,
4 June 2016)

  • Relevant publications

  • Comparison of ZEUS data with standard model predictions for ep→eX scattering at high x and Q2, ZEUS Coll., Z. Phys. C74 (1997) 207-220

  • KM3NeT: Towards a km3 Mediterranean Neutrino Telescope, U. Katz, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A567 (2006) 457-461

  • AMADEUS - The Acoustic Neutrino Detection Test System of the ANTARES Deep-Sea Neutrino Telescope, ANTARES Coll., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A626-627 (2011) 128-143

  • High-Energy Neutrino Astrophysics: Status and Perspectives, U. Katz and Ch. Spiering, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 67 (2012) 651-704

  • KM3NeT 2.0 Letter of Intent for ARCA and ORCA, KM3NeT Coll., arXiv:1601.07459 [astro-ph.IM], to be published in J. Phys. G

Relevant previous projects

  • ANTARES neutrino telescope collaboration, PI of FAU group

  • KM3NeT Design Study in FP6 (Coordinator)

  • KM3NeT Preparatory Phase in FP7 (WP coordinator)

  • KM3NeT Phase-1 collaboration (Physics and software coordinator, member of management team)

Relevant infrastructure
ECAP offers a significant IT infrastructure and access to high-performance computing through the local computer centre.
Partner Role

4.1.4 UV (University of Valencia) - IFIC
IFIC (Instituto de Física Corpuscular) in the largest Spanish research centre on particle physics. It is a joint institute of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the University of Valencia (legal entity for this proposal) and counts more than 180 scientists. It has been recently awarded the label "Excellence Severo Ochoa” (which entails a grant of 4 M€ along four years) for selected high-level research centres in Spain (only three HEP centres in Spain have been awarded this grant). It has a highly international profile, with participation at several experiments at CERN, KEK, FNAL, RIKEN and GSI and others: KM3NeT, NEXT, T2K, etc. More than 15% of its permanent scientific staff and more than 50% of the temporary personnel are not Spanish.
The University of Valencia offers degrees in all fields of knowledge, including basic and experimental science, engineering, health, humanities, economic and legal science). More than 20% of the 4300 doctoral program students are foreigners. Its scientific production is large, with about 3000 research papers in the Web of Science Index. Both the Department of Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics and the Department of Theoretical Physics participate in IFIC. The University of Valencia is also deeply involved in the H2020 program (and in the former European Framework Programs) and has a specific office to provide support to researchers for European and other international calls.
CV of key personnel
Juan de Dios Zornoza (m) is a senior researcher at the IFIC, principal investigator of its ANTARES-KM3NeT group and coordinator of the Spanish groups in these collaborations. He has a long experience in the main neutrino telescopes in the world, including a PhD in ANTARES, a two-year postdoc period in AMANDA and IceCube (at Madison-WI with a Marie Curie Fellowship) and five-year postdoc plus three-year tenure-track periods in ANTARES and KM3NeT.
He has been in charge of several responsibilities in these collaborations both at the level of Coordinator of Working Groups (Calibration, Point Sources in ANTARES; Time Calibration in KM3NeT) and at the level of management (Chairman of Conference Committee, member of Publication Committee, Institution Board in ANTARES; member of Publication Committee, Institution Board, Resource Review Board in KM3NeT). He is currently the Coordinator of the Dark Matter and & Exotics Physics working group in ANTARES. He is also coordinator of the Neutrino Working Group in the Spanish MultiDark program for coordination of theoretical and experimental efforts on dark matter in Spain.

He is the supervisor of five PhD thesis devoted to these experiments (three of them on-going). Two of them are directly related with the project of which he is responsible in this proposal. JD. Zornoza has also participated as speaker in more than 40 international conferences and international schools on this topic and has been member of the scientific committee or convener in several of them. He has also organized two international workshops on the interplay of different dark matter detectors in the last two years.

Relevant publications

  • “Limits on Dark Matter Annihilation in the Sun using the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope “, ANTARES Collaboration (S. Adrian-Martinez (Valencia, Polytechnic U.) et al.). Mar 7, 2016. 6 pp. Published in Phys.Lett. B759 (2016) 69-74 DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2016.05.019, e-Print: arXiv:1603.02228

  • “A search for Secluded Dark Matter in the Sun with the ANTARES neutrino telescope “, ANTARES Collaboration (S. Adrián-Martínez (Valencia, Polytechnic U.) et al.). Feb 22, 2016. 18 pp. Published in JCAP 1605 (2016) no.05, 016 DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2016/05/016, e-Print: arXiv:1602.07000

  • “Search of Dark Matter Annihilation in the Galactic Centre using the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope” ANTARES Collaboration (S. Adrian-Martinez (Valencia, Polytechnic U.) et al.). May 19, 2015. 26 pp. Published in JCAP 1510 (2015) no.10, 068 DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2015/10/068, e-Print: arXiv:1505.04866

  • First results on dark matter annihilation in the Sun using the ANTARES neutrino telescope ANTARES Collaboration (S. Adrian-Martinez (Valencia, Polytechnic U.) et al.). Feb 26, 2013. Published in JCAP 1311 (2013) 032 DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2013/11/032, e-Print: arXiv:1302.6516

  • Search for Relativistic Magnetic Monopoles with the ANTARES Neutrino Telescope ANTARES Collaboration (S. Adrian-Martinez (Valencia, Polytechnic U.) et al.). Oct 2011. 7 pp. Published in Astropart.Phys. 35 (2012) 634-640 DOI: 10.1016/j.astropartphys.2012.02.007 e-Print: arXiv:1110.2656

Relevant projects

  • As Principal Investigator (and Coordinator of the Spanish Groups): “Spanish participation in ANTARES, KM3NeT-ORCA/ARCA and PDG”, Reference: FPA2015-65150-C3-1-P, Funding: 249,500 €, Period: 2016-2018, Funding Agency: Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Competitiveness

  • As Marie Curie Fellow: “Data Analysis in AMANDA and MonteCarlo simulations in IceCube”,

    • Reference: MOIF-CT-2005, Contract nb. 7921 (Marie Curie Outgoing Fellowship), Funding: 255,187€, Period: 2005-2008, Funding Agency: European Commission,

  • As participant:

    • “MultiDark (Multi-messenger Method for Dark Matter Detection”, Reference: CSD2009-00064 (Consolider Program), Funding: 3.200.000 €, Period: 2010-2015, PI: Carlos Muñoz, Co-coordinator of the Neutrino Working Group: J.D. Zornoza, Funding Agency: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

    • “Participation of IFIC in the ANTARES and KM3NeT neutrino telescopes” Reference: FPA2012-37528-C02-01, Funding: 237.510 €, Period: 2013-2016, PI: Juan José Hernández-Rey, Funding Agency: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

    • “KM3NeT - Preparatory Phase for a Deep Facility in the Mediterranean for Neutrino Astronomy and Assciated Sciences”, Ref: 212525, Funding: 147,000 € (IFIC share), Period: 2008-2011, PI: Juan José Hernández-Rey, Funding Agency: European Commission

Relevant infrastructure

The University of Valencia and the IFIC in particular offers a long list of services associated to large educational/research centers. For instance, at IFIC there are well equipped laboratories, including a Clean Room, a Mechanics workshop and Electronics workshop, which have been operating for several experiments (LHC-related, KM3NeT, NEXT, etc.) for many years. For the WP of which IFIC is responsible, the most relevant infrastructure is the GRID for distributed computing for data analysis of the experiments in which IFIC participates. It is a Tier-2 center which at present includes 10300 HS06 of CPU y 1400 TB of storage capacity. There is also a plan for continuous renewal of the equipment. The use of this infrastructure, will allow, as it has been the case in the past, to process large quantities of data and simulated events.

Partner Role
4.1.5 INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
The National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) is the Italian research agency dedicated to the study of the fundamental constituents of matter and the laws that govern them. It conducts theoretical and experimental research in the fields of subnuclear, nuclear and astroparticle physics. INFN is organised in 20 Divisions and four national laboratories and acts under the supervision of the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR). As of today INFN employs some 5,000 scientists whose work is recognised internationally not only for their contribution to various European laboratories, but also to numerous research centres worldwide. All of the INFN’s research activities are undertaken within in close collaboration with Italian universities on the basis of solid academic partnerships. 

Concerning astroparticles, INFN has a wide range of activities, including neutrino physics, Cosmic Ray physics, Gravitational Waves, Dark Matter searches and study of rare processes. In the field of neutrino astronomy INFN designed and operated the detectors for the NEMO pilot project and participates in Antares and KM3NeT. INFN has been partner with leading roles of the KM3NeT Design Study and Preparatory Phase EU projects, coordinating the latter.

CV of key personnel
Paolo Piattelli (m) is research staff member at Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (INFN). Has worked in the field of nuclear physics and in particular in the study of the reaction mechanisms induced by heavy ions at intermediate energy and properties of hot nuclear matter. Since 1999 his activity has been focused on high-energy neutrino astronomy with underwater Cherenkov detectors, taking part in the Italian NEMO initiative and in the Antares experiments. He has participated in KM3NeT since the formation of the consortium in 2006.
Relevant publications

  • Abyssal undular vortices in the Eastern Mediterranean basin, A. Rubino et al., Nature Communications 3 (2012) 834

  • Underwater neutrino telescopes: Detectors for astro-particle physics and a gateway for deep-sea laboratories, E. Migneco, P. Piattelli and G. Riccobene, in “Seafloor Observatories, A New Vision of the Earth from the Abyss” Springer Praxis Book (2015), pag. 23 ISBN 978-3-642-11373-4

  • The prototype detection unit of the KM3NeT detector, S. Adrian-Martinez et al., European Physics Journal C, 74 (2016) 3056

  • Long term monitoring of the optical background in the Capo Passero deep-sea site with the NEMO tower prototype, S. Adrian-Martinez et al., European Physics Journal C, 76 (2016) 68

  • KM3NeT 2.0 Letter of Intent for ARCA and ORCA, KM3NeT Coll., arXiv:1601.07459 [astro-ph.IM], to be published in J. Phys. G

Partner Role

(1)4.1.6 NCSR Demokritos

The National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos” (NCSRD) is the largest multidisciplinary research center in Greece, ranked among the best in Europe, with high level expertise and advanced infrastructure in the fields of Astroparticle, Particle and Nuclear Physics, Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, Energy & Environment, Biosciences, Informatics & Telecommunications. It is an autonomous legal entity under public law and is supervised by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT), preserving its administrative and financial independence. Research activities are currently coordinated by five Research Institutes: Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications, Institute of Biosciences and Applications, Institute of Nuclear & Radiological Sciences & Technology, Energy & Safety, Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.

Highly-qualified personnel conduct world-class basic and applied research to promote science and innovation in selected areas of national importance. Research at the Center is carried out at EU level through its participation in European research projects, networks of excellence and technology platforms. NCSRD success in peer reviewed R&D funded programmes represents one of the strongest endorsements of its R&D competence and reflects its world-class standing. At a national level, the expertise and infrastructure of NCSRD are unique in Greece, which makes its role also exceptional in developing novel technologies, transferring technology and know-how to the industry and developing human potential.

The Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics is the main Greek partner in KM3NeT, with the Astroparticle Physics group active in all aspects of the project. The group comprises of about 12 persons, including senior physicists, post-doctoral researchers, postgraduate students and technicians. INPP is the owner of the KM3NeT-GR installation site in Pylos, southwest Peloponnese.

NCSRD plays a pivotal role in postgraduate education and professional training, provides customized high-technology services to the public and private sectors, operates the Scientific & Technological Park of Attica “Leukippos” and an Innovation Exhibition, and has a fully equipped Congress Center to support research and entrepreneurial networking activities. Last but not least, it has recently initiated the implementation of a plan to establish an Innovation and Entrepreneurship hub, namely the Metropolitan Innovation Campus of Attica, through integrating local research and industrial stakeholders.

After more than 50 years of operation, NCSR "Demokritos" has excellent credentials in research, technological innovation, education and training, scientific know-how, laboratory infrastructure and expertise, internationally recognised personnel, high impact publications, patent development and spin-off creation.

CV of key personnel
Christos Markou (m) is Director of Research in the Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics of NCSR Demokritos. He is an experimental physicist with expertise in Astroparticle physics, particle physics, scientific computing, and detector development. He is the Astroparticle physics group leader in INPP, member of the Publication committee of KM3NeT. He has led and coordinated various research projects funded by national and European funds. More recently he was Principal Investigator in the GRBNeT project funded by NSRF in Greece. He has been actively involved in distributed computing projects, such as EGEE (I, II, III), Crossgrid and HellasGrid. He is member of the Greek CERN committee of the Greek Ministry of Education, and member of the Scientific Advisory board of INPP. He has supervised several Ph.D. and Master theses. In the past he has been member of several particle physics experiments, namely UA1, ZEUS, ALPEH and CMS.
A complete list of publications can be found at:
Relevant publications

  • KM3NeT: Towards a cubic kilometre volume neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean sea, C. Markou, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A595 (2008), p.54

  • GRBNeT – A prototype for an autonomous underwater neutrino detector
    K. Pikounis, C. Markou, et al, EPJ Web Conf. 116 (2016) 09004

  • Energy reconstruction of high energy muon and neutrino events in KM3NeT
    KM3NeT Collaboration E. Drakopoulou, et al, EPJ Web Conf. 116 (2016) 02001

  • The prototype detection unit of the KM3NeT detector
    KM3NeT Collaboration (S. Adrián-Martínez et al, Eur.Phys.J. C76 (2016) no.2, 54

  • KM3NeT 2.0 Letter of Intent for ARCA and ORCA, KM3NeT collaboration,

arXiv:1601.07459[astro-ph.IM], to be published in J. Phys. G
Relevant projects

  • KM3NeT design study in FP6

  • KM3NeT preparatory phase in FP7

  • GRBNeT project, PI, project coordinator

  • KM3NeT Phase-1, PI of the NCSR group

Relevant infrastructure

NCSR is the owner of the KM3NeT-GR installation site in Pylos, including on-shore facilities, mechanical workshops, electronics workshops and assembly areas. In the Athens site, NCSR offers significant IT infrastructure and access to the local computing facilities.

Partner Role

Participation in the overall Project Management & Coordination; WP leader of WP9 and WP10; NCSR Demokritos will also participate in WP3 and WPxxx

4.2. Third parties involved in the project (including use of third party resources)

Please complete, for each participant, the following table (or simply state “No third parties involved”, if applicable):

There are no third parties involved.

Section 5: Ethics and security

5.1 Ethics
There are no ethical issues associated with the KM3NeT2.0 project or its programme of activities.
5.2 Security1
There are no security issues associated with the KM3NeT2.0 project or its programme of activities.

More specifically:

  • activities or results raising security issues: No

  • ‘EU-classified information' as background or results: No

1 Article 37.1 of the Model Grant Agreement: Before disclosing results of activities raising security issues to a third party (including affiliated entities), a beneficiary must inform the coordinator which must request written approval from the Commission/Agency. Article 37.2: Activities related to classified deliverables’ must comply with the security requirementsuntil they are declassified. Action tasks related to classified deliverables may not be subcontracted without prior explicit written approval from the Commission/Agency. The beneficiaries must inform the coordinator which must immediately inform the Commission/Agency of any changes in the security context and if necessary request for Annex 1 to be amended (see Article 55

KM3NeT2.0 Part B2

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