Space Debris/Ozone da 1 debris disad 2

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Space Debris/Ozone DA

Space Debris/Ozone DA 1


Debris DA 1NC (1/2): 3

Debris DA 1NC (2/2): 4

Debris UQ 5

Debris UQ—AT: Inevitable 6

Debris UQ—AT:Inevitable— Russia 8

Debris Link—Generic 9

Debris Link—Space Weapons 10

Debris Link—Space Weapons 11

Debris Link—Space Weapons 12

Debris Link—SPS 14

Debris Impact—Brink 15

Debris Impact—Hegemony 16

Debris Impact—Economy 19

Debris Impact—Miscalculation 20

Debris Impact—Satellites Module 22

Debris Impact—Turns Case (Space Unusable) 23

Debris Impact—Space Good: Economy 24

Debris Impact—XTN: Space Good—Economy 25

Debris Impact—Space Good: Hegemony 26

***OZONE DISAD*** 27

Ozone Disad 1NC 28

Ozone—UQ 30

Ozone—UQ Link 32

Ozone Link—Generic 33

Ozone Link—Generic 34

Ozone Link—Generic (Climate) 35

Ozone Link—SPS 36

Ozone Impact—Extinction 37

Ozone Impact—Biodiversity 38

Ozone Impact—Bees 40


Aff—Debris Inevitable 42

Aff—Debris Inevitable 43

Aff—Alt Causes 44


Debris DA 1NC (1/2):

Debris decreasing now

Nield ’11 (Dr. George C., an associate administrator at the Commercial Space Transportation Federal Aviation Administration, “Fiscal 2012 Budget: Commercial Space Transportation” Committee on House Science, Space and Technology Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, Lexis)
The Administration's 2010 National Space Policy establishes specific goals to strengthen stability in space by, among other things, promoting safe and responsible operations in space. This will require steps such as collecting and monitoring detailed knowledge of the orbital environment, and the sharing of that information with a variety of space actors. It will also be important to continue taking steps to minimize the creation of orbital debris and otherwise help preserve the space environment for responsible, peaceful, and safe activities by all users. Over time, the FAA will play a central role in developing and enhancing our nation's capacity to conduct such efforts, along with the Departments of Defense, State, and Commerce; the Office of the Director of National Intelligence; NASA; and the Federal Communications Commission. This collaboration will provide global benefits.

1. First, results in accidental nuclear wars due to misperception

Ritchie 82 (David, IT Business Relationship Manager at SELEX S&AS, Spacewar,
Perhaps the greatest danger posed by the militarization of space is that of war by accident. At any given time, several thousand satellites and other pieces of equipment -- spent booster stages and the like -- are circling the earth, most of them in low orbit. The space immediately above the atmosphere has begun to resemble an expressway at rush hour. It is not uncommon for satellites to miss each other by only a kilometer or two, and satellites crashing into each other may explain some of the mysterious incidents in which space vehicles simply vanish from the skies. One civillian TV satellite has been lost in space; it never entered its intended orbit, and no signals were heard from it to indicate where it might have gone. Collision with something else in space seems a reasonable explanation of this disappearance. Even a tiny fragment of metal striking a satellite at a relative velocity of a few kilometers per second would wreck the satellite, ripping through it like a Magnum slug through a tin can. Now suppose that kind of mishap befell a military satellite -- in the worst possible situation, during a time of international tension with all players in the spacewar game braced for attacks on their spacecraft. The culpable fragment might be invisible from the ground; even something as small and light as a paper clip could inflict massive damage on a satellite at high velocity. Unaware of the accident, a less than cautious leader might interpret it as a preconceived attack. Wars have begun over smaller incidents.

Debris DA 1NC (2/2):

2. turns case—Debris will close off space

Broad ‘7 (William J., a senior writer, February 6, “Orbiting Junk, Once a Nuisance, Is Now a Threat”, New York Times,

If nothing is done, a kind of orbital crisis might ensue that is known as the Kessler Syndrome, after Mr. Kessler. A staple of science fiction, it holds that the space around Earth becomes so riddled with junk that launchings are almost impossible. Vehicles that entered space would quickly be destroyed.

Debris UQ

Mitigation of debris happening now

Hertzfeld ’11 (Henry R., research Professor, Space Policy and International Affairs at George Washington University, May 5, “Fiscal 2012 Budget: Commercial Space Transportation” Committee on House Science, Space and Technology Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, Lexis)

Finally, IADC Guidelines on Space Debris Mitigation are voluntary rules with no specific enforcement provisions. However, some of the recommended guidelines have become enforceable through enactment of specific legislation and agency regulations in the United States.

Debris isn’t high now, only a nuisance

Moore ‘09 (Mike, Independent Institute Research Fellow, February 22, “SPACE JUNK IT'S BEEN A NUISANCE; IT SOON MAY BECOME A NIGHTMARE,” Pittsburgh Post Gazette,

And yet, no one was harmed. Space is a big place, isn't it? The reports noted that there were already thousands of pieces of space junk large enough to be tracked and catalogued. Nonetheless, no one has ever been harmed by a bit of space garbage. At the moment, the amount of debris in "low-Earth orbit" -- the region of space that extends a few hundred miles above the atmosphere -- is merely a nuisance. The United States tracks objects in space and shares the data with the world. Satellite handlers based in many countries use the data to slightly alter the course of their birds if a collision seems possible.

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