Spartan Speak Newsletter

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Spartan Speak Newsletter
Lorne Park Secondary School - 1324 Lorne Park Road – Mississauga ON L5H 3B1 - 905-278-6177

Website: - Facebook: Lorne Park Secondary - Twitter: @Lorne Park News

November 2014

Principal's Message

Dear Parents,

We publish our first Spartan Speak at mid-term semester one. You therefore should have received a copy of the semester one mid-term report card. This is the first report card with numerical grades this year.
I would strongly encourage you to take the time to review the results reported, including the learning skills and comments – along with the grades, with your child. If you have concerns regarding your child’s progress, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher to discuss which supports can be put in place. Hopefully you had an opportunity to make that initial contact on Parent’s Night last month. Parents of grade 9 students, as this is the first high school report, I would encourage you even more to be making that contact.
As we move into November students should be settling into the routine of the life of the school and communication is one of the ways that we should be making sure that families are keeping abreast of the progress of their child. Concerns regarding progress, attendance, motivation or engagement can and should be addressed to the subject teacher, counsellor and/or Vice Principal.
There are several developments that I wish to inform you of as we move into this year.
First, our newly introduced programs here at Lorne Park, the Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) in Sport and the Advanced Placement (or AP). The SHSM program begins in grade 11 and provides an opportunity for students to ‘test drive’ a career related to sport, health care related to sport, business related to sport or any other variation on this theme. In addition to receiving recognition on their diploma that they have completed this program, students receive training and certification in First Aid, CPR, an opportunity to do a CO-OP placement in their area of interest as well as exposure to professionals working in these fields. Contact Ms Malo in our Student Services Department or Ms Noon in Physical Education for more information.
The AP is a program that will challenge students academically to write the Advanced Placement exam in any one of a number of different subject areas. These exams are usually written in a student’s final year, although some students have challenged the exams in grades as early as grade 9. The benefits of preparing for an AP exam is that students first address the challenge of mastering material at a level just above the regular gr. 12 academic curriculum. In preparing for these exams, in collaborative study groups with the support of staff (outside of regular classes), students develop organizational and time management skills that prepare them well for the rigours of post-secondary study. Universities report that students who are successful on AP exams usually do better in their transition to university. The exams are externally set and marked. They are written here at LP under staff supervision. Results are scored on a scale from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest). Students who score a three or better can receive credit for first year post-secondary programming from universities and proceed directly to second year programming. There is a nominal fee that covers the shipping of the exams and their marking. If a student does not do well on an exam, they have the option of not having the grade reported (‘suppressing the grade’). Students can write the exam more than once (i.e. a student writes an exam in their third year of high school, does not do well, suppresses the grade and writes the same exam the next year). For more information on the AP, you can go to their website ( or contact the AP coordinator here at Lorne Park, Mr. MacKay.
This semester we will be making a change in the way semester end exams will be written. In the past, exams were scheduled so that all the students wrote a particular subject examination on the same day at the same time. Exams were also written in both the morning and afternoon of the same day. It was possible that a student could therefore wind up writing two exams on the same day. We will be moving to a system where students will be writing the exam for the course on a day scheduled to correspond to the period of the day that they took the course, for example if the class was scheduled for period 2 of the timetable (on a day 1) then the exam would be written on the second day of the exam schedule. This will result in students only ever writing one exam per day. Students will write in the classroom they took the class in and will be supervised by the teacher who taught them the course. The majority of students in Peel high schools now write their final evaluations using this format, and LP adopting this process, levels the playing field for our students.
Even though we have been in school for two months, there are already a number of significant achievements to report to the school community. Our sports teams (women’s basketball, field hockey, flag football, men’s volleyball and football, co-ed cross country) have all got their seasons well under way.
In the Arts the bands and vocal programs have begun their preparations for upcoming performances. In visual arts, we are beginning to put on display student work in the Main Office and Library. Many of the clubs are up and running as well as the Students Administrative Council (SAC) have sponsored a number of successful events (Terry Fox Run, Talent Show, Halloween and spirit events).
I am looking forward to a successful year here at LP and this is achievable especially when we have regular communication between the school and the home. Please take the opportunity to contact your child’s teacher, Counsellor or Vice Principal should have a question or concern.
Peter Hill



Nov. 19th

Early Release Day

Nov. 20th

Last day for students to drop a course

Nov. 27th

Vocal Night

Nov. 28th

Meningococcal Immunization Clinic

Dec. 2nd

School Council Meeting – 7 pm

Dec. 4th

Football Banquet

Dec. 11th

Music Night

Dec. 22nd to Jan. 2nd

Winter Break

Jan. 5th

Classes resume

Jan. 6th

School Council Meeting – 7 pm

Jan. 8th

Art Show


Gr. 9 Math EQAO

Jan. 22-28

Final Exams

Jan. 29th

Turnaround Day (no classes)

Jan. 30th

First day of semester 2

Feb. 5th

Final Report Cards go home

Next edition of Spartan Speak

Your School Council Representatives:
Parent Representatives:
Co-Chairs: Alberto Calva

Rose Piacentino

Secretary: Anita Campo
Treasurer: Shabana Ullah
Member: Elaine Bonin
Principal: Peter Hill

Teacher Rep.: Peter Lougheed

Support Staff Rep: Catherine Meaden

Student Reps: Ben Stewart &

Lauren DeSouza

Council met on October 7th, and November 4th. Monthly meetings will continue to be held on the first Tuesday of each month. Meetings commence at 7 pm sharp in the Library of LPSS. Everyone is welcome!
Our next meeting will be on Tues. December 2nd.

Meetings include reports from the Principal, Student Council, previous business and new business. There is also time allocated for questions from parents in attendance or communications sent to the school for School Council attention. The meeting minutes will be posted on the School Council website:

Counsellor's Corner

Course Selection

Course Selection will begin Friday, November 21. Students will use the myBlueprint program to select their courses for next year. The success of each student relates directly to the appropriateness of the program he or she has chosen. We encourage our students to speak with their counsellor to discuss any program concerns they may have. Please be aware that each counsellor works with a large number of students. At this busy time it may be a longer than normal wait for an appointment. Do not worry. We will see all students and address their needs.

Listed below are some guidelines to help make this process run as smoothly as possible.

Responsibilities of the Guidance Counsellors:

  1. Meet with students in group settings to present grade appropriate course selection information. This will take place November 17 and 18 for grades 9–11 and November 20 for grade 12.

  2. Post the grade specific PowerPoint Presentations on the Lorne Park website.

  3. Meet with students upon their request to discuss the appropriateness of their choices.

  4. Allow students to make change-of-mind course changes until June 1. Please see, Students Requesting Timetable Changes, in the student handbook a for a description of the process.

Responsibilities of the Parents:

  1. Be involved in your child’s Course Selection Process by viewing the online PowerPoint Presentations and reading the course descriptions posted on the myBlueprint course selection site.

  2. Review the courses selected by your son or daughter to determine if they address your son or daughter's learning style.

  3. Encourage your son or daughter to do their research.

  4. Contact your son or daughter's Guidance Counsellor to discuss your programming concerns. Do not wait until September. It may be too late to accommodate necessary programming needs. Do keep in mind though, we realize life is not perfect and things happen over the summer - things we cannot foresee. Please do call us the last week of August to discuss these types of issues.

Responsibilities of the Student:

  1. Attend the group presentations given by the Guidance Counsellors during the week of November 17 - 21. If you are absent, view the PowerPoint Presentation under Student Services on the Lorne Park website.

  2. Attend the course selection information fair on November 21 to get information about the courses being offered for next year.

  3. Speak to the teachers to find out what topics are being studied. Be aware of your interests, learning styles and strengths. Choose courses that address your strengths and not your weaknesses. If you do not enjoy working in groups or making presentations then do not choose courses that require these skill sets.

  4. Grade 10 and 11 students should begin their postsecondary research to determine university and college program requirements. Be sure you select the appropriate prerequisite courses.

  5. Make an appointment to see your counsellor if you have concerns about your program, your level of study or if you need postsecondary information. Remember to address all of your concerns before June 1st.

Help us help your child realize his or her dreams for the future.

Semester 2 Course Change Protocol

Students must see a counsellor to discuss all course changes. Students who need to make any changes to their semester 2 program have until January 15 to discuss the change with their counsellor. This course change information is written in the student handbook.

University Applications

Graduating students will be notified by the Guidance Office as soon as their Access Codes from the Ontario University Application Centre (OUAC) arrive sometime in late November. Once students have their Access Codes they may apply to Ontario universities on-line at . Students will also be given an instruction sheet on the university application process. An application tutorial will be held for interested students during a lunch session in early December. The deadline for applying to Ontario universities is January 14th, 2015. Students are encouraged to apply early as the processing of the applications becomes slow near the deadline date due to volume of use.

College Applications

Students interested in applying to Ontario colleges must apply online at Applicants are reminded that they must have their O.E.N. (Ontario Education Number) to apply to an Ontario college. The O.E.N. number is listed on the student report card or ID card. Access to the online college application can be found at When a student completes an online application, an application number will be assigned to them electronically. This number is a unique identifier that enables Ontario College Application Service (OCAS) to track their application so they are advised to make note of it and keep it in a safe place. A payment of $95 must accompany a student application. Students are encouraged to check college websites and calendars for program-specific admission requirements. Links

to colleges can be found at Students may select up to five programs with no more than three program choices at any one college. Applicants should list their choices in order of preference. Deadline to apply is February 1, 2015 for equal consideration.
Night School

Registration forms for semester two Night School will be available in the Guidance Office in January and on the PDSB website at Only students who need a course not available at Day School will be given permission to attend Night School. Students enrolled at Night School are still expected to remain as full time day school students. Peel Board Night School midterm grades will be sent to OUAC/OCAS along with semester two day school midterm marks.

Students taking courses outside the Peel District School Board

The Guidance Office does not provide the Ontario Colleges’ Application Service or the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre with registration information or mark updates for courses taken outside PDSB. This is the responsibility of the institution where the student is taking the course. Upon completion of the course, students must provide an official transcript, to the Guidance Office to have their records updated.


Information about student tutors and private tutors is available in binders in the Guidance Office.

Special Education
IEPs: IEPs (Individual Education Plans) for all Accommodated and Enhanced students were attached to the student’s October early progress report. Parents are reminded to review the IEP and sign and return the Parent/Student Consultation Form to counselling. An IEP open house was held on October 17th to give staff the opportunity to view and discuss the contents of the IEPs.
Transition to Post Secondary

for Accommodated Students
Accessing Accommodations

at College and University

Every post-secondary institution has different requirements for the documentation required to access accommodations. Some will accept the most recent IEP and some will require a psycho-educational assessment that is no more than 3 years old. Everywhere is different! Each student applying to post secondary should be contacting the Disability Services department of each school to inquire about required documentation and minimum timelines required to ensure they will receive academic accommodations in the fall. Any parent/student wanting to discuss concerns regarding post-secondary accommodations should feel free to contact the Special Education Department.

The Special Education Department offers a variety of technology designed to assist students. Learn more about it and the department at:'sNew/Pages/def

They want to take

"There will be a Transition to Post-Secondary conference for Special Education Students held at the PDSB Central Board Office sometime in February, we will pass on details once they become available."
Saturday Music Retreat

This fall has been very busy for the LP Music department. On Sat. Oct. 4, the grade 9 and 10 instrumental and vocal students were treated to a breakfast retreat by the Music Exec.  Team-building games and a pancake brunch were followed by the Junior Band's spirited performance before the Junior Football game. Unfortunately, the referees did not show up, so the game was cancelled, but the music students played well and entertained the crowd while they waited!

Vocal Music Trip

On Wed. Oct. 15, the Vocal Music class travelled to the Ed Mirvish Theatre in Toronto to attend a performance of the Broadway smash hit "Wicked”. Students greatly enjoyed the performance and participated in a Q and A with members of the cast after the show.
Bake Sale

Congratulations to the Vocal Music class on their bake sale that raised over $500 to help fund the class field trip.  Some money was also donated to Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids, a charity that we learned about from the cast of "Wicked."  Special thanks to all parents, students and staff who supported us by baking or purchasing treats.
Toronto Symphony Trip

Instrumental music students visited Roy Thompson Hall in early November to see and hear the Toronto Symphony perform a concert featuring TorQ, the fabulous percussion quartet. Students were thrilled at the exciting performances!


This fall, LP Music students have been raising money through three fundraising events:

  • SPC Cards – we have been selling the Student Price Card, a discount card for students, which allows students to receive discounts of 10% or more at many of their favourite retailers;

  • Gift Cards - families can purchase gift cards for a wide variety of retailers (including major grocery stores, coffee shops, apparel stores, home improvement stores and gas stations) at cost – but each time you buy a card, a percentage of the card’s value is donated back to the school to help students pay for their spring music trip (location to be announced soon!!), and to help purchase new instruments for the school. It’s a win-win fundraiser! Gift cards will be available for sale through student order forms. Check for further information about the program, and for the list of retailers. Our upcoming deadlines are November 18th and December 2nd. See any music student or teacher if you are interested in purchasing any of our fundraising items! Thank-you in advance for your support of LP Music students.

Talent Show - On Thurs. Oct. 30, the Drama and Music Executives put on the annual talent show.  There were many talented acts which were selected by audition, including dancers, singers, and musicians, as well as two very entertaining mc's:  Brook Boehlke and Oscar Nalecz.  All monies raised go towards next year's musical theatre production at Lorne Park.  Special thanks to Tech Director Mark Sinclair for all his hard work on sound and lights.
Honour Ensembles

Music students from Lorne Park are practising hard, yet again, to audition for the Peel Honour Ensembles. Students from all across Peel will be auditioning for the ensembles. Auditions take place on Saturday, November 22, at Turner Fenton Secondary School in Brampton. Successful candidates will rehearse with the ensembles, then perform at the Living Arts Centre on Music Monday, May 4, 2014. Times will be posted on the music office door and on the door to room 101. All auditioning students are reminded to arrive well in advance of their scheduled audition times. Acceptance letters will be distributed as soon as they are received by the school. Good luck to all!

Remembrance Day

The Senior Wind Ensemble and Spartan Singers provided the musical backdrop to this year’s Remembrance Day assemblies on Tuesday, November 11. Their performances were both moving and respectful of the sombre occasion.

Vocal Class Concert

Thursday, November 27th, the Vocal Class hosts an all-vocal concert at 7:00 pm in the small gym.  The theme this year is Jazz.  The Vocal class, Spartan Singers and Ritz singers will all perform.  Admission is by donation to a charity to be chosen by the class.

Winter Music Night

Mark your calendars - Music Night is fast approaching! We will hold this year’s performance on Thursday, December 11th at 7:00 P.M. in the small gym. Tickets will be available soon. We hope to see you there!

Upcoming Dates at a Glance:

Tues. Nov. 18
– first gift card order

Sat. Nov. 22 - Peel Honour ensemble auditions

Thurs. Nov. 27, 7:00 - Vocal class concert

Tues. Dec. 2 – second gift card order

Thurs. Dec. 11, 7:00 - Music Night

Grade 10 History Students Experience Life in the Trenches

At World War I Simulation Site in Tillsonburg, Ontario

By Mr.Harper

On October 23rd and 27th, all of our Grade 10 Canadian History classes had the opportunity to visit the Bill Findley Field Centre in Tillsonburg, Ontario. On site, a former History Teacher has created over 2KM of World War I style trenches. Our students were assigned to teams and participated in:

  • Grenade training (using tennis balls);

  • Non-contact bayonet training, and;

  • Trench clearing (the dangerous task of clearing an enemy trench after it is captured by soldiers who have gone “over the top” across “no-man’s land”)img_2526

After our WWI simulation, students participated in a typical trench lunch break, complete with a serving of “Burgoo Trench Stew”. At the end of the day, this rewarding hands-on educational experience brought life in the trenches of WWI into the lives of our Grade 10 History students. We learned that war is not a pleasant experience and that Canadian soldiers have really made significant sacrifices so that we may enjoy the freedom that we have today.





Extended French Department
La vie en français

Vida española
Students who are studying French and Spanish this semester are benefiting from learning a second language, developing cultural awareness and are improving their ability to communicate in both of Canada’s official languages. In order to improve and further develop authentic language use in everyday situations, members of the French department are leading a conseil français which meets on Wednesdays at lunch in room 206. Furthermore, any students who are experiencing difficulties with French literacy are welcome to join Counting On You which is held in room 203 after school on Mondays and Wednesdays. This program is designed to help students who would like to receive academic support in French.

The Moderns/Extended French department is also offering LPSS students the opportunity to write the French Language and Culture Advanced Placement Test. This opportunity will run as an extra-curricular club. The course resources will be available at LPSS and study groups will be made based on student interest. Check out the following web link for more information:

Students interested in writing the French AP exam should see Mme McGregor in room 203.

Bienvenue à our French exchange student, Hortense Brun who is in grade 12 at LPSS and is visiting from France. Una bienvenida magnífica a Paula Valdeolmillios Canizares who is in grade 11 at LPSS and is visiting from Spain. Both students will be studying at LPSS for the entire academic year.

Le Conseil français
The French council meets on Wednesdays in room 206. We meet to speak French, share ideas and to celebrate French culture at LPSS. In September, we celebrated le Jour des Franco-Ontariens et la communauté francophone de l'Ontario. To celebrate, Franco-Ontarien flags were proudly displayed throughout the school, French announcements were read and French music was played on the PA for morning music throughout September. Currently, we are preparing a French play which will be performed during second semester. We have done some reading of scripts of various plays and once one is chosen, auditions and call backs will begin. Get ready to act in the French play and to participate.

in the LPSS pièce de théâtre.

There are extra help sessions offered for students in French, Math and English after school at LPSS.
Grade 9 or 10 student who would benefit from extra academic support are welcome to join the Counting On You program in Math, French or English. Please check out the LPSS website for information on the Counting On You program and for registration forms.


French literacy extra help is available on Mondays and Wednesdays after school in room 203 with Mme McGregor.


English & Math – literacy & numeracy extra help is available after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 146 with Mr. Syed.


LP Annual Fashion Show
On Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014, Lorne Park will be hosting our Annual Fashion Show for The Children’s Wish Foundation. This year’s theme is Winter Wonderland! Tickets will be on sale from November 24 to December 3, 2014, as well as at the door. Tickets will be $12 each and all proceeds will be going towards The Children’s Wish Foundation. There will be a silent auction, a raffle, snacks for sale, and live music! Come out and support our fabulous models as they strut their stuff to help grant a child’s wish! Doors open at 6:00pm and the show will start at 7:00pm. Hope to see you all there!

Thank you!

Fashion Show Coordinators

Teach Advisors: Ms. Lambrakos & Mr. Panning

Minga Global: A New Club, a New Wave of Empowerment

Minga Global aims to connect youth across the world in an effort to spread positivity and empower youth to become young leaders and social advocates. The Minga Global club at Lorne Park launched its first event with one of the pillars as its focus: Mental Health awareness. The event, "Hugs 'n' Kisses for Mental Health", gave students a “hug” card with a tip about mental health as well as a Hershey's chocolate kiss. We look forward to being part of a bigger change and a successful first year at Lorne Park!

Presidents: Lauren DeSouza and Monique Morin 
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Lambrakos

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Students Against the Violation of the Environment is LP’s environmental club. We meet Tuesdays at lunch in room 131. We run the recycling and compost programs here at LP and plan fun events to inform and inspire students about environmental issues. Grade 9 parents may have seen us on grade 9 parents night selling apples in order to promote local produce. In October, a group of students in SAVE walked down to Jack Darling Park to pick up garbage and recycling to clean up the shoreline.  We collected 2 garbage bags full of recycling and one of garbage and we will be doing another shoreline cleanup in the spring. In November, we will be making holiday cards out of handmade paper and partnering with Animal Welfare Club to hold a healthy vegan bake sale. New members are always welcome!


Kids Against Ridicule, Meanness, and Aggression
To help send a strong message against bullying at Lorne Park, KARMA and several other school clubs took the initiative to participate in the world wide STAND UP against bullying initiative on Friday, November 22, 2013 as well as hosting several events throughout the week of November 17th to the 21st for Bullying Prevention Week. The week will include a Kids Help Phone Scavenger hunt on Monday, Karaoke and dancing in the cafeteria on Tuesday, Mentor Activity on Wednesday, MINGA activity on Thursday, and a culmination of a sea of pink with Pink Day on Friday, November 21, 2013. All money raised will go towards The Kids Help Phone
KARMA, as well as the whole school, will be participating in The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women and the White Ribbon Campaign on Friday, December 5, 2014. We remember the tragedy of the Montreal Massacre 25 years ago and commemorate the lives of the 14 women who were brutally murdered on December 6, 1989. All money raised will go towards our local women’s shelter.
Events that we are a part of in Second Semester are: PINK DAY on April 8, 2015 and participation in the GSAs Rainbow Week.
We believe, at LP, that everyone has the right to feel safe, to be empowered, and to make a difference in the world. Together, we will move towards acceptance, bravery, and love.
Thank you!
Ms. Lambrakos and Mr. Silva

KARMA Teacher Advisors



LP Tennis Team won its third consecutive ROPSSAA Championship this year and will be sending three senior members to the OFSSAA Championship in June.  Our trophies will be displayed in the athletic case at the front of the school.

The first weekend in November saw the Ontario University Athletics Women’s Lacrosse Championship held in Oshawa. The Western Mustangs won their 4th consecutive OUA title defeating the Brock Badgers 7-5. Both teams

featured Lorne Park alumni, Caroline Hendrick and Michaela Naumovski who earned their 3rd straight OUA Championship rings as key members of the Mustangs. Brock was equal to the task in the game and were led by former 2010 Spartan Athlete of the Year, Kendra Byers. Former LP lacrosse coach and current Brock Head Coach, Ken Byers is very proud of the Badger success considering the team is only in its 3rd year of play. Kendra Byers also received a huge personal accolade being named the 2014 OUA Graduating Player of the year. She is joined by 2014 LP alum, Alexa Fenton who played for Queen’s this year. Alexa was named 2014 OUA Rookie of the Year!

The coaches and players at Lorne Park are thrilled for the success our graduates are having at the university level and hope to continue the

success we have seen on the field and in the classroom.

Team Unbreakable
This month, we kick off the third year of our mental & physical wellness initiative: Team Unbreakable. This is a program that is being run in several secondary schools throughout the province and it aims to instill good mental health attitudes by way of group physical fitness. The LPSS Team Unbreakable goes for a group run, once a week, and holds yoga/workout sessions weekly with the goal of competing in one or more of the 5K runs that benefit the charity "CameronHelps". For schedules, calendars and information, follow our twitter feed @unbreakableLP or check out our bulletin board located in the Phys. Ed hallway.
Upcoming races: 

Sat., Nov.29 @ 10 am at Heartlake Secondary School (Brampton)

Sun., Nov.30 @ 10 am at Holy Trinity Secondary School (Oakville)

Need help in math?
Free tutoring now available online
Math students in grades 7 to 10 can access live, interactive online math help by visiting Homework Help is free, real-time math tutoring by certified Ontario teachers.
Students can log in from Sunday to Thursday, between 5:30 and 9:30 p.m. for individualized confidential math tutoring. There are discussion rooms for each grade where students can join and see what questions other students are asking, watch the tutors draw on the whiteboard – and ask their own question for on-the-spot help.
Students will also find 24/7 discussion rooms, video lessons and commonly asked questions. Other online math resources include math games and a virtual locker, where students can save their work.
Homework Help is a project funded by the Ministry of Education.

Bullying Awareness &

Prevention Week
The Peel District School Board will recognize Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week during the week of November 16 to 22.
Across the Peel board, schools use many programs and initiatives to prevent bullying and to intervene when bullying happens. Though the programs vary, their messages are consistent. Students are taught to:

  1. define bullying

  2. identify forms of bullying

  3. identify roles in bullying relationships, for example the person who bullies, the target, the bystander or the trusted advocate

  4. determine how to safely “choose action” to prevent and intervene in bullying & harassment

  5. demonstrate character attributes and be a leader to help maintain positive and safe school communities

Every school has a Climate for Learning and Working Team which is required to develop a Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan as part of the School Success Plan. Also, every employee who is involved in the care and service of students is obligated to report, in writing, to the school administration, any action for which the principal must consider suspension or expulsion. Bullying is an offence that must be considered for suspension.
Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week is one of the key items contained in Bill 13: The Accepting Schools Act, that came into effect on Sept., 1, 2012. For more information, visit: or

Help your child prepare for teSTS
Many students will become anxious at the thought of writing a test. Anxiety about an upcoming test can affect a child's behaviour, thoughts and actions. Here are some ways you can help minimize anxiety at test time:

Organize & Prepare

  • Encourage your child not to leave assignments, studying and homework to the last minute.

  • Schedule time for review and work on assignments each day.

  • Establish a regular time of the day for homework, studying etc.

  • Make the home a homework-friendly environment where learning is regular routine.

  • Remove distractions like the television, phones, and computers when studying.

  • Tell your child to make sure tests and due dates are marked in their agenda.


  • Encourage your child to think about ‘what, when, where and how’ when preparing/completing assignments.

  • Develop practice tests and help them anticipate questions.

  • Review previous exercises.

  • When appropriate, encourage your child to pair up with a friend to review information and brainstorm.

  • Build learning into family activities— suggest keeping a journal, writing a report or a news article about family events, outings or trips and include photos.

Be in the know

  • Check out the curriculum for your child’s grade level (available as PDF files at

  • Ask your child’s teacher about major topics studied and how these topics are structured — homework, assignments, exercises

  • Use your child’s agenda to communicate with their teacher—ask questions, check for homework tips, etc.

CEEF International Student Exchanges

Experience the Global Classroom!

Participate in a Student Exchange!

Three-month Destinations for 2015-16

Belgium • France • Luxembourg •

Germany • Italy • Spain

Visiting exchange students live with Peel families and attend school during the fall semester. In the spring, Peel students live with the exchange partner's family and attend school in the host country.

Summer Language Exchanges 2015


For the summer language exchanges, Peel students spend July with their exchange partner, then host their partner in Peel during August.
November 26, 2014

at 7:00 p.m.

HJA Brown Education Centre

Ph. 905-890-1010

For more information call Georgette Bolger, CEEF Program volunteer, at 416-879-3826, and visit



2014 – 2015 SCHOOL YEAR
During the winter months inclement weather may cause disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations. A decision to cancel school transportation and/or to close schools is usually made by 6:00 a.m. and will be announced on the following radio and television stations:

CFNY FM102.1/AM640 CJCL AM590 CHFI FM98.1


FM Z103.5 FM93.1 FM Q107



We will be communicating one of six standard messages to the radio stations. The six announcements and their effect on the transportation system are as follows: (Please note that the highlighted text only will be communicated by the radio stations).





  • This means that ALL buses which operate into, out of, and within the Town of Caledon are cancelled for the entire day.


  • This means that all runs listed under announcements #l and #2 are cancelled.

  • Individual schools will be notified if this cancellation affects their school.



  • This means that ALL buses which operate into, out of, and within the City of Mississauga are cancelled for the entire day.


  • This means that ALL transportation services provided by the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and the Peel District School Board, including buses, vans and taxis have been cancelled for the entire day.


  • This means that ALL Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and Peel District School board schools and offices are closed to all students and staff.

  • Note: For Secondary School students Riding Public Transit, cancellation of service will be communicated by the respective transit property over the radio. Please be advised that Public Transit rarely cancels and that the level of service on days with inclement weather is unpredictable.

Follow us on social media
Social media is the easiest and fastest way to stay connected to the amazing things happening in the Peel District School Board.

Follow @Peelschools on

Twitter to:

  • learn about our schools and programs

  • find out if buses are cancelled during bad weather

  • share the Peel smile

Our school is on social media too!

Follow Peel schools

on Facebook at

Follow @Peelschools on Instagram where we share motivational and inspirational #PeelProud moments.

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sec -> Seidel School of Education and Professional Studies internships in education
sec -> Chapter 13 Breaking Up Is Hard to Do: Nations, States, and Nation-States A. Logistics
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