The art class evaluated the comic maker projects weakness,
The story lines were somewhat random and lacked a story.
The students wanted to brush up on Narrative writing skills
The wanted to talk with their Core Teachers about where would be the best place to get some help, but quickly.
They decided to look over Balanced Reading and brush up on narrative writing skills.
Step 2: Assessing required skills and resources
We talked with digital coach for some ideas on tech resources that could help with narrative writing.
The students have all been given their own personal iPad that has been pre-approved for the Adobe Voice app.
They decided to download this app. and watch a tutorial to see if this would be a good resource.
Step 3: Decide on objectives and assessments
Outcome: Progress in narrative writing skills for a narrative handmade book project or story board drawing.
Students will complete a short story on Adobe Voice for progress in writing with a visual picture they can draw from.
There will be a rubric to assess this project.
Step 4: Integration Strategies:
Students will work in groups of four. Students with lower technology skills will be placed with a group with higher skills.
Students will use materials from Core Teachers about writing a narrative draft.
Out of the 4 types of Narrative writing, (Personal, small moment in time, Fictional, Historical fiction, memoir), they will choose which one the group will collaborate on.
They will take at least four possible story lines and choose the one they can elaborate on the best.
They will watch the tutorial for Adobe Voice and place their narrative choice in the app. and share with class.
They will research narrative artists to see how they tell their story through art.
They will upload their story on their camera roll to show the narrative part of the story.
They were given permission to use web resources for pictures to use along with the narrative story part.
Step 5: Prepare instructional environment
They needed to begin gathering materials and ideas for writing a narrative.
Students groups would choose the idea that had the most information for them to begin their story line.
Step 1: Determining relative advantage. Since I connected the week 4 assignment with week 2, I am doing the assessments, (Formative and Summative) to go with the entire project.
Narrative Art
Step 2: Assess required skills and resources. According to Teacher Vision, web site, authentic assessment is not just students recalling facts, but allowing them to demonstrate the skills and concepts they have learned.
Step 3: Decide on objectives and assessments.
Outcome: To have the students interpret and produce Narrative Art.
Objective: Students will complete 2 assessments, (formative and summative) to check on progress through out the project. Use Kahoot.
Assess the learning at the end. Go Formative.
Step 4: Design strategies for the assessments. I wish I had found Go Formative before I began the Comic Maker, and Climb projects. I did not find out that the students were lacking in narrative writing skills until the project was almost completed. Their idea of telling a story through art is very different from mine. Most of the themes were murder, kidnapping, fighting and sometimes going in random directions. Much of their story lines come from gaming on their iPads, which does not always form a cohesive story.
Step 5: Prepare instructional environment. It is difficult to find assessments that allow art students to show the product of drawing.
Would have been a better assessment in the beginning to check on their knowledge of narrative art.
Great formative tool to check on knowledge during the project.
When students work in groups, it’s hard to tell if everyone is pulling their weight and this web tool allows you to check up on them individually.
Makes a game out of the learning process, and the students seem to like the energy of it.
Go Formative:
Allows you to assess how well each individual student understood the material.
Allows you to assess how well the class understood and gives you percentages on each questions.
It is a great tool for formative and summative, and allows each type, depending on how you ask the questions.
Because they are uploading images, you can hide their name so that you can point out details that are good or bad to help the whole class and maintain their privacy.
You can tell what they missed, or which question you may want to ask in a different way.