Swimmers please use your gt-id every time you enter the facility

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SWIM ATLANTA Georgia Tech-2010 Page1 Update #2: SEPTEMBER


NEW SWIMMERS can now get their GTid’s. If you have completed the on-line registration process your information has been submitted to the GTid system. Go to the CRC Member Service desk and ask to begin the GTid process, let them know that you are with Swim Atlanta. The cost for a GTid is $30, they will take a check or credit card ( Visa & MC ) only. The Member Service desk is open for GTid’s Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday until 8pm, Monday & Friday until 4pm. If your name is not on the list at Member Service please email Coach Doug at gtswimatlanta@gmail.com .

A major effort is going on campus-wide at Georgia Tech to improve security and safety. The CRC is no exception, therefore, a “SWAT CARD” is needed only for parents and guardians who drop off and pick up swimmers. SWAT CARDS are for parents and guardians only. Coach Doug will be handing out SWAT CARDS to parents and guardians who drop off their swimmers. This is mostly for Bronze, Silver and Gold swimmers.

The new procedure will work as follows:

Parents and guardians show your SWAT CARD to the CRC employee at the turnstiles to bring your swimmers down to the deck, then again when returning to pick them up. After dropping your swimmers off, the CRC staff asks that parents and guardians return to the spectator seating immediately.


We ask that parents and guardians remain in the spectator seating until five minutes before the end of our practice time. This is a new procedure for your swimmers safety and security. We appreciate your compliance and cooperation with this new system. As with any new system we welcome your feedback and suggestions to improve in anything we do. Please send your suggestions to CRC Member Services Manager, stephanie.gericke@crc.gatech.edu

Saturday 9/18 Practice is as follows: Sr. 1 6am-9am

Sr. 2 & AAG 7am-9am

Bronze, Silver, Gold 9am-10am

Saturday 9/25 Practice is as follows: Bronze, Silver, Gold 9am-10am

Sr.1&2, AAG 10am-12noon

Tuition for September is due by the 10th of the month. Payments can be sent via mail to the sugarloaf address*(make note of your swimmers group on the memo of the check) or hand-deliver to the coaches on the deck.

Parking is open after 4pm on Tech Parkway. Please use sidewalk when walking to the front of the CRC. Do not walk on the newly laid grass-sod.

The Team Outfitting last week by the Swim Atlanta swim shop was a success. The Swim Shop will return again in November. Please contact Mary Doran 404-401-7298 with any outfitting questions.

Meet schedules are on the Swim Atlanta website www.swimatlanta.com and at the team unify website www.teamunify.com/gssa. You will see two meet schedules. A developmental series and our regular meet schedule. The developmental meets are designed for new swimmers and younger swimmers on the Bronze, Silver and Gold groups. An “open” meet means that anyone is allowed to participate. If you have any questions please contact or discuss this with your swimmer’s coach. Please take time to search and discover the features that both websites offer. Often, if you have a question the answer can be found on either of them.



(Entry deadline is Thursday, September 16th, you must use team-unify to enter.)

To enter meets you must set up your on-line entry account with Team Unify. Please contact jeff@swimatlanta.com to get your password and account started.

  • FALL SPLASH “developmental” meet @ Swim Atlanta –Sugarloaf, October 23rd.

Get entry form from coach at practice, please fill out and return entry form to coach by deadline, October 14th. This is an “open” meet for new year-round swimmers, designed for Bronze, Silver, Gold, Advanced Age Group and Senior 2 groups.


This is our once per year voluntary fund-raiser. Envelopes and information will be given to swimmers next week. Swimmers raise money by being pledged per length that they swim during their Aqua-Thon swim (held in October). The Bronze and Silver groups Aqua-Thon swim is 45 minutes, Gold is 60 minutes, AAG is 90 minutes and Senior 1 and 2 are 120 minutes in length. The Aqua-Thon prize this year is a Blue long-sleeve fleece jacket. We have a sample hanging up at the pool. If you raise $40 for Aqua-Thon you will receive the jacket. Any amount over $40 is placed in your Escrow Account at the rate of 100%. So if you raise $100, $60 would be placed in your escrow account. Your escrow account is the account that your meet entry fees/costs are paid.


If you are looking for a carpool and would like to have your information posted in the weekly update, please send me an email and I will add it with your contact information.


Our new parents meeting will be Thursday, September 23rd from 7:00pm-7:45pm. Follow signage to location of parents meeting at the CRC.


Doug Gjertsen Head Senior Coach Bronze, Senior 2, Senior 1

Sergiy Useinov Head Age Group Coach Silver, AAG, Senior 2, Senior 1

Mandi Bell Assistant Age Group Coach Bronze, Gold

Andrejs Duda Assistant Age Group Coach Gold

Clarin Ellard Assistant Age Group Coach Silver, Gold, Senior 2, Senior 1

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