Tanaath & Sunfire with Drake 6/26 show

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Tanaath & Sunfire with Drake 6/26 show
Drake opened the show by saying there is lots going on and the depth of it is extraordinary. He stated it doesn't matter your status the purpose of the shows is to alter the old paradigm and witness the changes which are upon us, when concentrated energies are dispersed out you can change 12.8 Earthquakes down to 2.0.

There are no negative timelines and ET's are here to assist us and people must accept we are not alone, a lot of ET style movies and shows have large chunks of realistic elements to them, the ET's are currently dealing with problematic's

There is a difference in the atmosphere, sun not eating you up, this is natural as we approach the transition.

Drake asks people to listen to the show even if it feels iffy to them, as everyone is experiencing more and more strange stuff going on.

Those that choose to stay here and experience 4D get ready for the rollercoaster ride.

Military, Militia and other groups are ready to go, not a whole lot left to do to move now.

Sunfire stated for those that need proof of ET interaction, see the freighter ship that was split into two, that was done by positive ET's.
*Any tanks used in Silver Legion? (T) Don't use tanks and will not reveal armory

*How can you tell if met soulmate? (T) many synchronistic events between the two people, don't go searching, you will find it when it is needed. (S) you can have a deep connection with people just as well, she prefers not to use the term soulmate.

*Could heavy rain in Canada be natural earth changes or cabal? (T) Both, one of teh neighborhoods was under hostile buy out plan, that area now destroyed and land can be bought up cheaper now, people will not return to their homes, many 1st nation people's have been affected.

*Are we going to eat and drink the same in 4D? (T) A healthy adult that does not use up more energy than they create, will not necessarily need food/water as much, children and sick people will require it. People can eat and drink for the enjoyment of it in a social setting, weight gain will not be an issue, as weight gain is a genetic mutation designed to create that flaw.

*Tolec says planetary and catastrophic changes will leave governments unable to cope, is this going to happen? (T) No (S) no coming events be it earthly or cosmic based. Tolec is very busy to answer any/many enquiries at this time.

*Planet Mintaka from Orion can you tell me more? (T) Orion is massive and very spread out compared to our visual prospective (S) knows little about that planet, but does know it is inhabited by positive ET"S.

*Implants caused through hybridization plan? (T) more to do with the aspects of control and movement so they can mess with people again, some implants boost certain abilities, most are to do with black ops. (S) GFOP and AC consider implants illegal

*Is Jesus real and what planet did he come from? (T) yes but not by that name or is a single being, more of a collective of beings, cannot reveal planet for security reasons.

*Is new testament ok? (T) No is mainly distorted.

*How is carbon not crystalline? (T) more of a case of a jet becoming a diamond as such.

* Where will the info regarding changes come from? (T) Tolec, AC and Et's will reveal all.

*Are there ways to help SL? (T) this show is to help you to go out and get as many people as possible to be involved, go on SL website and go from there.

*What will happen to people staying 3D and how will they be informed? (T) all will be informed but some will not wake up in time, due to being too comfortable with lies and non acceptance of the truth. Cautioned too many turning blind eye to the truth, will be stuck 3D.

This completes 0-35 mins of the show.

*Will pets have more freedom in 4D? (T) yes, as they will be recognized as a sentient being (S) they will be recognized on equal levels

*List description/symptoms for heading into 4D? (T) Tolec's site best for that info

(S) many people are at different levels to state descriptions (T) changes in attitude, food eating habits alter, sleep being a more prevalent example, some sleeping a lot more than normal, some a lot less than normal.

* How to enhance abilities to level of Silver legion people? (T) Mentioned various hallucinogenic drugs and said they are best left for ceremonial purposes only, not everyone has the same abilities, she is not good at remote viewing but excels at remote knowing, you gain your own knowledge by listening to yourself (S) recommended book Heaven and Earth the psychic connection, this would help you understand better. (T&S) both got their helps from their off world brothers (S) psionic abilities are better if more frequently used.

* Best place to buy crystals? (S) go to native american mom and pop shops, feel the stones yourself and see what resonates best with you, try moldovite.

*Status of the moon, is it occupied? (T) moon is problematic still, is not natural, it is a reptoid ship, has bases on it with some good, bad and neutral plus some unknowns. Things are still not clear with moon. Moon will be likely replaced with another satellite once issues resolved.

*Will there be help for mental and physical disability people in 4D? (T) All will be returned to human optimal

* Have any 3D being been able to fight off higher dimensional aggressors alone? (T) yes they have but they were better prepared more connected and better weaponry than we have. Earth needed outside help because our situation had gone too far for us to deal with, mainly because we are too fragmented into smaller groups like religious etc. (S) The old divide and conquer comes to mind is what is playing out here.

*Are 3D planets schools? (S) No (T) that belief is a psy-op to get people not to resist the control system, people should not have to suffer in the manner we have, people only chose to come to here up to a point and experience certain things, but we have experienced way beyond what is acceptable, Earth has been depressed more than any other system.

*What is going on in Brazil are people waking up? (D) yes they are and we are waiting for it to happen here, but we are working on it, so get ready. (T) we also have to be aware of the infiltration of groups stalling the progress.

*When Earth was placed her was it known then is was going to go 4D? (S) yes, Alycon moved it but was involved in a tug of war with many other races laying claim to it.

* Are greys 4D beings? why do they abduct and are they hybridized? (T) yes, they are genetically damaged and have a deteriorating genetic code is the reason for abductions and hybrid program, never think that just because beings are higher dimensional that they are better. (S) Grey's considered parasitic's by GFOP and are under extinction protocols because of the destruction they have caused.

*Are you a better being in higher dimensions? (T) not necessarily, you can still mess up higher see grey's (S) good and bad exist all the way up to infinity.

*Technology distribution, why will it be gradual? (T) If we had an EMP that was worldwide in scope now and there is only a few people on the planet who can correct it, it will take a long time to fix, but what happens if the few die? so by slowly releasing the technology more people can be educated in how it works to prevent the above situation occuring. GFOP doesn't want to be baby sitting our planet forever, we have to stand on our own 2 feet, so new technology released has to be understood how it all works by many before any other is released.

This page is up to minute 84 in blogtalk show

*How can I meet up with Tanaath and others in SL astrally? (T) I am too busy with operational stuff to do personal dream walks, suggested practicing lucid dreaming first before moving onto astral, once in astral go and look for Tanaath yourself.

*Moronay and Alex Collier have mentioned about biblical prophecies/revelations are these real? (T) they are not required, stop trying to manifest the prophecies or the revelations, we do not need them, stop focusing on negative catastrophic events they are not happening.

*Will Comet ISON impact Mars this year? (S) no impact with mars (T) no comment

*Can Tanaath & Sunfire post a picture of their essence that would not compromise them? (T) you cannot photograph higher dimensionals (S) imagine the vulcans in star trek only with better hair cuts, coloring etc for a visual picture

*What is consciousness, if everything is inside how does it project outside? (D) consciousness is awareness (T) becoming aware of what is outside yourself is consciousness.

*Is where the battles take place all on the ethereal? (T) No on many different dimensions, planes and universes, including in between dimensions. Dimensions can be compared to density (S) it happens in triad grouping 1,2 &3 are similar, 4,5 & 6 are similar to each other but not the same as 12&3.

*Can objects from different planes, realms and densities be brought to here and examples of? (T) lots of stuff developed off world was brought here like vimanas and other types of space crafts, also Arc of the Covenant is an extra dimensional technology

*Will 40 hour work week still operate in 4D? (T) No, that was put in place to keep us distracted, so will not be necessary in 4D, there is no boundaries between work and play in higher dimensions, military service has shifts but is not experienced as work or toil, most enjoy it.

*Will all cabal when arrested be treated the same, as maybe not all of them are evil? (T) actions depends on their levels of complicity, FEMA camps will be holding facilities, but will not be used for any final activity to take place (S) GFOP have ways of determining individuals levels or depths of their involvement.

*Light portal stories are they part of a trap? (T) some of it is, they use it for pyschological purposes

*Will we reconnect with pets in 4D and are they spiritual in nature? (T) cats long associated with being spiritually connected, dogs are as well but in a different way.

*Have you ever met flesh and blood ET's? (S) yes, her brother came down and appeared in human form (T) suspects she has but not knowingly (S) there are many on the surface of the planet (T) issue is privacy and not blowing someone's cover, some are not in a recognizable form

*How can you control telepathy are there stages? (T) Practice is the key, but only with someone you implicitly trust, describing how to do telepathy is not easy, it is just learned.

*Is Bashar who operates above my heart channeling ok? (T) WHOA, do not have anyone above your own heart (S) GFOP have confirmed that Bashar is not a positive, he is an AI (artificial intelligence) connected to the reptoids. (D) use your discernment use the 3 times message "are you of the light" (T) follow your own heart (S) this is why we put emphasis on reaching out to your higher self, as the real truth comes from there.

*What are the various entities upon with religion started like Thelema? (T) heard of Thelema but don't know much about it(D) Read Book of Laws gives basis of religiosity laws, some right some not, Source of Jewish law, like some religions say don't eat pork because of religious beliefs, the reason was pork does not preserve well and can be lethal if not cooked properly.

*Is Prime Creator of this Universe is he or she found in other Universes? (T) We are all in other universes (S) recommends the pdf book The Enlightenment for more info on this subject

This page is up to 127 mins on blogtalk

*What is the importance of not shedding blood? (T) abortions mystifying to higher dimensions as a non consentual conception is a rarity, we have been denied ways of terminating without shedding blood, ET recognize needs of living over unborn, soul is not delivered until 1st breath and that is what they base there decision by. (S) one of the reasons against spilling blood is due to cabal ritual sacrifice (T) women much more affected over an unplanned child than father, the choice can be understandable, just how it is done is problematic

*Is suffering of fetus during chemical abortion, is it acceptable to higher dimensions? (T) too much assuming regarding suffering, but suffering without consciousness does not exist, consciousness requires a soul, soul has not entered so no suffering.

*Some people remember being in the womb? (T) they are trimester and is more body memories than soul memories

*Will bigfoot or Wendigo be in 4D? (T) Wendigo will suffer due to the vibration, Bigfoot we will see more of

*What will happen in coming days about people remembering being incarnates? (D) people are just looking for more definite answer than information allows, you will not miss out

*I use philosopher's stone for enlightenment, is it possible in 4-5D? (T) Alchemy is conflated with stone, the notion of achieving the object is wrong, it is philosophy not object oriented

*Can an EMP event be stopped and neutralized by ET's? (T) yes to both

*Is Biosphere heading towards Earth (S) not heading to Earth and not about to cause catastrophe, staying by the sun for now.

*Thought is energy but speech is vibration does sending positive speech help? (T) yes, but not through the word but the intent.

*Have you incarnated as a planet? (T) no recall of it, likes being mobile and planet not mobile enough

*Will Gaia forgive us? (T) Cabal no, people yes as they never asked or agreed to her destruction

*What is the Holy Spirit? (T) connection to source and not through Jehovah, anyone claiming not all people have Holy Spirit are con artists.

*Would like to hear more tales about Tanaath and Dragon life? (S) Read Contact to Planet Iarga for best knowledge of that.

*What technology are they using here that rescued Kaila? (T) Kaila will be best for that info, but he is very busy right now, but is willing (S) can't say on tech now as we are in the middle of a war

*What prevents Silver Legion landing? (T) being prevented but looking into it.

*What are the characteristics of Kadassians? (T) reptoid domination and conquest (S) Abisidian order lightly based on Tau Ceti Intelligence group Tau Siar from Procyon.

*Is there beings that look like Namekx? (T) probably if it can be imagined it can exist

*Is there etheric implants and do Andromedan council use implants? (T) If someone offers to implants you do not accept it. A/C do not use implants unless it is a last resort. Etheric implants used by Grey's, Reptoids and other hostiles (S) A/C only implant with full knowledgeable consent of the individual.

*How do you know you are a starseed/incarnate? (T) how do you know you are alive? no one can tell you, if you believe you are, you are.

*Have you always known about your other life? (T) no someone used a trigger name at 16 and I convulsed and twitched on the floor for 5 minutes, with weird memories of many lifetimes outside of current body, it was a pretty shocking incident that cannot be proven in court of law, but proof enough for me. (S) Always known I was different, never fitted in, unable to communicate well with people, trigger was telepathic incident. 164 mins

*Is travel in space always dangerous?(S) lots of great interesting places to visit, there are places that a very dangerous, people have lived 10K years and never experienced war or even seen an argument, terrans are pre-conditioned in fear, watch DS9 for a parallel of how things are now

*Billy Meier is he truthful? (S) was contacted 1-2 by ET Pleiadies cluster, who were sts (service to self) but hasn't been since. Semjase who people saying they are meeting/speaking to are wrong as she died early 1990's, has not been in this universe since then. 1 million people per year have contact by one method or another.

*Is the series Lost Girl portraying The Fay? (T) Iron Fay series is more familiar and similar to Fay, but they have way more tech now

*Is Talmud by Emmanuelle valid? (T) no hoax

*Can we invite officers of GFOP to land here? (T) they have had lots of invites, but they are still prevented from landing currently, would love to come on the show and would be helpful to sort out any confusion

*Memories of Tanaath and Sunfire together on other planets etc? (T) lots of pranking memories, camping under the stars with officer, brothers, sunfire and her brothers on a Tau Ceti planet, deep in the forest, watching brother jumping in water to hand fish (S) said it was her favorite as well (T) I have always positive memories, I remember getting killed in battle but was happy with what she achieved in the battle (S) tell about you taking on 13 Dreadnoughts by yourself (T) I got cut off from the rest of group in was only operating a low tech machine/craft, took 5 out before getting caught (S) lessons were learned as all equipment was upgraded after that.

*Can you interpret crop circles? (S) some our serious, some are hoaxed and some are ET pranks

*Channeling explain? (T) true channeling means your body is handing over possession to another entity that invariably does not have your interests at heart, everyone who thinks they are doing channeling, may not be the case, channeling has become the en vogue word of new age, but like Blossom Goodchild, it is not channeling but telepathy taking place.

*What does Alpha Draconians look like? (T) the leaders have wings, grunts don't, they are 8-12 ft tall, scaly pebbly skin that is color coded, red, green, blue, silver, white and grey nobility, a black caste and orange caste, very heavy muscled with powerful tales that is 1/3 of the length of their body, use pheromones, are filthy creatures, have a spoken language, use telepathy and also technological communications

*Any interesting or funny ET's? (S) there is a squid/whale combination with more fins, but there is an infinite diversity of species, canids have dog/wolf like heads and felines have cat heads, sealids are seal like from Sirius A.

*How to say hello to A/C (T) say hello but skip perfume for that day, very sensitive nostrils, they find smells like that unattractive

*How do GFOP trade? (S) no galactic rules on trade (T) what beings involved think is a fair trade (S) one planet in Tau Ceti were peaches and strawberries originated from, trade another planet for wine (T) replicators do not work well with fermented stuff like cheese and wine, trading involves cultural goods, art, food, novelties and things replicators not good at, there is no oversight regulations over trade value.

*If ET's are our ancestors how did 4D beings put genes into 3D beings? (S) they manifest a 3D body and then do it through sexual intercourse

*Can they materialize from 4D to 3D? (S) technology allows them to do this but can't reveal how it works at this time

*Do all ET races have sociapaths? (T) not everyone has them, unheard of in positive societies, sociapaths comes from reptoid influence, a lot of Wall St and cabal are sociapaths, so it doesn't take much working out where they originate.

This page ends at 196 mins of show

*Can you advise of the legitimacy of Christine Day who is a Pleiadian Ambassador? (S) This is channeling which we don't recommend, she does not specify which group, race or planet.

*Is Dolores Cannon ok? (S) Hypnotism does not carry much validity and she states false info that all Grey's are positive and misunderstood, which is completely wrong (T) Many people who have been abused and raped by these beings, to dismiss those people inherently wrong, many people have suffered both physically and retain the mental scarring of the abductions.

*What beings are responsible for crop circles? (S) several (T) some done with a ship, some drones and some probes, but also some are hoaxes

*What is the deal with so many allergies these days? (T) food allergy suffering is due to tampering with our food, through geo-engineering and genetic modification, plus hybridization, and also different genetic alteration of wheat. A mass exposure of chemicals cause disruption to the Endocrine and immune systems, making us more prone to act allergically to things that are not contaminants. Many artificially derived products are negative to us, this is part of the depopulation agenda, but it will not last or succeed.

*Can we have control over our own DNA? (T) to some extent yes but in practice I don't know, could use the mind over matter concept but not everyone is adept.

*Craft is sky materializing out of a cloud mist who are they? (T) possibly Arcturian who are good guys but cannot confirm it

*Can replicators do hot and cold together? (S) yes and when you are finished you put silverware, plates etc back into replicator to be recycled

*Can you give information on Sanada? (T) channeled entity that is not positive and is part of reptoid AI technology.

*Can you give information on Ashtar and command? (T) Ashtar was incarnate and my experience of her is negative, very service to self, their online communities beat down dissention and not helpful

*In 4D will we ever age? (T) most people look mid 20's early 30's. Some look old like Takonaeh? (S) head of federation is 20K years old but looks 35-40 (T) it is not linear like how we age, on Tau Ceti considered you have not entered into adulthood until 400-500 years old, you are then classed as adult up to 30K years old.

*Will we still have crooked teeth in 4D or will they be straightened? (T) guessing they would be straightened, dental issues have arisen here since introduction of agriculture.

*Is it true you can't hunt animals without permission in 4D or be attacked by them? (S) animals attack the same as in self defense or hunger (T) We don't give reptoids permission to kill us but they still try, animal lifetimes are considered as forms of service.

*Is it just the two of you T & S who are aware and talking about this stuff? (T) No Tolec, Alex Collier and many more, plus a lot of starseeds are coming forward at this time and talking.

*If you incarnate back to 3D, do you have to work your way back up? (T) No you don't have to work your way back up

*Sky seems bluer and clearer is this right? (T) yes in some areas we are winning, but until all their planes are grounded fight will go on.

*Is the site bibliotecapleyades valid? (T) yes but not all of it and cautions us to use our discernment, The Atlantis and Kaila stuff is valid, site is run by caballist but some stuff is very useful.

*Has Steven Greer gone into hiding? (S) Some people hide for various reasons, most are publicity stunts (T) we not keen on Greer has too many hidden agendas, well meaning but..

*Will we be part of a Galactic community for those that stay on Earth? (T) Earth already too crowded, it would be best if you went out explored and visited in space.
*People who have connections with horses, are they connected to a particular race? (S) horses/equine on many planets, they are considered sacred to many, also unicorns, unipegs, alicorns. Pegasi did not do well here due to difficulties with the density, unicorns hunted to extinction for their horns. Unipegs adopt a human for life generally and are quite demanding.

*Does Silver Legion have a boot camp as I am having realistic dreams of doing drills and waking up fatigued and muscle aches? (T) Don't know if it is us, fatigue is not part of it (S) the Federation has different courses, so it may be them.

*Is it possible a 3D person can still experience pain from 4D experience? (T) possible that you can end up with bruises and marks sustained in battles.

*Can and will Native people and other ancient languages be recovered and taught again? (S) every language and history has been preserved by the Federation, Sankrit is the business language from Andromeda to the Milky Way, so they are still used.
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