The anson county board of commissioners

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THE ANSON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS convened for their regular monthly meeting on Monday, October 9, 2006 beginning at 6:00 P.M. in Courtroom #1 located in the Anson County Courthouse.
Commissioners present: Bobby Sikes, Vice Chair

Neil Jones

Steve Lear

Dr. Jim Sims

Ross Streater
Staff members present: Andy Lucas, County Manager

Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC, Clerk to the Board

George C. Bower, Jr. County Attorney

Holly Berry, Finance Officer

Rita James, Data Processing

Vance Gulledge, Utilities Director

Larry Newton, Assessor

Larry Crandell, DSS Director

Vice Chair Sikes called the meeting to Order, welcoming visitors and staff. Pastor Beverly Wilson, New Life Ministries – Pentecostal, delivered the Invocation.

Approval of the Agenda by Commissioners: Motion by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Lear, to approve the Agenda as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
Recognitions: Vice Chair Sikes called Jeff Waisner, Director of Parks and Recreation to the front. County Manager Lucas read aloud for those present a Resolution in Honor of Jeffrey Dwain Waisner on his recent induction into the Wingate University Sports Hall of Fame. Commissioner Sims commented that had it not been for injury, Mr. Waisner would probably have been all pro in the major league. Motion by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Lear, to approve the following Resolution:



WHEREAS, the Anson County Board of Commissioners wishes to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions to Anson County and,

WHEREAS, the Anson County Board of Commissioners appreciates the influence these citizens have had on the quality of life in Anson County; and,

WHEREAS, the Anson County Board of Commissioners wishes to honor Jeffrey Dwain Waisner on his induction into the Wingate University Sports Hall of Fame on September 29, 2006 for his outstanding accomplishments as a member of the Bulldog baseball team from 1978 – 1982.

WHEREAS, the Anson County Board of Commissioners hereby acknowledges Jeff Waisner’s Wingate University record of hitting .306 with 26 home runs and 114 RBI, including three consecutive All-Carolinas Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (CIAC) and All-NAIA District 26, and

WHEREAS, the Anson County Board of Commissioners acknowledges that upon graduation from Wingate University in 1982 Jeff Waisner signed with the Atlanta Braves and later on served for six years as an associate scout with the New York Yankees and since 1993 has served as an associated scout with the Chicago White Sox.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Anson County Board of Commissioners hereby congratulates Jeff Waisner for bringing such positive notoriety to Anson County and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anson County Board of Commissioners wishes to thank Jeff Waisner for his distinguished career, for the many hours he shares and the positive impact he has on the lives of young students and athletes in Anson County and throughout North Carolina.

Adopted this 9th day of October 2006.

Children’s Services Unit: Larry Crandell, DSS Director, recognized these employees for their successful foster care placement rates. Mr. Crandell shared that these employees handle children protective services, adoption services, investigation, case management and foster care. County Manager Lucas stated that Anson County DSS had been commended by the State Department of Health and Human Services for its continued commitment to assisting the State with meeting its Challenge for Children goals. County Manager Lucas noted that the goal is to reduce the number of children remaining in the custody of DSS for more than 12 months. County Manager Lucas stated that Anson County’s reunification and placement stability rates exceed counties of similar size. County Manager Lucas stated that not only are they doing great things but they are demonstrating results. Mary Kendall, Supervisor, introduced those in attendance as Joan Polk, Sherry Ponds, April Burch-Benton and Keisha Dunlap. Mr. Crandell recognized Tanyon Martin and Tammy Goodson as part of the group who were unable to be here tonight. Vice Chair Sikes thanked them for the job they do and they received a round of applause from those in attendance. Commissioner Jones voiced that this was a hard job and these employees are called upon when families are in trouble and commended them for their contribution to people’s lives and neglected families. Ms. Kendall stated that the social workers in this department do this from the heart and are not paid for what they do. Ms. Kendall thanked the Board for the recognition, stating that this is the first time in her fourteen years that they’ve been recognized.
EMS Crew- Life Saved: County Manager Lucas stated that this was related to an incident that occurred late September in response to a cardiac arrest at Brown Creek Correctional. County Manager Lucas shared that two guards started CPR on the scene and when our EMS crew arrived there was no pulse. County Manager Lucas stated that thanks to the efforts of the EMS staff the individual lived. County Manager Lucas introduced the crew as Teresa Morton and Sidney Sides. County Manager Lucas noted that Scott Russell, who is also a crew member, was unable to attend tonight. Vice Chair Sikes thanked them for the job they do. They received a round of applause from those in attendance.

Richard Pinkston voiced concern for the landfill not accepting car batteries and shared that this is included in the contract. Mr. Pinkston shared that he talked with employees of the convenience centers and found that some accept them and some don’t. Mr. Pinkston shared that some give them to the Gideon’s and the Burnsville Center accepts them and the person running the center sells them. Mr. Pinkston stated that this was not that much but the county was to get half of anything received from recycling. Mr. Pinkston spoke to the terms of the Citizens Advisory Board and was of the opinion that the Commissioners should enforce the term limitation. Mr. Pinkston also felt that the Advisory Board was working against the county rather than for the county. Vice Chair Sikes thanked Mr. Pinkston for expressing his thoughts. County Manager Lucas noted that he has communicated with Allied concerning the battery issue and they have committed to working with us to resolve the matter. Commissioner Lear stated that it was pretty clear cut if it was in the contract. Commissioner Sims voiced that it was interesting that twenty years later they are still discovering what is in their own contract.
Teresa Capers-Greater St. Matthews Children’s Celebration: Ms. Capers shared a hand out with Board members regarding their Christmas in November Program. Ms. Capers stated that the program started in 1991 with a purpose to strengthen families who were in need of more than just Christmas presents for children and to impart the love of God through word and deed. Ms. Capers stated that the program was the brainchild of their Senior Pastor and since the program began, they have served over 500 families in Anson County. Ms. Capers outlined that they work with several agencies including DSS, Crisis Ministries and the school system to identify children in need of help. Ms. Capers stated that there is a greater need this year and because of the loss of their corporate sponsors she asked the Commissioners to partner with them by making a cash donation of $2,000. Ms. Capers invited each Board member to attend the program on November 27, 2006 at 6:00 P.M. Commissioner Sims stated that like Ms. Capers he grew up very poor and volunteered one bicycle. Vice Chair Sikes stated that no action would be taken at this time and directed staff to look at this and get back with her.
Ted Hill-Gardenscape Request for Waterline: Mr. Hill was not present. Commissioner Streater asked if he was on the Agenda last month with County Manager Lucas answering it was two months ago. Commissioner Jones noted that if he asks again the matter would be considered again.
Sandra Ricketts-Board of Election Chair: Ms. Ricketts shared that she was present as a secondary backup to her appearance last month. Ms. Ricketts stated that the Board of Elections met in closed session last month with the Board of Commissioners and the only word they received was that no decision was made. Ms. Ricketts asked the courtesy of a yes, no or that the matter has been tabled to be discussed at another time. Commissioner Jones called for the next item on the Agenda. Vice Chair Sikes stated that the matter was tabled at this time until further action. Vice Chair Sikes then stated that no action was taken so he guesses that is a no to their request.
Public Addresses to the Board:

Sylvia Jeter, a resident of Morven, appeared on behalf of the Township of Morven. Ms. Jeter shared that Morven was one of the poorest towns in the county and they are having high water and wastewater billings with some ranging from $60 to $125 a month. Ms. Jeter shared that their rates have gone up while their gallons have gone down. Ms. Jeter stated that they cannot afford to pay these high bills and asked the county to consider taking over water and wastewater for the Town of Morven. Commissioner Streater stated that this was on the Agenda to be discussed later in the meeting.
Karen White, of the Anson County Association of Educators, appeared before the Board to ask them to consider raising the local supplement for teachers. Ms. White shared that the minimum supplement was $383 with the maximum being $930. Ms. White shared the following supplements from various other counties:

Richmond: minimum is $744 with the maximum being $1109

Montgomery: minimum is $600 with the maximum being $2000

Stanly: minimum is $1650 with the maximum being $2250

Union: minimum is $1550 with the maximum being $4542

Ms. White shared that she loves her job in Anson County but is considering going to Union since financially it is getting harder and harder. Ms. White stated that in addition to being teachers, they are also counselors and they wear many hats in a given day. Commissioner Jones asked Ms. White if she was from the NEA with Ms. White answering yes. Commissioner Jones then asked if she holds an office with Ms. White answering she is the local president. Commissioner Jones then asked Ms. White if she was aware that a couple of years ago they made an appearance before the NEA with a suggestion for a supplement and it was voted down by the NEA. Ms. White shared that she was not aware of this. Commissioner Jones stated that the NEA told the Board of Commissioners the reason they voted against this was because Dr. Truman was opposed to this. Again Ms. White stated that she was not aware of this. Commissioner Jones stated that the suggestion made to the NEA at that time was for a referendum to the people of Anson County to have supplements for teachers. Commissioner Jones asked Ms. White what level of supplement she would recommend with Ms. White feeling it was currently at 1.5%. Commissioner Jones then asked Ms. White her thoughts on having a referendum and Ms. White felt it was a wonderful idea and recommended 2.5. Commissioner Sims voiced that he did not remember talk of a referendum as a body in official capacity. Commissioner Lear stated that he did not recall mention of this as well as Commissioner Streater. Commissioner Jones shared that he made an appearance before the NEA as an individual and they voted it down based on the fact that George Truman was opposed to it. Commissioner Streater asked why he was opposed to it with Commissioner Jones answering it was not clear other than the fact that they were afraid of him. Commissioner Jones stated that his proposal then and now is to have a referendum and let the people of Anson County decide if they want to support education. Commissioner Streater agreed with holding a referendum. Commissioner Sims stated that he was not aware of the events discussed by Commissioner Jones and offered that Dr. Truman was a professional educator and he does not believe he would do anything to keep teachers from having higher supplements. Commissioner Sims feels if Dr. Truman rejected the plan it was probably because he did not feel comfortable that it would be advantageous for teachers. Commissioner Streater was of the opinion that a Board member or County Manager Lucas should talk with Dr. Truman and this group to see if they would support this. Vice Chair Sikes offered that staff would follow up on this. Vice Chair Sikes thanked Ms. White for appearing before the Board.

Consent Agenda: Motion by Commissioner Streater, seconded by Commissioner Jones, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Minutes: Approved minutes of meetings dated September 5, 22 and 28, 2006 and closed session minutes dated September 5 and 22, 2006.

Tax Releases: Approved as follows:

Employee Event Budget Amendment: To appropriate donations for employee sponsored events.


Anson County Budget Ordinance FY 2006/07

BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that the FY 2006/07 Budget Ordinance be amended as follows:

Section 1. General Fund Expenditures:

Increase: 11-4110 $ 2,575

Total Increase $ 2,575

Section 2. General Fund Revenues:

Increase: 11-4110 $ 2,575

Total Increase $ 2,575

Adopted this 9th day of October, 2006.

Budget Expense Report and Fund Balance Update: Approved as presented.

Fund Balance Calculation

As of


Available Fund Balance

Cash & Investments

$ 1,999,907

Less Liabilities (w/out deferred revenue)

$ 169,934

Less Deferred Revenue (from cash receipts)

$ (177,274)

Less Encumbrances

$ (44,921)

Total Available

$ 1,947,646.63

General Fund Expenditures

Total Expenditures (Adopted Budget)


Total Available for Appropriation

Total Available

$ 1,947,647

Total Expenditures

$ 25,018,608

Available Fund Balance


Available Fund Balance Requirement






Fund Balance Available for Appropriation


Health Budget Amendment – Family Planning: To appropriate additional funding from the Division of Public Health for Family Planning.


Anson County Budget Ordinance FY 2006/07

BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that the FY 2006/07 Budget Ordinance be amended as follows:

Section 1. General Fund Expenditures:

Increase: 11-5110-5182 $ 3,108

Total Increase $ 3,108

Section 2. General Fund Revenues:

Increase: 11-5100 $ 3,108

Total Increase $ 3,108

Adopted this 9th day of October, 2006.

Health Budget Amendment – Bioterrorism: To appropriate additional funding from the Division of Public Health for Bioterrorism.


Anson County Budget Ordinance FY 2006/07

BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that the FY 2006/07 Budget Ordinance be amended as follows:

Section 1. General Fund Expenditures:

Increase: 11-5110-5182 $ 15,000

Total Increase $ 15,000

Section 2. General Fund Revenues:

Increase: 11-5100 $ 15,000

Total Increase $ 15,000

Adopted this 9th day of October, 2006.

Elderly Budget Amendment-Senior’s Health Insurance Information Program: To appropriate funding from the Department of Insurance of North Carolina for the Senior’s Health Insurance Information Program.


Anson County Budget Ordinance FY 2006/07

BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that the FY 2006/07 Budget Ordinance be amended as follows:

Section 1. General Fund Expenditures:

Increase: 11-5880 $ 3,100

Total Increase $ 3,100

Section 2. General Fund Revenues:

Increase: 11-5880 $ 3,100

Total Increase $ 3,100

Adopted this 9th day of October 2006.

Cooperative Extension Budget Amendment-Donations for Ag Expo & Fair: Appropriates additional donations from sponsors for the 2006 Anson County Ag Expo and Fair.


Anson County Budget Ordinance FY 2006/07

BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that the FY 2006/07 Budget Ordinance be amended as follows:

Section 1. General Fund Expenditures:

Increase: 11-4950 $ 6,100

Total Increase $ 6,100

Section 2. General Fund Revenues:

Increase: 11-4950 $ 6,100

Total Increase: $ 6,100

Adopted this 9th day of October, 2006.

Anson Rescue Budget Amendment-Funding for Third Prime Time Ambulance: appropriates funding for the approved contract with Anson Rescue for the services of a third prime time ambulance per Board of Commissioners approval on September 5, 2006:


Anson County Budget Ordinance FY 2006/07

BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that the FY 2006/07 Budget Ordinance be amended as follows:

Section 1. General Fund Expenditures:

Decrease: 11-9912 $ (37,500)

Increase: 11-4372 $ 37,500

Net -

Adopted this 9th day of October, 2006.
CDBG Budget Amendment: To Close the 2003 Scattered Site Housing Project & open the 2006 Scattered Housing Project:


Anson County Community Development Block Grant Project

2003 Scattered Site Housing

BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that the Anson County Community Development block Grant/2003 Scattered Site Housing Project be amended as follows:

Section 3. Revenues:

Increase: Local Commitment $ 100

Total Increase $ 100

Section 4. Expenditures:

Increase: Administration $ 17

Increase: Transfer to 21 Fund $ 83

Total Increase $ 100

Adopted this 9th day of October, 2006.

Directory: minutes
minutes -> City of rising star regular meting thursday, july 14, 2016
minutes -> Iccf congress, seixal, portugal 5th to 12th October 2002
minutes -> New jersey state interscholastic athletic association 1161 Route 130, po box 487, Robbinsville, nj 08691 League/Conference Officers Meeting Summary October 15, 2015
minutes -> Mascac annual meeting
minutes -> Approved May 2, 2009 Speed Skate New Brunswick Athlete Development Committee
minutes -> Present: Chairman/Town Mayor
minutes -> Cacc director’s council may 24-25 2010 12 noon caesar’s, Atlantic City, nj
minutes -> Massachusetts State Collegiate Athletic Conference Spring Athletic Directors Annual Meeting Monday – Wednesday, May 23-25, 2011 Massachusetts Maritime Academy Bay State Conference Center Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts present
minutes -> Athletics Committee Meeting Tuesday, December 6, 2011
minutes -> Hfip team Telecon Minutes 1400 est, Wednesday, 28 March 2012

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