4.1 Administrative and Regulatory Frameworks in Education
4.1.1 Project Administrative set-up
The ZSEP will only operate in the Isles. Under the constitution, Zanzibar enjoys a certain degree of autonomy including an autonomous Ministry of Education and Vocational Training for governance of matters on education. This is the institution that will take charge of implementation of the ZSEP. Implementation of the project will be carried out through the existing structures of the MoEVT, involving its different departments, district education boards and education institutions.
A Kiswahili version of the organization structure for the MoEVT is presented below. The Permanent Secretary is the executive responsible for overall management of education in the MoEVT while the Commissioner for Education is the Technical Head of all education matters.
Fig 4.1: Organo-chart for the MoEVT
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Administratively, Zanzibar is divided into 5 Regions and 10 districts. Delivery of services in education within the Isles is effected through the 10 districts each of which has a District Education Officer charged with responsibility of overseeing activities of the 10 Departments.
4.1.2 Institutional arrangements and coordination
The MoEVT will provide overall policy guidance and supervision to the ZSEP. Through the commission for Policy, Planning, Budget and Research, the ministry will clarify the roles including capacity building requirements at all levels for project implementation. This will be achieved through development of a Project Implementation Manual to specify action and involvement of players at all levels to ensure harmony in project implementation. The PIM will also provide guidelines on the code of conduct for all project actors to ensure compliance with RGZ and World Bank requirements for project management.
In pursuit of its mandate, the Ministry of Education and Vocation Training is in the process of developing a Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) Plan to coordinate activities in the education sector. Simultaneously to this initiative, the Government has asked the World Bank to spearhead support for secondary education through a separate investment credit (ZSEP) as a means of addressing urgent needs in secondary education and the challenge for MoEVT is , to ensure that ZSEP objectives and interventions remain fully consistent with the full sector-wide program under development and is expected to further help consolidate the SWAP concept.
4.1.3 Policy Framework for the Education and Training Sector
For the past three decades, the policy of education in Zanzibar was guided by the declaration of compulsory and free basic education for all. The Eucation Act No.6 of (amended in 1993) provides the overall policy orientation of the sector. Although education was declared free, community and individual contributions are encouraged and contribute much in the construction of classrooms. Supply of school stationery's and private cost of schooling is the responsibility of parents. The policy of education has also been guided by international declarations and conventions such as:-
Millennium Development Goals for Education
Jomtien Declaration on Education for All (EFA) in the year 2000
The convention on Children's Rights (CRC).
Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against women (CEDAW).
These global commitments aims at empowering the poor including the women to pursue their fundamental human rights, such as education, development and protection. As part of her commitment to these conventions and to providing basic education, Zanzibar has adopted the following policy and legislative tools;-
The Zanzibar Education Act of 1982 (amended in 1993) which defined the right to education for every citizen and legalized basic education as free and compulsory.
Zanzibar Education policy of 1991 (amended in 1995) with specific objectives of ensuring that all eligible children were enrolled into and were attending school, provision of good and relevant quality education and provide equal educational opportunities.
Towards implementation of the Education Policy, the RGZ produced in 1996, the Zanzibar Education Master Pan (ZEMAP) for the next ten years. ZEMAP identified objectives and programs addressing access, equity, quality and relevance for basic education that would position Zanzibaris to productively enter the 21st century. It recognized that the RGZ budget provision to education could not meet the objectives alone and called on the community and civil sector to be partners with the government in this enterprise. It also called on external organizations to partner with the GOZ and civil society in the provision of needed contributions to assist it to meet its goals.
In 2000, the GOZ released Vision 2020, a comprehensive statement of objectives for the whole country in all sectors that reinforced the objectives of ZEMAP. The Zanzibar Poverty Reduction Plan (ZPRP) was developed to serve as a strategy for implementation of Vision 2020, and further delineated the needs of the Education Sector. In 2002 the Zanzibar Education Sector Status Report provided further indication on the status of ZEMAP and yielded new data that confirmed that there was a continuing need to vigorously address the issues identified in ZEMAP if quality learning was to be achieved.
Based on the ZESCSR, MoEVT has developed a new Zanzibar Education and Training Policy which addressed structure and focus for education and has been approved by the Zanzibar House of Representatives. In line with this policy, the RGZ and the community have been actively addressing the goals and objectives for education through such programs as increasing the number of schools and classrooms, promoting equity, developing teacher centers, and promoting distance learning. This is the policy framework under which the ZSEP was conceived and developed.
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