Xorazm viloyati xalq ta’limi boshqarmasi
Yangibozor tumani 10-son ixtisoslashtirilgan maktab –internati ingliz tili fani o’qituvchisi Nurmetova Mehribonning ish faoliyatini tuman miqyosida
MAVZU: “Autentik materiallardan foydalanib o’quvchilarning lug’at boyligini oshirish”
Technological map of the lesson
5th form
I usually wake up at…
The aim of the lesson
to enrich PP vocabulary with new words; to enable PP to talk about daily routine ; to form the communicative competence of students on the basis of studied LE, speech and grammatical structures on the topic "I usually wake up….".
Lesson objectives
1. Educational: to improve speaking and reading skills, activate the learned lexical units on the topic "I usually wake up… ", update grammatical skills ( the present tense with always, sometimes, usually, often ,never).
2. Developing: to develop monologic al speech: to argue their statements using complex sentences with the conjunction because;to develop thinking, memory, ability to read text and answer questions. - to enable pupils to talk about and discuss daily routines and habitual actions
3. Upbringing: to learn to listen to each other, work in a group, raise interest in the English language,to give opportunity to understand how important to get up early and to achieve plans
Learning outcomes
By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about daily routines, use the adverbs of frequency
The type of the lesson
Giving basic information
The methods
Play “Clock line”, answer-questions, Match the pictures and words, Look and ask, Read and fill in the gaps, Listen and put or .
The equipment of the lesson
the textbook of the 5th form,New Fly High. Blackboard, pictures, text for filling gaps, markers, handouts with table, lap top and volume increaser, projector, screen,authentic materials
Interaction patterns
working individually, plenary, in pairs and in small groups
Procedure of the lesson
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