Radiation safety (continued)
Does the commander/commandant report excess “military-exempt” LASERs to the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service for utilization screening within DOD?
Standard: DA Pam 385-24, paragraph 1-4i(6).
Documentation: Excess military-exempt LASER SOP.
Has the commander/commandant established and employed procedures to ensure that there is a Radiofrequency Radiation (RFR) Safety Program established and have designated a RFR Safety Officer in writing?
Standard: DA Pam 385-24, paragraphs 1-4k(1) and 1-4k(2).
Documentation: RFR safety policy and procedures.
Does the commander/commandant ensure RFR accidents are reported to United States Army Public Health Command (Provisional) and follow accident reporting procedures?
Standard: DA Pam 385-24, paragraph 6-1a(3)(b); DA Pam 385-40, paragraph 5-4c(2)(a).
Documentation: RFR safety policy and procedures.
Are radiation handlers/users trained in safe working conditions and operating procedures in accordance with applicable regulations and directives?
Standard: AR 385-10, paragraph 10-10a.
Documentation: Lesson plans, training roster, and schedule of classes.
Is there a school trained aviation safety officer (ASO) assigned to the TDA, Table of Organization and Equipment, Modified Table of Organization and Equipment; authorized full-time position?
Standard: DA Pam 385-90, paragraph 1-4j(2).
Documentation: Copy of TDA.
Is there a safety-trained NCO or qualified individual appointed by the unit commander, in writing, to assist the safety manager in aviation units?
Standard: DA Pam 385-90, paragraph 1-4j (3)(d).
Documentation: A certificate of completion from a sanctioned Safety Course and appointment orders for the safety NCO or alternate to the ASO.
Aviation safety (continued)
Has an appropriately trained additional duty aviation safety officer been appointed in aviation organizations without authorized ASO positions, and in non-aviation organizations, not staffed with full-time safety personnel to perform safety and accident prevention functions for the commander?
Standard: DA Pam 385-90, paragraph 1-4j(3)(c); AR 385-10, paragraph 2-6d/2-7g; DA Pam 385-10, paragraph 3-3f.
Documentation: Check appointment orders and ADSO course completion certificate (within 90 days of appointment).
At brigade level and below, does the ASO work directly for and is rated by the commander?
Standard: DA Pam 385-90, paragraph 1-4j (3); AR 385-10, paragraph 2-7g.
Documentation: Unit rating scheme.
Has the commander established a written safety philosophy that incorporates goals, objectives, and priorities? Is it in the quarterly training guidance?
Standard: DA Pam 385-90, paragraph 2-3; DA Pam 385-90, paragraph 1-4j(5); AR 385-10, paragraph 15-2a(2).
Documentation: Check the commander’s safety philosophy for completeness.
Does the ASO maintain current unit safety functional files and are procedures for safety files and administration established in the SOP?
Standard: AR 25-400-2, paragraph 1-7, https://www.arims.army.mil/; AR 385-10, paragraph 16-2, DA Pam 385-90 paragraph 2-10f.
Documentation: Functional files and SOP.
Aviation safety (continued)
Does the safety manager maintain a current library of safety regulations, accident prevention directives, and instructional materials?
Standard: DA Pam 385-90, paragraph 1-4m(6)(h) and Appendix A.
Documentation: Check access to current regulations in printed or electronic format. Recommending printed copies of the minimum daily core regulations (385 series).
Does the ASO maintain safety bulletin boards with:
(1) The names of the Commander, ASO, and Aviation Safety NCO
(2) The names of command support and safety-related program managers
(3) The most recent Commander’s Safety Council and Executive Safety Council, as applicable);
(4) The unit and next higher Commanders’ Safety Philosophies;
(5) Blank DA Forms 2696, Operational Hazard Report (OHR); (6) Blank DA Forms 4755s?
Standard: DA Pam 385-90, paragraphs 1-4m(5), 2-4f.
Documentation: Check all safety bulletin boards with current minutes posted.
Has the safety manager established written procedures for the awards program, to include procedures for impact awards?
Standard: AR 385-10, paragraph 8-5; DA Pam 385-90, paragraph 1-4 (m)(6)(q); DA Pam 385-10, paragraph 1-6.
Documentation: Verify all applicable safety awards programs are functioning. Policy and evidence of issue during the evaluation period (unit, individual, impact, flight, and safe drivers). Ensure the program is funded down to the unit level. Review the SOP to find if this area is covered. If this area is not recognized, ask the ASO.