M.3. program. Quicksort
quicksort([H|T]) ->
{Smaller_Ones,Larger_Ones} = split(H,T,{[],[]}),
lists:append( quicksort(Smaller_Ones),
[H | quicksort(Larger_Ones)]
quicksort([]) -> [].
split(Pivot, [H|T], {Acc_S, Acc_L}) ->
if Pivot > H -> New_Acc = { [H|Acc_S] , Acc_L };
true -> New_Acc = { Acc_S , [H|Acc_L] }
split(_,[],Acc) -> Acc.
Implement the program in an own module or integrate it where you implemented basic programming problems. Create an interface function to this module whose first parameter is the programming problem to be run, the second is the set or scalar type variable with which the program should be run. Add error handling routines to the module and to its exported functions. At this phase you can use the previously implemented error handling function which, besides the error message, also shows which function call caused it. The error handler is worth extending with a clause which does not display errors but results of the particular functions formatted according to the type of the particular return value.
2.3. The source codes, and the output screens of the programs from the article
Hello world
The output screen of the program
The output screen of the program
The output screen of the program
Random numbers
The output screen of the program
The output screen of the program
Pattern matching
The output screen of the program
Maximum value
The output screen of the program
The output screen of the program
Tuples and lists
The output screen of the program
List sum
The output screen of the program
Handling multiple return value
The output screen of the program
Handling two or more multiple return values
The output screen of the program
Handling records
The output screen of the program
The output screen of the program
List sum 2
The output screen of the program
Maximum and average
The output screen of the program
2. factorial program
The output screen of the program
The output screen of the program
Pythagoras 2
The output screen of the program
The output screen of the program
Ordering list
The output screen of the program
Handling records 2
The output screen of the program
The output screen of the program
The output screen of the program
Atomic datas
The output screen of the program
Guard expression
The output screen of the program
IO test
The output screen of the program
Using dictionary
The output screen of the program
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