Training Material – (Core Book / Reading Plus) – The 2nd semester eleventh grade. (11th )

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Training Material – (Core Book / Reading Plus) – The 2nd semester


تم إعداد هذا العمل بواسطة مجموعة من معلمي المبحث :-

مدرسة الحاج محمد النجار الثانوية

يوسف أبو شقرة - أحمد العمور

مدرسة خالد الحسن الثانوية

يحيى الآغا - أحمد موسى

مدرسة خانيونس الثانوية

منى الأعرج

تـنسيق و مراجعة : ٍيوسـف أبو شـقرة

تحت إشراف مشرفي المبحث:-

حـيـدر أبـو شاويـش - حـسـيـن أبو الخـيـر - رولا الـفـرا

2016 -2015

Unit 7

The Food On Your Table


  • Read the following passage about "GM food "then answer the questions that follow :-

Genes are like a set of instructions for making a living thing. Flower or elephant, fish or human: they are all what they are because of their genes. When scientists found that they could change (or modify) things by taking out or adding genes, many new things became possible, including genetically modified (GM) foods and other crops.

We can now artificially create plants that produce more food than natural ones, crops that can resist attacks by pests, rice that can grow in salty water, crops that work like medicines, and many other amazing things. To some people, this makes the future look very exciting. In 20 years’ time, they say, we will all be eating GM food and the global problem of starvation will be solved.

However, not everybody is so sure that this is a good thing. There are concerns that GM crops could have a disastrous effect on agriculture and the environment in general. They might, for example, kill natural plants and take over from them. Also, people say that we do not know enough about the effects of GM food on the human body.

A / Answer the following questions :-

1- How could scientists modify things ?


2- What is meant by "gene" ?


3- What happened as a result of changing things' characteristics ?


4- What will happen as a in 20 years' time according to the text?

B/ Complete the table with arguments from the text:-

For GM Food

Against GM Food

C / Decide whether these statements are (true)or(false):-

1- GM crops are made naturally. T / F

2- Living things are all what they are because of their genes. T / F

3- Everybody is agreed that GM world is very amazing. T / F

4- Thank to GM food , the problem of starvation will be solved . T / F

D/ Complete the following sentences :-

1- GM plants are able to ……………………from things that might kill them.

2- Elephant, flower or human , fish: they are what they are because ……………………..

3- To optimistic people , the GM food makes the future looks………………………….

4- Because of the advanced science & technology, many things became ……………..……such as ……………………………………..and other crops.

E / Get from the passage:-

The meaning of:

1. very bad………. 2. certain ……..........

3. potential……......... 4. worries…….……

The opposite of:

1. defences ……….. 2. particular……..….

3.naturally…………. 4. consume ………….

F / What do these pronouns and words refer to ?

1- they ( line 2) …………………………………..

2- ones (line 5)…………………………………..

3- they (line 8)…………………………………...

4- this (line 7)…………………………….……..
G / Choose the best title from the box for each paragraph. There is one more than needed:

A- The foreseen side effects of the GM crops.

B- Introduction into genes.

C- The growing use of technology in agriculture.

D- The advantages of the GM crops.

Paragraph 1 ………………….…………

Paragraph 2 ……………………………

Paragraph 3 ……………………………

  • Read the following passage about "the education in Palestine" then answer the questions that follow :-

Palestine is a country with a tragic past, little land and few natural resources and without large industries. The population is growing faster then almost anywhere else in the world and unemployment is high. These are all major problems, but the Palestinians have one special advantage, and that is education. Palestinian culture has always valued education highly, and for Palestinians today it is their only key to economic development and a better national future. During the quarter century of Occupation after 1967, Palestinian education suffered badly. However, big changes began when the new Palestinian Ministry of Education started work in1994. Since then numbers of schools and teachers have been increasing fast. In the Ministry's words, ' Students in Palestine will be living and contributing to an increasingly interdependent community of nations in the 21s century. Therefore, the aim of modern education is to prepare all students for life in this new world

A / Answer the following questions :-

1-What are the major problems in Palestine ?


2- How was the Palestinian education after Occupation ?


3-When did the changes of education in Palestine begin ? What are those changes ?


4- What is the aim of modern education?


B / Get from the passage:-
The meaning of

1. 100 years …………… …………..

3. increasing.................... 4. began……………

The opposite of

1. artificial ....................... 2. minor ....................

3.death.............................. 4. tiny…………….
C/ Choose the correct answer:

1- The value of education is…………………… Palestine.

a- highly b- high c- heights

2- The numbers of schools and teachers have ………………..since 1994.

a- increased b- increasing c- increases

3 – The pronoun their refers to:

a- Palestinians b- students c – numbers
D / Decide whether these statements are (true)or(false):-

1 - Palestinian Ministry of Education began to work in 1964 . T / F

2- Unemployment is one of the Palestinians' problems. T / F

3-The quarter century is fifty years. T / F


A / Use the words in the box to complete the following sentences:-

starvation – standard – pests – resist – seed – reaction - additives

1- All our food is made with fresh ingredients & without any extra …………………

2-In some countries, there is a problem of …………………………

3- Burgers & chips or pizza have become the ……………for many people around the world.

4-The slow food movement in Italy was a ……………to the global spread of fast food.

5- I bought a packet of …………. To see if I could grow vegetables in my garden .

6- We need to ………….what some large companies are doing to the environment.

7-Farmers lose a lot of money because of ………………………

B / Match the words in the table with their meanings :



1. Flavor

( ) not preserved e.g. in a packet or a tin .

2. Homemade

( ) people not having enough food.

3. Ingredients

( ) worries

4. Fresh

( ) fight back against

5. Starvation

( ) not from a factory.

6. Resist

( ) things you need to make a meal .

7. Concerns

( ) all over the world .

8. global

( ) tastes .

C/ Complete the sentences with a word from the same word family :-

1- Many new factories were built during the period of ………………….(industrial)

2- As a company, we can't live in the past. We have to ………………..(modern)

3- The book was …………..praised by all the reviewers. (high)

4- The accident looked serious but no one was badly …………….. (injury)

5- The story is ……………written but it isn’t exciting. (good)

6- The ……………..of the software means you can use it on all computers . (standard)


A / Circle the correct tense :

1- This time next month, I hope I will live / will be living in my new house.

2-Don’t worry, we will be finished / have finished the work before you got back.

3- By the end of the journey, they will have driven/ will be driving over 200 miles.

4- If she isn’t at home when I get there , I will wait / will be waiting till she arrives.

5- By next year , they will have been / will be marries for 30 years.

6- Scientists think that in ten years' time nearly everyone will have used / will be using mobile phones.

B/ Complete the sentences using the future tenses of the verbs in brackets:

1- Don’t call me at 8:00 . I …………………..dinner. (have)

2- I won't be able to go on holiday this summer because I ……………..enough money. (save)

3- If he keeps going at this speed he ……………….20 pages today.(write)

4- In 20 years' time , they say , every one………..……….GM food. (eat)

5- If he doesn't answer the door ,he………..……..outside in the garden.(work)

6-What do you think you'll ……………this time next year?(do)

7-By next year our restaurant …………… in business for 20 year.(be)

C/ Correct the mistakes :

1-I hope I will finished my homework by the time the TV programme start………………

2-she hopes that next year she study at university ………………………………………..

3- I hope your interview goes well tomorrow .I thought of you……………………………

4-I finished the work by 10:00 am tomorrow morning …………………………………….

5- She always wears bright coloured clothes ,so you'll recognize her easily……………….

6-One result of global is that many companies no operate all over the world……………..


A / Write a set of instructions for starting a computer and searching for a website. Use time and ordering words and phrases.

First you have to (explain how to turn on the computer )………………………………………


Then (explain how to open the web browser)……………………………………………..


Finally,(explain how to search for a site)………………………………………………………….


Unit 8

Amazing Animals



  • Read the following passage (blog) about "pandas" then answer the questions that follow :-

Everyone likes pandas, don’t they? And of course, that includes me. Recently, though, I’ve reached an opinion that might upset some people reading this blog

We all know that giant pandas are an endangered species, facing many threats. They struggle to survive in areas of land that are getting smaller every year. But, quite honestly, they don’t really help themselves, do they? They only eat one thing, a plant that doesn’t have many nutrients, and they seem to find it very difficult to produce baby pandas. Are they really worth it? Organisations like the World Wildlife Fund, which uses the panda on all its publicity, spend millions of pounds trying to preserve this one animal, while there are many other species (animals and plants) that are threatened with extinction. They aren’t as pretty as pandas (in fact, some of them are definitely rather ugly), but they all play an important part in the complex network of life on earth. Extinction is part of the Earth’s history. Obviously we can’t preserve every species, so we need to make some hard economic choices. Maybe it’s time to stop wasting all this money on one animal. The biggest problem for all endangered species, including pandas, is loss of habitat. Instead of saying ‘Save the Whale (or Tiger or Panda), we should be saying ‘Save the Rainforest (or Desert or Rivers)’.


Maria Collins : Are you really suggesting that we should just leave pandas to die out? I’m shocked to read this from someone who calls himself an animal lover. April 21st, 6.33 p.m.

A / Answer the following question:

1-Why is it difficult for pandas to produce babies?


2- Why do many organizations spend millions of pounds to preserve pandas ? ...................................................................................................................................................

3- What is the biggest problem for all endangered species?


B / Decide whether these statements are (true)or(false):-

1-We should save the rainforest instead of saving the whale , tiger or panda. T / F

2- Alan Finn was shocked when he read Collins ' blog. T / F

3- Pandas are threatened with extinction. T / F

C/ Complete the following statements :

1-Pandas………………… survive in areas of land that are getting smaller every year.

2- In her comment , Maria Collins says that she is …………………………

3- We should preserve pandas from ……………………………..

D/Choose the correct answer from (a, b or c)

1-Alan Finn says his opinion is ………………….

  1. rather an unusual one.

b- likely to make some people angry.

c- the only possible solution .

2- Finn thinks that pandas ………………….

a-shouldn’t be treated differently from others.

b- should do more to help themselves .

c- are in less danger than other animals .

3-In his opinion , the biggest problem for endangered species is …………………….

a-being killed by people .

b- losing their living space .

c- global climate change .

E/ Say what these pronouns refer to :

1-They (line 3)……………………. 2- they( line 7)…………………………

3- we (line 15)……………………… 4-which( line 9)……………………….

F/Get from the passage :

The meaning of :

1-complicated: ……………………… 2- keep: ………………………….

3- very large: ……………………… 4- clearly: ……………………….

5-dangers: ……………………… 6- book production: ……………………

The opposite of :

1-bigger: ………………………….. 2-save: ………………………………

3- solution : ………………………. 4- amateur: ……………………….

5- easy: …………………………….

Read the following passage about "the king's reward" , then answer the question below :-

Once upon a time , a king decide to give a great reward to the man who had served this country most . A lot of people went to the king's palace to watch that . A man brought the king a gold gun, another a box of jewelry and a third an Arab horse . But the king liked other three men the best . The first was clever doctor , the second a successful teacher and the third a great scientist who had many useful discoveries . while the king was thinking about which of the three men to get the reward , a woman came near to him . He asked her. " Have you got anything to show us ? " "she answered ," No , but these three men are my sons and I've come to see who will win the reward . " The king , at once , called out , " Give these great present to this lady who has given birth to these great men ! " It was a big real diamond .

A / answer the following questions :-

1-Why did the king give the woman a big diamond ?


2- What are the jobs of the woman's three sons ?


3- What did the first men bring the king ?


B / Choose the correct answer :-

1-The king wanted to give a reward to the best man who had …………………….

a-served his country most b- brought him jewelry c- brought him a gold gun

2- The woman went to the king's palace to ………………….

a-get the reward b- watch her sons getting the reward c- show the king something

C / Complete the following sentences:

1-The king gave the ………………….. to …………………… .

2- The woman came to the palace to ……………………………. .

D / Decide whether these statements are (true)or(false):-

1-The king decided to give a great reward to the man who loved his country . T / F

2- The first man won the reward . T / F

E / What do these pronoun refer to? :-

1-( he ) line "6" …………………………… .2- ( these ) line "7" …………………………

3- ( I ) line "8" ……………………… 4- ( it ) line "9" ……………………………

F / Find from the text :

The synonyms of :

1-gift …………………….. 2- intelligent …………………………

3- immediately ……………… .4- replied ……………………….

5- prize ………………………… 6- make up mind ……………………………

The opposite of :-

1-the worst ………………………….. 2- far …………………………

3- few ………………………….. 4- lose ………………………..


A/Use the words in the box to complete the following sentences :

publicity – habitat – extinction – struggle

1-…………………………. is an area where particular species live .

2- Numbers of tigers are so low that they are in danger of ……………………

3- we need better …………………….. so that people know about the company and its product .

4- people in low- paid jobs often …………………….. to feed their families .

B/Replace the underlined parts of the sentences with words from the box .

pretending – biologists – enable – random – according to

1-Scientists who study living things are worried about the effects of climate change . ……………………………

2- The thief entered people's houses by seeming falsely to be from electricity company. ……………………..

3- The choice of people to answer the survey was unplanned.

. ………………………

4- The animal's colour makes it possible for it to hide in the forest.


5-The students were put in different classes in connection with their abilities. ………………………..

C / Complete the sentences below using the correct tense or form of the verbs in the box, plus a correct preposition

look forward – decide – succeed – sorry
to – in – against – for

1-I'm ………………. ………………… forgetting to phone you yesterday .

2- We discussed it and finally …………………..……………….. accepting the offer .

3- He …………… ……………………… remembering words, so learning is easy for him .

4- We tried and tried but he didn’t………… ……….opening the old door .

5- I ………………… …………………… seeing you at the meeting next week .

D/ Add correct prepositions from the box to the sentence below .

in – by – to – on – at – to

1-The library books are arranged according …………………… their subjects .

2- …………………….my opinion , he was right not to accept the job .

3- What is your reaction ……………… the news that she is getting married ?

4- You may find it hard ……………….. first but it gets easier when you practice .

5- I hope I will have finished readings this book ……………. next week .

F / Complete the sentences , using words from the same word family .

1-He's thinner than he was , so he's had to his trousers. ( tight )

2- The sky began to and they knew it would rain soon . (dark)

3- We need to the curtains They are too short . (long )

4- Please that you have completed all parts of the form . (sure)

5- In reply to your request for payment , I a cheque with his letter . (close )


A/ Rewrite the sentences , using an _- ing form to replace the underlined parts .

1-Because he is my friend , he always give me good advice .

…………………………………………………………………… …………………………

2- The detective picked up the knife and held it between two fingers .


3- While he was staying in Cairo, he met an old friend from his village.


4- I thought the email was for someone else , so I didn’t open it .


5- I speak as a non_expert when I say , I found the book hard to understand .


B/ Join the pairs of sentences to make one longer sentence , using an_ ing phrase .

1-I am a teacher , I think school hours are long enough .


2- Because pandas don’t have good food , they find it difficult to produce babies .


3- I don’t see the problem , That’s because I am someone who isn’t an expert .


4- I felt hungry , I decided to have a sandwich.


5- I'm a student . I think the exam was very difficult.


6- Mudskippers are fish . They use gills to breath .


7- I know him well . That’s why I can tell you what his answer will be .



A / Write a reply giving your opinion and agreeing or disagreeing with the previous comment , use one or more of the attitude words and phrases .

13_ year _ old gets into top university .

" we hope he'll be a professor by the time , he's 20" ; say parents .

1 comment

_ Ahmad 32@news talk . com .

Personally , I feel sad for him . He will never have a normal life, especially with parents like that .

Add comment

_ Hi student @ Palestine (sign out ).


Unit 9

Once Upon A Time



  • Read the following passage about "fairy stories" then answer the questions that follow :-

Some people worry that folk tales and fairy stories encourage children to believe things that can’t happen in the real world. The highly praised children’s writer Gillian Poulson couldn’t disagree more. Stories, she says, help to develop a child’s imagination. ‘One of the main points of these stories,’ she explains, ‘is that they don’t happen in the real world. Once children have visited the other worlds stories describe, they are never quite the same. They learn to question the world they see around them, and perhaps to change it.’

She’s not alone in this opinion. The great scientist Albert Einstein once said: ‘If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.’ Research has shown that children who grow up hearing, and later reading, stories are much more likely to get good exam results, not just in language but also in maths and science.

Gillian Poulson thinks the reason why children love fairy tales is quite simple. ‘They just want to know what happens next. Folk tales or fairy stories are especially good for this because they don’t normally have anything extra to get in the way.

A / Decide whether the sentences are True (T) or False (F),according to the text.

1-Gillian Poulson shares people's concerns that folk tales are not realistic .T / F

2-Stories can expand children's imagination . T / F

3-Children who hear and read fairy tales , get low exam results. T / F

B/ Answer the following questions:

1-Why does Paulson think stories have obvious effect on children?


2-How can you let your children be intelligent , according to Einstein opinion ?


3- Why do children love fairy tales?


C/ Get form the text :

The meaning of : 1-cause ……………. 2-particularly …………………….

The opposite of : 1-imaginary ………………… 2-sophisticated ……………..

D/What do the underlined pronouns in the text refer to?

1-they( line 4) …………………………

2-it ( line 6) ……………………………….

3- them ( line 8) ……………………………

E/ Find two words form the text that match this definition :

………………………:stories about fairies or similar imaginary creatures, told to amuse children.

  • Read the text about "Palestinian folk tales" and complete the tasks below.

The Palestinian folk tales were the major nightly entertainment in the early days before television and radio .The story teller was usually the grandfather , the grandmother , or one of the parents.

In every town there used to be what was called Madhafah (guest house) where visitors to the town would stay and be welcomed . The Hakawaty(story teller), who was the entertainer in the Madhafah , would tell the audience a story while playing a soft tune on his rababah (one –stringed violon –like instrument) He would tell stories such as kulaib and Zeer ,Zarief Etool and Ataba , Arabian Nights and other short ones he might have heard in other towns.

The family would enjoy their story time at night especially in the winter . The children would be sitting around kanoon (brazier) while grandfather , the grandmother, or whoever is the story teller would be telling the story of the night.

A/Answer the following question:

  1. Who was usually the story teller?


  1. Where did the Hakawaty tell the story ?


  1. Which season was the best to tell stories?


B/ Decide whether the sentences are true(T) or fales(F), according to the text :

1- The folk tales were know after discovering television and radio . T / F

2- The visitors used to go the theatre . T / F

3- people enjoyed their story time at night . T / F

C/ Find word or two words in the text that match each definition :

…………………..: stories that are traditionally among a group of people.

…………………: people who are listening to a story.

D/ Find from the text the opposite of these words:-

1- minor:…………………………….

2- generally:………………………………

E/What do the underlined pronouns in the text refer to?

1- He (line 7 )…………… 2- ones (line 8):………………..


A / Match the words in the table with their meanings :



1 - meaning of a word

( ) character


( ) tales

3-contain (as an important part)

( ) hero

4-main person in a story

( ) society

5-group of people

( ) features

6-any person in a story(or film , play etc.)

( ) definition

7- not real

( )imaginary

8- types

( ) kinds

B / Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

types – persuades -feature - lays – tied - couple - refuses

1-It's no use asking to borrow money from him. He always………………….

2-He's such a good speaker that he always ……………………..people that his opinion is right.

3-The story is about a married ……………….. and their three children.

4-They ………………………the thief to a chair so that he could not escape.

5-They have a duck in their garden that …………….large eggs.

6-I like lots of different ………………………of music, from folk music to classical.

7- Fairy stories are mainly for children and often ………. animals that talk, giants and other imaginary things


A / Join the two short sentences to make one longer sentence using suitable relative pronouns:

1-The story happens in Jaffa. Jaffa is city in Palestine.


2-Have you seen the letter? It came yesterday.


3-The main character is very poor .He has three sons.


4-This is the book .I was reading it yesterday .


5-That's the same film . I saw it at the cinema last week .


6-This is the folk tale .I remember it from my childhood.


7-She's the new student .She arrived last week .


8-Zarief brings back gifts. They are from different parts of the country.


B / Add the correct relative pronoun which ,who ,where or whose , to complete the sentences:

1-Thank you for the book ,…………….I enjoyed reading .

2-The hero,……………….name is Jack, lives with his mother.

3-He lived in Cairo ,………….is the capital of Egypt.

4-They want to the next town,………………..they met an old man .

5-The old man,……………….clothes looked old and dirty ,was really the king.

6-Her father,………………..had traditional opinions ,refused to let her marry.

C / Correct the sentences.(There is one mistake in each sentence)

1-That isn't the woman, who gave me the money.


2-She lives with her parents who are quite old.


3-Once there was a dragon, which tail was very long.


4-He now lives in Jenin, where is a town in the north.


5-Is that the place which you found the letter?


6-I like to meet people whose their interests are similar to mine.


D / Join the two short sentences to make one longer sentence, replacing the underlined parts with relative pronouns

1-That's the house .I was born there


2-She's the woman .I borrowed her books.

3 –I'm going to Ramallah. It isn't very far from here.


4-The main character is a young man. The man's wife is always angry with him.


5-My brother is good at basketball. He is very tall for his age.



Write a summary (80–120 words) of a story you remember hearing or reading, or the story of a film you have seen. You may find the phrases in the box useful.

The story is about … The story happens in … The main character(s) is/are … At the beginning … At the end …


Unit 10

Political Systems



  • Read the following passage about" voting" then answer the questions that follow :-

Many experts believe we are facing a ‘crisis of democracy’. For many years now, not just in the UK but in all the world’s more established democracies, the number of people who vote in elections has been falling. This is especially true among young people. The message from opinion polls is clear: there is a common feeling that young people find traditional politics boring, and that, whatever party they are from, politicians have nothing to offer them.

Now a new report has recommended that voting should be made compulsory, and that the voting age should be lowered to 16. ‘It’s a problem that so many young people don’t vote,’ says Professor Paul Meadows, one of the report’s authors, ‘because politicians can then afford to ignore them. This increases their feeling of not being listened to, and so it goes on. But if young people want their voices to be heard, they have to vote. One important thing that we say in the report, though, is that there should be a ‘none of the above’ option for those who don’t support any of the available candidates. That way, politicians will at least be made aware of how many people aren’t satisfied with what they’re offered.’

Compulsory voting already exists in over 30 countries. In Belgium, for example, people who don’t vote have to pay a small fine, and if they go for four elections without voting, they lose the right to vote. As a result, 90% of Belgians voted in the last European election.

A/Complete the notes with 1-3 word from the text:

1-one of the tow suggestions in the report make it ……………………………….for people to vote.

2- The possibility of choosing "none of the above" gives a chance to let politicians know that people ……………………………………

3-In Belgium ,non-voters must………………………….

B/ Choose the best answer :

1-What does prof Meadows say is the problem with young people not voting?

a/Their opinions will not be heard .

b/ they will not be responsible people .

2-what do many young people feel, according to the text?

a/politics isn't interesting .

b/ Nobody listen to them.

3-If someone chooses " none of the above ", what does it shows?

a/ They don't like any of the candidates.

b/They prefer not to say who they support.

C/Decide whether the sentences are True (T) ,False (F) or (D)Doesn't say , according to the text:

1-The voting age starts from 16 . T / F / Ds

2-If people don't vote 4 time in Belgiun , they will lose their right to vote . T / F / Ds

3-Most of Europeans voted in the last European elections . T / F / Ds

D/ Answer the following questions :

1-The 18–24 age group has been the least likely to vote due to:



2- In Belgium, If somebody goes for four elections without voting,………………………..

E / Get from the text :

The meaning of:

1-keeps on…………………………… 2-choice …………………………………..

The opposite of :

1-raised ……………………… 2- decreases …………………………………

E/What do the underlined pronouns in the text refer to ?

1-It ( line 8) …………………. 2- Them (line 10) ………………….

  • Read the text about "promoting democratic practice "and complete the tasks below.

Civil Society Organization and Central Elections Commission are collaborating to enhance and increase Palestinians' participation in the democratic process .The project will ensure men ,women and young people role .This ultimately aims to support free and fair national elections and promote a culture of participation.

The Chairman of Central Elections Commission ,Dr Hanna Nasir said in his remarks at the ceremony ."This project aims to activate the role of civil society institutions in enhancing political participation among the Palestinian public and strengthen relations with them , since they are one of the main partners of the commission ". He thanked the European Union for funding the project and the civil society organisations for their creative initiatives.

A/Complete the sentences with 1-3 words from the text .

1-Democratic practice is promoted by Civil Society Organization and……………………..

2-This project aims to enhance political ………………………………………..

B/Decide whether the sentences are True (T) or False (F), according to the text .

1-The project will neglect the women participation ( )

2-European Union supported this project .( )

C/Answer the questions from the text.

1-Who is Dr. Hanna Nasir ?


2- Why did Dr. Hanna Nasir thank non-government organizations (NGOs)?


D/ What do the underlined pronouns in the text refer to?

1-This (line 3) :……………………… 2-He (line 8):……………………………………….

E/ Find words from the text that match their phrases.

1-a formal public event. ………………………………………..

2- be more powerful . …………………………………………….


A / Match the words in the table with their meanings :



1. approximately

( ) used by government and in formal situation.


( ) place of government.


( ) political system without a kin or a queen.


( ) connected with money and business.


( ) country that has a king or queen.

( ) formal.

7. official

( ) times when people can vote.

B / Use the words in the table above to complete the sentences:

1-There is a part of the ……………………………building where people can go and watch the discussions.

2-The country was a ……………………from1923, when the king returned and it became a……………………again.

3-I think there were …………………………….50 people at the meeting ,but I did not count them.

4-This is not an ……………………….rule .It's just something that nearly everyone does.

5-People under 18 can't vote in ……………………..

6-I often lose money by making the wrong……………………..choices.

C / Complete the sentences with words from the box. The underlined part will help you to find the meaning.

Fine – politicians - option – candidates - crisis – opinion polls -established

1-We’re in the middle of a……………. . Everything is going wrong and we don’t know what to do.

2- After a long time without big changes, I think the system is well ………….. and likely to stay more or less the same.

3 The………………….. asking people for their opinions on this question all suggest the same result.

4- There are several different ways to pay. It’s your choice, so which…………… do you prefer?

5- All of the in the election……………. are promising different things to make people want to choose them for the position.

6-As a punishment for driving too fast, he had to pay a ……………… .

7 -People don’t realise how hard most ……………….. in the government work.


A / Circle the correct verb form ,active or passive, in these sentences.

1-In 1948, the country become / was became a republic .

2-A lot of money has spent /has been spent on improving this service .

3-Some new ideas are discussing /are being discussed at the moment .

4-Elections take /are taken place every five years .

5-Several changes will need /will be needed before the system works well .

6-In Algeria, the prime minister chooses /is chosen by the president.

7-The number of people who vote has fallen /has been fallen since the last election.

8-He elected /was elected by 70% of voters .

B / Complete the passive sentences by adding the past participle of a verb form from the box:

destroy – make – choose – take – answer – speak – repair -

1-I hope all your questions have now been ………………………..

2-In a democracy ,leaders are ……………………… the people .

3-French is widely ……………………… Algeria .

4-theparliament building was partly …………………………… fire two years ago .

5-These photos were …………………………during my last holiday .

6-Thanks to technology ,voting will be …………………………..easier in future .

7-We couldn't get through because the road was being …………………………

8-The letter will be ………………………………early tomorrow morning.

C / Complete the sentences using the passive form of the verbs in brackets in correct tense :

1-My car …………………………………at the moment, so I have to go to work by bus (repair).

2- I promise the report ……………………………………..before tomorrow morning (finish).

3 -Voting …………………………………….compulsory in Australia over 40 years ago .(make)

4-This book looks almost new .I don't think it……………………………………….very often (read)

5-The result of election ……………………………………….next Tuesday (announce)

6-A lot of books……………………………………..about this subject recently .(write)

7-The president's house………………………………………in 1905 .(build)

8-The rubbish ………………………………………..every Monday morning.(collect)

D/ Complete the sentences with (to)be plus the past participle of a verb from the box .

criticize – make – choose – leave – write – repair – interview - accept

1-I hope …………………………………..on the university course I applied for .

2-He did not expect ………………………………so strongly for his opinion.

3-She wants …………………………………………as the team captain.

4-We've done everything but the report still needs …………………………………….

5-She doesn't want any help .She 'd prefer……………………………………alone.

6He's nervous because he's going ……………………………………on TV.

7-They told me that the car would ……………………………………before 3.00 in the afternoon.

8-The dress could…………………………….longer if you prefer.

E / Answer the questions using words from the box with the prefix non-.

Existent – stick - stop – smoking - fiction

1-What kind of hotel room might people prefer if they have given up cigarettes?.....................

2-What word can describe dragons and talking animals?..................

3-Which section of a library has books about political systems of different countries?.......................

4-What kind of cooking pan is easy to clean?........................

5-What long journey might be especially tiring ?...............................

F / Complete these notices and labels using the verbs in brackets:

1-This shirt ………………………………………………….(should not/wash) in very hot water.

2-Do not write down your password anywhere that it (might/see)by someone else.

3-Safety helmets ………………………………(must/wear) at all times.

4-Please keep this ticket .You………………………………….(may /ask)to show it at any time .

5-This great-looking portable speaker has long-life batteries ,which means it ……………………………(can/carry)anywhere you want to go.


Complete the following sections with certain information about "Palestine" , using the suggestions in the box.

  • It's full name and independence .

  • Official capital and temporary administrative centre

  • Population in the Palestinian Territory .

  • Area in historical Palestine .

  • Political system of government.


Capital City ………….




Official Language .

System Of Government ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Occupation :

Qualification :

Areas of interest :

Preferred hours : FULL TIME / PART TIME

Postal address:

Email :

Phone / Mobile :

Name :……………

Unit 11

It’s in the news



  • Read the following passage about "newspapers" ,then answer the questions below :

The death of the newspaper?

Any first-year Media Studies student will tell you that newspapers have no future in the 21st century. Research seems to confirm that the Internet has taken over from the paper as the main source of news, especially among the young.

The reasons are not hard to find. Like a lot of things on the Internet, the news is free, and there’s a lot more choice, with hundreds of sites providing the latest information on any topic you could wish for. It’s also, obviously, more interactive: you can search for stories on whatever you’re interested in and explore them as far as you want, often with the added extras of audio and video. Supporters of online news also say that they prefer the way stories get straight to the point. They find newspaper articles too long to fit in with their busy, high-speed lives.

Personally, though, I’m not so sure that newspapers are dead, or even dying. Two years ago, I stopped buying a newspaper every day and started getting all my news online, thinking that, apart from the cost benefit, it would save me time. After a few months, I found I was spending at least as much time clicking through various online sites as I used to spend reading my daily newspaper. I also gradually began to realise that the whole experience was less satisfying, and that I didn’t retain as much of what I read. There was simply too much choice on all the Internet news sources. I was reading more stories, but they were often not the most important ones. Less than a year later, I came to the conclusion that what I needed was not the freedom to decidefor myself what I wanted to read, but outside direction towards what I should read. In other words, I needed a good editor, and in the end I got one by going back to buying newspapers.

A/ answer the following questions :

1. What is the main source of news nowadays?


2. Why do most people use the internet to get news?


3. What do supporters of online news prefer?


4.What does the writer begin to realise?


5.What are the advantages of the newspapers?


B/ Decide whether the following sentences are True or False :

1. News papers have taken over the internet. T / F

2. News papers articles are long. T / F

3. The writer is sure that newspapers are dead. T / F

4. Clicking through online sites wastes your time. T / F

C/ Complete the following sentences :

1. ................ have no future in the 21st century .

2. On line news sites are .................

3. Editor gives ................ to more important news .

D/Find the meanings of the following from the passage :

1. difficult ................ 2. clearly ................. 3. certain .................

E/ Find the opposites of the following from the passage :

1. offline ................. 2. a live ................. 3. the old ...............

2. Read the passage then answer the questions :

Mark stubbs and his team wanted to be the fastest to row across the Atlantic from Canada to Britain . By 6:00 pm on 8th August 2004 , after 40 days and 3,000 kilo meters , they had nearly done it: their GPS showed they were just 450 kilometer from land . But that night , there was a terrible storm and at 2:30 am , a huge wave destroyed their boat and threw them into the sea . Luckily , they managed to save a small life raft , a satellite phone and their GPS . They climbed into the raft and used the GPS to find their position . Then they called for help . with the GPS information , a ship found them at 6:00 am soon , the men were climbing the side to safety . GPS technology had saved their lives .

A/ Answer the following questions :

1. What did Stubbs and his team want to do ?


2. What happened to Mark's boat ?


3. What did they manage to save ?


4. How had GPS technology saved their lives ?


B/Complete the following statements :

1. ................. had saved the life of Mark and his team .

2. They spent .................. hours in the raft .

C/ Decide if the following sentences are True or False :

1. The boat was about forty kilometers from the land when the storm destroyed it . T / F

2. Mark wanted to row from America to Canada a cross the Atlantic . T / F

D/ Find from the passage :

The meaning of : small boat ............. rescued .................

The opposite of : day ................... slowest .................

E/ What do these pronouns and phrases refer to :

They (line 5).............. the side (line 8) ................


A/ Complete the following sentences with words from the box :

benefit - media - confirm - furious - criticize - announced

1. My father was ............... when he saw my exam results.

2. My teachers ................. me for not doing my homework.

3. Young people stay hours chatting on social .............. sites .

4. You should ............... your registration.

5. The main .................. of getting news online is that it's free.

B/ Match words from the box with their meanings below :

demonstrate - instant - announced - insist - amount - apart form

1. say strongly .............. 5.not including.............

2. make it clear ...................... 6.sum.................

3. immediate .......................

4. said in public ........................

C/ Complete the sentences with a word from the same word family :

1. The manager .................. that he was going to leave the company. (announcement)

2. The result of the exam was ........................ for him . (satisfy)

3. He ................ that the changes are working. (demonstration)

4. People hate ............... . (criticise)


A/ Put the verbs in the correct form :

1. Last year I ( go ) ................ to Egypt.

2. I .............. that movie ten times. ( see )

3. In old times the Arabs ............. their daughters a live . ( bury )

4. I wish I ............. enough money. ( have )

5. She .............. four quizzes so far this semester. ( have )

6. I ............... my uncle two weeks ago. (visit )

7. Where ( spend/ you ) ............... your last week end ?

8. Three people ............... in a car crash. ( hurt )

9. He …………. (have) an accident because he …………..(use) his phone while driving.

10. When I ………….(get) home, I realized I ……………(leave) my keys at school.

11.He ………….(like ) the house as soon as she ………………..(see) it.

B/ Re-write the sentences using the underlined verb in the reporting passive form :

1. People say the new neighbour is very rich.


2. Biologists know that panda eats one plant.


3. scientists think that humans cause pollution.


4. People believe that electricity is the biggest problem in Gaza.


5. People say this snake is the largest ever caught.


C/ Make adjectives by joining words from the boxes below Then use these adjectives to complete the sentences.

high - long - full - second - high

time - speed - pressure - hand - term

1. The manager has a ........................ plan to improve the company.

2. Being a nurse in emergency department is a .............. job.

3. This machine isn't working well. It's a ................. one.

4. Having a ................. job as well as being a mother is very tiring.

5. Our ................. lives prevent us from making social relations.


  • Read the following headline. Then write a short news story to follow it :

Mouse found in packet of frozen peas

A/ Answer the following questions to help you in writing the story :

* When did this happen ?

* Who found it ?

* What did he/she do ? How did he/she feel ?

* What did he/she say to reporters ?

* What did the food company say ?




Unit 4

The Web Of Life



  • Read the following passage about" web of life" then answer the questions that follow :-

The species of the living world are connected, which means they cannot live alone. For example, if there are many plants in an area, there will be plenty for insects to eat. The insects will do well and increase in numbers. The birds will notice this and arrive to eat the insects. The birds will do well and get fat. Some of the birds will be caught and eaten by small animals. The small animals are then eaten by bigger animals.

This is called a ‘food chain’ because each species is linked to others, like a chain. However, it is more than a chain because even the largest animals will die at some time. Insects and other animals will then feed off their dead bodies. Eventually, what is left will go into the soil and encourage plants to grow. It is more like a circle than a chain so is sometimes called the ‘circle of life’.

In fact, it is more complex than this because living things depend on each other in many ways. Insects, birds and animals live in plants or trees. Some insects live on the bodies of animals and birds. Plants need insects, birds and animals to spread their seeds so that they can make new plants. So species are connected in many ways, and that is why it is called the ‘web of life’.

When the web is broken by humans, it has consequences that nobody can predict.

A/ Answer the following questions:

1-What will happen when the largest animals die?


2-What will happen if the web of life is broken?


3-What are the three expressions used to explain connections between living things?


4-Why are the connections between different species called:-

  1. Web of life ?............................................................................................................

  2. Food chain?..............................................................................................................

B / Decide whether the sentences are True (T) or False (F),according to the text.

1-Plants need others species to spread their seeds. T / F

2- Some living things can live alone. T / F

3- The connections between the living thing are more complex than we think . T / F

4- The bigger animals are eaten by the smaller ones. T / F

5- The writer used" The web of life" because each species is linked to others. T / F

6- The expression used in paragraph 2 to explain the connections between living things is "food chain". T / F

C / Choose the correct answer :

1- Which paragraph starts with a topic sentence and gives example to support the topic sentence ?

a) one b) two c) three

2- The word………….shows you that some different information is going to be added.

a) besides b) however c) whenever

3-……………. noun- what things grow in on the surface of the Earth (usually brow).

a) oil b) soil c) ground

4- The best expression to describe connections in nature is……………….

a)the web of life b) food chain c) circle of life

5- The word consequence (line 16) suggests --------------

a)a negative result b)an unimportant result c) a positive result

D / What do these pronouns refer to ?

  1. this (line 3)………………….

  2. It (line 7)……………………..

  3. This(line 11)…………………….

  4. They ( line 13)……………………

E / Match the words in the table with their meanings and defintions :



1.depend on

( ) with lots of small parts and details, so difficult to understand.


( ) result of something.

3. chain

( ) a series of rings that are linked to each other.

4. dead

( ) need someone or something to be able to continue.


( ) no longer alive.

F/ Complete the sentences with words from Activity 3. (You may need to change the form of some words).

1.The rules of this game are………………… so not many people can play it.

2. I’m afraid the old tree is………………….. and needs to be cut down.

3. The prisoners were kept in………………………… .

4 .The river dried up as a………………… of everyone taking so much water.

5. Children ………………. their parents for help and support.

G/ Fill in the missing parts of the following food chain:


  • Read the following passage about" robots" then answer the questions that follow :-

How are ordinary people's lives being changed by technological change today?

Our lives have been greatly changed by technology , and the speed of change is increasing daily. Computers are much more powerful and much smaller than they were in the 1960s. Moreover, as they are also much cheaper and much more widely available, this has led to the internet revolution and also to worldwide communication by e-mail.

Modern computing power is also leading to more developments, including housework robots. Unlike early robots, housework robots need powerful Artificial Intelligence in order to learn simple tasks. Future robots are now in development and experimental prototypes will be built around 2017. After that, commercial production will probably being in the early 2020s and prices will rapidly fall as more are produced.

A / Answer the following questions:

1-What is the difference between computers in the 1960s and nowadays?


2-Whay have computers become much more available nowadays?


3-What is the importance of the modern computing power?


4-When will future robots be built?


5-Why will robot prices decline?


B /Decide whether the following statements are True(T)or False(F):

1-Modren technology has no effect on our life. T / F

2-Computers are now cheaper than they were in 1960s. T / F

3-Housework robots learn simple tasks. T / F

C /Complete the following statements:

1-Peopele's lives are greatly affected by ……………………………………………….

2-If more robots are produced,…………………………………………………………..

D / Find the opposites of the following words from the passage:

1.special……………………….. 2.decreasing…………………………. 3.ancient……………………… 4.slowly……………………….. 5.natural……………………… 6.rise…………………………….

E / Find the synonyms of the following words from the passage: 1.improvement………………………… 2.require…………………… 3.start……………….

F /Write what the following pronouns and numbers refer to:

1. they(line.3)………………………….……… 2.they(line.4)………………………...................

3.this(line.4)………………………………. 4.that(line.9)……………………………………………


Write a composition to support the following opinion
We need to protect endangered species. If we don’t, they will become extinct and the web of life will be at risk.

-Use the following plan:

Paragraph 1 / A short introduction to state the topic and your opinion.

Paragraphs 2/3 / Give the reasons for your opinion. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence giving an opinion, and supporting sentences.

Paragraph 4 / Give one opinion that other people may have, and then explain why it is wrong.

Paragraph 5 /Conclude by clearly stating your opinion again.



The Call Of The Wild

Part 1

A / Complete the following statements:

1-The call of the wild is set in the time……………………………..

2-In 1879,the life became very dangerous for………………………………

3-People needed strong, thick coated dogs that could……………….….in the cold.

4-…………………..took Buck to the rail way station to ……………….

5-………………and………………. took Buck and some other dogs on a boat going North.

7- The author of the story is …………………………

B /Decide whether the following statements are True(T)or False(F):

1-Buck accepted putting a rope around his neck because he learned to trust people he knew. T / F

2- Buck was a good kennel dog. T / F

3-Judge Miller's place was in Santa Clara Valley. T / F

4-The best place to sleep in the cold weather for Buck was under a tree. T / F

5-Curly was killed by Spitz. T / F

6-In Santa Clara ,Buck was as a king of Judge Miller's place. T / F

C / Choose the correct answer

1-At the big house in Santa Clara Valley, Buck

A. was a house dog.

B. was a working dog.

C. had complete freedom.

2-Buck was happy to go with Manuel because

A. he liked Manuel.

B. he wanted to go for a walk.

C. he wanted to leave Santa Clara Valley.

3 -Manuel took Buck to the station

A. to sell him.

B .to give him away.

C. to tie him up with a rope.

4- Buck felt embarrassed when he arrived in the Northlands because

A. he was cold and frightened by the snow.

B. he stood in snow for the first time.

C. people laughed at him when he played with snow.

5- Curly was killed A Spitz.

B. a group of huskies.

C. three men with clubs.

6- Buck found that the best place to sleep was

A. in a hole in the snow.

B. in a tent with the men.

C .under a tree.

D / Answer the following questions

1.What does Buck look like ?


2.Why did Buck trust people ?


3.What was the first lesson that Buck learnt?


4.What was the second lesson that Buck learnt ?


5.Why was Buck frightened when he woke up in the snow?


Unit 5

A Good Read



  • Read the following passage about" reading manners" then answer the questions that follow :-

Each and every night I climb into bed, open up a book and dive into a world unknown to me. I experience what the characters in the book experience. I journey with them into different worlds; I share their lives. This is what reading is all about: escaping from my world and letting the imagination take over. Books are everywhere, and more now than ever as they have taken on electronic form as well as traditional paper and print. So make a choice, pick up a book (or switch on an e-book reader) and read. The places you can go with your imagination are limitless..

When you start reading, it opens up new and exciting possibilities. You can explore foreign countries, travel back, or even forward, in time. You can solve a crime, fight a war, sail a ship, pilot a spaceship, save the world or fall in love. Reading opens up your imagination in countless directions and allows you to go on amazing journeys. And will return you to yourself as a better person.!

Reading allows your mind to relax so that your imagination can take off. This provides the perfect opportunity for you to rest from the stress of your daily life. When school, home or life get too much for you, take a break and jump into a fantasy world, or dream of a science-fiction future. This always helps me recover and prepare for the next day. Which is why I do most of my reading in bed. I feel it slowly taking away the cares of my day and settling my mind. It’s the perfect preparation for sleep..

Beyond this calming effect, reading can enrich our knowledge of history, politics, culture … of the whole of life. There is no limit on what we can learn and how long we can go on learning. For me, even when I take to my bed for the final time, I hope it will still be with a book in hand, a dream in my head and hope in my heart.

A / Answer the following questions :

1-When does the author read ?


2- According to the author , what are the reasons for reading ?


3- What will you do when school get too much for you ?


B / Decide whether the sentences are True (T) or False (F),according to the text.

1-Reading can only enrich your knowledge of history . T / F

2- There is no limit on what we can learn . T / F

3- Through reading , you can travel everywhere you want. T / F.

4- E-book is better than traditional paper for reading. T / F

5- Reading improves your own writing . T / F

C / Complete the sentences from the text :

1-The places you can go with your imagination are .

2-Reading provides you the perfect opportunity to .

3-Reading encourages your and prepare you for .

D / find words in the text that have similar meanings to these phrases .

1-The part of you that thinks and knows .

2- As good as possible ( with no faults ) .

3-Fly a plane : .

4- A small electronic machine to read books .

E / find words in the text that have the opposite to these words .

1-restrictive : .

2- reality : .

3- prevent : .

4- rapidly : .

5-worse : .

F /what do the underlined pronouns refer to ? :

1- them (line 2 ): .

2- it (line 8): .

3- this (line 13): .

4- I (line 21): .

G/ Match the words in the box with their meanings below :

settling - take a break - politics - electronic - pilot - mind - perfect -- e-book reader

1. Using electricity and very small parts (e.g. a computer)……………………………

2 .A small electronic machine to read books ……………………………..

3. Fly a plane or other flying machine………………………………….

4 .The part of you that thinks, knows and remembers ………………………………

5 .As good as possible (with no faults)…………………………

6.Making calm, comfortable and relaxed………………………….

7. Have a rest and a change ……………………………………….

8. The ideas and activities used in government………………………….

H / Complete these sentences with words or phrases from Activity G above. (You will need to change the form of some of the words.)

1.I can’t keep my………………… on work when I am hungry.

2 My brother is very involved in local ……………………… .

3 I am so tired of driving. I need to…………………. or I will have an accident.

4 This recipe for mansaf always gives……………………. results.

5 Amelia Earhart first………………….. a plane in 1921.

6 All the information is held in………………. form on my computer memory.

7 He sat down and ……………… in his favourite chair before turning on his……………. .

Read the following passage , then answer the question below :-

Our parents try to train us in "good manners "from the time we are very young . So we are taught not to speak with our mouth full , not to reach across the table in front of someone else , and so on.

But the essence of good consideration for other people . If we avoid visiting or telephoning people at unsuitable times , it is because we don’t want to disturb them . If we help an old lady in the bus it is because we see she needs help and we are willing and able to give it . Good manners can't always be taught people who had very little advice from their parents may be better _ mannered than those who had a great deal . consideration for other comes naturally to some people and is the mark of civilization as the old English proverb says :"Manners make a man."

A / Answer the following questions :-

1-When do parents train us in good manners ?


2- What is the essence of good manners ?


3- What shows that a person is civilized ?

B / Choose the correct answer :-

1-Reaching across the table in a front of someone can be considered as……..

a-a good manner.

b- a bad manners.

c- good consideration for us.

2- Consideration for other ……………………………..

a-is always taught .

b- is never taught .

c- comes naturally.

C/ Complete the sentences :-

1-It's good manners to …………………….. .

2- A person who considered others is ………………………. .

D/Decide whether the following statements are True(T)or False(F):

1-Telephoning people at unsuitable time is considered as good manners . T / F

2- Consideration for others is the mark of civilization . T / F

E / Find from the text :-

The meaning of :

1-fathers and mothers : ………………….2- necessity : ………………..…………..

3- give up : ……………………….. 4- annoy : ………………..……………….

5- sign : ……………………… 6- inconvenient:……………………………

The opposite of :

1-empty : ……………………… 2- old : ………………………..

3- worse : ………………………………4- artificially : ……………………..
F / What do these pronoun refer to :-

1-( we ) line. "1" : ………………

2- (them) line . "5" : …………………..

3- ( it ) line. "6" : ………………………..

4-( their ) line. "7" : ……………………..


Write a composition comparing transport now and in the future.

  • Start with a short paragraph introducing the composition.

  • Present a balanced argument using your own prediction and imagination.

  • Finish with a short final paragraph to give your opinion.



The Call Of The Wild

Part 2

A / Complete the following sentences:

1-In the fight with Spitz, Buck go tired and fell down but……………………………….

2-The only rule in the wild is…………………………………………………………….

3-…………………….. killed the rabbit.

4-Buck enjoyed chasing the rabbit because ……………………………………………

5-……………..was very sad to leave Buck .

B / Decide whether the sentences are True (T) or False (F),according to the text.

1. Perrault knew his job well. T / F

2 .The men and dogs worked long hours. T / F

3 .Buck learned to steal meat when he lived in Santa Clara Valley. T / F

4 .Buck learned to live well in his new environment. T / F

5. Buck chased and killed the rabbit. T / F

6. Buck won the fight because he was cleverer than Spitz. T / F

7. Buck didn’t enjoy fighting and killing Spitz. T / F

8. François was sad to leave Buck. T / F

C/ Answer the following questions:

1.How did Buck learn to steal ?


2.What is ‘the rule of club and teeth ?


3.How did life on the trail change Buck ?


4.Why did Buck sometimes howl like a wolf ?


5.Why did Spitz want to fight Buck ?


6. Why did Buck enjoy chasing the rabbit ?


Unit 6

Taking The Lead



  • Read the following passage about" profile of a business leader" then answer the questions that follow :-

Steve Jobs was the American businessman who introduced good quality computer technology to the world. As head of Apple Inc., his name will always be linked with Apple products such as the iMac, iPod, iPhone, iTunes and iPad. He also played an important role in the development of digital film making, as CEO of Pixar.

Jobs was born on 24 February 1955 in California, USA. He did not get on well at school. All the tests showed that he was clever but he didn’t settle down to work. However, at home his father introduced him to electronics and he learnt how to take apart and rebuild radios and TV from a very young age. After school he went to college but left after a few months and travelled to India.

In 1976 an old school friend, Steve Wozniak, invented the Apple 1 computer. Jobs joined him and they started the Apple company from the garage of Jobs’ home. Together they developed the AppleMac computer, which was the first small computer that was easy to use for ordinary people. Quality with style became the unique feature of Apple products.

In the 1980s, the company went through a bad time and in 1985 Jobs was pushed out of Apple. He started a new computer company, and then, in 1986, he bought Pixar Animation Studios. In 1995, they produced the first film made completely on a computer, Toy Story. That film and those that followed it were hugely successful..

Jobs was asked to return to Apple at the end of 1996. Over the next 15 years, he led the company to be one of the most successful and well-known companies in the world. Jobs resigned as CEO that same year and died on 5 October 2011. He was 56 years old.

A/ Complete the sentences with 1-3 words from the text:

1-Jobs helped in the development of -----------------------------

2- Jobs learnt to take part and rebuild ----------------------------

3- Apple product was easy to use for -----------------------------

4- -------------------- made completely on a computer , was in 1995.

B/ Decide whether the sentences are True (T) , false (F) or the text Doesn’t say (DS)

1- Jobs was a successful school and college student. T / F / DS

2- Jobs worked with an old friend in the early days of Apple Inc. T / F / DS

3- Jobs started Pixar Animation studios in 1986 . T / F / DS

4- Jobs left Apple in 2011 because he was ill. T / F / DS

C/ Find one word or two in the text to complete these definitions

1- -------------------- starting sound or pictures as numbers.

2- ----------------- put something that is complete into all its parts.

3- ----------------- a building to keep a car in.

4------------------- leave a job.

D/ Choose the best title from the box for each paragraph . There is one more title than you need

A. Work at Pixar and success .

B. Achievements and early life.

C. Study at college .

D. The start of Apple .

Paragraph 1 ………………………………………………….

Paragraph 2 ………………………………………………….

Paragraph 3 ………………………………………………….

ٌRead the text about" Chairman of Samsung" and complete the tasks below :

Lee Kun-hee was born on 9 January 1942 and is the third son of Lee Byung-chull, the founder of the Samsung group ,whose products touch every aspect of Koreans lives .He has a degree in economics from Waseda University in Japan and MBA from George Washington University .Lee joined the Samsung Group in 1968 and took over the chairman on December 1,1987,just two weeks after the death of his father . In the early 1990s, believing that Samsung Group was overly focused on Low-quality goods. He famously said in 1993"Change everything except your wife and kids" and true to his attempted , foreign employees were brought in and local ones were shipped out .Under Lee's guidance , the company has been formed from a Korean budget name into a major international force .

On April 21, 2008 , he resigned but on March 24,2010, he announced his return to Samsung Electronics its chairman . In an interview, Lee expressed that his new target is to attract talent from all over the world to ensure that Samsung will remain one of the top companies in the world for years.

A/ Complete the sentences with 1-3 words from the text:-

1-Lee Kun – hee became -----------------of Samsung in 1987.

2- It was believed that Samsung group produced--------------

3-Lee has led the company to be----------------------------------

B/ Decide whether the sentences are true (T) , false (F) or the text Doesn’t say (DS).

1- Lee Kun –hee was the founder of Samsung Group. T / F / DS

2- Lee tried to promoted a more international attitude for better business .T / F / DS

3- Lee left Samsung in 2008 because it closed down . T / F / DS

C/ What do these pronouns, underlined in the text , refer to ?

1- whose (line 2) ------------------

2- he (line 6)-------------------------

3- ones ( line 8)-----------------------------

D/ find from the text the synonyms of these words

1- workers-------------------

2- management --------------------------

3-goal --------------------------------


Write a business plan on area you would like to work in .( e.g. computers, education , environment, tourism ,….etc )

You may follow these sections below.

1-Name of business.

2-Description of business.

3-Marketing plan




The Call Of The Wild

Part 3

A / Write short answers to these question :-

1- Why did Buck keep going into the forest?


2- Why did Buck make friends with the wolf in the forest ?


3- How did Buck know that John Thornton's body was in the pool ?


4- How did Buck feel when he walked around the empty camp?


B/ Complete these statements:

1-Buck kept returning from the forest to the camp because…………………………………

2- Buck was intelligent and clever at getting…………………………………………………

3- Three wolves attacked Buck but…………………………………………………………...

4- Buck answered the call of the wild by his………………………………………………….

B / Decide whether the sentences are True (T) or False (F),according to the text.

1-Buck saved John Thornton from death . T / F

2- Skeet and Nig were jealous of Buck . T / F

3- Buck attacked the yeehats who killed John Thornton . T / F

4- In the end ,Buck went back to Judge Miller . T / F

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