Тема: Структура и семантика предложения
1.Конституэнтный анализ предложения
2. Полипредикативные предложения
3. Семантика предложения
Вопросы для коллективного обсуждения
- система членов предложения. Статус подлежащего и сказуемого.
-моно- и полипредикативные единицы с точки зрения структуры, семантики, коммуникативного задания; переходные случаи
-принципы классификации полипредикативных единиц: способ синтаксической связи, равноправность предложений-компонентов
-сложносочиненные предложения: отношения между клаузами
-Структура ситуации и структура пропозиции: процесс, партиципанты – предикат, аргументы. Падежная грамматика Ч.Филлмора. Семантические роли
-Типы предикатов. Понятие о сирконстантах. Ролевая структура глагола, семантическая конфигурация и поверхностная реализация. Понятие пресуппозиции.
Задания для самостоятельной работы:
-типы сказуемого; проблематические случаи - фразеологические и контаминированные. Классификация дополнений. Определения и обстоятельства.
-принципы классификации сложноподчиненных предложений
Иванова И.П., Бурлакова В.В., Почепцов Г.Г. Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка. М., 1981.с.183-204,230-237,241-248,260.
Ilyish B. The structure of Modern English. L.,1971, р.182-190. 264-279
Bloch M.Y. A Course in theoretical English Grammar. M., 1983.236-243
Ilyish B. The structure of Modern English. L.,1971, р.182-19
Кобозева И.М. Лингвистическая семантика.М.,2000. 217-224
Veikhman G.A. A New Look at English Syntax/M., 2002. §3.0.-3.3.,§ 3.2-3.2.5.
Кацнельсон С.Д. Заметки о падежной теории Филлмора // Вопросы языкознания (ВЯ), 1/1988
Смирницкий А.И. Синтаксис английского языка. М.: Изд-во лит. на иностр. яз,1957
Тема:. Коммуникативно-прагматические аспекты синтаксиса
1. Категории коммуникативного синтаксиса
2.Прагматический синтаксис: речь как действие
Вопросы для коллективного обсуждения
- упаковочные статусы по У. Чейфу;
-темо-рематическая структура предложения и лексико-грамматические способы её выражения.
-данное/новое. Фокус контраста.
- теория речевых актов: иллокутивная функция и базовые речевые акты
Задания для самостоятельной работы:
- перформативные глаголы, перформативное употребление глаголов, способы экспликации речевых актов
-имплицитные способы выражения речевых интенций
Иванова И.П., Бурлакова В.В., Почепцов Г.Г. Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка. М., 1981.с.256-259,267-281.
Ilyish B. The structure of Modern English. L.,1971, р. 191-197
Bloch M.Y. A Course in theoretical English Grammar. M., 1983.236-243
Кобозева И.М. Лингвистическая семантика.М.,2000. 247-258
Veikhman G.A. A New Look at English Syntax/M., 2002. §2.2.0.-
Смирницкий А.И. Синтаксис английского языка. М.: Изд-во лит. на иностр. яз,1957
1.8 Учебно-методическое обеспечение дисциплины
1.8.1. Рекомендуемая литература, учебные издания: учебники и учебные пособия, включая (при наличии) их электронные версии:
Адмони В.Г. Основы теории грамматики. М. – Л., 1964
Арутюнова Н.Д.Предложение и его смысл. М.,1976
Бархударов Л.С. Очерки по морфологии современного английского языка. М.: Высшая школа, 1975
Бархударов Л.С. Структура простого предложения современного английского языка. М.: Высшая школа, 1966 (электронный вариант)
Блумфильд Л. Язык. М., 1968
Bloch M.Y. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar. M., 1983
Бурлакова В.В. Основы структуры словосочетания в современном английском языке. Л., 1975
Ильиш Б.А. Строй современного английского языка. 2-е изд. Л.: Просвещение, Ленинград, от-ние, 1971 на англ.яз.
Иванова И.П., Бурлакова В.В., Почепцов Г.Г. Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка. М: Высшая школа, 1981 (в том числе электронный вариант)
Иванова И.П. Вид и время в современном английском языке. Л: ЛГУ, 1961
Rayevska N.M. Modern English Grammar.Kiev, Vyšča Scola Publishers, 1976 (электронный вариант английский язык)
Смирницкий А.И. Морфология английского языка М.: Изд-во лит. на иностр. яз,1959
Смирницкий А.И. Синтаксис английского языка. М.: Изд-во лит. на иностр. яз,1957
Лайонз Дж. Введение в теоретическую лингвистику. М: Прогресс, 1978
Чейф У. Значение и структура языка. М: Прогресс, 1975
Жигадло В.н., И.П. Иванова, Л.Л. Иофик. Современный английский язык М:1956
Штелинг Д.А. Грамматическая семантика английского языка.М:1996
Есперсен О. Философия грамматики М: Из-во иностр. лит., 1958
Иоффик Л.Л. Сложное предложение в новоанглийском языке Л: ЛГУ,1968
Стеблин-Каменский М.И. Спорное в языкознании Л: ЛГУ, 1974
Fries C.C. The Structure of English. N.Y., Harcout Brace, 1952
Quirk R., Greenbaum S., Leech G., Svartvik J. A Grammar of Contemporary English. London: Longman, 1972
Iofik L.L., L.P. Chakhoyan. Readings in the Theory of English .Л: 1972.
Leech G., J. Starvik. F Communicative Grammar of English. Moscow 1983
Энциклопедический словарь юного филолога /языкознание/. Сост. М.В. Панов. М.,1984
Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь. ( гл.ред. - Ярцева В.Н.) М., 1990
1.9. Материально-техническое обеспечение дисциплины
1.9.1. Перечень используемых технических средств. Нет
1.9.2. Перечень используемых пособий
Лекции по теоретической грамматике английского языка Л.К. Рахманкуловой (английский язык, электронный вариант)
Lectures in Theoretical Grammar by ass. professor Volkova L.M, National Linguistic University of Kiev
Шевченко В.Д. Основы теории английского языка учебное пособие. Самара, 2004.
1.10. Примерные зачетные текстовые задания
Тест по теоретической грамматике , 1 вариант
Tick off the letters of simple verbal predicates:
She must have been agitated
He will have translated the text by now
She had been awaiting for them
We can come
Tick off the letters of the terms which are alien to the theory of word-form building:
grammatical subject
analytical forms
zero morpheme
Tick off the letter of the adverb round
There’s a post-office round the corner
He turned round and saw her
The sum was given in round figures
The watchman makes his rounds every hour
Tick off the letters of NP with postposed adjuncts (headed progressive)
old gray hat
the path to London
little black puppy
the table downstairs
Tick off the letters of structures designed to make grammatical subjects rhematic
There was a girl in the room
On the platform stood a woman
That treaty – they signed it!
As for Pete – well, he resigned
Tick off the letters of structures with 2 arguments
It rained
He made a terrible mistake
He had a walk
He smiled a smile
He smoked a cigarette
Tick off the letters of complex phrases
nicely worded remark
coming so quickly
teaching English grammar
sold coffee and beans
Tick off the letters of gerunds
a) opening speech
b) flying saucers
cleaning mixture
drinking horses
playing children
Tick off the letters of sentences with secondary predication
He wants to see where his father lives
I expected him to return soon
Breakfast over, we left the table
She kissed him and left the room
With his eyes bright, he looked happy and content
Tick off the letters of elementary phrases
rich in oil and coal
looking shocked yet smiling
dancing and singing songs
politically active youth
Tick off the letters of NP with the correct order of adjuncts
the same red garden big chairs
the big same red garden chairs
the same big red garden chairs
the same red big garden chairs
Tick off the letters of the sentences which represent the declarative communicative type
Did he really go there?!
If only he went there!
Go there!
If he goes there…
He didn’t go there
He went there
Tick off the letters of terms which are alien to the theory of word-classes
Tick off the letters of sentences with 3 arguments(semantic roles)
They gave Jackson a picture
He left Ann a widow
They appointed Jack director
They regarded him as a genius
Tick off the letters of cases of upgrading
There were two plainclothes men at the entrance
He was noted for his to-the- second regularity
Better be an also-run than a never-was
No buts, only ands
Tick off the letters of the grammatical categories alien to the English verb
degrees of comparison
Tick off the letters of sentences where the grammatical subject is not the agent
Mr.Smith works his secretary like a slaveowner
Ann feeds the child
Ann works nights
Money can buy everything
He was sent to prison
Tick off the letters of terminative verbs
to enjoy
to blame
to enter
to spring up
to admit
to work
Tick off the letters of sentences with link-verbs
The girl grew impatient
The girl grew a nice woman
The girl grew at her uncle’s
The girl grew potatoes at her uncle’s
Tick off the letters
of terms which are alien to the theory of syntactic functions
adverbial modifier
Tick off the letters of participles
dressing table
kicking legs
blotting paper
crying voice
walking stick
dancing girl
Tick off the letters of forms of one grammatical paradigm
has graced
is gracing
was graced
Tick off the letters of durative (non-limited, cursive) verbs
to go
to jump off
to pass
to argue
to lie
to throw
Tick off the letters of forms which belong to the same form-class
will speak, will come, will do
will speak, spoke, spoken
costs, looks, brothers, Pete’s
long, longer, longish
are reading, will read, was read
Tick off the letters of sentences with compound nominal predicates
The young man had been sad and frightened
The girl looked at him suspiciously
The girl looked suspicious
The young man appeared suddenly
The young man appeared intelligent
Tick off the letters of sentences with the predicate incorporating one of its arguments
He send the picture by mail
He watered the flowers
They bottled the letter and threw it into the ocean
He clenched his fists
She shrugged indifferently
Tick off the letters of the preposition since
He left home in 1989 and has not been heard of since
Since last seeing you I have been ill
How long is it since I saw you last?
Since he is married , he cannot become your husband
I haven’t been home since her marriage
Tick off the letters of subjective genitive
children’s demand
children’s education
children’s toys
children’s language
children’s service
children’s diet
Tick off the letters of the sentence built on a different deep structure
John is easy to please
She is pleasant to look at
They are difficult to deal with
She is hard to question
She is quick to take the advantage
Tick off the letters of verbs which are transitive in their primary meaning
to read
to walk
to help
to teach
to live
to smile
Tick off the cases of downgrading
Are you a has-been or a might-have been?
Hang on a Sec, I’ll call him to the phone
No ifs, please
There was a sit-in strike
She smiled her hands-off smile most convincingly
Tick off the letters of the so-called “middle voice” meaning of the predicate verb
He meant business
Fragile things break easily
The patient walks two miles every day
The boy ran down the hill
Detergents sell well
Tick off the letters of word-forms built with the help of an additive morpheme
is cut
more interesting
Tick off the letters of the phrases which can have two IC interpretations
used car salesmen
Egyptian cotton shirts
Egyptian cotton load
young man habits
red wine spot
Russian mothers and kids
Tick off the letters of the two sentences which are connected by either space or time adverbials
There are several motives. First of all, we need to know the motives
A Mercedes was parked in the street. The car looked new.
The kids were back in time for dinner. They were very tired
Several people complained. And I did too.
We left Paris on Monday morning. By the same evening we were in Rome
Tick off the letters of inflectional morphemes
-s as in books. spaces
-age as in frontage, mileage
-ing as in flying ( I am flying to Rome)
-ly as in quickly, happily
-ed as in played, wanted
-en as in deafen, ripen
Tick off the letters of VP
first to come
coming again
pleasant to see
a table to eat off
begin doing
Tick off the letters of sentences with adverbial clauses
When a poetical young gentleman makes use of adjectives, they are all superlatives
They suggested, with unwillingness, that the Greens should leave the country with no delay
Can we assume that this simple sentence has some bearing to reality?
This is a constituent which can occur in the same structure
No matter how strong he may be he won’t lift the box
There is no way out unless you speak up
Tick off the letters of the statives
bound for
Tick off the letters of terms used in TG
two-member sentence
sentence pattern
kernel sentence
sentence transform
derived sentence
sentence generation
Tick off the letters characterizing the properties of an infinitive
of verb and noun
of verb and adjective
of verb and adverb
of verb, adjective and adverb
of verb, adjective and noun
Tick off the letters of the sentences the constituents of which are joined asyndetically
Had it been because of the late arrival, nobody would have complained
Her ambitions were doomed to failure; he died young
I think she was very inexperienced at that time
If we were to collect and study them, perhaps we would be entitled to an opinion
She was not a woman who would suffer alone
Tick off the letters of coordinative phrases
The isle of Jersey
The island of unparalleled beauty
King Richard the Lion-Hearted
a friend of mine
( she had) a button of a nose
tasteless yet wholesome
Tick off the letters of sentences built on predicative phrases
As he was being neglected, he decided not to offer any opinions
Being neglected, he decided to offer no views
His remarks being neglected, he stopped taking part in the discussion
As they neglected his remarks, he stopped taking part in the exchange
His heart broken and sad, he gave up his cherished dreams
Tick off the letters of the adjectives incapable of forming inflectional degrees of comparison
Tick off the letters of phrasal verbs
The blew up the bridge
They applied for a new job
The drowning man shouted for help
I wouldn’t like to attend to the matter
Drink up your milk quickly
Тест по теоретической грамматике, 2 вариант
1) Tick off the letters of compound verbal predicates:
a) He could have been nervous and shy
b) We shall have finished the work by noon
c) She is being looked upon with surprise
d) We can come
2) Tick off the letters of the terms which are alien to the theory of word-form building:
a) suffix
b) synthetic forms
c) adverbial modifier
d) auxiliaries
e) zero morpheme
Tick off the letter of the conjunction so
It is not so big as I expected
You may borrow the book so long as you keep it clean
I will have everything ready so as not to keep you waiting
The shops were closed so I couldn’t buy anything
Eric likes thing to be just so
Tick off the letters of NP with preposed adjuncts (headed regressive)
bright violet colour
the ticket to London
the puppy the size of a button
the room at the top
Tick off the letters of structures designed to make grammatical subjects thematic
As for the story – alas! it was soon forgotten
There will be a ball next Tuesday
The door opened and there stepped in a young woman
That smile – they remembered it for life
Tick off the letters of structures with 2 arguments
It smelled of cats
He offered a nice smile
He had a run in the park
He cast a suspicious glance
He spilt the milk
Tick off the letters of complex phrases
a) surprisingly beautiful hat
b) going home
c) buying French wine
d) broke wrists and ankles
Tick off the letters of participles
a) opening doors
b) flying birds
c) smelling salts
d) running dogs
e) laughing gas
Tick off the letters of sentences with secondary predication
He wants his relatives to let him alone
I suggest that they should return soon
His heart broken , he left England forever
Do you mind my mother’s visiting us?
e) Her eyes were bright, she looked happy
Tick off the letters of elementary phrases
becoming surprisingly smart
looking shocked yet smiling
dancing and singing songs
politically active youth
Tick off the letters of NP with the correct order of adjuncts
the smallish perfect silver-black fur coat
the perfect smallish silver-black fur coat
the silver-black smallish perfect fur coat
the perfect silver-black smallish fur coat
Tick off the letters of the sentences which represent the declarative communicative type
Does he really go there?!
I wish he went there
Go there immediately!
If he goes there…
He hasn’t gone there
He will go there
Tick off the letters of terms which are alien to the theory of word-classes
notional words
compound verbal predicates
Tick off the letters of sentences with 3 arguments
They gave Jackson a permission
He remembered her as a young girl
They nominated him president
d) She brought him a cup of coffee
Tick off the letters of cases of downgrading
There were two plainclothes men at the entrance
I hate his know-how approach
He is nothing but a has-been, like myself
No buts, only ifs
Tick off the letters of the grammatical categories alien to the English noun
degrees of comparison
Tick off the letters of sentences where the grammatical subject is not the agent
The ball hit the child
Ann goes to church every Sunday
The book sells well
The ground is covered with ice
e) He locked the door
Tick off the letters of durative verbs
to carry
to catch
to discover
to live
to recognize
to lie (lay, lain)
Tick off the letters of sentences with link-verbs
The girl appeared nervous and silent
The girl appeared suddenly in the doorway
The girl appears to have many friends
The girl didn’t want to appear a fool
Tick off the letters of terms which are alien to the theory of syntactic functions
adverbial modifier
Tick off the letters of participles
dressing table
kicking baby
writing paper
crying girl
walking shoes
singing child
Tick off the letters of forms of one grammatical paradigm
had blackened
has been blackened
will blacken
Tick off the letters of durative (non-limited, cursive) verbs
to speak
to refuse
to arrive
to mean
to stand
to drop
Tick off the letters of forms which belong to the same form-class
did, broke, told, closed
speak, spoke, spoken, speaks
long-legged, closed, provided ( in the meaning of IF)
short, shorten, shorter, shortish
is doing, will be done, did
Tick off the letters of sentences with compound nominal predicates
The young man was being very excited
The girl looked at him excitedly
The girl looked excited
The young man appeared suddenly
The young man turned honest and reliable
Tick off the letters of sentences with the predicate incorporating one of its arguments
He carpeted the floor
He hammered in the nail
They composed a very nice kind of music
Yt waved his hand
She nodded indifferently
Tick off the letters of the pro-form that
He never came back home that he had left in 1978
That book was left behind
How did you know that?
I can’t walk that far
It’s a different kind of car from that I am used to
Tick off the letters of classifying( descriptive, qualifying) genitive
She went to a women’s college
She spoke of her sister’s kids
He had a doctor’s degree
She ironed the boy’s new shirt
That boy’s answer was correct
Europe’s future is in danger
May’s suitcase was lost
Tick off the letters of the sentence built on a different deep structure
He is pleasant to talk to
She is easy to understand
She is very slow to see the trick
They are difficult to deal with
She is hard to please
Tick off the letters of verbs which are transitive in their primary meaning
to succeed
to borrow
to be
to break
to live
to smile
Tick off the cases of downgrading
I don’t like his “don’t- talk- to- me-or-I’ll –contradict- you” air
Hang on ,Pa, I’ll call him to the phone
It’s a must, actually
d) Her speech was full of “I’ll cut you off”s and “you shall not”s
e) Would you like a with or a without?
Tick off the letters of the so-called “middle voice” meaning of the predicate verb
He thought of their plan day and night
The box closed with a bang
The father returns home every other day
The boy jumped over the wall
This wool wears nicely
Tick off the letters of word-forms built with the help of an additive morpheme
was let
f) will vary
Tick off the letters of the phrases which can have two IC interpretations
old car salesmen
French cotton shirts
Eastern drug traffic
lether doctor’s bag
French wine spot
They can fish
Tick off the letters of the two sentences which are connected by conjunctions
There are several motives. First of all, we need to know the motives
A Mercedes was parked in the street. The car looked new.
The kids were back in time for dinner. They were very tired
Several people complained. And I did too.
We left Paris on Monday morning. By the same evening we were in Rome
Tick off the letters of inflectional morphemes
–ed as in booked , ordered
- ful as in spoonful, plateful
-ing as in interesting
-ly as in quickly, happily
-(e)s as in sees, goes
– ish as in longish, blackish
Tick off the letters of VP
last to come
came to see
hard to deal with
readiness to help
e) continue the work
Tick off the letters of sentences with adverbial clauses
I hope to visit you whenever I happen to be in London
He is quite comfortable where he is
What I want to do is to save us both
I wanted to ask why he was in such a hurry
Early as it was, we found her up and about
f) I was the only person who saw him go
Tick off the letters of the statives
fond (of)
f) active
Tick off the letters of terms used in TG
composite sentence
sentence pattern
surface structure
sentence transform
derived sentence
f) transformational rules
Tick off the letters characterizing the properties of a participle
of verb and noun
of verb and adjective
of verb and adverb
of verb, adjective and adverb
of verb, adjective and noun
Tick off the letters of the sentences the constituents of which are joined asyndetically
The rain fell softly, the house was quiet
Should he come, tell him to wait
I wish you had come earlier
What was done could not be undone
She fell silent, which was strange
Tick off the letters of coordinative phrases
The city of Rome
The treaty of Brussels
Bill, the valet
a teacher of John’s
( it was) a jewel of a girl
bright but harsh
Tick off the letters of sentences built on predicative phrases
As the duty had been completed, the woman had three days’ leave
Being completed, the duty didn’t demand her attention
Her duty being completed, she could have three days’ leave
As she completed her duty, she could have three days’ leave
Her duty completed, her employers gave her three days’ leave
Tick off the letters of the adjectives incapable of forming inflectional degrees of comparison
Tick off the letters of phrasal verbs
They called off the strike
She wouldn’t break off their relations
He doesn’t want to part with the car
Fill out the form quickly
Let’s hope for improvements
1.11. Примерный перечень вопросов к экзамену
I. Морфология
Полисемия и омонимия в английской морфологии.
Грамматические категории и факторы, влияющие на и ограничивающие их реализацию.
Инвариантное значение грамматической категории.
Грамматическая ценность словообразования.
Словоформы и словосочетания: сходства, различия, пограничные случаи.
Так называемые «лексические» и «грамматические» значения: сходства, различия, способы выражения.
Классы слов и формоклассы.
Словоформы, формоклассы, грамматические категории.
Теория частей речи: принцип выделения частей речи.
Классы слов и их субкатегоризация в свете теории поля.
Индивидуальное лексическое значение слова и категориальное значение части речи: полное совпадение и девиации.
Грамматическая релевантность субкатегоризации существительных и глаголов.
Экстралингвистическая мотивированность / немотивированность категории числа.
Морфолого-синтаксическая природа- 's.
Природа английского артикля.
Различные взгляды на систему времен в английском языке.
Вид и аспектуальная характеристика глагола.
Вид и время английского глагола.
Неличные формы глагола и их место в системе английского глагола.
Перфектные формы как формокласс грамматической категории.
Непассивный формокласс как немаркированная форма категории залога.
Модальность и наклонение.
23. Реализация модальных значений в английской морфологии.
II. Синтаксис
Основные синтаксические единицы.
Базовые понятия семантико-синтаксических теорий: предложение, высказывание, пропозиция, речевой акт.
Основные свойства предложения: предикативность, структура, коммуникативность.
Аспекты семантики предложения: референционально-ролевой, коммуникативный, коммуникативно-прагматический.
Принципы анализа предложения.
Традиционная модель членов предложения.
Дистрибутивные модели анализа предложения: модель Ч. Фриза и НС - модель.
2 варианта Т-грамматики.
Падежная теория Ч. Филлмора.
Основные понятия коммуникативного синтаксиса: темо-ремное членение, акцентуация, контраст, эмпатия, точка зрения.
Принципы классификации словосочетаний.
Принципы классификации предложений.
Семантика словосочетаний: соотношение значений компонентов и значения в целом.
Ядерные глагольные и именные словосочетания: принципы классификации.
Предикативные словосочетания и вторичная предикация.
Подтипы сочинительных словосочетаний.
Структурно-коммуникативные типы простого предложения.
Виды конституэнтного анализа предложения: члены предложения, непосредственные составляющие, ядерные предложения.
Принципы классификации полипредикативных единиц.
Типы сложноподчинённых предложений.
Лексико-грамматические способы выражения ремо-тематического членения предложения.
Прямые и косвенные речевые акты.
Понятие о пресуппозиции: пресуппозиции императивов и вопросов.
1.12. Комплект экзаменационных вопросов (утвержденный зав. кафедрой до начала сессии)
Билет 1
1. Реализация модальных значений в английской морфологии
2. Основные синтаксические единицы
Билет 2
1. Модальность и наклонение
2. Базовые понятия семантико-синтаксических теорий: предложение, высказывание, пропозиция, речевой акт.
Билет 3
1. Непассивный формокласс как немаркированная форма категории залог
2. Основные свойства предложения: предикативность, структура, коммуникативность.
Билет 4
1. Перфектные формы как формокласс грамматической категории
2 Аспекты семантики предложения: референционально-ролевой, коммуникативный, коммуникативно-прагматический
Билет 5
1. Неличные формы глагола и их место в системе английского глагола
2. Принципы анализа предложения.
Билет 6
1. Вид и время английского глагола
2.Традиционная модель членов предложения.
Билет 7
1. Вид и аспектуальная характеристика глагола
2. Дистрибутивные модели анализа предложения: модель Ч. Фриза и НС - модель
Билет 8
1. Различные взгляды на систему времен в английском языке
2. 2 варианта Т-грамматики.
Билет 9
1. Природа английского артикля
2. Падежная теория Ч. Филлмора.
Билет 10.
1. Морфолого-синтаксическая природа- 's.
2. Основные понятия коммуникативного синтаксиса: темо-ремное членение, акцентуация, контраст, эмпатия, точка зрения
Билет 11.
1. Экстралингвистическая мотивированность / немотивированность категории числа
2.Принципы классификации словосочетаний.
Билет 12.
1. Грамматическая релевантность субкатегоризации существительных и глаголов
2. Принципы классификации предложений
Билет 13
1. Индивидуальное лексическое значение слова и категориальное значение части речи: полное совпадение и девиации
2 Семантика словосочетаний: соотношение значений компонентов и значения в целом..
Билет 14.
1. Классы слов и их субкатегоризация в свете теории поля
2 Ядерные глагольные и именные словосочетания: принципы классификации.
Билет 15
1. Теория частей речи: принцип выделения частей речи
2. Предикативные словосочетания и вторичная предикация.
Билет 16
1. Словоформы, формоклассы, грамматические категории
2. Подтипы сочинительных словосочетаний
Билет 17
1. Классы слов и формоклассы
2. Структурно-коммуникативные типы простого предложения.
Билет 18
1. Так называемые «лексические» и «грамматические» значения: сходства, различия, способы выражения.
2. Виды конституэнтного анализа предложения: члены предложения, непосредственные составляющие, ядерные предложения
Билет 19
1. Словоформы и словосочетания: сходства, различия, пограничные случаи
2. Принципы классификации полипредикативных единиц.
Билет 20
1. Грамматическая ценность словообразования
2. Типы сложноподчинённых предложений.
Билет 21
1. Инвариантное значение грамматической категории
2.Лексико-грамматические способы выражения ремо-тематического членения предложения
Билет 22
1. Грамматические категории и факторы, влияющие на и ограничивающие их реализацию
2. Прямые и косвенные речевые акты
Билет 23
Полисемия и омонимия в английской морфологии.
Понятие о пресуппозиции: пресуппозиции императивов и вопросов
1.13. Примерная тематика рефератов
Не предусмотрено
1.14. Примерная тематика курсовых работ
Вторично-предикативные структуры в ТГ.
Рефлексивы и категория транзитивности.
Типология коммуникативно-нерасчлененных предложений в современном английском языке.
Имлицитные значения пассивного причастия.
Категория «объект» в традиционной грамматике и теории прототипов.
Морфо-синтаксическая и семантическая интерпретации среднезалоговых структур.
Квантификативные структуры в английском языке.
Типология условных предложений.
Категория собирательности в системе средств выражения множественности.
Типология относительных групп.
Категория залога и медиальные конструкции
Текстообразующие функции английского артикля
Семантика девербативов
Каузативные конструкции
Классификация пропозициональных глаголов
Категории коммуникативного синтаксиса
1.15 Примерная тематика квалификационных (дипломных) работ
Соотношение семной структуры глагола и структуры высказывания
Категоризация Nomina Acti
Типология рефлексивных конструкций
Функции и типы детранзитивизации
Семантика и прагматика медиальных залоговых структур
Интерпретация структурно-коммуникативных типов предложения в свете прототипической теории
Вопрос как косвенный речевой акт
1.16. Методика исследования (если есть)
1.Описательный метод
2.Трансформационный метод
3.Дистрибутивный метод
4. Метод компонентного анализа
5.Логико-семантический анализ
1.17. Балльно-рейтинговая система, используемая преподавателем для оценивания знаний студентов по данной дисциплине
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