Unavco community Publications

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UNAVCO Community Publications

UNAVCO's community publications are a compendium of peer-reviewed science and education publications that have likely relied on UNAVCO resources. These publications either directly acknowledge UNAVCO or have used UNAVCO-supported equipment, services, or data. Help us keep this collection current: send your publications or references that have relied on UNAVCO resources to: science@unavco.org.

Aagaard, B. T., G. Anderson, and K. W. Hudnut (2004), Dynamic rupture modeling of the transition from thrust to strike-slip motion in the 2002 Denali fault earthquake, Alaska, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.

Aagaard, B. T., et al. (2008), Ground-motion modeling of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, part II: Ground-motion estimates for the 1906 earthquake and scenario events, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 98(2), 1012-1046.
Aagaard, B. T., J. J. Lienkaemper, and D. P. Schwartz (2012), Probabilistic Estimates of Surface Coseismic Slip and Afterslip for Hayward Fault Earthquakes, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 102(3), 961-979.
Abadi, P., S. Saito, and W. Srigutomo (2014), Low-latitude scintillation occurrences around the equatorial anomaly crest over Indonesia, Annales Geophysicae, 32(1), 7-17.
Abbak, R. A., B. Erol, and A. Ustun (2012), Comparison of the KTH and remove-compute-restore techniques to geoid modelling in a mountainous area, Computers & Geosciences, 48, 31-40.
Abbak, R. A., L. E. Sjoberg, A. Ellmann, and A. Ustun (2012), A precise gravimetric geoid model in a mountainous area with scarce gravity data: a case study in central Turkey, Stud. Geophys. Geod., 56(4), 909-927.
Abbondanza, C., Z. Altamimi, P. Sarti, M. Negusini, and L. Vittuari (2009), Local effects of redundant terrestrial and GPS-based tie vectors in ITRF-like combinations, Journal of Geodesy, 83(11), 1031-1040.
Abbondanza, C., and P. Sarti (2012), Impact of network geometry, observation schemes and telescope structure deformations on local ties: simulations applied to Sardinia Radio Telescope, Journal of Geodesy, 86(3), 181-192.
Abd-Elmotaal, H. (2003), Implementing seismic Moho depths in geoid computation, Survey Review, 37(289), 235-245.
Abd-Elmotaal, H. A., and N. Kuhtreiber (2003), Geoid determination using adapted reference field, seismic Moho depths and variable density contrast, Journal of Geodesy, 77(1-2), 77-85.
Abdel-Monem, M. S., H. H. Mohamed, M. Saleh, and N. Abou-Aly (2012), SEISMICITY AND 10-YEARS RECENT CRUSTAL DEFORMATION STUDIES AT ASWAN REGION, EGYPT, Acta Geodyn. Geomater., 9(2), 221-236.
Abdu, M. A., C. G. M. Brum, I. S. Batista, J. H. A. Sobral, E. R. de Paula, and J. R. Souza (2008), Solar flux effects on equatorial ionization anomaly and total electron content over Brazil: Observational results versus IRI representations, Advances in Space Research, 42(4), 617-625.
Abdullah, M., H. J. Strangeways, and S. S. N. Zulkifli (2010), Ionospheric differential error determination using ray tracing for a short baseline, Advances in Space Research, 46(10), 1326-1333.
Abdullah, M., H. J. Strangewaysz, and D. M. A. Walshz (2007), Effects of ionospheric horizontal gradients on differential GPS, Acta Geophysica, 55(4), 509-523.
Abe, M., et al. (2012), A comparison of GRACE-derived temporal gravity variations with observations of six European superconducting gravimeters, Geophysical Journal International, 191(2), 545-556.
Abe, T., M. Furuya, and Y. Takada (2013), Nonplanar Fault Source Modeling of the 2008 M-w 6.9 Iwate-Miyagi Inland Earthquake in Northeast Japan, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 103(1), 507-518.
Abell, J. A., J. C. de la Llera, and C. W. Wicks (2011), Enhancement of long period components of recorded and synthetic ground motions using InSAR, Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng., 31(5-6), 817-829.
Abidin, H. Z., H. Andreas, R. Djaja, D. Darmawan, and M. Gamal (2008), Land subsidence characteristics of Jakarta between 1997 and 2005, as estimated using GPS surveys, Gps Solutions, 12(1), 23-32.
Abidin, H. Z., H. Andreas, M. Gamal, R. Djaja, D. Murdohardono, H. Rajiyowiryono, and M. Hendrasto (2006), Studying land subsidence of Bandung Basin (Indonesia) using GPS survey technique, Survey Review, 38(299), 397-405.
Abidin, H. Z., H. Andreas, M. Gamal, V. Sadarviana, D. Darmawan, M. Hendrasto, O. K. Suganda, and Surono (2007), Studying landslide displacements in the ciloto area (Indonesia) using GPS surveys, J. Spat. Sci., 52(1), 55-63.
Abidin, H. Z., et al. (2006), Ground deformation of Papandayan volcano before, during, and after the 2002 eruption as detected by GPS surveys, Gps Solutions, 10(2), 75-84.
Abidin, H. Z., H. Andreas, I. Gumilar, Y. Fukuda, Y. E. Pohan, and T. Deguchi (2011), Land subsidence of Jakarta (Indonesia) and its relation with urban development, Natural Hazards, 59(3), 1753-1771.
Abidin, H. Z., H. Andreas, I. Gumilar, T. P. Sidiq, and Y. Fukuda (2013), Land subsidence in coastal city of Semarang (Indonesia): characteristics, impacts and causes, Geomat. Nat. Hazards Risk, 4(3), 226-240.

Abidin, H. Z., H. Andreas, T. Kato, T. Ito, I. Meilano, F. Kimata, D. H. Natawidjaya, and H. Harjono (2009), CRUSTAL DEFORMATION STUDIES IN JAVA (INDONESIA) USING GPS, J. Earthq. Tsunami, 3(2), 76-88.

Abidin, H. Z., R. J. Davies, M. A. Kusuma, H. Andreas, and T. Deguchi (2009), Subsidence and uplift of Sidoarjo (East Java) due to the eruption of the Lusi mud volcano (2006-present), Environ. Geol., 57(4), 833-844.
Abidin, H. Z., I. Gumilar, H. Andreas, D. Murdohardono, and Y. Fukuda (2013), On causes and impacts of land subsidence in Bandung Basin, Indonesia, Environmental Earth Sciences, 68(6), 1545-1553.
Abidin, H. Z., D. Santo, T. S. Haroen, and E. Heryani (2011), POST-TSUNAMI LAND ADMINISTRATION RECONSTRUCTION IN ACEH: ASPECTS, STATUS AND PROBLEMS, Survey Review, 43(323), 439-450.
Abolghasem, A. M., and E. W. Grafarend (2003), Finite element analysis of quasi-static earthquake displacement fields observed by GPS, Journal of Geodesy, 77(9), 529-536.
Abu Ghazleh, S., and S. Kempe (2009), Geomorphology of Lake Lisan terraces along the eastern coast of the Dead Sea, Jordan, Geomorphology, 108(3-4), 246-263.
Abu-Farsakh, M., S. Yoon, D. Ha, W. A. Marr, Z. J. Zhang, and X. B. Yu (2011), Development of a Substructure Instrumentation System at the New I-10 Twin Span Bridge and Its Use to Investigate the Lateral Behavior of Batter Piles, Geotech. Test. J., 34(4), 332-343.
Acar, M., M. T. Ozludemir, O. Akyilmaz, R. N. Celik, and T. Ayan (2006), Deformation analysis with Total Least Squares, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 6(4), 663-669.
Acar, M., M. T. Ozludemir, S. Erol, R. N. Celik, and T. Ayan (2008), Kinematic landslide monitoring with Kalman filtering, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 8(2), 213-221.
Acharya, R. (2013), Doppler utilised Kalman estimation (DUKE) of ionospheric delay for satellite navigation, Advances in Space Research, 51(11), 2171-2180.
Acharya, R., B. Roy, M. R. Sivaraman, and A. Dasgupta (2011), On conformity of the EEJ based ionospheric model to the fountain effect and resulting improvements, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 73(7-8), 779-784.
Acharya, R., B. Roy, M. R. Sivaraman, and A. Dasgupta (2011), Estimation of equatorial electrojet from total electron content at geomagnetic equator using Kalman filter, Advances in Space Research, 47(6), 938-944.
Acharya, R., B. Roy, M. R. Sivaraman, and A. Dasgupta (2012), Improved predictions of equatorial TEC for real time applications, Advances in Space Research, 49(4), 694-699.
Acocella, V., B. Behncke, M. Neri, and S. D'Amico (2003), Link between major flank slip and 2002-2003 eruption at Mt. Etna (Italy), Geophysical Research Letters, 30(24).
Acocella, V., and G. Puglisi (2013), How to cope with volcano flank dynamics? A conceptual model behind possible scenarios for Mt. Etna, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 251, 137-148.
Adalgeirsdottir, G., A. M. Smith, T. Murray, M. A. King, K. Makinson, K. W. Nicholls, and A. E. Behar (2008), Tidal influence on Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica: observations of surface flow and basal processes from closely spaced GPS and passive seismic stations, Journal of Glaciology, 54(187), 715-724.
Adam, A., et al. (2009), GEOELECTROMAGNETISM AND THE CHANGING EARTH, Acta Geod. Geophys. Hung., 44(3), 271-312.
Adam, C., M. Yoshida, D. Suetsugu, Y. Fukao, and C. Cadio (2014), Geodynamic modeling of the South Pacific superswell, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 229, 24-39.
Adams, A., and A. Nyblade (2011), Shear wave velocity structure of the southern African upper mantle with implications for the uplift of southern Africa, Geophysical Journal International, 186(2), 808-824.
Adams, D. K., et al. (2011), A dense GNSS meteorological network for observing deep convection in the Amazon, Atmospheric Science Letters, 12(2), 207-212.
Adams, D. K., R. M. S. Fernandes, and J. M. F. Maia (2011), GNSS Precipitable Water Vapor from an Amazonian Rain Forest Flux Tower, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 28(10), 1192-1198.
Adams, D. K., S. I. Gutman, K. L. Holub, and D. S. Pereira (2013), GNSS observations of deep convective time scales in the Amazon, Geophysical Research Letters, 40(11), 2818-2823.
Adams, K. D., and D. W. Sada (2014), Surface water hydrology and geomorphic characterization of a playa lake system: Implications for monitoring the effects of climate change, J. Hydrol., 510, 92-102.
Adebiyi, S. J., I. A. Adimula, and O. A. Oladipo (2014), Seasonal variations of GPS derived TEC at three different latitudes of the southern hemisphere during geomagnetic storms, Advances in Space Research, 53(8), 1246-1254.
Ader, T., et al. (2012), Convergence rate across the Nepal Himalaya and interseismic coupling on the Main Himalayan Thrust: Implications for seismic hazard, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 117.
Adewale, A. O., E. O. Oyeyemi, A. B. Adeloye, C. N. Mitchell, J. A. R. Rose, and P. J. Cilliers (2012), A study of L-band scintillations and total electron content at an equatorial station, Lagos, Nigeria, Radio Science, 47.
Adewale, A. O., E. O. Oyeyemi, P. J. Cilliers, L. A. McKinnell, and A. B. Adeloye (2012), Low solar activity variability and IRI 2007 predictability of equatorial Africa GPS TEC, Advances in Space Research, 49(2), 316-326.
Adewale, A. O., E. O. Oyeyemi, and J. Olwendo (2012), Solar activity dependence of total electron content derived from GPS observations over Mbarara, Advances in Space Research, 50(4), 415-426.
Adushkin, V. V., I. A. Sanina, I. S. Vladimirova, Y. V. Gabsatarov, E. M. Gorbunova, and G. N. Ivanchenko (2014), Study of neotectonic activity of morphostructures in the central part of the east european craton by remote sensing methods, Izv.-Phys. Solid Earth, 50(2), 169-176.
Afraimovich, E. L. (2008), First GPS-TEC evidence for the wave structure excited by the solar terminator, Earth Planets Space, 60(8), 895-900.
Afraimovich, E. L., E. I. Astafieva, S. Voeykov, B. Tsegmed, A. P. Potekhin, and J. L. Rasson (2006), An investigation of the correlation between ionospheric and geomagnetic variations using data from the GPS and INTERMAGNET networks, Advances in Space Research, 38(11), 2332-2336.
Afraimovich, E. L., E. I. Astafieva, and S. V. Voyeikov (2004), Isolated ionospheric disturbances as deduced from global GPS network, Annales Geophysicae, 22(1), 47-62.
Afraimovich, E. L., E. I. Astafyeva, V. V. Demyanov, and I. F. Gamayunov (2009), Mid-latitude amplitude scintillation of GPS signals and GPS performance slips, Advances in Space Research, 43(6), 964-972.
Afraimovich, E. L., E. I. Astafyeva, E. A. Kosogorov, and Y. V. Yasyukevich (2011), The mid-latitude field-aligned disturbances and their effect on differential GPS and VLBI, Advances in Space Research, 47(10), 1804-1813.
Afraimovich, E. L., et al. (2004), Detection of traveling ionospheric disturbances from the data of simultaneous measurements of the electron concentration, total electron content, and Doppler frequency shift at the ISTP radiophysical complex, Geomagn. Aeron., 44(4), 423-434.
Afraimovich, E. L., A. V. Buzevich, and I. V. Zhivet'ev (2005), Large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances during the strong magnetic storm of October 29-30, 2003, according to data of the Kamchatka network of GPS stations, Geomagn. Aeron., 45(1), 118-121.
Afraimovich, E. L., F. Ding, V. V. Kiryushkin, E. I. Astafyeva, S. G. Jin, and V. A. Sankov (2010), TEC response to the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake in comparison with other strong earthquakes, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(13), 3601-3613.
Afraimovich, E. L., I. K. Edemskiy, A. S. Leonovich, L. A. Leonovich, S. V. Voeykov, and Y. V. Yasyukevich (2009), MHD nature of night-time MSTIDs excited by the solar terminator, Geophysical Research Letters, 36.
Afraimovich, E. L., I. K. Edemskiy, S. V. Voeykov, Y. V. Yasyukevich, and I. V. Zhivetiev (2009), Spatio-temporal structure of the wave packets generated by the solar terminator, Advances in Space Research, 44(7), 824-835.
Afraimovich, E. L., I. K. Edemskiy, S. V. Voeykov, Y. V. Yasyukevich, and I. V. Zhivetiev (2009), The first GPS-TEC imaging of the space structure of MS wave packets excited by the solar terminator, Annales Geophysicae, 27(4), 1521-1525.
Afraimovich, E. L., I. K. Edemsky, S. V. Voeykov, Y. V. Yasukevich, and I. V. Zhivetiev (2010), MHD nature of ionospheric wave packets generated by the solar terminator, Geomagn. Aeron., 50(1), 79-95.
Afraimovich, E. L., D. Feng, V. V. Kiryushkin, and E. I. Astafyeva (2010), Near-field TEC response to the main shock of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, Earth Planets Space, 62(11), 899-904.
Afraimovich, E. L., A. B. Ishin, M. V. Tinin, Y. V. Yasyukevich, and S. G. Jin (2011), First evidence of anisotropy of GPS phase slips caused by the mid-latitude field-aligned ionospheric irregularities, Advances in Space Research, 47(10), 1674-1680.
Afraimovich, E. L., and V. A. Karachenschev (2003), Testing of the transionospheric radiochannel using data from the global GPS network, Ann. Geophys., 46(6), 1229-1246.
Afraimovich, E. L., O. S. Lesyuta, N. P. Perevalova, O. M. Pirog, V. F. Smirnov, E. K. Zirkach, and E. D. Bondar (2005), Study of the main ionospheric trough based on data of the GPS and ionospheric stations in the Yakutsk region, Geomagn. Aeron., 45(2), 203-208.
Afraimovich, E. L., N. P. Perevalova, and S. V. Voyeikov (2003), Traveling wave packets of total electron content disturbances as deduced from global GPS network data, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 65(11-13), 1245-1262.
Afraimovich, E. L., N. P. Perevalova, and I. V. Zhivetlev (2008), Relative amplitude of the total electron content variations depending on geomagnetic activity, Advances in Space Research, 42(7), 1231-1237.
Afraimovich, E. L., S. V. Voeykov, A. B. Ishin, N. P. Perevalova, and Y. Y. Ruzhin (2008), Variations in the total electron content during the powerful typhoon of August 5-11, 2006, near the southeastern coast of China, Geomagn. Aeron., 48(5), 674-679.
Afraimovich, E. L., S. V. Voeykov, N. P. Perevalova, and K. G. Ratovsky (2006), Large-scale disturbances of auroral origin during strong magnetic storms of October 29-31, 2003, and November 7-11, 2004, according to the data of the GPS network and ionosondes, Geomagn. Aeron., 46(5), 603-608.
Afraimovich, E. L., S. V. Voeykov, N. P. Perevalova, and K. G. Ratovsky (2008), Large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances of auroral origin according to the data of the GPS network and ionosondes, Advances in Space Research, 42(7), 1213-1217.
Afraimovich, E. L., S. V. Voeykov, N. P. Perevalova, V. V. Vodyannikov, G. I. Gordienko, Y. G. Litvinov, and A. F. Yakovets (2007), Ionospheric effects of the March 29, 2006, solar eclipse over Kazakhstan, Geomagn. Aeron., 47(4), 461-469.
Afraimovich, E. L., and Y. V. Yasukevich (2009), New field of application of the IRI modeling - Determination of ionosphere transfer characteristic for radio astronomical signals, Advances in Space Research, 43(11), 1652-1659.
Aggarwal, M. (2011), TEC variability near northern ETA crest and comparison with IRI model, Advances in Space Research, 48(7), 1221-1231.
Aggarwal, M., H. P. Joshi, K. N. Iyer, and Y. S. Kwak (2013), Response of the ETA ionosphere to the 7-8 May 2005 geomagnetic storm, Advances in Space Research, 52(4), 591-603.
Aggarwal, M., H. P. Joshi, K. N. Iyer, Y. S. Kwak, J. J. Lee, H. Chandra, and K. S. Cho (2012), Day-to-day variability of equatorial anomaly in GPS-TEC during low solar activity period, Advances in Space Research, 49(12), 1709-1720.
Agh-Atabai, M., and M. S. Mirabedini (2014), Temporal variations of seismicity parameters in the Central Alborz, Iran, Acta Geophysica, 62(3), 486-504.
Agnesi, V., M. Camarda, C. Conoscenti, C. Di Maggio, I. S. Diliberto, P. Madonia, and E. Rotigliano (2005), A multidisciplinary approach to the evaluation of the mechanism that triggered the Cerda landslide (Sicily, Italy), Geomorphology, 65(1-2), 101-116.
Agnew, D. C. (2013), Realistic Simulations of Geodetic Network Data: The Fakenet Package, Seismological Research Letters, 84(3), 426-432.
Agnew, D. C., and K. Hodgkinson (2007), Designing compact causal digital filters for low-frequency strainmeter data, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 97(1), 91-99.
Agostini, S., C. Doglioni, F. Innocenti, P. Manetti, and S. Tonarini (2010), On the geodynamics of the Aegean rift, Tectonophysics, 488(1-4), 7-21.
Aguiar, A. C., T. I. Melbourne, and C. W. Scrivner (2009), Moment release rate of Cascadia tremor constrained by GPS, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 114.
Aguilar, F. J., and J. P. Mills (2008), Accuracy assessment of lidar-derived digital elevation models, Photogramm. Rec., 23(122), 148-169.
Aguilar, M. A., F. J. Aguilar, I. Fernandez, and J. P. Mills (2013), Accuracy Assessment of Commercial Self-Calibrating Bundle Adjustment Routines Applied to Archival Aerial Photography, Photogramm. Rec., 28(141), 96-114.
Aguirre, J., and K. Irikura (2003), Reliability of envelope inversion for the high-frequency radiation source process using strong motion data: Example of the 1995 Hyogoken Nanbu earthquake, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 93(5), 2005-2016.
Agurto, H., A. Rietbrock, I. Ryder, and M. Miller (2012), Seismic-afterslip characterization of the 2010 M-W 8.8 Maule, Chile, earthquake based on moment tensor inversion, Geophysical Research Letters, 39.
Ahn, Y. W., G. Lachapelle, S. Skone, S. Gutman, and S. Sahm (2006), Analysis of GPS RTK performance using external NOAA tropospheric corrections integrated with a multiple reference station approach, Gps Solutions, 10(3), 171-186.
Ai, S. T., Z. M. Wang, D. C. E, K. Holmen, Z. Tan, C. X. Zhou, and W. J. Sun (2014), Topography, ice thickness and ice volume of the glacier Pedersenbreen in Svalbard, using GPR and GPS, Polar Res., 33.
Aier, I., K. Luirei, S. S. Bhakuni, G. T. Thong, and G. C. Kothyari (2011), Geomorphic evolution of Medziphema intermontane basin and Quaternary deformation in the schuppen belt, Nagaland, NE India, Z. Geomorphol., 55(2), 247-265.
Aiuppa, A., et al. (2010), Patterns in the recent 2007-2008 activity of Mount Etna volcano investigated by integrated geophysical and geochemical observations, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 11.
Aiuppa, A., G. Tamburello, R. Di Napoli, C. Cardellini, G. Chiodini, G. Giudice, F. Grassa, and M. Pedone (2013), First observations of the fumarolic gas output from a restless caldera: Implications for the current period of unrest (2005-2013) at Campi Flegrei, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 14(10), 4153-4169.
Aizawa, K., W. Kanda, Y. Ogawa, M. Iguchi, A. Yokoo, H. Yakiwara, and T. Sugano (2011), Temporal changes in electrical resistivity at Sakurajima volcano from continuous magnetotelluric observations, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 199(1-2), 165-175.
Aizawa, K., T. Koyama, M. Uyeshima, H. Hase, T. Hashimoto, W. Kanda, R. Yoshimura, M. Utsugi, Y. Ogawa, and K. Yamazaki (2013), Magnetotelluric and temperature monitoring after the 2011 sub-Plinian eruptions of Shinmoe-dake volcano, Earth Planets Space, 65(6), 539-550.
Aizawa, K., Y. Ogawa, T. Hashimoto, T. Koyama, W. Kanda, Y. Yamaya, M. Mishina, and T. Kagiyama (2008), Shallow resistivity structure of Asama Volcano and its implications for magma ascent process in the 2004 eruption, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 173(3-4), 165-177.
Aizawa, K., Y. Ogawa, M. Mishina, K. Takahashi, S. Nagaoka, N. Takagi, S. Sakanaka, and T. Miura (2009), Structural controls on the 1998 volcanic unrest at Iwate volcano: Relationship between a shallow, electrically resistive body and the possible ascent route of magmatic fluid, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 187(1-2), 131-139.
Aizawa, K., A. Yokoo, W. Kanda, Y. Ogawa, and M. Iguchi (2010), Magnetotelluric pulses generated by volcanic lightning at Sakurajima volcano, Japan, Geophysical Research Letters, 37.
Ajmar, A., S. Balbo, P. Boccardo, F. G. Tonolo, M. Piras, and J. Princic (2013), A Low-Cost Mobile Mapping System (LCMMS) for field data acquisition: a potential use to validate aerial/satellite building damage assessment, Int. J. Digit. Earth, 6, 103-123.
Akala, A. O., L. L. N. Amaeshi, P. H. Doherty, K. M. Groves, C. S. Carrano, C. T. Bridgwood, G. K. Seemala, and E. O. Somoye (2014), Characterization of GNSS scintillations over Lagos, Nigeria during the minimum and ascending phases (2009-2011) of solar cycle 24, Advances in Space Research, 53(1), 37-47.
Akala, A. O., and P. H. Doherty (2012), Statistical distribution of GPS amplitude scintillations, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 74, 199-211.
Akala, A. O., P. H. Doherty, C. S. Carrano, C. E. Valladares, and K. M. Groves (2012), Impacts of ionospheric scintillations on GPS receivers intended for equatorial aviation applications, Radio Science, 47.
Akala, A. O., P. H. Doherty, C. E. Valladares, C. S. Carrano, and R. Sheehan (2011), Statistics of GPS scintillations over South America at three levels of solar activity, Radio Science, 46.
Akala, A. O., A. B. Rabiu, E. O. Somoye, E. O. Oyeyemi, and A. B. Adeloye (2013), The response of African equatorial GPS-TEC to intense geomagnetic storms during the ascending phase of solar cycle 24, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 98, 50-62.
Akala, A. O., G. K. Seemala, P. H. Doherty, C. E. Valladares, C. S. Carrano, J. Espinoza, and S. Oluyo (2013), Comparison of equatorial GPS-TEC observations over an African station and an American station during the minimum and ascending phases of solar cycle 24, Annales Geophysicae, 31(11), 2085-2096.
Akarvardar, S., K. L. Feigl, and S. Ergintav (2009), Ground deformation in an area later damaged by an earthquake: monitoring the Avcilar district of Istanbul, Turkey, by satellite radar interferometry 1992-1999, Geophysical Journal International, 178(2), 976-988.
Akay, G., and H. Ozener (2009), Investigation of long period crustal deformation on the inactive branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 9(3), 663-671.
Akbar, T. A., and S. R. Ha (2011), Landslide hazard zoning along Himalayan Kaghan Valley of Pakistan-by integration of GPS, GIS, and remote sensing technology, Landslides, 8(4), 527-540.
Akbari, V., and M. Motagh (2012), Improved Ground Subsidence Monitoring Using Small Baseline SAR Interferograms and a Weighted Least Squares Inversion Algorithm, IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 9(3), 437-441.
Akbarimehr, M., M. Motagh, and M. Haghshenas-Haghighi (2013), Slope Stability Assessment of the Sarcheshmeh Landslide, Northeast Iran, Investigated Using InSAR and GPS Observations, Remote Sensing, 5(8), 3681-3700.

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