Unit 7 topics

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52. Translate into English.

1. Каждому россиянину известно, что в Петербурге находится огромное количество дворцов и музеев. Эрмитаж (the Hermitage) был основан Екатериной II в 1764 году как частная коллекция. В 1852 году он был впервые открыт для публики. Сейчас Эрмитаж является одним из трех крупнейших музеев мира наряду (along with) с Лувром (the Louvre) в Париже и музеем Метрополитан (the Metropolitan Museum) в Нью Йорке. Он превосходит большинство европейских музеев по богатству (abundance) и разнообразию экспонатов (exhibits). 2. Поскольку Россия расположена между 43 и 80 широтой, ее климат меняется от субтропического на юге до арктического на севере. Северные регионы России простираются от Баренцева моря на западе до Берингова пролива на востоке. На карте видно, что наиболее густонаселенные зоны этого региона находятся вокруг основных морских портов. Хотя на севере отсутствуют плодородные почвы и климатические условия не позволяют населению заниматься земледелием, эти регионы богаты полезными ископаемыми. В последние десятилетия экономика севера целиком зависит от экспорта никеля, нефти и газа, леса (timber) и алмазов. 3. Нидерланды расположены на северо-западе Европейского континента. Поразительным фактом является то, что целая страна лежит ниже уровня моря (sea level). Нидерланды – конституционная монархия. Главой государства является королева. Столица страны – Амстердам, но правительство находится в Гааге. Изобилие сельскохозяйственных продуктов позволяет стране экспортировать около 2/3 продукции сельского хозяйства.

53. a) Fill in the gaps with articles where necessary .

___capital of ___ United States ___ Washington, D.C. is not located in any state, but lies between ___ states of ___ Maryland and ___ Virginia. ___ principal cities of ___ U.S. are ___ New York, ___ Los Angeles, ___ Chicago, ___ Philadelphia, ___ Detroit and ___ Cleveland. ___ population of ___ United States is not evenly spread over the country, but is concentrated largely in ___ east.

___ heart of the American agriculture is the Corn Belt, a belt of very fertile land extending from ___ state of ___ Nebraska eastwards as far as ___ Pennsylvania. In this area ___ principal crop is ___ corn. West of ___ Corn Belt is ___ Wheat Belt extending ___ north and ___ south from ___ Texas to ___ North Dakota and into ___ Canada.

___ principal products of ___ south are ___cotton and tobacco although corn is also grown here. ___ agriculture of ___ California, because of its favourable climate, is confined largely to special crops, such as citrus crops and grapes.

___ mineral deposits of ___ U.S. are concentrated largely in ___ Appalachian Mountains. There are, however, ___ important oil-fields in ___ Texas, ___Oklahoma and ___ California, and important iron mines in ___ Minnesota. Because of the overwhelming concentration of minerals in ___ northeastern part of ___ U.S. manufacturing is also concentrated there.
b) Get ready to discuss the text in class.

c) Write 5 questions to the text.
54. Get ready to retell Text 2.


55. Discuss the information given in exercise 53.


56. Ask and answer as in the model:

Model: St-1 – Could you explain something to me?

St-2 – I am entirely at your disposal.

help me do the translation; help me with the computer; work in the garden with me; help me clean the flat; help me do the shopping; help me arrange a party

57. Answer as in the model and add a sentence logically connected with your answer:

Model: T – Whose idea was it to take a journey to Africa, yours or


St – It was entirely Jane’s idea. She had always wanted to travel

to Africa.

58. Translate into English. (to extend, abundant, fertile)
59. Translate into Russian:

1. If the camera is stolen, the insured receives a sum of money. 2. If the camera is stolen the insurer will pay a sum of money. 3. The police couldn’t rule out the possibility that her husband had murdered her. 4. Thousands of people gathered in the Mall and sang ‘Rule Britannia’. 5. Rain ruled out further play. 6. Silence reigned once more after the thunder. 7. She established herself as the most powerful minister in the new Government. 8. The established religion of Egypt is Islam. 9. What a marvelous meal, Jim! You’ve really excelled yourself. 10. I haven’t been able to track down the source of the rumour. 11. The cost of the damage exceeded our worst feelings. 12. It’s exceedingly difficult to determine the exact cause of death in some murders. 13. They were standing in the middle of the road trading insults. 14. Tom is an electrician by trade. 15. France was the only European power not to sign the treaty. 16. Japan’s economic growth has made it a world power. 17. He was only an ordinary MP when I first knew him, and now he is a power in the land. 18. The director always listens to him. He’s one of the elect. 19. The office of the President of the US is an elective one, but the position of Queen of England is not. 20. Include me out! 21. Strike while the iron is hot. 22. The matches were too wet to strike. 23. It struck me immediately that I had made a mistake. 24. My school is within walking distance from home. 25. The station is no distance at all.

60. a) Skim through the text and say in one sentence what the text deals with. Answer the questions which follow.

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