University of Cambridge

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The applicant and host institution, the University of Cambridge (Department of Engineering) have expertise and facilities in an extensive range of activities linked to this proposal. The applicant, Dr David Holburn is a Senior Lecturer in Engineering at Cambridge, and has over twenty years experience in electronic and microelectronic design. He has been responsible for the development of Cambridge University Engineering Department's programme of undergraduate and postgraduate IC design projects and currently serves as representative for the Europractice microelectronics initiative, of which the University is a full member. This has led to the accumulation of valuable skill and experience in the acquisition and use of industry-strength computer-aided design tools and of access to semiconductor foundry services.
The applicant and his research group have worked successfully over a number of years in a number of projects involving full-custom mixed-signal silicon design for a range of applications including optoelectronics, RF and optical communications.

These include a wide variety of sub-micron CMOS technologies for digital and analogue circuits, including flip-chip, and the group has a strong track record in submitting designs for fabrication and evaluating them using a wide range of test equipment available within the Department. Novel devices successfully fabricated have included low-noise wideband CMOS receivers and transmitters [1, 2, 3] and flip-chip integrated versions of these [4] (under EPSRC GR/M29573/01), arithmetic and diversity reception circuits [5], transducer interface circuits [6], driver circuits for resonant cavity LEDs [7] and laser devices [8] for operation at up to 2.5Gb/s (under EPSRC GR/R32802/01). The broad experience gained in a wide range of linked technologies will provide a valuable foundation for the proposal detailed here.

Secondly, the applicant has experience in the development of high performance demountable IC interconnect systems for versatile electronic systems. Feasibility studies carried out with support from industry have already established the viability of a demountable modular 3D stacking architecture, based on the use of a substrate with contacts on its upper and lower surfaces, for the development of versatile electronic systems. The complex three-dimensional routing possibilities created by this simple modification are the key to the power and flexibility of this approach. Layers are then simply clipped together using carriers equipped with miniature latches to form a complete system; compression of the connectors completes mechanical latching and establishes electrical interconnection of all the carriers in the system. This is believed to offer considerable promise for implementation of massively parallel processor and other complex analogue or digital systems, possibly making use of short-range free-space optical links. The applicant was a co-recipient of a DTI SMART award to demonstrate the feasibility of constructing a modular embedded PC using this technology. The resultant product occupies under 60 cm3, can readily be dismantled, its circuitry re-used or remanufactured, and it runs standard PC software. This Demonstrator has been the object of widespread interest [11]. Since this work was undertaken, advances in IC technology have progressively converged to encourage further development of this approach.
Further, the applicant and his group have been engaged in the development of circuitry and software for signal and image processing, for electron microscopy and for medical instrumentation [9, 10]. The researcher nominated for the studentship has valuable skills in IC design and in the development of novel computer architectures and microprocessors suitable for embedded computing systems.
Within the Engineering Department there is excellent support for circuit design and fabrication, mechanical design and manufacture, and strong academic expertise in signal processing, CFD, mathematics and control engineering.
[1] "Development of a CMOS 310Mb/s receiver for free space optical wireless links", Lalithambika, V.A., Joyner, V.M., Holburn, D.M., Mears, R.J. in Optical Wireless Communications III, Eric J. Korevaar, Editor, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4214 (Feb 2001), pp 133-143.
[2] "A CMOS 155 MB/s optical wireless transmitter for indoor networks", Holburn, D.M., Mears, R.J., Samsudin, Joyner, V.M., Lalithambika, V.A. in Optical Wireless Communications III, Eric J. Korevaar, Editor, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4214 (Feb 2001), pp 124-132.
[3] "An integrated CMOS transceiver for indoor optical wireless links", Holburn, D.M., Lalithambika, V.A., Joyner, V.M., Samsudin, Mears, R.J., in Optical Wireless Communications IV, Eric J. Korevaar, Editor, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4530 (2001), pp 154-159.
[4] "Flip-chip integrated optical wireless transceivers", O’Brien, D.C., Faulkner, G.E., Zyambo, E.B., Edwards, D.J., Stavrinou, P., Parry, G., Bellon, J., Sibley, M.J., Lalithambika, V.A., Joyner, V.M., Samsudin, R., Holburn, D.M., Mears, R.J., in Optical Wireless Communications V, Eric J. Korevaar, Editor, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4873 (Dec 2002), pp 23-29.
[5] "Integrated CMOS transmitter driver and diversity receiver for indoor optical wireless links", Holburn, D.M., Lalithambika, V.A., Samsudin, R. J., Joyner, V.M., Mears, R.J., in Optical Wireless Communications IV, Eric J. Korevaar, Editor, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4873 (Dec 2002), pp 13-22.
[6] "A closely integrated digital image capture device for embedded applications", D S Jordan and D M Holburn; paper presented at Europto International Symposium on Advanced Imaging and Network Technologies, 7-11 Oct 1996, Berlin.
[7] "A 2.5Gb/s Low-Power CMOS VCSEL Transmitter with Clipping Distortion Suppression for Analogue Optical Fibre Data Links", Lin, Fu-Chuan, Lalithambika, V. A., Holburn, D. M., and Mears, R. J., in Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on ASIC, Beijing, China, October 2003.
[8] "Fully integrated CMOS VCSEL driver with nonlinearity suppression for RF optical fibre links", Lin, Fu-Chuan, Lalithambika, V. A., Holburn, D. M., Mears, R. J., Hum, C. H. and Walker, S. D., in Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5356, Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits VI; Louay A. Eldada; Ed., pp. 56-64. Publication date: Jun 2004
[9] "Sharpness search algorithms for automatic focusing in the scanning electron microscope", Batten, C.F., Holburn, D.M., Breton, B.C. and Caldwell, N.H.M., in Scanning, Vol. 23 No. 2, March-April 2001. Proceedings of SCANNING 2001, pp 112.

[10] "A combined heart rate and movement sensor: proof of concept and preliminary testing study", Rennie, K., Rowsell, T., Holburn D.M. and Wareham, N.J. in European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, May 2000, 54, pp 409-414.

[11] "Chiprack: A novel architecture to facilitate disassembly and reuse of electronic components and sub-assemblies", D M Holburn, M Anstey, D S Jordan & C E Hawkins, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Clean Electronics Products and Technology, pp 214-217, October 1995, Edinburgh.
[12] "A Low-Bounce Adaptive CMOS Output Buffer for 310Mb/s Optical Wireless Receiver", Lin, Fu-Chuan, Lalithambika, V. A., Holburn, D. M., and Mears, R. J, in Proceedings of XVIII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, Ciudad Real, Spain, November 2003.



There are considerable attractions in applying to the field of Analogue Computing several of the process advances and design methodologies that have been so successfully applied to other applications of microelectronics. Analogue computing has advanced little since the 1960’s when it was eclipsed by the burgeoning advances in digital computing. Arguably these are now slowing, and it is now timely to consider other alternative and complementary approaches to computing. This proposal aims to demonstrate these possibilities, and to investigate methods of achieving configurable integrated analogue processing elements. The potential benefits are substantial and include true real-time, high speed computation, massive parallel computing, and low cost of implementation and operation.

The classic analogue computer, is the General Purpose Analogue Computer (GPAC) as proposed by Claude Shannon [SHA41], with the differential analyzer as its prime specimen.. In 1993, Rubel, proposed a model for analogue computers called the Extended Analogue Computer (EAC) [RUB93] after showing that GPAC, had very real mathematical limitations that prohibit its use in general computing [RUB88]. For one, GPACs are unable to solve partial differential equations and required different techniques that were illustrated elsewhere [KAR59]. It is recognized that extensions to the GPAC are needed in order to make generic analogue computers a reality [GRA02]. The EAC model, extended the GPAC, and is suitable as a model for general purpose analogue computing, but it is still not clear if the EAC can be realised completely [CMC00]. A fast electronic PDE solver, which is an important component of the EAC has been realised in VLSI [MIL95].

Analogue computing has been described by some as a ‘dead science’. In the 1960s there were heated debates on whether analogue or digital was better. Ultimately, analogue lost owing primarily to cost as digital computers were cheap to produce and adapt from one application to another by merely changing the software, while analogue computers were traditionally one-shot and cumbersome to modify. Moore's Law ensured continuous digital dominance, but has rapidly pushed up it against fundamental physical limits.

Analogue electronic computers enjoyed little more than a decade of popularity. It was therefore, still in its infancy, and suffered a retarded development when digital computing took over. In a twist, it is now possible to exploit advanced digital technology to build analogue circuits, due to the spur of RF technology. Analogue computing, can now be given due consideration as an alternative form of computing that can be used to provide results of great potential value in future applications.

Today, analogue computers find niche applications that are ‘difficult’ for digital computers: for example, the exploration of Chaos [ES99] and Artificial Intelligence [ML99]. EACs are now being considered for a broader range of applications [MIL03] including internet traffic routing & QoS, target recognition, protein folding, neurobiological modelling, gait generation, evolution of galactic structure, and self-evolving reconfigurable hardware.

Our research proposes to design and build a programmable analogue computing cell in CMOS VLSI while addressing the fundamental challenges faced by analogue computing. We will study and exploit various techniques and technologies available today such as field resistance, floating gate- and translinear devices. Methods will be developed for interconnecting computing cells in configurable clusters, to perform computing functions. Some applications that we will explore include the areas of MRI, aerospace and MEMS.


  • True real-time computation: Outputs are calculated on changes to input in real-time. Also able to perform parallel computations by simultaneously manipulating the different electrical properties such as amplitude, frequency and phase.

  • High speed computation: Analogue computers only need to work at the speeds of the inputs they are manipulating. Digital computers need to work several times faster than the inputs they are manipulating owing to sampling and quantisation processes.

  • Massive parallel computing: Analogue computers do not have the same performance bottlenecks as digital computers when they are parallelised. Their non-sequential architecture lends well to parallel computing.

  • Low cost: Analogue computing circuits are simpler and directly translate into cost savings in terms of smaller circuit size (higher yield), lower power consumption (lower system cost) and better performance (computations/watt) using comparable digital technology.


  • Specificity of purpose: Analogue computers are typically ‘one-shot’ computers developed for a specific purpose only and are expensive to maintain and modify. Software and hardware are traditionally separate and cumbersome to implement.
    Solution: Integrating software and hardware, programmable for different functions.

  • Resilience to process change: Traditionally poor. Analogue circuits have to be redesigned for each and every application for which they are required do not benefit substantially from design reuse.
    Solution: Programmable analogue software upgrades to improve functions.

  • Accuracy: Typically capable of producing results that are within 0.05% of the actual value. Also known to be imprecise. Note that quantisation noise and sampling effects also set a clear limit to the accuracy that can be achieved by digital means. Analogue computers may sacrifice accuracy for speed.
    Solution: Enhancements in accuracy and stability by judicious use of modern circuit design techniques; use of embedded digital hardware to facilitate calibration and dynamic adjustments to improve accuracy and precision.



  • To evaluate a novel architecture for an integrated analogue computing cell based on high performance floating-gate CMOS devices

  • To develop a novel integrated switching fabric to support reconfiguration of the analogue cell

  • To show the feasibility of dynamically reconfiguring the analogue cell to allow it to perform multiple operations

  • To demonstrate that a number of programmable cells of this kind may be organised as an arrayed computing entity that can be used to solve complex mathematical functions.

  • To show how these cells can be combined into a massively parallel computing system that can be applied to complicated multi-dimensional computations and applications.

  • To identify and explore new applications that will benefit from the incorporation of integrated analogue computing elements

  • To develop human capital in the re-emerging field of analogue computing.


Our definition of analogue computing is the process of computing in an analogous fashion, i.e. using natural electrical properties to compute. The values can be both discrete and continuous. The computing functions include but are not limited to, summation, differentiation, integration, multiplication and logical functions.

The research will commence with an evaluation of the best available IC technologies. For example:

  • For the cell, we will investigate the use of suitable techniques to solve multi-dimensional problems including novel methods such as using field resistance and trans-linear circuits elements. A floating-gate transistor (FGMOS) can be readily used as a memory, switch, resistor and capacitor element. Combining these will allow us to create various finite difference networks for solving PDEs. We will investigate what other valuable functions we can build with these.

  • For the switching fabric, we will investigate hybrid techniques such as nearest-neighbour combined with short and medium length transmission lines. Besides serving as data paths, these lines also serve as summing junctions for additions and subtractions.

  • For the test structure we will investigate the use of external field-programmed devices to perform the complex signalling necessary to program the device. External memory may be required to store configuration elements and data. External data converters will be required for I/O purposes in order to interface the chip with existing digital equipment/peripherals.

  • For applications, we will identify and build a number of highly parallel and compute-intensive applications on the analogue processor in order to assess its feasibility as a general purpose computing platform. We will identify suitable benchmarks for measuring its performance, since MIPS/MFLOPS do not seem particularly apt.


The device we ultimately envision will in one sense resemble a multi-processor system, with many individual computing cells interconnected via a communication data path that is linked externally via suitable input/output converters. However, instead of a microprocessor, each cell is a stand-alone, reconfigurable, analogue computer. Each cell stores its own program in memory which serves to configure it for a specific function. The necessary programs will be compiled on a digital computer with special compilers and downloaded onto the device, so determining the behaviour of each cell, the function it provides and the way it interacts with other cells and external signals. The concept of such an analogue computing element is itself believed to be entirely novel; however, we seek in addition to integrate multiple cells in a manner not previously attempted. In this sense, it will be resemble a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) or a Field Programmable Analogue Array (FPAA), though based on a fundamentally different processing element, developed specifically to meet the requirements of analogue computing. The programmable chip will be suited for building advanced computing functions and to model complicated mathematical and real world systems in real time. It is expected that systems based upon it will be capable of being scaled in 2 or 3 dimensions to implement still more elaborate multi-dimensional systems. Such a multi-dimensional system will take full advantage of available modular 3D electronic stacking systems.

Illustration 1: Proposed device structure


For a detailed plan of the project, please refer to the Gantt chart attached at the end of the document. The project is expected to see real world benefits with future applications within the medium term to long term, as digital computers come closer to their physical limits. Taking advantage of advances in microelectronic processing and design methodologies, we expect to address many of the problems that plagued analogue computers in the past and to build in capabilities that could not be contemplated even a few years ago. The duration of the project will allow us to design and build a prototype programmable arrayed analogue computing chip with supporting software and hardware in order to program it. It is expected that a demonstrator will also be developed to allow direct comparison with current computing solutions.

The project will generate both soft and hard measurables. Hard measurables including the software, chips and boards that will be built and any applications that are developed on it. The soft measurables will include patents and generated knowledge that may be shared publicly. The schedule for these deliverables are noted in the chart as “Delivery” and coincide with the schedule for chip fabrication.



Analogue computing cells will facilitate a wider range of mathematical and logical functions, allowing researchers to solve a wider range of problems and to model a wider range of systems. Analogue computing will become general purpose and can fully complement digital computing in high speed scientific applications such as fast computation, simulation, and modelling for research purposes.

Programmable analogue cells will bring the benefits of reusable intellectual property (IP) similar to the concept of reusable software libraries and reusable digital cores. This will encourage the sharing of resources for academic and economic purposes to accelerate the development of useful devices.

There is an emerging trend of using analogue computing in the fields of neural networks, fuzzy logic and other areas of research. The ability of analogue computing to perform massively parallel computations at once, lends itself well to the creation of huge arrays of cognitive/intelligent systems.

2.3.2 COMMERCIAL INDUSTRY (Signal Processing/Cognitive Systems)

Virtually all analogue front ends provide signal processing functions using analogue computing techniques. Any change in specification typically requires a complete redesign of the entire analogue front end. Programmable analogue front ends with intrinsic computing capabilities can be used in different regions with different regulatory systems. This shortens commercial design and implementation cycles.

On-the-fly programming allows devices to perform different functions based on need, offering savings in chip resources and power. Also, analogue systems will run faster while consuming less power and space than comparable digital systems. This is expected to lead to improvements in consumer electronics, especially in portable multimedia and communication devices as image and audio processing techniques are inherently analogue in nature.

MEMS are now well established and offer enormous potential for the development of miniaturised machines and mechanisms for a vast range of tasks. Such devices are expected to require elaborate control systems. The small size of analogue circuits envisioned here would allow high performance control systems to be placed in close integration with the MEMS devices. Analogue computers would be able to drive these machines based on inputs directly received, once more using analogue computers for their original primary purpose.

2.3.3 GENERAL PUBLIC (Health/Medical/Biological)

The massively parallel nature of analogue computing lends itself well for applications such as real-time, high speed MRI/NMRI and ultra sound scanning that require massive amounts of computations. At the moment, even the best scanning machines using the fastest computers available still suffer from a lack of computing speed due to the massive amount of complicated computation required. Similar considerations apply to meteorology and forecasting; the availability of high performance analogue computing elements is likely to give direct benefits here.

Analogue computing can be used to build models of biological mimicry to drive other devices. Better artificial limbs can be designed to mimic natural human movements accurately and interface better with human systems. This can be applied to enhance prosthetic devices as well as to build robots that are more articulate. Artificial limbs that perform as well as or better than their original limbs will change the lives of the disabled everywhere.



We will actively publish our work in printed journals/magazines as well as at relevant conferences to open our research to peer review, as well as gather input from research done elsewhere in this world. We expect that this work will give rise to novel devices, and will work in close conjunction with the University’s Technology Transfer Office to protect any IP arising from this research. We will build a website in order to make the key features of our work publicly available. The website will serve as a repository for publications and also other relevant materials including design files, simulation and test results. It can also serve as a focal point for discussion and active participation from other interested parties to hopefully spur application development and improvements on our platform. We will investigate the possibility of developing an animated multimedia representation of the target design for publication on the web site. Subject to IP issues, we expect to compile a development kit to include the necessary software and hardware to allow interested parties to build programmable analogue computing applications and devices based on our devices.



It is anticipated that two sequential rounds of IC manufacture will be called for. Initially, foundry services will be required to manufacture test structure devices designed to show feasibility of the basic analogue computing device and switching fabrics, and to validate models. The resultant devices are expected to demonstrate functionality and reconfigurability of a basic cell. A second phase of fabrication will be used to manufacture a chip that has interconnected cells and will be used to investigate computational operations based on communicating cells, including parallel operation.


Custom circuit boards with additional circuit components will need to be designed and constructed to serve as test jigs. Some of the additional circuit components needed would probably include external FPGA, FPAA, along with D/A and A/D converters. Also, specialised test equipment will either need to be rented to conduct the necessary tests. Industrial-strength electronic CAD tools for full-custom design and verification will be required to undertake the complex IC design operations. Accordingly a dedicated licence for Cadence IC design tools is requested, together with the recurrent costs to maintain this suite, and a PC design workstation suitable for IC CAD work, in conjunction with a department server. We expect to build the necessary software and hardware development tools to undertake application research. This includes software compilers as well as development hardware. The development tools will be used to build complete system prototypes that will be integrated in real-world applications to illustrate the proper use of a general purpose analogue computer. We can then perform benchmarking and comparison between analogue and digital computing performances.


A full-time three-year research studentship is sought for this investigation. The student proposed for this application offers skills in IC design as well as embedded systems and microprocessor architectures. There exists the possibility that during the course of this investigation other avenues may open up, calling for additional projects to be undertaken. These would be the subject of further applications. We anticipate that a number of Master’s students will undertake one-year projects that will add significant value to this investigation, and will be potential applicants for future research posts. A 10% share in an experienced Computer Officer is sought. We anticipate the need for significant reconfiguration and adaptation of CAD design tools as well as installation and maintenance of a range of foundry design kits. The nominated staff member has considerable experience of this kind of work. A 10% share in an (unnamed) administrative secretarial assistant is sought, for assistance with web site maintenance, publications and project administration.


[CMC00] M L Campagnolo, C Moore, J F Costa; Iteration, Inequalities, and Differentiability in Analog Computers; Journal of Complexity 16(4); 2000; p642-660.

[EL99] B J MacLennan; Field Computation in Natural & Artificial Intelligence; University of Tennessee Technical Report UT-CS-99-442; 1999.

[ES99] A S Elwakil, A M Soliman; Current Conveyor Chaos Generators; IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems I Vol 46 No 3; 1999; p393-398.

[GRA02] D d S Graca; The General Purpose Analog Computer and Recursive Functions over the Reals; 2002.

[KAR59] W J Karplus, W W Soroka; Analog Methods Computation and Simulation; McGraw-Hill; 2nd Edition; 1959;

[MIL03] J Mills; High Performance Polymer Processor; Second Workshop on Non-Silicon Computing; 2003.

[MIL95] J Mills; Programmable VLSI Extended Analog Computer for Cyclotron Beam Control; Indiana University Computer Science Technical Report 441; 1995.

[RUB93] L A Rubel; The Extended Analog Computer; Advances in Applied Mathematics 14; 1993; p39-50.

[RUB88] L A Rubel; Some Mathematical Limitations of the General Purpose Analog Computer; Advances in Applied Mathematics 9; 1998; p22-34.

[SHA41] C Shannon; Mathematical Theory of the Differential Analyzer; J. Math. Phys. MIT 20; 1941; p337-354.

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