Work session minutes of the wildwood commissioners in the county of cape may, new jersey

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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Commissioners Meeting Room

Time: 3:32 p.m.


Meeting called to order by the Mayor.


City Clerk leads in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


City Clerk called the roll and the following Commissioners answered to their names:

Byron – here, Leonetti – here, Troiano – here

● Lazy Eye Distillery – The Board of Commissioners presented the distillery with a proclamation for winning 10 out of 11 awards for having one of the best spirits in the country.

● Chris Rodriguez – The Board of Commissioners presented a proclamation of appreciation to Chris Rodriguez, who was a local resident of the City. Mr. Rodriguez didn’t have an easy life growing up, and has beaten the odds to become a very successful DJ, as well as a member of homeland security services in Pennsylvania. Mr. Rodriguez is leaving the area and moving to Florida to continue his career as a DJ.

● Jack Buchanan – The Board of Commissioners presented a proclamation honoring Jack Buchanan, who was the Recreation Director of Wildwood Crest a number of years ago. Mr. Buchanan was very influential in the lives of Mayor Troiano and Commissioner Byron. Mr. Buchanan left the area and has recently returned, giving the Board of Commissioners and others in attendance a chance to show their appreciation for the positive role he has played in their lives.


Mary Bittner, Solicitor

Christopher Fox, Administrator

Edward D. Dennis, Jr., Remington & Vernick Engineers

Robert Regalbuto, Police Chief

Daniel Speigel, Fire Chief

Ernest Troiano, III, Deputy Fire Chief

Christopher D’Amico, Superintendent of Public Works

John Davis, Code Enforcement

Gary Zeigler, Water Utility

Hope Pinto, HR

Christopher H. Wood, City Clerk

Lisa Brown, Aide to the City Clerk

As per N.J.S.A. 10:4-12, City Clerk read the Open Public Meetings Act Announcement.


July 26, 2017 Work Session

July 26, 2017 Regular Meeting

July 26, 2017 Executive Session

Pending questions from the Board, these minutes will be approved during the Regular meeting. There were none.

The City Clerk read the resolutions listed on the agenda.

A. Authorizing increase in funds for Redevelopment Counsel ($24,000.00 increase to $49,000.00)

B. Declaring repair and refurbishing of boardwalk a municipal priority

C. Approving local property manager as recommended by City Solicitor

D. Authorizing Shared Services Agreement with Cape May County re: Special Events

E. Authorizing submission of grant application(s) re: Accessibility of City Hall and Police Station

F. Identifying Fair Housing Officer for FY 2018

G. Authorizing Grant Management Plan re: City-wide Owner-occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program

H. Authorizing Citizen Participation Plan re: City-wide Owner-occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program

I. Approving RFQ/P for Beach Music Concerts – 2018

J. Appointing Marc DeBlasio as volunteer coordinator for City sponsored event re: Baseball on the Beach

K. Appointing Nicholas Palmer to the Recreation Commission for an unexpired term as per the Recreation Commission’s recommendation (expires December 31, 2019)

L. Accepting bid for sale of Wildwood fire truck ($225,000.00)

M. Authorizing agreement between the City of Wildwood and DEP re: Elimination of Beach Outfall Pipes, and Construction of Pumping Station and new 42” Pipe

N. Authorizing Tax Collector to charge accounts for grass cutting and removal of debris (various)

O. Authorizing refund of donation to Keith Burke re: Baseball on the Beach ($500.00)

P. Authorizing approval of access agreement re: Wildwood Dog Park

Q. Authorizing Special Event Permit(s) for event(s) on the Beach at Lincoln Ave. August 14, 18 & 23, 2017, Amanda Thomas, Promoter (August 18: Leaming Ave. Beach)

R. Authorizing Special Event Permit for Concert on the Beach at Garfield Ave. August 19, 2017, Michael Selvanto, Promotor

S. Authorizing Special Event Permit for concert on the beach South of Convention Center, September 8, 2017, Alan Nau, Promoter

T. Authorizing payment of bills in the amount of $2,793,940.29 dated August 9, 2017

U. Authorizing filing of all reports and other data contained in this agenda

I. Authorizing contract to renew membership with the Atlantic County JIF

II. Authorizing execution of a contract renewing membership with the Atlantic County JIF

III. Authorizing refund of 2017 taxes to Bl. 32, L. 14.02 due to payment made in error ($2,531.05)

IV. Authorizing rescinding of certain Special Event Permits (#52-17, #53-17 & #54-17)
Commissioner Byron requested to discuss Resolution “C” in Executive Session prior to approval. Ms. Bittner said this isn’t a matter for Executive Session. The Board agreed to table this item until the next regularly scheduled Commissioner’s meeting.

● None.

● None.

● None.

● Raffle Application – Burn Foundation, September 16, 2017
This applicant will be approved during the Regular Meeting.

● Flooding – Margate Dunes (as per Commissioner Leonetti)

Commissioner Leonetti said he would like a letter drafted to the DEP on behalf of the City, expressing concerns about the dune project. He doesn’t want the City of Wildwood to have the same issues as Margate. Mayor Troiano and Commissioner Byron both agreed.

● Engineer’s Report – On file in the City Clerk’s Office.

Mayor Troiano told Mr. Dennis that the Pacific Avenue project has to be put into overdrive. Mr. Dennis said the firm considers this a top priority and understands the urgency.

Commissioner Byron asked if the Bike Way application could be amended to extend the path from Cresse to 26th Street, instead of ending at Schellenger Avenue. Mr. Dennis said he would look into it and report back.

Mayor Troiano offered Hand Avenue from Lake Avenue to Park Boulevard as the next road in need of repair, followed by Taylor Avenue, which brings on a lot of traffic for a residential area. Inspector John Davis requested that he and Public Works Director Christopher D’Amico be a part of the discussions relative to the repair of the streets.

● Contractual Matter – Tram Car Lease

● Potential Litigation – Recommendations regarding Boardwalk (Resolution B)

● Contractual Matter – Beach Ice Cream Bid (Resolution I)

Ms. Bittner said the “Potential Litigation” item can be removed from Executive Session. Commissioner Byron requested that no action be taken on Resolution “I” until conclusion of Executive Session. The Board agreed
ADJOURNED: There being no further business to be discussed, this meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Remarks as typed highlighted not verbatim as to subject matter.

ROLL CALL: Byron – Yes, Leonetti – Yes, Troiano – Yes.








DATE MINUTES APPROVED:_________________________



Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Commissioner’s Meeting Room

Time: 4:01 p.m.


Meeting called to order by the Mayor.


City Clerk leads in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


City Clerk called the roll and the following Commissioners answered to their names:

Byron – here, Leonetti – here, Troiano - here

Mary Bittner, Solicitor

Christopher Fox, Administrator

Edward D. Dennis, Jr., Remington & Vernick Engineers

Robert Regalbuto, Police Chief

Daniel Speigel, Fire Chief

Ernest Troiano, III, Deputy Fire Chief

Christopher D’Amico, Superintendent of Public Works

John Davis, Code Enforcement

Gary Zeigler, Water Utility

Hope Pinto, HR

Christopher H. Wood, City Clerk

Lisa Brown, Aide to the City Clerk

As per N.J.S.A. 10:4-12, City Clerk read the Open Public Meetings Act Announcement.


July 26, 2017 Work Session

July 26, 2017 Regular Meeting

July 26, 2017 Executive Session

MOTION: Leonetti SECOND: Byron

ROLL CALL: Byron – Yes, Leonetti – Yes, Troiano – Yes

RESOLUTIONS: City Clerk read the resolutions listed on the agenda.

234-8-17 Declaring repair and refurbishing of boardwalk a municipal priority

235-8-17 Authorizing Shared Services Agreement with Cape May County re: Special Events

236-8-17 Authorizing submission of grant application(s) re: Accessibility of City Hall and Police Station

237-8-17 Identifying Fair Housing Officer for FY 2018

238-8-17 Authorizing Grant Management Plan re: City-wide Owner-occupied Housing

Rehabilitation Program

239-8-17 Authorizing Citizen Participation Plan re: City-wide Owner-occupied Housing Rehabilitation


240-8-17 Appointing Marc DeBlasio as volunteer coordinator for City sponsored event re: Baseball on the


241-8-17 Appointing Nicholas Palmer to the Recreation Commission for an unexpired term as per the

Recreation Commission’s recommendation (expires December 31, 2019)

242-8-17 Accepting bid for sale of Wildwood fire truck ($225,000.00)

243-8-17 Authorizing Agreement between the City of Wildwood and DEP re: Elimination of Beach

Outfall Pipes, and Construction of Pumping Station and new 42” Pipe

244-8-17 Authorizing Tax Collector to charge accounts for grass cutting and removal of debris (various)

245-8-17 Authorizing refund of donation to Keith Burke re: Baseball on the Beach ($500.00)

246-8-17 Authorizing approval of access agreement re: Wildwood Dog Park

247-8-17 Authorizing Special Event Permit(s) for event(s) on the Beach at Lincoln Ave. August 14, 18 &

23, 2017, Amanda Thomas, Promotor (August 18: Leaming Ave. Beach)

248-8-17 Authorizing Special Event Permit for Concert on the Beach at Garfield Ave. August 19, 2017,

Michael Selvanto, Promotor

249-8-17 Authorizing Special Event Permit for Concert on the Beach South of Convention Center

September 8, 2017, Alan Nau, Promotor

250-8-17 Authorizing payment of bills in the amount of $2,793,940.29 dated August 9, 2017

251-8-17 Authorizing filing of all reports and other data contained in this agenda

252-8-17 Authorizing contract to renew membership with the Atlantic County JIF

253-8-17 Authorizing execution of a contract renewing membership with the Atlantic County JIF

254-8-17 Authorizing refund of 2017 taxes on Bl. 32, L. 14.02 due to payment made in error ($2,531.05)

255-8-17 Authorizing rescinding of certain Special Event Permits (#52-17, #53-17 & #54-17)
MOTION: Leonetti SECOND: Byron

ROLL CALL: Byron – Yes, Leonetti – Yes, Troiano – Yes

256-8-17 Authorizing increase in funds for Redevelopment Counsel ($24,000.00 increase to $49,000.00)
MOTION: Troiano SECOND: Leonetti

ROLL CALL: Byron – No, Leonetti – Yes, Troiano – Yes


● Raffle Application – Burn Foundation, September 16, 2017

MOTION: Leonetti SECOND: Byron

ROLL CALL: Bryon – Yes, Leonetti – Yes, Troiano – Yes

PUBLIC COMMENT: During regularly scheduled Board of Commissioners Meeting. Remarks will limit to five (5) minutes per person. The City Clerk will be keeper of time and advise speaker when time has expired. Each member of the public will be permitted to speak only once per meeting. Criticism of public employees will be directed to the Human Resources Department during work hours only.
Al Brannen, 217 E. Bennett Avenue: Mr. Brannen said due to the heavy rains the City got this past weekend, he attempted to put up barricades to deter drivers from flying through the flood waters and soaking the museum, which is located on Pacific Ave. He said the police department told him he’d be arrested if he put the barricades out. Mr. Brannen said the City needs a plan as far as blocking off Pacific Avenue when it becomes flooded. Mayor Troiano suggested Commissioner Leonetti and Chief Regalbuto sit down with Mr. Brannen and formulate a plan. Mr. Brannen said Public Works used to put up barricades when it started to flood. Mayor Troiano said they floated away. Mr. Fox said he had a discussion with Chief Regalbuto relative to the officer who said he would be arrested, and the situation is being handled. Mayor Troiano said the City has a $12.5 million grant for this issue. Mr. Brannen said something needs to be done now, even if he has to put out the barricades.
Kathy, W. Baker Avenue: Kathy asked for an update on the Back Bay project. Mayor Troiano said it’s about 99% through the process. She said she’s worried about the water runoff, as the project sits about 5ft higher than her property. Mayor Troiano said there’s a design setup so that any properties sitting lower than the the Back Bay area will not suffer from any watershed. Kathy asked when this project is expected to be completed. Mayor Troiano said hopefully in the next 2-3 years. He said there will be a presentation in front of the Planning/Zoning Board, and all surrounding residents will be notified. Kathy asked if there is a committee in the City for non-resident taxpayers. Mayor Troiano said no but, the Commissioners are always available for any questions or concerns she may have. Mayor Troiano said just because you don’t live here full time doesn’t mean you don’t have a voice, you’re still a taxpayer.

The Regular Business Meeting was recessed at 4:16 p.m. by motion of Byron seconded by Leonetti. The City Clerk read the subject(s) to be discussed and Executive Resolution No. 10-8-17 convening this meeting.

● Contractual Matter – Tram Car Lease

● Contractual Matter – Beach Ice Cream Bid (Resolution I)

RECONVENED: This meeting was reconvened at 5:12 pm

257-7-17 Approving RFQ/P for Beach Music Concerts – 2018

MOTION: Leonetti SECOND: Byron

ROLL CALL: Byron – Yes, Leonetti – Yes, Troiano – Yes

ADJOURNED: There being no further business to be discussed, this meeting was reconvened and adjourned at 5:12 pm. Remarks as typed highlighted not verbatim as to subject matter.
MOTION: Byron SECOND: Leonetti

ROLL CALL: Byron – Yes, Leonetti – Yes, Troiano – Yes




Anthony Leonetti, COMMISSIONER


Ernest Troiano, Jr., MAYOR


Christopher H. Wood, City Clerk

DATE MINUTES APPROVED:__________________
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