2000 Eric Hillemann Singles Tournament Questions by Subash Maddipoti Seeding Round A

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C26. He was an All Star in his second season, going 21-7 with a 2.53 ERA in 1963. After blowing out his arm, he became a knuckleball pitcher at the end of his career. However, the reason he got in trouble with Bowie Kuhn was for revealing the use of “pep pills” and the drinking habits of Mickey Mantle, one of his Yankee teammates. FTP, identify this man whose season with the Seattle Pilots saw the writing of his groundbreaking work Ball Four.

Answer: Jim Bouton
C27. Its rise came when hegemony was established over the Jenne and Walata, and a capital was built at Niani. At its height, it was a confederation of three allied states: Mema, Wagadou, and its namesake one. The revolts of the Mossi and Tuaregs began its decline, which was almost made complete by the Songhai in the late 14th century. FTP, name this west African empire, whose kings included Sundiata and Mansa Musa, and whose greatest city was Timbuktu.

Answer: Mali

C28. As a teenager he preached at the Fireside Pentecostal Assembly only to renounce the ministry at the age of 17. Just Above My Head is one of his novels, while Another Country was written in another country. More famously, he wrote the short story “Sonny’s Blues” and a novel about homosexual love, Giovanni’s Room. FTP, name this author of The Fire Next Time and Go Tell it on the Mountain.

Answer: James Baldwin

C29. This season included guest roles for Kyle Maclaclan and Alanis Morisette. Charlotte is a successful art gallery manager, while Miranda is an ambitious lawyer. Samantha can often be found in episodes with her clothes off, as one would expect from Kim Cattrall. Chris Noth’s character of Mr. Big is definitely due to come back in its fourth season. FTP, identify this weekly HBO show starring Sarah Jessica Parker.

Answer: Sex in the City

C30. Two answers required. One wrote “Contributions to Phytogenesis,” while the other isolated pepsin and was better known for his studies in physiology and neurology. Their first postulate was that plants are aggregates of fully individualized separate beings and was offered sometime after they met in the 1830s. FTP, name these two 19th century German scientists who formulated the cell theory.

Answer: Jakob Schleiden and Theodor Schwann

C31. The overture to this opera quotes a comment from the Act I trio, “Cosa sento!,” from Le Nozze di Figaro. The aria “In uomini, in soldati” is sung by Despina, who berates the faithfulness of men. The heroes, posing as Albanians, become embroiled in a scheme to test their loves. The plot hinges on a bet regarding the faithfulness of Fiordiligi and Dorabella made by Giulielmo and Ferrando to Don Alfonso. FTP, name this comedic opera by Mozart.

Answer: Cosi fan tutte

C32. The novel opens in Vevey and includes a trip to the castle at Chillon. Eugenio’s familiarity with the central character and the brattiness of Randolph are two of the reasons that Mrs. Costello warns her nephew to stay away. The title character disregards the words of Mrs. Walker and goes around with Giovanelli, resulting in her death. FTP, identify this novel that includes Frederick Winterbourne, a Henry James work about the titular young woman.

Answer: Daisy Miller

C33. His campaign manager Bill Dal Col, read this man’s attack of his opponent’s recent call for an expansion of the CHIP or Children’s Health Insurance Plan. After offering a plan to help Syrian refugees, he again attacked his opponent for a supposed 1974 use of an anti-Semitic slur. FTP, name this Long Island Representative, who replaced Rudy Giuliani as the Republican candidate for New York’s upcoming Senate seat.

Answer: Rick Lazio

C34. During his term, the Department of the Interior was established and Wisconsin and Iowa became states. Following two defeats for the governorship of his home state, Tennessee, this distant relative of John Knox successfully opposed Van Buren for the Democratic presidential nomination. FTP, name this man who settled the Oregon boundary and initiated a war with Mexico, president from 1845 to 1849.

Answer: James Polk

C35. Its name probably means “cornmeal” or “pounded rock.” It forms the Apachicola River after joining the Flint River at its namesake town, a visit to which inspired a famous poem by Sydney Lanier. FTP, identify this river that rises in the Blue Ridge mountains and forms part of the border between Georgia and both Alabama and Florida, a river mentioned in an Alan Jackson song.

Answer: Chattahoochee River

C36. After his alarm clock does not go off at 4:00 AM, he misses the train for work and is visited by the chief clerk. His dream of sending his sister, Grete [gre-TA], to study at the Conservatorium is ended after his father throws some apples at him, one of which sticks in his back and soon kills him. FTP, name this protagonist, who is transformed into an insect in Franz Kafka's "Metamorphosis."

Answer: Gregor Samsa

C37. Much of the information regarding their duties comes from the poem “Helga Hundingsbane.” In some traditions they were confused with the Askefruer, and in others they were the most powerful of all the Disir, who dwelt in Svea. They pour mud and water from the Well of Fate over the branches of the World Tree, and their names are Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld. FTP, identify these Norse sisters who live at the base of Yggdrasil.

Answer: Norns

C38. It is sometimes defined by the equation in which f is a definite integral extended from minus to plus infinity of the complex negative exponential in which the variables appear as products. It has a kernel of the form in which K as a function of two variables is of exponential type with negative complex unit multiplied by the product of the variables in the argument. FTP, identify this integral transform named for a French mathematician.

Answer: Fourier transform

C39. By the end of the day Charles II of Alencon, Louis II of Nevers, and King John of Bohemia lay dead. The loser’s 20,000 town militia were ineffective as were the 6,000 Genoese mercenaries, who could not move into position against the Black Prince’s cavalry, which led to the death of over 1,500 French knights. FTP, name this battle that demonstrated the superiority of the cannon and the longbow, a 1346 English victory in the Hundred Years’ War.

Answer: Battle of Crecy

C40. Its characters often invoke the names of such gods as Belenos and Toutatis. When the heroes are not terrorizing the surrounding garrisons of Totorum, Aquarium, Compendium, and Laudanum, they can be found in the forest hunting wild boar. Its characters include the shield-riding village chief and the less than melodious village bard, Cacofonix. FTP, name this Goscinny and Uderzo comic, centering on Obelix, and his little friend, the titular Gaul.

Answer: Asterix the Gaul

C41. The line “and naked shingles of the world” directly refers to the title, while the author recalls Sophocles’ use of “human misery” in the second stanza of this poem. Its concluding line was likely a reference to an Athenian invasion of Sicily, in which the Athenians killed each other due to darkness. It ends “Where ignorant armies clash by night” and begins “The sea is calm tonight.” FTP, identify this best-known poem of Matthew Arnold.

Answer: Dover Beach

C42. The Munch pressure model accounts for how they work. Two substances, callose and P-protein, within their sieve elements carry out their primary activity. The secondary type differentiates from the vascular cambium, while the primary type differentiates from procambium and extends throughout the body of the plant, working with positive pressure. FTP, identify this vascular tissue that transports organic solutes and water in plants.

Answer: phloem

C43. Of the young ladies in the painting, one of them is making a bouquet, and another is a girl with red hair in a blue dress. Two young Army officers from Saint-Cyr are walking by the water, and on the extreme right is a couple who have a three-colored monkey on a leash. A dark colored dog sniffs around as well, and five ladies hold parasols in this massive 1885 canvas. FTP, identify this pointillist masterpiece, the most famous work of Georges Seraut

Answer: Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grand Jatte (accept stuff that sounds pretty close)

C44. Two of its sections were later amended by the Robinson-Patman Act and the Celler-Kefauver Act. Its measures included the exclusion of unions and agricultural cooperatives from anticombination laws. Sponsored by an Alabama congressman, it was a result of the President Wilson’s request to better delineate the measures set forth by its 1890 predecessor. FTP, name this piece of antitrust legislation enacted in 1914.

Answer: Clayton Antitrust Act

C45. He decides to take a voyage after seeing two eagles fight in the air above a council meeting. On the second leg of his voyage, he is accompanied by Pisistratos, the son of his first host. This youth first traveled to Pylos and then Sparta, where he was entertained by Nestor and Menelaus respectively. Upon his return, he helped his father slay Antinous and the rest of the suitors to his mother. FTP, identify this son of Penelope and Odysseus.

Answer: Telemachus

C46. The second work about it, “in Transition,” was devoted to studying changes induced by the Great Depression. The first work about it was subtitled “A Study in Contemporary American Culture” and appeared in 1929. FTP, identify this place that was based on observations of social stratification in Muncie, Indiana; the subject of several sociological books by Helen and Robert Lynd.

Answer: Middletown

C47. The first one was spotted by John Goodricke. Their RR lyrae variety are also known as cluster-type and belong to the Population two class of stars. Hubble linked them to certain types of nebulae, and Henrietta Leavitt showed their period-luminosity relationship. FTP, identify these stars useful in measuring intergalactic distances due to proportional changes in their period.

Answer: Cepheid variables

C48. Under the principle of sulahnkul, he assumed responsibility for all his subjects. He continued Bairam Khan’s expansionist policy and combined Muslim and Hindu traditions in his great city of Fatehpur-Sikri. This son of Humayun would be succeeded by his son, Jahangir. FTP, name this king, who ruled from 1556 to 1605 as the Mughal emperor of India, following the tradition set by his grandfather, Babur.

Answer: Akbar

C49. This man gained the support of the publicist Friedrich Naumann with the notion of “liberal imperialism” that he advocated in his famous Freiburg address. He analysed the cultures of both India and China in his second major publication Economy and Society, but he is better known for his correlation between business success and religion. FTP, identify this author of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.

Answer: Max Weber

C50. The 12th and penultimate section was inspired by the contemporary treatise, Sweet is War, and introduces the Zapoletes, a group of mercenaries. The titular location is named after a General who conquered an isthmus and made it into an island, with a capital at Amaurot. This is all related by the Dutch traveler Hythloday, who also tells of religious toleration and lack of poverty. FTP, identify this depiction of an ideal society by Sir Thomas More.

Answer: Utopia

C51. His later work was among the Yurok Indians of California with anthropologist Alfred Kroeber. With his wife this psychoanalyst wrote Vital Involvement in Old Age. He had initially come to the U.S. after a period of study with Anna Freud. FTP, identify this author of Young Man Luther and Childhood and Society, who formulated an eight-stage theory of personal development.

Answer: Erik Erikson

C52. Carolyn Farina and Taylor Nichols reprise their roles as Audrey Roget and Ted Boynton* from an earlier film of the director’s. Bernie’s place is closed down at the end in accordance with the movie’s title. Josh is an assistant DA, who once had a nervous breakdown and Chris Eigeman’s Des is a club manager. FTP, identify this movie set in the early 1980s and starring Kate Beckinsale and Chloe Sevigny, a Whit Stillman look at the end of a generation.

Answer: The Last Days of Disco (also accept “Metropolitan” before *)

C53. Along with Robert Kirkham and William Morgan he gained a label that would also name the movement he founded. His greatest influences were Moravian immigrants he met in Georgia in 1735 and the preacher George Whitefield. Near the end of his life he appointed Thomas Coke to lead the American members of his denomination. FTP, name this man who, along with his brother Charles, is considered the founder of Methodism.

Answer: John Wesley

C54. The minus sign in Faraday’s law of induction is an example of this law for magnetic systems. Its namesake first discovered it when he put a pole of a bar magnet through a coil of wire and wanted to predict the path of the generated current. Considered the electromagnetic analog of Le Chatelier’s Principle, FTP, name this law which states that an induced current flows in a direction such that the current opposes the change that induced it.

Answer: Lenz’s law

C55. At his alma mater he broke all the major offensive records of Dale Ellis and Bernard King. He played for his father while at the University of Tennessee, where he owns the career scoring record. Selected 11th overall in the 1993 draft, he would leave his first team, the Detroit Pistons, in 1996. FTP, identify this shooting guard, an all star for the New York Knicks.

Answer: Allan Houston

C56. He made short film about the protagonist’s diary for his adaptation of the play The Wise Man. His film The General Line, released as Old and New, did not match the expectations set by his first feature, Strike. Later works like Sentimental Melody, Que viva Mexico!, and Ten Days That Shook the World did not match his top three films. FTP, identify this filmmaker best-known for Alexander Nevsky and Battleship Potemkin.

Answer: Sergey Eisenstein

C57. The Second Lord in this play is the brother of the First Lord, the nobleman Dumaine, who becomes friends with its central male character. Other characters include Lafew, whose daughter is to be wed to that count of Rossillion, and the deceitful braggart Parolles. Its heroine obtains the count’s ring and gets impregnated by him, thereby meeting his conditions for marriage. FTP, name this play about Helena and Bertram written by Shakespeare.

Answer: All’s Well That Ends Well

C58. His important articles include “The Nature of Judgement” and “Refutation of Idealism.” Because of his view that "the good" is knowable by direct apprehension, he became known as an "ethical intuitionist." As editor of the philosophical journal Mind, he became friends with such luminaries as Keynes, E.M. Forster, and Virginia Woolf. FTP, identify this member of the Bloomsbury Group and author of Principia Ethica.

Answer: G.E. Moore

C59. The main road to it was guarded by the city of Cholula, whose populace was counted upon to prevent easy access to this city. It was the site of “La Noche Triste,” or the sad night, which saw victory for the troops of Cuahtemoc. Connected to the mainland by four highways, this city sat on a patch of salt marshes on an island in Lake Texcoco. FTP, name this city founded in 1325, the Aztec capital on the site of present-day Mexico City.

Answer: Tenochtitlan [tay-noch-tee-tlan]

C60. This specific type makes up only 3 to 5 percent of its parent molecule in the cell. It results after its parent transcript condenses with small nuclear ribonucleoproteins and is acted upon be a series of spliceosomes. It has four specific parts – a cap made up of 7-methylguanosine triphosphate, a tail made up of one to two hundred adenylic acid molecules, a leader sequence, and a coding sequence. FTP, identify this type of RNA that codes for polypeptides.

Answer: mRNA or messenger RNA (prompt on “RNA” before it is mentioned)

C61. Originally born with the last name of Tennenbaum, this novelist founded the American Academy of Poets in 1962. He wrote of 19 defeated presidential candidates in They Also Ran, which is in the same genre as Depths of Glory. Jesse Benton Fremont is the subject of President’s Wife, while Mary Todd Lincoln is the subject of Love is Eternal. FTP, name this author of such historical fiction as Lust for Life and The Agony and the Ecstasy.

Answer: Irving Stone

C62. In his travels he stayed in Phocis for a while, growing up with the son of King Strophius. That son, Pylades, would return with this man to Mycenae. His life finally becomes peaceful after he seeks judgement at the Areopagus, ending his torment from the Erinyes. He has three sisters – Chrysothemis, Iphigenia, and Electra. FTP, identify this figure who murders Aegisthos and his mother, Clytemnestra, as revenge for the murder of his father, Agamemnon.

Answer: Orestes

C63. Chignecto Bay lies to its north, and Minas Basin is in its south. Digby River and St. Andrews River both lie along it, and the Saint John River drains into it. Its characteristic phenomenon causes a surge up the Petitcodiac River. FTP, identify this inlet of the Atlantic Ocean between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, a bay famed for its fast and massive tides.

Answer: Bay of Fundy

C64. After driving a herd of cattle to Montevidio, he chose to oppose the Argentinian dictator Juan Manuel de Rosas. As commander of the Uruguayan Navy, he gained fame and was allowed to return to Europe. He had initially been banished due to incitement of a revolt in Piedmont, whose king Victor Emmanuel II he would later support. FTP, name this leader of the Risorgimento and commander of the 1000 “Redshirts,” a famous Italian patriot.

Answer: Giuseppe Garibaldi

C65. His last two songs that did not completely bomb were “Mr. Jiggliano” and 1997’s “How Yah Livin’.” Big Daddy Kane produced his debut album, which included such funky tracks as “Minnie the Moocher” and “Carhoppers.” However, his biggest hit from Da Skills Dat Pay Da Bills was a song that featured such lines as “I’m Big Daddy Longstroke, and your man’s Pee Wee Herman” and “I’m not trying to hear that see” FTP, name this rapper, who scored a hit with his song “I Got a Man.”

Answer: Positive K

C66. He wrote three important papers on error theory and developed the theory of functions of a complex variable. His solution to Fermat’s problem of polygonal numbers can be found in his correspondence with Lagrange. This man received his training from Berthollet and Laplace, and would himself supervise Evariste Galois. FTP, identify this French mathematician of the 19th century, considered the mathematician of Napoleon.

Answer: Augustin Cauchy

C67. Suffering from cancer, she committed suicide with chloroform in 1935. She published her own journal, The Forerunner, and her later books – Concerning Children and Human Work – argue for the financial independence of women. Her great-aunt, Harriet Beecher Stowe, was not alive to read her best-known work, inspired by the suffering inflicted upon her by the physician S. Weir Mitchell. FTP, name this author of the story “The Yellow Wallpaper.”

Answer: Charlotte Perkins Gilman

C68. All together there are five black tophats in this painting, with two of their owners seated with their back to the central family. The boy on the far right is asleep on the left side of his grandmother, who holds a basket and is at the center of the painting. On the left a baby sleeps at its mother’s breast, as the family rides to their destination. FTP, identify this most famous painting of Honore Daumier.

Answer: The Third-Class Carriage

C69. He spent his final years as a librarian for the Count von Walstein. As a young man he was expelled from the seminary of St. Cyprian for lewd conduct, and he later served five years in the Piombi after being denounced as a magician. Assuming the name Chevalier de Seingalt, he traveled throughout Europe leaving debts and broken hearts everywhere. FTP, identify this 18th century Italian adventurer whose name has become synonymous with a suave lover.

Answer: Giovanni Casanova

C70. His Plaine Discovery of the Whole Revelation of St. John was addressed to the King. In his Descriptio and Constructio this man related his most famous discovery, which was further improved upon by Henri Briggs. He simplified decimal fractions, and made most calculations, especially multiplication, easier with his greatest invention. FTP, identify this English formulator of the logarithm.

Answer: John Napier

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Extra for Seeding Round C
C71. While apprenticed to a watchmaker, he came across some science books. He devised a means of demonstrating that sunspots are cooler than the rest of the sun. He actually discovered electrical induction before Faraday, but Faraday published first. His major work led to the invention of the electrical relay, a key component of the telegraph. FTP, name this 19th century American physicist.

Answer: Joseph Henry

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