I am looking for work
132 850
Newstart Allowance and/or Youth Allowance
if you are looking for paid work, or you are taking part in approved training or other activities that may improve your chances of finding work.
I am studying or training
132 490
Youth Allowance
if you are 16–24 years old, studying full-time or undertaking a full-time Australian apprenticeship or other approved activities.
if you are aged 25 years or older, studying full-time or undertaking a full-time Australian Apprenticeship.
I need help in a crisis
132 850
Crisis Payment
This is a one-off payment if you:
have recently arrived in Australia as a refugee or humanitarian entrant.
cannot live in your house because of damage from fire or flood.
you have left your home because of domestic violence.
you have just left prison.
Special Benefit
if you are in severe financial need due to circumstances outside your control.
I am caring for someone
132 717
Carer Payment
if you are a carer who cannot support yourself through paid employment because of the demands of your caring role.
Carer Allowance
(an income supplement)
if you are a parent or carer who provides additional daily care and attention for:
an adult or child with a disability or medical condition.
adults who are frail and aged.
I am ill, injured or have disability
13 2717
Disability Support Pension
if you have a physical, intellectual or psychiatric impairment that prevents you from working for at least the next two years, or if you are permanently blind.
Sickness Allowance
if you are employed or in full-time study but are temporarily unable to work or study due to a medical condition and you have work or study to return to when you get better.
I am about to retire or in retirement
13 2300
Age Pension
if you do not have enough income to support yourself in retirement.
I need help after someone has died
13 2300
Bereavement Payment
if your partner, child or a person you have cared for has died and you are receiving a Centrelink payment.
Bereavement Allowance
if your partner has recently died and you are not receiving a payment from Centrelink.