Logic Array
Logic Array
Block (LAB)
Logic Element (LE)
Local Interconnect
Embedded Array
Embedded Array Block (EAB)
I/O Element
FLEX10K Device Block Diagram (Courtesy of Altera)
ries of programmable AND/OR circuits, and look-up table
(LUT), that stores the truth table of a Boolean function in a
small memory.
2. Programmable array logic (PAL) is an SOP-type architecture
in which there are a series of programmable AND gates that
have a fixed connection to an OR-gate output.
3. Connections from PLD inputs to PAL AND arrays were historically
made by leaving intact selected fuses in a crosspoint
fuse array. In modern PLDs, these connections are made by
programming EEPROM (electrically erasable programmable
read only memory) cells.
4. An AND-gate input in a PAL array is called a product line.
5. A PAL16L8 PLD is an SOP device with up to 16 inputs
and up to 8 outputs. There are 10 dedicated inputs, 2 dedicated
outputs, and 6 pins that can be configured as input or
output. All outputs in the PAL16L8 are active-LOW.
6. A PAL is programmed by a computer and programming
hardware that uses a JEDEC file as a template for determining
which fuses to blow and which to leave intact.
7. Some PAL devices have programmable-polarity outputs.
This is achieved with an XOR gate that has a programmable
cell or fuse on one input to switch the output between inverting
and noninverting levels.
8. A registered PLD output consists of a flip-flop (usually
D-type) on the output of an SOP matrix.
9. A PAL part number indicates the number of registered outputs
(e.g., a PAL16R8 has eight registered outputs).
10. Early-version standard PALs are limited in that they are
one-time programmable (OTP), their outputs are permanently
configured as combinational or registered, and they
cannot be programmed in-system. Later-version PALs
(e.g., PAL16CE16V8 Universal PAL) and GALs (generic
array logic such as GAL22V10) overcome these limitations.
11. PALs and GALs with configurable architecture have outputs
that can be combinational or registered, with various input or
360 C H A P T E R 8 • Introduction to Programmable Logic Architectures
21. If the ISP capability of a CPLD is to be used, there are four
fewer pins available on the CPLD for user I/O.
22. Each MAX7000S macrocell has five dedicated product lines
and capability to borrow or share additional product terms
with neighboring macrocells in the same LAB.
23. Shared logic expanders allow one product term per
macrocell to be shared with other macrocells in the LAB,
totaling 16 product terms per LAB. The expander inverts
the product term and feeds it back into the LAB AND
24. Parallel logic expanders allow a macrocell to borrow product
lines from neighboring macrocells. These borrowed product
lines are only available to one macrocell.
25. Expander assignments are done automatically by MAX_
PLUS II at compile time.
26. MAX7000S devices are based on EEPROM cells and are
thus nonvolatile.
27. The Altera FLEX10K series of CPLDs is based on a look-up
table (LUT) architecture. A look-up table consists of a 16-bit
array of storage elements that are selected by four logic
28. An LUT combined with switching, configuration, and expansion
circuitry comprises a logic element (LE), whose
function is equivalent to a macrocell in an SOP-type device.
29. Eight logic elements and a local interconnect make up a
Logic Array Block (LAB).
30. LABs in a FLEX10K device are interconnected by global
row and column busses.
31. The number of inputs in a logic function can be expanded
beyond the capacity of one logic element by using
cascade chains.
32. Carry chains can be used to more efficiently implement carry
functions in adders, counters, and comparators.
33. FLEX10K devices are based on SRAM technology and are
therefore volatile; they must be reconfigured each time
power is applied to the circuit.
feedback options.
12. Configurable output circuits in a PLD are called output logic
macrocells (OLMCs) or just macrocells.
13. Macrocells are configured by programming architecture
cells. Global architecture cells affect all macrocells in a device.
A local architecture cell affects only the macrocell in
which it is found.
14. GALs and Universal PALs have global control signals, such
as clock, clear, and output enable, that can be applied to all
macrocells in the device.
15. A GAL22V10 has ten macrocells, a global clock that can be
used as a combinational input for nonclocked designs, and
eleven dedicated inputs.
16. The GAL22V10 macrocells are not all the same size. There
are two macrocells with each of the following numbers of
product terms: 8, 10, 12, 14, 16.
17. PLDs that can be programmed while installed in a circuit are
called in-system programmable (ISP). They are programmed
by a 4-wire interface that complies to a standard published
by the Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) and the IEEE (Std.
18. An Altera MAX7000S CPLD consists of groups of 16
macrocells, called Logic Array Blocks (LABs), that are
interconnected by an internal bus called a Programmable
Interconnect Array (PIA).
19. The number of macrocell outputs in an LAB that are connected
to I/O pins depends on the CPLD package type.
Macrocells that do not have external connections can still be
used for buried logic function.
20. MAX7000S devices have four programmable control pins:
global clock (GCLK1), Global Output Enable (OE1), Global
Clear (GCLRn), and a pin that can be configured as a second
global clock (GCLK2) or as a second global output enable
(OE2). If these functions are not used, the associated pins
can be used as standard I/Os.
21. If the ISP capability of a CPLD is to be used, there are four
fewer pins available on the CPLD for user I/O.
Architecture cell A programmable cell that, in combination
with other architecture cells, sets the configuration of a macrocell.
Buried logic Logic circuitry in a PLD that has no connection
to the input or output pins of the PLD, but is used solely as
internal logic.
Carry chain A circuit in a CPLD that is optimized for efficient
operation of carry functions between logic elements.
Cascade chain A circuit in a CPLD that allows the input
width of a Boolean function to expand beyond the width of one
logic element.
Cell A fuse location in a programmable logic device, specified
by the intersection of an input line and a product line.
Checksum An error-checking code derived from the accumulating
sum of the data being checked.
CPLD Complex programmable logic device. A programmable
logic device consisting of several interconnected programmable
Embedded array block (EAB) A relatively large block of storage
elements in a CPLD (2048 bits in a FLEX10K device), used
for implementing complex logic functions in look-up table format.
Generic array logic (GAL) A type of programmable logic device
whose outputs can be configured as combinational or registered
and whose programming matrix is based on electrically
erasable logic cells.
Global architecture cell An architecture cell that affects the
configuration of all macrocells in a device.
Global clock A clock signal in a PLD that clocks all registered
outputs in the device.
I/O Control Block A circuit in an Altera CPLD that controls
the type of tristate switching used in a macrocell output.
Input line A line which applies the true or complement form
of an input variable to the AND matrix of a PLD.
Input line number A number assigned to a true or complement
input line in a PAL AND matrix.
Problems 361
In-system programmability (ISP) The ability of a PLD to be
programmed through a standard four-wire interface while installed
in a circuit.
JEDEC Joint Electron Device Engineering Council
JEDEC file An industry standard form of text file indicating
which fuses are blown and which are intact in a programmable
logic device.
JTAG Port A four-wire interface specified by the Joint Test
Action Group (JTAG) used for loading test data or programming
data into a PLD installed in a circuit.
Local architecture cell An architecture cell that affects the
configuration of one macrocell only.
Logic Array Block (LAB) A group of macrocells that share
common resources in a CPLD.
Logic element (LE) A circuit internal to a CPLD used to
implement a logic function as a look-up table.
Look-up table (LUT) A circuit that implements a
combinational logic function by storing a list of output values
that correspond to all possible input combinations.
Multiplexer A circuit which selects one of several signals to
be directed to a single output.
One-time programmable (OTP) A property of some PLDs
that allows them to be programmed, but not erased.
Output logic macrocell (OLMC) An input/output circuit that
can be programmed for a variety of input or output configurations,
such as active HIGH or active LOW, combinational, or
registered. Often just called a macrocell.
PAL Programmable array logic. Programmable logic with a
fixed OR matrix and a programmable AND matrix.
Parallel logic expanders Product terms that are borrowed
from neighboring macrocells in the same LAB.
Product line A single line on a logic diagram used to represent
all inputs to an AND gate (i.e., one product term) in a PLD
sum-of-products array.
Product line first cell number The lowest cell number on a
particular product line in a PAL AND matrix where all cells are
consecutively numbered.
Programmable Interconnect Array (PIA) An internal bus
with programmable connections that link together the Logic
Array Blocks of a CPLD.
Programmable logic device (PLD) A logic device whose
function can be programmed by the user, usually in sum-ofproducts
Register A digital circuit such as a flip-flop that stores one
or more bits of digital information.
Registered output An output of a programmable array logic
(PAL) device having a flip-flop (usually D-type) which stores the
output state.
Shared logic expanders Product terms that are inverted and
fed back into the programmable AND matrix of an LAB for use
by any other macrocell in the LAB.
Text file An ASCII-coded document stored on a magnetic
Universal PAL A PLD based on erasable cells and configurable
outputs, much like GAL, but primarily designed to
emulate PAL devices, such as PAL16L8.
Problem numbers set in color indicate more difficult problems;
those with underlines indicate most difficult problems.
Section 8.1 Introduction to Progammable Logic
Section 8.2 PAL Fuse Matrix and Combinational
Section 8.3 PAL Outputs With Programmable Polarity
8.1 Draw a diagram showing the basic configuration and
symbology for a PLD sum-of-products array.
8.2 Draw a basic PAL circuit having four inputs, eight product
terms, and one active-LOW combinational output.
Draw fuses on your diagram showing how to make the
following Boolean expression:
F_ _ A_ B C_ _ B_ C D _ A_ C D _ A C_ D
8.3 Modify the PAL circuit drawn in Problem 8.2 to make
two outputs having eight product terms and programmable
polarity. Draw fuses on the diagram for each of the
following functions:
F1 _ A B C_ _ _B C D _ A_ C D _ A C_ D
F_2_ _ A_ B C_ _ B_ C D _ A_ C D _ A C_ D
8.4 Make a photocopy of Figure 8.8 (PAL20P8 logic diagram).
Draw fuses on the PAL20P8 logic diagram showing
how to make a BCD-to-2421 code converter, as developed
in Example 3.22.
Table 8.3 shows how the two codes relate to each
other. The equations are listed on page 362.
Table 8.3 BCD and 2421 Code
Decimal BCD Code 2421 Code
Equivalent D4 D3 D2 D1 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
3 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
4 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
5 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
6 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0
7 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
8 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
9 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
362 C H A P T E R 8 • Introduction to Programmable Logic Architectures
The Boolean equations for the BCD-to-2421 decoder
Y4 _ D4 _ D3D2 _ D3D1
Y3 _ D4 _ D3D2 _ D3D_1
Y2 _ D4 _ D_3D2 _ D3D_2D1
Y1 _ D1
8.5 Repeat Problem 8.4 for a 2421-to-BCD code converter.
8.4 PAL Devices with Registered Outputs
8.6 What is a registered output?
8.7 State the number of registered outputs for each of the
following PAL devices:
a. PAL16R4
b. PAL16R6
c. PAL16R8
8.5 Universal PAL and Generic Array Logic (GAL)
8.8 Name two features of a PALCE16V8 that make it superior
to a PAL16L8.
8.9 State the difference between a global architecture cell
and a local architecture cell in a PALCE16V8.
8.10 How many macrocells are there in a GAL22V10? How
many product lines do these macrocells have?
8.11 State the four configurations possible with a macrocell
in a GAL22V10.
8.12 Is there a global output enable function available for a
PALCE16V8? For a GAL22V10?
8.13 Can the registered outputs of a PALCE16V8 be clocked
by a product term function from the PAL AND matrix?
8.14 Can the registered outputs of a GAL22V10 be clocked
by a product term function from the GAL AND matrix?
8.15 Are the Asynchronous Reset (AR) and Synchronous
Preset (SP) functions in a GAL22V10 global or local?
Explain your answer in one sentence.
8.6 MAX7000S CPLD
8.16 State one way in which a Complex PLD, such as an
Altera MAX7000S, differs from a low-density PAL
or GAL.
8.17 How many macrocells are available in the following
a. EPM7032
b. EPM7064
c. EPM7128S
d. EPM7160S
8.18 Which of the CPLDs listed in Problem 8.17 are in-system
programmable? What does it mean when a device is insystem
8.19 How many logic array blocks (LABs) are there in an Altera
8.20 How many user I/O pins are there in an EPM7128SLC84
CPLD? How many pins per LAB does this represent?
8.21 What can be done with the macrocells in an LAB that do
not connect to I/O pins?
8.22 State the possible clock configurations of a MAX7000S
8.23 State the possible reset configurations of a MAX7000S
8.24 State the possible preset configurations of a MAX7000S
8.25 How many dedicated product terms are available in a
MAX7000S macrocell? How can this number of product
terms be supplemented? What is the maximum number
of product terms available to a macrocell?
8.26 How many shared logic expanders are available in
an LAB?
8.27 Briefly state the difference between CPLDs having sumof-
products architecture and look-up table architecture.
8.28 How many inputs can a look-up table accept in an Altera
FLEX10K logic element? How can this be expanded?
8.29 What is the purpose of the carry chain in a FLEX10K
8.30 How many logic elements are there in a FLEX10K LAB?
8.31 How many bits of storage are there in an Embedded Array
Block in a FLEX10K CPLD?
C H A P T E R 9
Counters and Shift Registers
9.1 Basic Concepts of
Digital Counters
9.2 Synchronous
9.3 Design of
9.4 Programming
Binary Counters in
9.5 Control Options for
9.6 Programming
Presettable and
Counters in VHDL
9.7 Shift Registers
9.8 Programming Shift
Registers in VHDL
9.9 Shift Register
Upon successful completion of this chapter you will be able to:
• Determine the modulus of a counter.
• Determine the number of outputs required by a counter for a given
• Determine the maximum modulus of a counter, given the number of circuit
• Draw the count sequence table, state diagram, and timing diagram of a
• Determine the recycle point of a counter’s sequence.
• Calculate the frequencies of each counter output, given the input clock
• Draw a circuit for any full sequence synchronous counter.
• Determine the count sequence, state diagram, timing diagram, and modulus
of any synchronous counter.
• Complete the state diagram of a synchronous counter to account for unused
• Design the circuit of a truncated sequence synchronous counter, using flipflops
and logic gates.
• Use MAX_PLUS II to create a graphic design file for any synchronous
counter circuit.
• Use behavioral descriptions in VHDL to design synchronous counters of
any modulus.
• Use a parameterized counter from the Library of Parameterized Modules in
a VHDL file.
• Use the MAX_PLUS II simulation tool to verify the operation of synchronous
• Implement various counter control functions, such as parallel load, clear,
count enable, and count direction, both in Graphic Design Files and in
• Design a circuit to decode the output of the counter, both in a MAX_PLUS
II Graphic Design File or in VHDL.
• Draw a logic circuit of a serial shift register and determine its contents over
time given any input data.
364 C H A P T E R 9 • Counters and Shift Registers
Counters and shift registers are two important classes of sequential circuits. In the simplest
terms, a counter is a circuit that counts pulses. As such, it is used in many circuit
applications, such as event counting and sequencing, timing, frequency division, and control.
A basic counter can be enhanced to incorporate functions such as synchronous or
asynchronous parallel loading, synchronous or asynchronous clear, count enable, directional
control, and output decoding. In this chapter, we will design counters using
schematic entry, VHDL, and counters from the Library of Parameterized Modules and verify
their operation using the MAX_PLUS II simulator.
Shift registers are circuits that store and move data. They can be used in serial data
transfer, serial/parallel conversion, arithmetic functions, and delay elements. As with counters,
many shift registers have additional functions such as parallel load, clear, and directional
control. We can implement these circuits using schematic entry, VHDL, and LPM
components. _
9.1 Basic Concepts of Digital Counters
Counter A sequential digital circuit whose output progresses in a predictable repeating
pattern, advancing by one state for each clock pulse.
Recycle To make a transition from the last state of the count sequence to the first
Count sequence The specific series of output states through which a counter
State diagram A diagram showing the progression of states of a sequential
Modulus The number of states through which a counter sequences before
Modulo-n (or mod-n) counter A counter with a modulus of n.
UP counter A counter with an ascending sequence.
DOWN counter A counter with a descending sequence.
• Draw a timing diagram showing the operation of a serial shift register.
• Draw the logic circuit of a general parallel-load shift register.
• Draw a timing diagram showing the operation of a parallel-load shift
• Draw the general logic circuit of a bidirectional shift register and explain
the concepts of right-shift and left-shift.
• Use timing diagrams to explain the operation of a bidirectional shift
• Describe the operation of a universal shift register.
• Design shift registers, ring counters, and Johnson counters with the
MAX_PLUS II Graphic Editor or VHDL.
• Verify the operation of shift registers, ring counters, and Johnson counters
using the MAX_PLUS II simulation tool.
• Design a decoder for a Johnson counter.
• Use a ring counter or a Johnson counter as an event sequencer.
• Compare binary, ring, and Johnson counters in terms of the modulus and
the required decoding for each circuit.
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