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B. Complete the following words and word combinations

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    1. B. Complete the following words and word combinations.

    1. It’s becoming harder to get s___________these days.

    2. She is now a senior e_________ having worked her way up through the company.

    3. Whilst claiming to promote positive images of women, a__________are in fact doing the very opposite.

    4. We have not so far m_____ any i_______with our campaign to ban traffic from the city center.

    5. Her mother agreed to f_____ b________.

    6. In many American schools, the students pledge a_________ at the beginning of the school day.

    7. The interview will be broadcast during p______- t______, at seven o’clock in the evening.

    8. All members of the cast must keep to the s_________.

    9. A recent p_______shows that 70 per cent of British children are regular TV viewers by the age of three.

    10. Civil servants are often the l_________ r_______ for criticism that should be directed at politicians.

    11. The World Athletic Championships will be broadcast on 100 television n_________ worldwide.

    12. She lectures to a__________ all over the world.

    13. The serial has fallen in the r_________ this week.

    14. The party’s s_________ of the vote fell from 39% to 24%.

    15. The whole h__________ was at work that morning.

    16. Research suggests that children who leave primary school without a firm grounding in l_________ and numeracy never catch up.

    17. They’ve been together so long he’s become a permanent f_________ in her life.

    18. She has a__________ all responsibility for the project.

    19. The careers of many movie stars began in s___________.

    20. The Greeks have a rich l________ of literature.

    21. JFK’s a________ changed the American history forever.

    22. An addiction to gambling proved to be her d_________.

    23. Moving to a new location has r_____ t_____c______ of production significantly.

    24. African-Americans have been complaining about police h________ for years.

    25. There was an interesting f_______ to the story.

  1. C. Give the derivatives of the following words.















VI. Translation
        1. A. Translate the following words and word-combinations from Russian into English using active vocabulary.

Сценарий; спонсорская помощь; достигнуть значительных результатов; оплатить расходы; верность, лояльность; руководитель; самое дорогое время (для рекламодателей); рекламодатель; опрос; «молниеотвод»; комедия положений; что-то неотъемлемое; индекс популярности; телевизионная сеть; аудитория; доля; наследие; семья; грамотность; отказываться; повышать затраты; сноска; убийство (политического или общественного деятеля); притеснение; гибель, крах.

        1. B. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using active vocabulary.

  1. Спонсорская помощь оркестру составляет 2 миллиона фунтов стерлингов в год.

  2. Вчера состоялась встреча лидеров профсоюза с руководством компании.

  3. Билл приглашает нас в ресторан и предлагает оплатить все расходы.

  4. По ходу съемки фильма в сценарий был внесены незначительные изменения.

  5. В этом году мы достигли значительных результатов – прибыль выросла на 20 процентов.

  6. Неудивительно, что реклама имела большой успех – ее показывали на всех каналах только в самое дорогое время.

  7. Результаты нового опроса свидетельствуют о том, что предложение пользуется поддержкой населения.

  8. Его верность своей стране была известна всем.

  9. Телевидение часто выступает в роли «молниеотвода» для политиков во время предвыборной кампании.

  10. Рекламодатели просто сражаются за возможность разместить в этой программе свою рекламу.

  11. Кабельные телевизионные сети могут использоваться как для телевизионных программ, так и для передачи компьютерной информации.

  12. Ему хорошо удаются публичные выступления, потому что он знает как привлечь аудиторию на свою сторону.

  13. От индекса популярности программы зависит ее будущее.

  14. Управляющий директор заявил, что компания увеличила долю на рынке в этом году.

  15. В 60-е годы большинство семей в США имели телевизор.

  16. В современных условиях компьютерная грамотность становится необычайно важной.

  17. Сегодня телевидение является чем-то неотъемлемым в жизни человека.

  18. Он отказался от права получить часть прибыли.

  19. Я не являюсь поклонником комедий положений.

  20. Новые технологии, которыми мы пользуемся сегодня, являются наследием 80-х годов.

  21. Внедрение нового оборудования, несомненно, повысит затраты производства.

  22. Многие американцы до сих пор помнят что они делали в день убийства Кеннеди.

  23. Профсоюзы борются против притеснений по половому или национальному признаку.

  24. После того как Джонса уличили в растрате наступил крах его карьеры.

  25. Вы всегда обращаете внимание на сноски в учебниках?

  1. C. Translate the following texts from English into Russian.

  2. Does TV viewing lead to obesity?

There may be a connection but more research is needed to understand all of the variables that contribute to a child's health.

  1. The media landscape is riddled with marketing messages than undermine healthy choices. In 2006, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released a report titled "Food Marketing to Children and Youth: Threat or Opportunity?" The report was requested by Congress and sponsored by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Included in the report is a review of the scientific evidence on the influence of food marketing on diets and diet-related health of children and youth. Although many factors contribute to a child's dietary habits, including genetics and cultural background, the report concluded that current food and beverage marketing practices put children's long-term health at risk. According to the report, "If America's children and youth are to develop eating habits that help them avoid early onset diet-related chronic diseases, they have to reduce their intake of high-calorie, low-nutrient snacks, fast foods, and sweetened drinks, which make up a high proportion of the products marketed to them."

  2. The amount of time a child spends watching TV also impacts obesity rates. According to one study, the likelihood of obesity among low-income multi-ethnic preschoolers (between the ages of 1 and 5) increased for each hour per day of TV or video they viewed. Children who had TV sets in their bedrooms (40% of the sample in this study) watched more TV and were more likely to be obese.


  1. Ways to Make Your Child an Active Viewer

1. Ask your child questions about what he sees and hears on TV.

  1. Take advantage of the control you have with a VCR. Or use commercial breaks to ask "why" and "how" questions rather than yes-or-no questions: I wonder why the writer had the actor say that? Did you notice that the scary music started to play just then?

2. Talk to your child about why he likes certain characters.

Your child may be looking for role models. You won't know why he finds certain characters appealing until you talk to him about what he thinks of as courageous, admirable or smart: Who do we know that does that? Is that character truly admirable or does he just look cool?

  1. 3. Inspire your child to create images of his own.

  2. Remind your child that all images ‒ on TV, websites or the side of a bus ‒ are created by people. Then close the circle by pointing out that he can create pictures, too. Get him to take photographs, paint, draw or doodle ‒ anything that spurs him to tell stories with images from his imagination. Keep pencils, crayons and other art materials near a table so he can express ideas that occur to him while watching TV. This is the first step in helping your grade schooler discover the value of the visual arts firsthand.

  3. 4. Let your child peek behind the scenes of movies or TV.

  4. Your grade schooler may not realize how directors use camera angles, digital animation, stunt doubles, miniature models, make-up, costumes and other tools to create a fictional story. Talk together about these elements. Wonder aloud how various programs were made.

  5. 5. Help your child create "fall-back" activities including physical ones.

  6. Rather than flipping on the set at random, teach your child to select programs in advance. (Try to do the same yourself!) Help your child start some long-term projects ‒ a collection, a puzzle, a scrapbook ‒ that he can return to when bored. If the project requires a table or a special shelf to store materials, set aside space you won't need to disrupt.

  7. 6. Attune your child to the sound of TV.

  8. Ask your grade schooler questions such as these: What music is used ‒ and when? How do the voices of different characters sound? How is silence used? (Possible answers include to build suspense, to show that someone is deaf; to change the mood.)

  9. 7. Make a game of "close viewing."

  10. See how many voices or accents, how many types of clothing or how many places you and your child can identify. This can be a good way to start a conversation about stereotypes; who is portrayed on TV? Who is missing?

  11. 8. Avoid programs in which characters use violence to solve problems.

  12. When a character hits, kicks or bites his way out of a problem, point it out to your child. Ask him to come up with another way to solve the issue, such as negotiation or discussion. Explain that violence has very real consequences, but cartoons rarely show these.

  13. (

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