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Moderation is a system designed and implemented to:

provide comparability in the system of school-based assessment

form the basis for valid and reliable assessment in senior secondary schools

involve the ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies and colleges in cooperation and partnership

maintain the quality of school-based assessment and the credibility, validity and acceptability of Board certificates.

Moderation commences within individual colleges. Teachers develop assessment programs and instruments, apply assessment criteria, and allocate Unit Grades, according to the relevant Course Framework. Teachers within course teaching groups conduct consensus discussions to moderate marking or grading of individual assessment instruments and unit grade decisions.

The Moderation Model

Moderation within the ACT encompasses structured, consensus-based peer review of Unit Grades for all accredited courses, as well as statistical moderation of course scores, including small group procedures, for T courses.

Moderation by Structured, Consensus-based Peer Review

Review is a subcategory of moderation, comprising the review of standards and the validation of Unit Grades. In the review process, Unit Grades, determined for Year 11 and Year 12 student assessment portfolios that have been assessed in schools by teachers under accredited courses, are moderated by peer review against system wide criteria and standards. This is done by matching student performance with the criteria and standards outlined in the unit grade descriptors as stated in the Course Framework. Advice is then given to colleges to assist teachers with, and/or reassure them on, their judgments.

Preparation for Structured, Consensus-based Peer Review

Each year, teachers teaching a Year 11 class are asked to retain originals or copies of student work completed in Semester 2. Similarly, teachers teaching a Year 12 class should retain originals or copies of student work completed in Semester 1. Assessment and other documentation required by the Office of the Board of Senior Secondary Studies should also be kept. Year 11 work from Semester2 of the previous year is presented for review at Moderation Day 1 in March, and Year 12 work from Semester 1 is presented for review at Moderation Day 2 in August.

In the lead up to Moderation Day, a College Course Presentation (comprised of a document folder and a set of student portfolios) is prepared for each A, M and T course/units offered by the school, and is sent in to the Office of the Board of Senior Secondary Studies.

The College Course Presentation

The package of materials (College Course Presentation) presented by a college for review on moderation days in each course area will comprise the following:

a folder containing supporting documentation as requested by the Office of the Board through memoranda to colleges

a set of student portfolios containing marked and/or graded written and non-written assessment responses and completed criteria and standards feedback forms. Evidence of all assessment responses on which the unit grade decision has been made is to be included in the student review portfolios.

Specific requirements for subject areas and types of evidence to be presented for each Moderation Day will be outlined by the Board Secretariat through memoranda and Information Papers.

Visual evidence for judgements made about practical performances

(also refer to BSSS Website Guidelines)

It is a requirement that schools’ judgements of standards to practical performances (A/T/M) be supported by visual evidence (still photos or video).

The photographic evidence submitted must be drawn from practical skills performed as part of the assessment process.

Teachers should consult the BSSS guidelines at when preparing photographic evidence.


General Design

Baden: Lars Müller, 2008. Super normal : sensations of the ordinary / Naoto Fukasawa & Jasper Morrison; [translation from Japanese: Mardi Miyake]

Brody, D. & Clark, H. (Eds) (2009) Design studies: a Reader. Oxford: Berg Publishers

Clay, R. (2009) Beautiful thing: an introduction to design. Oxford: Berg

Drew, P, 1999, Touch this Earth Lightly, Duffy and Snellgrove NSW

Droste, M (2007) Bauhaus, Taschen, 2007. ISBN 978-3-8228-21-5-3

Droste, M (2007) Bauhaus, Taschen, 2007. ISBN 978-3-8228-21-5-3

Eissen, K & Stuer, R (2007) Sketching – Drawing Techniques for Product Designers. BIS Publishers, Amsterdam

Eissen, K & Stuer, R (2007) Sketching – Drawing Techniques for Product Designers. BIS Publishers, Amsterdam

Frame 2008, 3Deluxe: Transdisciplinary Approaches To Design ISBN: 9783899553062

Gill, D et al, 1998, Style and Design: Arts, advertising, furnishing and furniture Ð The most evocative and significant creations of the last 100 years, Dempsey Parr Publishing

Glover, N (2006) Design and Technology, Preliminary and HSC, Nelson Australia Pty. Ltd, Australia

Goodrich, K (2002) Design Secrets, Designers Society of America, USA

Japs, W (translation) (1969) Bauhaus, MIT Press, USA

Krause, J (2004). Design Basic Index, How Design Books

Lewis, H & J Gertakis, 2001, Design and Environment, Greenleaf Publishing UK

Lidwell, W, Holden, K. & Butler, J (2003) Universal Principles of Design, Rockport Publishers, Inc

Norman, D.A (2002) The Design of Everyday Things. Basic Books

Peterson, B.L. (2003) Design Basic for Creative Results, How Design Books

Wallschlaeger, C & Busic-Snyder, C (1994) Basic Visual Concepts and Principles, WCB Publishers, USA.

Whitbread, D (2001) The Design Manual, UNSW Press, Australia


Vectorworks Home Page

OzCAD Home Page

Centre for Design at RMIT

The Powerhouse Museum official web page

The Technology Education Federation of Australia (England, Centre for Sustainable Design)

Autodesk (on-line)

3-D Cafe (on-line)

High End 3D (on-line)

3D Links (on-line)

3-D Max (on-line)

3D World Magazine (on-line) (Copyright practice) The IDE Virtual Design Museum


Axis World Design Journal, Japan

Design & Education, Australia


Exit through the gift shop

Bauhaus – The face of the 20th century

The Genius of Design 5 part series BBC 2010

ABC TV Schools series, Designers, (Shopping Complex), ABC, 2003.


Beardsley, John, 2006, Earthworks and Beyond, Abbeville Press

Bridgman, D (2007) Acclimatisation (Architecture at the Top End of Australia), RAIA Press, Australia

Brooker & Stone, 2007, Basics Interior Architecture: Form and Structure, AVA Publishing

Brown, Beth, 2010 21st Century Interiors, Images Publishing

Carson, D. (2004) Trek: David Carson, Recent Werk Gingko Press

Ching, F. (2007) Architecture: form, space, and order. (3rd ed.) New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons

Ching, Francis D K, Binggeli, Corky, 2005, Interior Design Illustrated, Hobeken

Chueca, Pilar, 2007, Office Interiors , Links Books

Cleary, Mark, 2010, 21st Century Houses: Down Under, Images Publishing

Droste, M (2007) Bauhaus, Taschen, 2007. ISBN 978-3-8228-21-5-3

Gossel, P (2007) Frank Lloyd Wright, Taschen, ISBN 978-3-8228-2757-4

Gossel, P (2007) Frank Lloyd Wright, Taschen, ISBN 978-3-8228-2757-4

Grimley, Chris, Love, Mimi, 2007, Colour, Space, and Style: All the Details Interior Designers Need to Know But Can Never Find, Rockport

Jodidio, P (2007) Green Architecture, Taschen, ISBN 978-3-8228-6303-9

Memmott, P (2007) Take 2 – Housing Design in Indigenous Australia, RAIA Press, Australia.

Mobbs, M (2007) Sustainable House, Choice Press, Australia, ISBN 094727748X

Mossop, Elizabeth, 2006, Contemporary Australian Landscape Design, BT Latitude

Rocca, Allesandro, 2007, Natural Architecture, Princeton Architectural Press

Stapleton, I & Stapleton, M (2003) Australian House Styles, Flannel Flower Press, Australia, ISBN 1 875253 13 0

Taschen Publishing (2004) 100 Houses for 100 Architects, Taschen, Cologne

Taschen, 2012-100 Interiors From Around The World

Wilkie, G (2003) Building your own Home, New Holland Press. ISBN 9781864367478

Willis, J & Hanna, B (2007) Women Architects in Australia 1900-1950), RAIA Press, Australia

Wrigley, D (2005) Making Your Home Sustainable, Scribe Press, Melbourne, ISBN 1 920769 498

Yelavich, Susan, 2007, Contemporary World Interiors, Phaidon Press

Websites (Australia) (Australia, short history of Australian Architecture) (Australia, RAIA site) (USA) (USA) (USA) (London, RIBA site)


Scape: The International Magazine for Landscape Architecture and Urbanism

Landscape Architecture Australia

Elle Decoration-Italia

Home Beautiful

Domus, Italy

Architecture Australia, Architecture Media, Australia.


Kevin McCloud: Grand Designs series 1-7 (2009-2010) ABC shops

Constructing Australia, ABC DVD, ABC Shops,

Graphic Design

100 Ideas that Changed Graphic Design - Steven Heller and Veronique Vienne Laurence King

500 Essential Graphic - Novels Gene Kannenberg, Jr Collins Design

A Smile in the Mind: Witty Thinking in Graphic Design - Beryl McAlhone & David Stuart Phaidon

Dabbs, A. & Campbell, A. (2005) The Digital Designer’s Bible: The Print and Web Designers’ Toolkit for Stress Free Working Practice. Harper Collins

Evans, P (2004) Forms, Folds, and Sizes: All the Details Graphic Designers Need to Know but Can Never Find, (2nd Ed.) Rockport Publishers

Gordon, B & Gordon, M (2005) The Complete Guide to Digital Graphic Design, Thames & Hudson LTD, London

Graphic Design: Australian style Manual - Andrew Barnum, Suzie Haddock, Astred Hicks, Felix Oppen McGraw Hill Education

Graphic: Inside the sketchbooks of the world’s great graphic designers - Steven Heller and Lita Talarico The Monacelli Press

Grid Systems in Graphic Design - Josef Muller-Brockmann Niggli

How Typography and Graphic Design Influence Behaviour - Steven Heller and Mirko Ilic Rockport

Lupton, E (2004) Thinking with Type: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors & Students (Design Briefs), Princeton Architectural Press

Making and Breaking the Grid: A Graphic Design Layout Workshop - Timothy Samara Rockport

Mambo (1994) Art That Irritates Life, Mambo Graphics Pty. Ltd., Australia

Meggs, P (2005) Meggs’ History of Graphic Design, 4th ed., Wiley

Pedersen, B.M. (2007) Graphis Design Annual 2008. Graphis Press

Samara, T (2007) Design Elements, A Graphic Style Manual. Rockport Publishers, Massachusettes

Stationery Design Now: Stationery from all over the world - Ed Julius Wiedemann Taschen


Craig, J, Bevington, W & Korol Scala, I (2006) Designing with Type: The essential guide to Typography (designing with type) 5th Ed. Watson-Guptill

Lupton, E (2004) Thinking with Type: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors & Students (Design Briefs), Princeton Architectural Press

Meggs, P. & Carter, R (1993) Typographic Specimens: The Great Typefaces, Wiley

Meggs, P. Carter, R. & Day, B. (2006) Typographic Design: Form and Communication, Wiley

Playful Type 2: Ephemeral Lettering Illustrate & Fonts Gestalten

Scripts: Elegant Lettering from Design’s Golden Age - Steven Heller and Louise Fili Thames And Hudson

The Anatomy of Type, A Graphic Guide to 100 Typefaces - Stephen Coles Harper Design

The Complete Typographer, A Foundation Course for Graphic Designers Working with Type Thames And Hudson

Websites plus all Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator Tutorials (Australian Graphic Design Association) (packaging)


Design Graphics, Australia

Design World, Design Editorial Pty. Ltd, Australia

Desktop, Australia


Helvetica (advertising)

Industrial Design

Bonollo, E. (2010) Product Design: a course in first principles. Calwell: ElivioBonollo Publications

Gleason, C, 2006 Building Real Furniture for Everyday Life, Popular Woodworking Books, Ohio

Guidot, Raymond 2007, Industrial design : techniques and materials

Hudson, J. (2008) Process: 50 product designs from concept to manufacture. London: Laurence King Publishing Ltd

Lesko, J. (2008) Industrial Design, Materials and Manufactoring Guide 2nd Ed. Wiley

Norman, D.A (2002) The Design of Everyday Things. Basic Books

Schittich, C (2001) Building Skins, Manchen, Germany

Standards Association of Australia (1993) Engineering Drawing Handbook, Standards Association, Sydney

Standards Association of Australia (1993) The Australian Engineering Handbook, Standards Australia, Canberra

Standards Association of Australia (1999) Australian Standard 1100, Standards Association, Sydney

Standards Association of Australia (1999) Australian Standard 1102, Standards Association, Sydney

Ullrich, K & Eppinger, S (2007) Product Design and Development 4th ed., McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Websites [Centre for sustainable design]


Curve Industrial Design Magazine (

Australian Woodsmith


Flatman, David, Productions, 1994, Great Oz Firsts

2000 Hands and Minds, UNSW/Centre for Voltaic Engineering

Electrics and Electronics. 2005, Electrical Principles, Marcom Projects, Australia

Electrics and Electronics. 2005, Electrical Circuits, Marcom Projects, Australia

Electrics and Electronics. 2005, Electrical Components 1, Marcom Projects, Australia


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