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Eng – Social Studies

Guide for Chapter 21 – Heian-kyo: The Heart of Japan’s Golden Age

Goal: To understand the cultural norms of the aristocracy of Japan’s Golden Age – the Heian period (794-1185) and its continuing influence on Japan.

21.1 Introduction

*The emperor Kammu moved the capital of Japan from Nara to _______-_______.

*This period of time is referred to as Japan’s _____________ Age because of the great flourishing of Japanese culture.

21.2 A New Capital

*Emperor Kammu decided to move the capital from Nara because he thought the influence of the _____________ priests was damaging to the government.

*Originally, Kammu had planned to move the capital to ___________. However, there were rumors of __________ in the purchase of the land and the place seemed __________ as the emperor’s family was sick at this time.

*Define – corruption-


*The new capital was built on the ____________ River. It was named Heian-kyo which means “The Capital of ____________ and _______________.”

*It was a walled city laid out in a ________________ pattern. In the center of the city were ______________ and government offices. Wealthy Heian families lived in _____________ surrounded by gardens with artificial lakes.

*The mansions contained large rooms divided by _____________ or curtains and connected with ___________-______ covered walkways. ______________ was considered beautiful so there were few objects on the floors other than straw mats or cushions.

*Manners were extremely important. A Heian lady sat behind a portable ___________. An unmarried lady would permit her _________ to see past the screen only after a romance had become serious.

21.3 The Rise of the Fujiwara Family

*During the Heian period, the _______________ were the political and cultural leaders of Japan. The ______________ family controlled Japan for nearly 300 years.

*The Fujiwara married many of their young ______________ into the royal family. They made sure the ________________ of the Fujiwara royal wives were chosen to be Emperors. The Fujiwara acted as ____________ to the emperor.

*The Fujiwara family would often coax older _______________ to retire so a young child could take their place. The Fujiwara could then rule as ___________ in the young emperor’s name.

*Fujiwara Michinaga was father-in-law of ____________ emperors and the grandfather of ____________ more.

21.4 Social Position in the Heian Court

*A person’s rank was determined by what _____________ he or she came from.

*There were ___________ main ranks in the Heian court hierarchy. The first three ranks served as high ____________ nobles appointed by the Emperor. The fourth and fifth ranks served as less important ____________. The first through fifth ranks received money from __________ paid by peasant farmers.

*The sixth through ninth ranks were filled by minor officials, clerks and experts in such fields as _______________ and ________________.

*Members of different ranks had different types of houses and _____________.

*Members of the first through third ranks carried fans with ____________ folds. Men of the fourth and fifth ranks carried fans with _______________ folds. Fans of the lower ranks had __________ folds.

*Rank determined what __________ clothing a person could wear, the ______________ of the gatepost in front of the family’s home and the harshness of a _________________ if found guilty of a crime.

21.5 Beauty and Fashion During the Heian Period

*The ability to recognize _______________ was valued over qualities like generosity and honesty.

*Small, pointed _______________ were considered attractive on male courtiers.

*Define – courtier-


*Heian women’s hair should be _______________.

*Teeth of men and women should be colored ________________ with a mixture of iron and other ingredients soaked in vinegar and tea. Both men and women should wear _________________.

*Women should use white ___________ powder to make themselves look pale. Heian women should also put touches of ___________ on their cheeks and paint a small red ____________. Women should pluck their ____________ and paint on a set on their foreheads.

*Women should wear many _______________ robes of different colors.

21.6 Entertainment at the Heian Court

*Men enjoyed watching horse races, archery contests and _____________ wrestling. Both men and women enjoyed watching ___________ races.

*_________________ was a game played by kicking a leather ball back and forth, keeping it in the air as long as possible.

*_____________ was played by keeping go pieces balanced on one finger.

*Festivals and celebrations sometimes involved contests which tested athletic, __________________, or artistic skill. In the Festival of the Snake, one was required to drink a cup of ___________ and then think up and recite a ________.

*Dancing was an important skill for Heian-kyo nobles as it was part of nearly every _________________.

*Bugaku performances combined dance with music and ____________. The dancers wore ____________ and acted out a simple story using memorized movement.

21.7 Sculpture and Painting During the Heian Period

*In the later Heian period, scupltors made statues by carving _____________ pieces from carefully selected wood and then _____________ them. Separate parts could be carved in ____________ quantities and a group of similar statues could be made quickly and precisely. ________________, an artist for Fujiwara Michinaga, probably developed this technique.

*Japanese painters developed ______________ or “Japanese painting.” The scene was drawn with _________ lines and then filled in with __________ colors. Lines were made quickly to suggest __________________. In a restful scene, the lines were drawn more ____________________.

*The four main types of yamato-e are: (1) landscapes showing the four _____________; (2) places of ____________ beauty; (3) people doing ____________ tasks; and (4) scenes from ______________ (“story paintings”).

*Paintings were used to decorate walls, screens and _____________ doors of homes and temples. Yamato-e can also be seen in _______________ paintings.

*Scroll paintings show a series of scenes from ____________ to ____________, so that viewers see events in time order as they unroll the scroll.

21.8 Writing and Literature During the Heian Period

*Writing was the most valued form of _____________ in Heian, Japan. Everyone was expected to show _____________ in using words well.

Writing in Daily Life

*Define –imagery –


*People were expected to make up poems in _______________. If one received a poem from a friend, family member or acquaintance, one was expected to write a ____________. The reply poem was supposed to have the same style ____________ and imagery as the original.

*_________________ was the more formal way of writing syllables and often used by men writing important documents.

*_________________ was considered less formal and was made with simple strokes. It was referred to as “_____________ writing.”

*Calligraphy skills were important as the Japanese believed that the handwriting revealed a person’s ______________ and goodness.

Women Become Japan’s Leading Writers

*Murasaki Shikibu wrote ________ _____________ ______ ______________, often referred to as the world’s first novel. The story is about the love life of a fictional ____________ love life. The book focuses on the _______________ and

*Sei Shonagon wrote _____________ Book, a collection of clever stories, character sketches, conversations, descriptions of art and nature, and various lists. It presents a detailed picture of life in ______________-__________.

21.9 The End of the Heian Period

*The wealthy looked down on the _____________ and ______________ their problems.

*The practice of giving large estates to wealthy nobles _____________ the emperor’s power. The nobles did not have to pay ________. Soon there was so much tax-free land that government could not ____________ enough taxes to support the emperor.

*Bandits roamed the _____________, attacking and robbing people. Wealthy landowners raised their own ___________ and armies to protect themselves instead of supporting the imperial government.

*Civil war broke out over control of ___________. Minamoto Yoritomo, the head of a ____________ family, seized power.

21.10 The Effect of the Heian Period on Japan Today

*Heian authors have influenced _________________ Japanese writers. The Tales of Genji and Pillow Book are as basic to Japan as ______________ are to English speakers.

*Japanese today write with the same ________________ as was used in The Tales of Genji.

*Bugaku led to ______ theater (a heroic story sung by a chorus as performers dance and act it out) which is still performed today.

*Define- Noh theater-



Class Period_____________________________

Eng – Social Studies

Guide for Chapter 22 – The Rise of the Warrior Class in Japan

Goal: To understand the role and the influence of the Samurai on Japanese society

22.1 Introduction

*The ___________________ are the warrior class in Japan.

*In 1192, Minamoto Yoritomo took the title of _________________, or commander in chief. He set up a ________________ government in the city of Kamakura. The emperor played a ___________ important role in Japan.

*Samurai were expected to be honest, brave and intensely _____________ to their lord. The word samurai means “those who ____________.”

*Samurai would kill themselves with their own swords rather than “lose __________” or personal ____________.

22.2 The Rise of the Samurai

*Define the following:





Samurai Under the Shoguns

*Shoguns rewarded samurai with appointments to ___________ and grants of _____________. In return, samurai pledged to serve and ___________ the shogun.

Shifting Loyalties

*By the 14th century, shoguns ruled with the help of ____________, or warrior-lords. Large numbers of _______________ pledged their loyalty to the warrior-lords.

*The warrior-lords expected to be rewarded for their loyalty and obedience with _____________, _____________ or administrative _____________.

*In the 15th century, the daimyo, grew increasingly powerful, and ruled their land as independent _______________. Daimyo fought each other for ________ and power. The military government was eventually reestablished and, in 1603, Tokugawa Ieyasu became ____________ and established a new capital in ________ (present day Tokyo).

22.3 The Samurai’s Armor and Weapons


*Samurai wore a colorful robe called a ____________ and baggy trousers underneath the armor. Samurai wore shin-guards made of ___________ or cloth to protect his legs.

*Samurai armor was made of rows of small metal plates coated with _________ and laced together with colorful silk cords. The armor was strong and ___________ -- allowing the Samurai to move freely.

*Box like _____________ of armor covered a samurai’s chest and back. Metal sleeves covered his ____________. Broad shoulder guards and panels hung over his ________.

*Samurai wore a ferocious looking iron _____________. Samurai also put on a _____________. They burned incense in the helmet so that their heads would smell sweet if it was _________ _____________ in battle.


*Samurai fought with _______________ and _______________, _____________ and ________________.

*A samurai’s bow could be ____________ feet long. Samurai were taught to shoot their bows on _______________.

*Spears were used to knock riders off their ___________ and to kill an enemy with a powerful ____________.

*Samurai swords were both _____________ enough not to break and ___________ enough to be razor sharp. Samurai carried two swords: (1) a long sword with a ____________ blade for fighting; and (2) a short sword to cut off ______________. Samurai wore swords as a sign of their ___________.

22.4 Military Training and Fighting

Military Training

*Samurai practiced shooting a bow until they could do it without ____________. They learned to ____________ properly and to shoot while riding on the back of a _______________ ___________.

*In fencing, Samurai learned how to make the opponent make the __________ move. They learned how to stay out of ___________ of an enemy sword, to fight in _____________ spaces and to fight against more than _________ opponent.

*Samurai learned how to fight with objects, such as ___________ fans or ____________ staffs. Samurai also learned how to fight without weapons by using _____________ ___________.

*Define- martial arts-



*Messengers from opposing sides met to decide the ________ and _____________ of battle.

*Armies faced each other a few hundred __________ apart. Samurai shouted out their names, ____________, __________ deeds, and ____________ for fighting. Then the armies charged each other and fought a series of _____ on ______ duels.

*After the battle, the winners cut off the __________ of their opponents and mounted them on boards. The evidence was presented to the warlord as proof that they had really ___________ their foes.

*The warlord would reward his samurai with swords, ___________, armor or land.

22.5 Mental Training

*Samurai trained mentally to overcome emotions that might interfere with _______________, especially the fear of ___________.

Training in Self-Control

*To endure pain and suffering, Samurai went days without ____________, marched barefoot in the __________ and held stiff ____________ for hours.

*To overcome the fear of death, Samurai thought of themselves as already ____________.

Training in Preparedness

*Samurai could never ___________ since an attack could come at any time. They had to develop a “sixth sense” about danger.

*A fencing master would whack his student with a wooden sword throughout the day when the student ______________ expected it to train him to be alert.

22.6 Training in Writing and Literature

*Samurai practiced the art of _________________, or beautiful writing. They used a brush, a _________ of ink and paper or silk.

*Samurai wrote ______________, such as haiku.

22.7 Training for the Tea Ceremony

*The tea ceremony fostered a spirit of harmony, ___________ and calm. It was a way to from ____________ _______________ among samurai.

*Guests had to ____________ through a very low doorway. The room itself was very ___________ and decorated with only a scroll or a flower arrangement. Guests sit _____________ as the master makes and serves the tea. The guests then engaged in ______________ conversation.

*The tea was made by scooping ____________ green tea from a container called a tea caddy into a bowl. Hot water was ladled into the bowl and then whipped with a _____________ whisk. Each guest took __________ sips from the bowl, cleaned the rim of the bowl and passed it to the master to prepare more tea for the next guest.

22.8 Training in Spiritual Strength

*Most samurai were _____________.

Amida Buddhism

*Amida was an Indian ___________ who sent up a western paradise called Pure Land. Believers could enter the Pure Land by prayerfully repeating ____________ name.

*Shinran taught that believers could reach the western paradise by sincerely saying Amida’s name _____________.

Zen Buddhism

*Zen appealed to samurai because of its emphasis on effort and ____________.

*Zen stressed self-reliance and achieving enlightenment through ___________. Zen Buddhists mediated for hours, sitting erect and _________-___________ without moving.

*Becoming enlightened required one to give up every day, __________ thinking. Masters posed ___________ (puzzling questions) to jolt the mind into enlightenment.

*Zen masters created gardens of __________ and ____________ to aid in meditation.

*Zen Buddhism’s focus on discipline and the mind helped samurai overcome their fear of _____________.

22.9 The Code of Bushido and Samurai Values

*The samurai code of Bushido is translated as “The Way of the __________.”

*Samurai were expected to be honest, fair and _____________ in the face of death. They were to value _______________ and personal _____________ more than their own lives.

Loyalty and Personal Honor

*Samurai were expected to be ____________ to his lord and to die for him if necessary. If a lord was murdered, the samurai might ___________ his death.

*Samurai were expected to ____________ their personal honor. The least _____________ could lead to a duel.

Ritual Suicide

*Seppuku or _____________ _________________ occurred for many different reasons.

*Samurai committed suicide to preserve ____________ honor, to avoid _________ by the enemy, to atone for a ____________ , shameful deed or insult, and when their lord ____________. They might also do it to protest a wrong or injustice or to ____________ their lord into behaving better. Finally, it might be done as ________________ for a crime.

*Seppuku began with a bath, the unbinding of his __________, and the wearing of a white robe. A meal was served and then the samurai took a sword and plunged it into and across his _______________. A swordsman standing behind him quickly cut off his ________________ to end his agony.

22.10 Women in Samurai Society

Samurai Women in the Twelfth Century

*In the 12th century, Samurai women enjoyed considerable _____________. Women helped manage the _______________ and promote the family’s interests. If a husband died, women could ____________ property and perform the duties of a _______________. Women were expected to be _________ and brave.

*Tomoe Gozen did take part in ____________ and even killed several enemies.

Samurai Women in the Seventeenth Century

*In the 17th century, Samurai women’s position was ___________. Samurai men were the ___________ of their households.

*Families arranged the marriages of their daughters to increase their __________ and ____________. Wives were expected to bear __________ and look after their husbands. Sometimes, women were expected to _________ themselves when their husbands died.

*Peasant women had more _____________, because they worked alongside their husbands.

22.11 Comparing Japan and Europe in the Middle Ages

*Both Medieval Japan and Medieval Europe were the same in that:

Ties of loyalty and obligation bound ___________ and ________________.

The rulers who rose to power were ____________ chiefs.

The daimyos and the lords of Europe both built ___________ and held estates that were worked by _____________.

Both the samurai and the knights were ________________ who wore _________, rode ____________ and had a ______________ to live by.

*Medieval Japan and Medieval Europe were different in that:

In Europe, the King was the absolute leader, but the Shogun in Japan ruled in the name of the ____________.

Bushido was far more ____________ than the Code of Chivalry since it demanded a samurai kill himself to maintain honor.

22.12 The Influence of Samurai Values and Traditions in Modern Times

*The samurai held power until ________.

*In the 1940s during World War II, Japanese soldiers ___________________ themselves rather than surrender. Suicide pilots called ____________ (“divine winds”) crashed their planes into enemy ships.

*___________ arts are still studied throughout the world.

*Samurai ideals of loyalty to family and respect for __________ are still alive in modern Japan.

Name __________________________

Class Period__________________________

Eng – Social Studies

Guide for Chapter 23 – The Maya

Goal: To understand the origins, organization, practices and beliefs of the Mayan civilization

23.1 Introduction

*The Mayan civilization lasted ___________ years from ___________ B.C.E. to _______________C.E.

*The ruins of the ancient city of __________ lie deep in the Guatemalan jungle.

*In a Mayan city, you would find temple-___________. In the center of the city would be palaces made of hand-cut _______________. These palaces are the homes of the ruler, ___________ and nobles. Farther out are stone houses of the ____________ and artisans. At the very edge are thousands of small thatched-roof house-mounds where the ____________ live.

23.2 The Development of Mayan Civilization

*Define – Mesoamerica-


*Mayan civilization reached its height between ___________ and __________ C.E. It spread to present day southern ______________, Belize, most of ___________________ and parts of Honduras and El Salvador.

*Mayan civilization covered varied terrain. In the south, _______ forests covered the mountain highlands. The northern and central regions were _______________, grasslands, and swamps (also known as the “lowlands”). The southern lowlands were covered in thick _____________.

The Origins of Mayan Civilization

*The Maya built their civilization based on ideas borrowed from an earlier civilization, the ____________. Their civilization reached its peak between ___________ and __________ B.C.E.

*The Olmec civilization was based on ________________. A particularly important crop was ______________, or corn.

*The Olmec had a capital city which contained palaces, temples, and ______________________. They were the first Mesoamericans to develop large __________________ and _____________________ centers. They were the first to use a _____________ calendar.

Three Periods of Mayan Civilization

*The Pre-Classical period lasted from about 2000 B.C.E. to _____________B.C.E. Maya ______________ the land and lived in simple houses during this time.

*The Classical period lasted from about _______ to 900 C.E. The Maya constructed public buildings for _____________________ and ________________ purposes at this time.

*Define – hieroglyphic-


*The Maya adopted and developed ideas from the _____________. The Maya adapted their writing system and then developed their own ______________ writing system. The Maya improved their ________________ techniques and built enormous stone cities.

*The Maya charted the movement of the ____________, _____________ and planets and developed complex and highly accurate ________________.

*Maya society during the Classical period consisted of independent _____________. There were over 40 cities including, Tikal, Copan, ___________ ___________, and Palenque. The city-states had separate ________________, but shared a common culture – social system, language, calendar, religion and way of life.

*The Post-Classical period lasted from about 900 C.E. to _____________ C.E. Cities on the ________________ Peninsula continued to prosper during this time.

23.3 Class Structure

*Define – social pyramid-


The Ruler

*The Ruler or Halach uninic (“____________ ____________”) ruled the state and decided when to go to _________. He was considered a ________-_________ and wore a headdress as tall as a person during religious ceremonies.

Nobles and Priests

*The nobles and the priests were the only ones who knew how to __________ and ____________.

*The nobles served as ______________. They gathered taxes, supplies and ____________ for projects such as the construction of temples. Nobles led peasant ______________ in times of war.

*Priests led ____________, offered ___________, and foretold the future. Priests were often mathematicians, ____________ and healers.

Merchants and Artisans

*Mayan traders imported stones such as obsidian and ___________; copal, a _________ sap used as incense, and __________, birds with shiny green feathers used in headdresses.

*Mayan artisans painted books on paper and murals of Mayan _____________ and important ____________. Sculptors created sculptures for ___________ and decorative designs on ____________ walls.


*Peasant men grew _____________, ______________, _____________ and other crops. Women stayed close to home to prepare ____________, weave and sew.

*Peasants served as _______________ during wars.


*Slaves performed _____________ labor for their owners.

*Some slaves were _____________ into slavery. Parents could sell their ____________ into slavery. War prisoners of ____________ origin were made slaves. Criminals could be made slaves as _________________ for their crimes.

*Slaves were not treated badly, but might be _______________ when their owner died.

23.4 Family Life

*Peasants lived in one-room ____________. Family houses were grouped around a ______________. The ______________ was placed directly behind the main house.

Duties of Family Members

*Mayan women rose early to start the ______________. Women had to prepare the food by pounding corn into _____________ and patting it into ___________ or tamales.

*Women and older girls cared for small ____________ and for the family’s ____________ such as ducks and turkeys. Women also gathered, spun and wove ___________ into cloth.

*Men and boys worked in the _____________. They also hunted and trapped ___________. Men also helped construct large _____________ such as palaces and temples. Men also served as ___________ in times of war.

Special Occasions

*At the birth of a child, a priest was called in to forecast the baby’s ___________ and give advice to the parents on how to raise the child.

*The number three is special to Mayan women because it represents the three __________ of the fireplace.

*At three months old, a baby ____________ was given the tools she would use throughout her life. Tools for spinning and ___________, carrying _________ and cooking and soaking and grinding ___________ were placed in the baby’s hands.

*The number four was special to Mayan men because it represents the four sides of the plot of _____________ where he would farm.

*At four months of age, a baby ___________ was given the tools he would use throughout his life. Tools for farming (axes and planting sticks) and hunting (spears, knives and traps) were placed in the baby’s hands.

*Define – coming-of-age ceremony-


*Mayans went through the coming-of-age ceremony at the age of ___________ for girls and ____________ for boys. The ceremony involved confessions, ___________ with water and reciting rules of behavior. A priest would cut a white ________ from the boy’s hair and a string of red ___________ from a girl’s waist.

Marriage Customs

*Men married when they were ________ years old. Girls married when they were as young as ________ years old.

*Marriages were negotiated by the village atanzahab or ______________. Families agreed on how much food and clothing went to the ____________ family. Families also agreed on how long a young ________ would work for his new wife’s family.

*A new house was built for the couple behind the home of the __________ parents.

23.5 Religious Beliefs and Practices

Beliefs and Rituals

*The Mayan religion was ______________ - there were more than 160 gods. Mayans believed the gods should be honored because those gods could _________________ the world.

*Mayan _____________ were the only ones who could explain signs and lead people through rituals. Priests consulted sacred ___________, read omens, interpreted signs and predicted the _________.

*To honor their gods, Mayans offered plants, food, flowers, _________, jade and shells. Mayans made blood offerings by _____________ animals and humans. The human sacrifices were usually, orphans, slaves and _____________ captured in war.

*Define- sacrifice-


*Define – pok-a-tok-


*In the game pok-a-tok, teams of _____________ tried to hit a rubber ball through a stone ring by using their elbows, wrists and hips. Art on one court suggests the losing team was _______________ and the captain of the team was _______________.

The Sacred Calendar

*The daily calendar was based on the ___________ year and divided the year into 18 months of 20 days each and 5 “_____________ days”.

*The sacred or ritual calendar was called the tzolkin or “____________ ___________.” It was based on 13 months of 20 days for a total of ___________ days. Two cycles (one of 1 to 13 and the other of 20 day names of particular gods) combined to identify a particular ________.

*Only priests could read the hidden _______________ of the Sacred Round. It was used to determine the best day to plant, hunt, cure do ______________ and perform ______________ ceremonies.

23.6 Agricultural Techniques

Challenges Facing Mayan Farmers

*The challenge was to grow enough food to feed a growing ________________. Mayan land was not good for farming because it included dense ___________, little surface _________ and poor soil.

*In the mountains, Mayans built _______________, or earth steps, to create more flat land for farming. In the swampy lowlands, Mayans built ____________-__________ platforms surrounded by canals to drain excess water. In the forests, they used ____________-and-_______________ agriculture. This technique, however, _______ out the soil and requires years of resting before it can be used again.

*Define- slash-and-burn agriculture-


The End of the Classic Period

*By ____________C.E. the Maya abandoned their cities for the jungle.

*It is theorized that perhaps the Mayan ________________ grew faster than their ability to produce food to feed them, that there were periods of prolonged ____________ leading to massive crop failure or that there was uncontrolled _____________.


Class Period_____________________

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