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Civil and political rights (p. 176)

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Civil and political rights (p. 176): Freedom of information (p. 237): Official secrecy (p. 243)

Related issues —

control of media; government regulation; journalistic privileges; media monopolies; privacy versus freedom of press

ARMSTRONG, MARK. Broadcasting Law and Policy in Australia. Sydney, Butterworths, 1982. Pp. xxviii + 291. ISBN 0 409 30910 9.

A clear and comprehensive guide to the law in Australia. It includes chapters on the regulation

232 Bibliography

of programming, statutory broadcasters, the regulation of licences, and regulation of ownership and control. Eight Appendixes reproduce useful material including a list of major official reports and a select bibliography (pp. 264-70).

ARMSTRONG, MARK (ed.). New Media: Law and Policy. Kensington, N. S. W., Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, 1981. Pp. vii + 237. ISBN 0 83823 895 O.

These thirteen papers deal with many vital ways in which new technology is creating problems for freedom of the press. Part II deals with Control and Licensing of the media. Part III deals with the problems of quality and content and Part IV explicitly poses the problem of the adequacy of laws to deal with technological developments and the problems of community or government control of the media.

ARMSTRONG, M. 'Ownership and Control of Commercial Broadcasting Station Licenses'. (1980) 54 Australian Law Journal, 344-55.

ARMSTRONG, MARK, BLAKENEY, MICHAEL & WATTERSON, RAY. Media Law in Australia: A Manual. Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 1983. Pp. x + 274. ISBN

0 19 554443 9.

'While its main purpose is to explain the law to media people and students, it serves as a timely audit of restraints on freedom of speech in Australia'.

AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING TRIBUNAL. Television and the Public: A Decade of Research 1968-1977. Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1979.

BAKER, C. E. 'Press Rights and Government Power to Structure the Press'. (1980) 34 University of Miami Law Review, 819-89.

BASSIOUNI, M. C. 'Terrorism, Law Enforcement and Mass Media: Perspectives, Problems, Proposals'. (1981) 72 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 1-51.

BEVIER, L. R. 'An Informed Public, an Informing Press: the Search for a Constitutional Principle'. (1980) 68 California Law Review, 482-517.

CHAFFEE, ZECHARIAH JR. Government and Mass Commmunications. 2 vols in 1. Hamden, Connecticut, Archon Books, 1965.

This report of the Commission on Freedom of the Press is an extensive survey of the relationship between government and mass communications. Volume 1 deals with the use of government power to limit expression. Volume 2 deals with affirmative government activities for encouraging the communication of news and ideas. The appendix includes the recommendations of the Commission.

COMMITTEE ON FREEDOM OF THE PRESS (Hutchins Commission). A Free and Responsive Press. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1947.

Funded by Encyclopedia Britannica, this private inquiry while advocating increased regulation or control of those who manage the media, also stressed the centrality of 'social responsibility' of the press.

COMPAINE, BENJAMIN M. (ed.). Who Owns the Media? White Plains, N. Y., Knowledge Industry Publications, 1979. Pp. ix + 370. ISBN 0 914236 36 9.

Eight chapters dealing with the implications of concentration of ownership in the mass communications industry in U. S. Chapters deal with Newspapers, Magazines, Film, Books, Television and Radio. The writers address themselves to the questions: what is 'concentration of ownership'? to what extent does it exist in U. S.? what are its effects? Bibliography

pp. 341-54.

COWPER, N. 'The Control of Broadcasting'. (June 1936) 8 Australian Quarterly, 52-64.

DOUGLAS, LINDA J. 'Courtroom Closure and the Rights of the Free Press'. (1980) 58 Washington University Law Quarterly, 945-74.

Civil and political rights 233
LEE, W. E. 'Anti-trust Enforcement; Freedom of the Press and the "Open Market": the
UCKWORTH, B. L. 'Communications Law: the Decline of Press Privilege'. (1979) 19 Washburn Law Journal, 54-75.

EMERSON, T. I. 'Right of Privacy and Freedom of the Press'. (1979) 14 Harvard Civil Rights — Civil Liberties Law Review, 326-60.

FRIENDLY, FRED W. The Good Guys, The Bad Guys and The First Amendment. New York, Random House, 1976.

This is an examination of the tension between the First Amendment guarantee of a free press and the fairness doctrine, in which Friendly considers the rights of broadcasters, the rights of individuals and the desirability of debate between opposing viewpoints.

GARBO, GUNNAR. 'Freedom of the Press: Media Structure and Control'. (1977) 8 Bulletin of Peace Proposals, 233-5.

GEORGETOWN LAW JOURNAL. Media and the First Amendment in a Free Society. Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 1973. Pp. xiv + 229. LC 73 81557.

This book was originally a tripartite article in the Georgetown Law Journal (March 1972). The first part deals with the development of the idea of free speech and sketches the present condition of the newspaper and publishing industry. The second part looks at the electronic media and its impact on the idea of free speech. The final part looks at controversial areas in the law of free speech: concentration of ownership, the fairness doctrine, public endowments and the arts, free press and fair trial, confidentiality of news sources. The study is exclusively of the U. S. position.

GILLMOR, DONALD M. 'Journalist's Privilege and the Constitution'. (1981) 2 Media Law and Practice, 115-29.

GILLMOR, DONALD M. & BARRON, JEROME A. Mass Communication Law: Cases and Comment. 3rd edn. St. Paul, Minnesota, West Publishing Co., 1979. Pp. lxii + 1008. ISBN 0 8299 2050 1.

A classic textbook on U. S. law covering all critical areas in the field — libel, privacy, freedom of information, contempt of court, pornography, journalist's privilege, regulation of electronic media. The format includes case excerpts together with comments and problems.

GRAHAM, C. Public Broadcasting. Dissent and the State (Media Paper No. 3). Sydney, N. S. W. Institute of Technology, 1980.

HAUN, ELLIOT J. 'The Rights of Newspaper Reporters and the Public Welfare Standard in Japan'. (1981) 11 California Western International Law Journal, 189-222.

HERBERT, N. 'The British Press and the Closed Shop'. (1975) 4 Index on Censorship, 12-15.

JoNEs, C. W. 'FCC Regulation of Broadcast News: First Amendment Perils of Conflicting Standards of Review'. (1980) 48 Ford ham Law Review, 1226-50.

JONES, D. 'Media and Broadcasting Law'. (1980) 8 Australian Business Law Review, 127-35.

KESTERTON, WILFRED H. The Law and the Press in Canada. Toronto, McClelland & Stewart, 1976. Pp. 242. ISBN 0 7710 9800 6.

A clear summary of the law affecting the press in Canada. Written for laymen, and journalists in particular, it has chapters on Contempt of Court, Civil and Criminal Libel, Obscenity and Censorship, Official Secrecy, Privacy. Includes a short bibliography. An appendix contains summaries of 40 Canadian court decisions on the area.

234 Bibliography

Supreme Court on the Structure and Conduct of Mass Media'. (1979) 32 Vanderbilt Law Review, 1249-341.

LLOYD, D. 'Television and the Law'. (1962) 15 Current Legal Problems, 83-101.

MAJOR, G. (ed.). Mass Media in Australia. Sydney, Hodder & Stoughton, 1976. Pp. 264. ISBN 0 340 20892 9.

Proceedings of the 41st Summer School of the Australian Institute of Political Science. The volume includes four papers with discussion: Peter Robinson, 'The Media and Australian Politics'; Frank Moorhouse, 'Freedom of the Imagination in the Media'; Richard S. Salant, 'The Media and the State: A View from the United States'; Henry Mayer, 'What Should (and Could) We Do About the Media?'. Also included are four case studies: 'Bias in News Reporting'; 'The Great Australian Scandal'; 'Women and the Media'; 'Challenge to Present Management'.

MAYER, HENRY. Dilemmas in Mass Media Policies (Seventh Annual Lecture). Canberra, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, 1979.

MAYER, HENRY & PANTZER, SARA. Australia's Press (Media Monograph No. 1). Department of Government, Sydney University, 1974.

MCCLELLAND, J. 'The Role of Media in Modern Society'. (1974) 31 Australian Humanist, 4.

MEISNER, ROBERT, 'Journalistic Silence and Governmental Speech: Can Institutions Have Rights?'. (1981) 16 Harvard Civil Rights — Civil Liberties Law Review, 319-76.

MUNRO, COLIN R. Television, Censorship and the Law. Westmead, Saxon House, 1979. Pp. vii + 194. ISBN 0 566 00176 4.

The author argues that 'television is the most censored form of communication in our society'. He canvasses the legal and extra-legal pressures on programming in U. K.

NETTHEIM, GARTH. 'Public Broadcasting and Government'. (March 1963) 35 Australian Quarterly, 36-42.

NIXON, RAYMOND B. & HAHN, TAE-YOUL. 'Concentration of Press Ownership: A Comparison of 32 Countries'. (1973) 481ournalism Quarterly, 5-16.

O'DWYER, B. (ed.). Broadcasting in Australia: Today's Issues and the Future, Proceedings of the National Conference held in July 1980 at the Australian National University. Canberra, Centre for Continuing Education, Australian National University, 1981.

PAUST, J. J. 'International Law and Control of the Media: Terror, Repression and the Alternatives'. (1978) 53 Indiana Law Journal, 621-77.

PEMBER, DON R. Privacy and the Press; the Law the Mass Media and the First Amendment. Seattle, University of Washington Press, 1972. Pp. xiii + 298. ISBN 0 295 95265 2.

Traces through U. S. law the development of the tension between freedom of the press and the right of privacy. Appendixes contain valuable documents on privacy, mainly cases, and statutes and review of State legislation in U. S. Bibliography pp. 287-91.

'Radio Propaganda in the Contexts of International Regulation and the Free Flow of

Information as a Human Right'. (1979) 5 Brooklyn Journal of International Law, 154-77.

SCOTT, G. 'A Press Charter for Britain'. (1977) 6 Index on Censorship, 9-16. SYMPOSIUM. 'The Press Clause'. (1979) 7 Hofstra Law Review, 559-720.

Civil and political rights 235

SYMPOSIUM. 'Toward a Resolution of the Expanding Conflict Between the Press and Privacy Interests'. (1979) 64 Iowa Law Review, 1061-283.

VAN GERPEN, MAURICE. Privileged Communication and the Press: The Citizen's Right to Know Versus the Law's Right to Confidential News Source Evidence. Westport Connecticut, Greenwood Press, 1979. Pp. xi + 239. ISBN 0 313 20523 X.

A study of law on disclosure of news sources. There are chapters dealing with the Common Law position, U. S. legislation and recent U. S. Supreme Court decisions. Bibliography pp. 213-27.

WATTERSON, R. 'The ATV Case: Tribunal Pushes Public Interest'. (1980) 5 Legal Services Bulletin, 262-5.

WHALEN, CHARLES W. JR. Your Right to Know. New York, Random House, 1973. Pp. xiv + 207. ISBN 0 394 48732 X.

The author was a member of Congress who attempted to introduce a Newsman's Privilege Act. The book argues that the power to subpoena reporters threatens the public's right to know. He attempts to prove his thesis through an analysis of the cases and then presents arguments in favour of journalistic privilege.

WHITE, BRIAN. White On The Media. Stanmore, Cassell Australia, 1975. Pp. viii + 220. ISBN 0 7269 9255 0.

Twenty-one essays that constitute a critique of the position of the Media in Australia. The author concentrates on the relationship between politics and the media and calls for greater regulation and control of the media. The essays are journalistic and entertaining.

WILKIE, J. S. 'The Radio Reference and Onward: Exclusive Federal Jurisdiction over
General Content in Broadcasting'. (1980) 18 Osgoode Hall Law Journal, 49-86.

WINICK, CHARLES (ed.). Deviance and Mass Media. Beverly Hills, Sage Publications, 1978. Pp. 309. ISBN 0 8039 1040 1.

Fourteen reports grouped into four categories: (1) content-oriented studies, (2) deviant media behaviour, (3) comparative studies, (4) media contributions to deviance. These papers deal mainly with the U. S. scene and are not restricted to sexual/violence areas. Forms of deviance studied include: character assassination, non-voting, madness, weight problems.

ZimmEkmAN, D. L. 'Overcoming Future Shock: Estes Revisited, or a Modest Proposal for the Constitutional Protection of the News-gathering Process'. (1980) Duke Law Journal, 641-708.


BENTIL, J. K. 'The Concept of "Public Good" and Obscene Publications Law'. (1979) 143 Justice of the Peace, 651, 667-8.

BOSMAHAN, HAIG A. Obscenity and Freedom of Expression. New York, Burt Franklin, 1976.

This is a study of judicial opinions dealing with obscenity from the nineteenth century through the recent U. S. Supreme Court determination that local communities are to determine the 'community standards'. An introductory chapter details the various standards used since the nineteenth century. The appendix includes a list of the five hundred cases cited and materials indicating the manner in which various countries deal with the legal problem.

BUCKLEY, KEN. Offensive and Obscene: A Civil Liberties Casebook. Sydney, Ure Smith, 1970. Pp. 255.

236 Bibliography

CAMPBELL, HELENA. 'Sexual Offences and the Trend in Crime 1949-76'. (1978) New Law Journal, 748-50.

CLOR, HARRY M. (ed.). Censorship and Freedom of Expression: Essays on Obscenity and the Law. Chicago, Rand McNally, 1971. Pp. x + 175. LC 79 158111.

A collection of six essays on the obscenity controversy, including the text of the judgment in United States v. Roth. The contributors are drawn from various disciplines (law, political science, theology, psychology).

COCHRANE, P. 'Sex Crimes and Pornography Revisited'. (1978) 6 International journal of Criminology and Penology, 307-17.

COLDHAM, S. 'Reports of the Committee on Obscenity and Film Censorship'. (1980) 43 Modern Law Review, 306-18.

COLLOQUIUM. 'Violent Pornography: Degradation of Women versus Right of Free Speech'. (1978-79) 8 New York University Review of Law and Social Change, 181-300.

COURT, J. H. Pornography and the Harm Condition. Adelaide, J. H. Court, 1980. Pp. iv + 239. ISBN 0 9598768 1 2.

A criminological response to the Williams' Report (U. K.) on obscenity and film censorship.

DWORKIN, RONALD. 'Is There a Right to Pornography?'. (1981) 1 Oxford journal of Legal Studies, 177-212.

ERNST, M. L. & SCHWARTZ, A. U. Censorship: The Search for the Obscene. New York, Macmillan, 1965. Pp. xvi + 288. .

An analysis of leading U. S. decisions written for the non-lawyer.

Fox, RICHARD G. 'Censorship Policy and Child Pornography'. (1978) 52 Australian Law Journal, 361-71.

Fox, RICHARD G. 'Depravity, Corruption and Community Standards'. (1980) 7 Adelaide Law Review, 66-78.

GLASSER, THEODORE L. & JASSEM, HARVEY. 'Indecent Broadcasts and the Listener's Right of Privacy'. (1980) 24journal of Broadcasting, 285-99.

KENYON, F. E. 'Pornography, The Law and Mental Health'. (1975) British journal of Psychiatry, 225-33.

LONGFORD COMMITTEE INVESTIGATING PORNOGRAPHY. Pornography: the Longford Report. London, Coronet Books, 1972. Pp. 520. ISBN 0 340 16334 8.

The Longford Study Group was comprised of many eminent figures in British society and drew on many more for submissions or as witnesses. What emerged was a very controversial document, which urged the censorship of pornographic matter with greater efficiency by the law.

MACCORMICK, D. N. 'Privacy and Obscenity', in R. Dhavan & C. Davies (eds), Censorship and Obscenity. London, Martin Robertson, 1978.

Argues that the idea that public display of obscene matter is an invasion of 'privacy' is untenable.

MACGRATH, C. PETER. 'The Obscenity Laws: Grapes of Roth'. (1966) Supreme Court Review, 7-77.

MANCHESTER, C. 'Customs Control of Obscene Materials'. (1981) Criminal Law Review, 531-42.

Civil and political rights 237

MANCHESTER, C. 'Obscenity in the Mail'. (1983) Criminal Law Review, 64-77.

MANCHESTER, C. 'The Scope of Obscenity Control in England and Wales: a Critique of the Williams Committee Report'. (1980) 31 Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 103-13.

MCKEAN, W. A. 'Confining the Pornography Dragon'. (1980) 39 Cambridge Law Journal, 10-13.

OBOLER, ELI M. The Fear of the Word: Censorship and Sex. Metuchen, New Jersey, Scarecrow Press, 1974.

This work deals primarily with the origins and history of governmental censorship of words and only incidentally with the Supreme Court's response to such limitations. The author's position is that if government and society were to cease to concern themselves with words, attention could then be turned to the 'true obscenities of our time' such as hunger and poverty.

PRICE, D. G. 'The Role of Choice in a Definition of Obscenity'. (1979) 57 Canadian Bar Review, 301-24.

ROBERTSON, GEOFFREY. Obscenity. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1979. Pp. xviii + 364. ISBN 0 297 77213 9.

This is an excellent critical study of the censorship laws and their enforcement in England and

Wales. It is a very thorough study of considerable relevance for Australian conditions. The discussion is discursive and attempts to put the law and its workings into its social context.

SCHAUER, F. 'Speech and "Speech" — Obscenity and "Obscenity": an Exercise in the Interpretation of Consitutional Language'. (1979) 67 Georgetown Law journal, 899-933.

SIMPSON, A. W. B. 'Obscenity and the Law'. (1982) 1 Law and Philosophy, 239-54.

STONE, R. T. H. 'Out of Sight, Out of Mind? The Indecent Displays (Control) Act, 1981'. (1982) 45 Modern Law Review, 62-8.

STONE, R. T. H. 'Obscenity Law Reform: Some Practical Problems'. (1980) 130 New Law journal, 872-4.

SYMPOSIUM. 'Obscenity and the First Amendment'. (1978) 7 Capital University Law Review, 1-227.

TELLING, D. 'The Defence of "Public Good" '. (1979) 57 Canadian Bar Review, 301-24.

UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE, DEPARTMENT OF CONTINUING EDUCATION. Exploitation of Persons: Rape, Prostitution, Pornography. Adelaide, Department of Continuing Education, University of Adelaide, 1978. Pp. 59. ISBN 0 909688 46 X.

WOOZLEY, A. D. 'The Tendency to Deprave and Corrupt'. (1982) 1 Law and Philosophy, 217-38.

YAFFE, M. 'The Law Relating to Pornography: A Psychological Overview'. (1980) 20 Medicine Science and Law, 20-7.

Freedom of information

See also —

Civil and political rights (p. 176): Freedom of expression (p.221): Access to the media (p. 225), Censorship (p. 227); Privacy (p. 205): Confidential information (p. 210), Computers and data banks (p. 211); Right to

fair trial (due process) (p. 245): Natural justice (p. 253); Human rightsgeneral (p. 131): Domestic instruments and agencies (p. 154): Ombudsman (p. 157)

238 Bibliography

Related issues —

Crown privilege (privileged information); `IY notices; espionage; Freedom of Information Act; intelligence organisations; official secrecy; review of administrative action; secret service

AUSTRALIAN LAW REFORM COMMISSION. Privacy (Report no. 22). Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1983. ISBN 0 644 01248 X.

Much of this report deals with matters related to freedom of information; there is a useful

discussion of restrictions on freedom of information legislation in the interests of privacy.

BUERGENTHAL, THOMAS. 'The Right to Receive Information Across National Boundaries', in Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, Control of the Direct Broadcast Satellite: Values in Conflict. Palo Alto, Calif., Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, 1974, pp. 73-84.

CAMPBELL, ENID & WHITMORE, HARRY. Freedom in Australia. 2nd edn. Sydney, Sydney University Press, 1973. Chapters 17, 18 and 19. ISBN 0 424 05220 2.

A somewhat dated account of impediments to free dissemination of information in Australia. The chapters deal with Security of the State, freedom of public servants to make public comment, defamation, privacy.

CASTBERG, FREDE. Freedom of Speech in the West: A Comparative Study of Public Law in France, the United States and Germany. Oslo, Oslo University Press; London, George Allen & Unwin, 1960. Pp. xiii + 475.

Legal problems of the freedom of speech, freedom of information and freedom of formation of political parties discussed in the wider political context of three countries: France, U.S.A. and West Germany. Good presentation of the historical developments of political freedoms.

CLIFFORD, D. 'The Scientist and Freedom of Information'. (1978) 9 Victoria University of Wellington Law Review, 457-64.

CONNELLY, MARK Q. 'Secrets and Smokescreens: A Legal and Economic Analysis of Government Disclosures of Business Data'. (1981) Wisconsin Law Review, 207-73.

COOPER, PHILLIP J. 'Acquisition, Use and Dissemination of Information: a Consideration and Critique of the Public Law Perspective'. (1981) 33 Administrative Law Review, 81-107.

FELDMAN, MARK B. & GARCIA, DAVID R. 'National Regulation of Transborder Data Flows'. (1982) 7 North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation, 1-25.

GINGER, ANN F. (ed.). The Pentagon Papers Trial. Dobbs Ferry, Oceana/Trans-Media, 1975 (microfilm, 25 reels).

The complete files of the trial of Ellsberg and Russo for their role in making public a secret U.S. government study on the Vietnam war.

HOLCOMBE, A. N. Human Rights in the Modern World. New York, New York University Press; London, G. Cumberlege, 1948, pp. 141-51.

JovcE, J. A. The New Politics of Human Rights. London, Macmillan, 1978, pp. 181-85. ISBN 0 333 24291 2.

KIRBY, MICHAEL. 'Freedom of Information vs Privacy — Striking a Balance'. (1981) 13 Lawtalk, 8.

LEARY, V. 'The Implementation of the Human Rights Provisions of the Helsinki Final Act', in T. Buergenthal & J. R. Hall (eds), Human Rights, International Law and the Helsinki Accord. Montclair, New Jersey, Allanheld, Osrnum & Co., 1977, pp. 140-8. ISBN 0 87663 828 O.

Civil and political rights 239
LEVY, P. M. G. `De la Liberte de l'Information a l'Information Sur les Libertes', in Rene Cassin. Amicorum Discipulorumque Liber III. Protection des Droits de PHomme dans les Rapports entre Personnes Privees. Paris, Pedone, 1971, pp. 95-114.

MICHAEL, JAMES. The Politics of Secrecy. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1982. Pp. 240. ISBN 0 14 022060 7.

A critical study of freedom of information in U.K.; an overview of official secrecy techniques, including the Official Secrets Act, `D' notices. Also looks at recent legislative proposals and committees. Considers the relation between privacy and freedom of information. Contains comparative study of freedom of information in U. S., Sweden and Commonwealth countries.

MORGAN, MARTHA I. 'The Constitutional Right to Know Why'. (1982) 17 Harvard Civil Rights —Civil Liberties Law Review, 297-353.

RILEY, T. 'Access to Government Legislation — An International Perspective'. (1981) Journal of Media Law and Practice, 92-101.

ROURKE, FRANCIS E. Secrecy and Publicity: Dilemmas of Democracy. Baltimore, John Hopkins Press, 1961. Pp. x + 236. LC 61 10736.

This is one of the earlier books to argue for more open government in the U. S. The author argues that . . the possibility of controlling communications has now opened up an avenue through which the gap between totalitarian and democratic government can progressively be narrowed'. Part One deals with secrecy in American bureaucracy and Part Two deals with various ways in which government controls the flow of information through regulation of the media and propoganda or public relations.

ROWAT, DONALD C. (ed.). The Right to Know: Essays on Government Publicity and Public Access to Information. 3rd edn. Ottawa, Ontario, Department Political Science, Carleton University, 1981.

SMILEY, DONALD, The Freedom of Information Issue: A Political Analysis. Ottawa, Ontario Commission on Freedom of Information and Personal Privacy, 1978.

STREET, HARRY. Freedom, the Individual and the Law. 4th edn. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1977. Ch. 8. ISBN 0 14 02 0646 9.

An overview of restrictions on freedom of information in the U. K. Short discussion of sedition, incitements to disaffection, Official Secrets Act, 'D' notices, Cabinet secrets, security tests on employees.

WILLIAMS, S. M. 'State Sovereignty and Freedom of Information in the Light of Space Technologies'. (1980)Journal of Media Law and Practice, 288-301.

Crown privilege

CAMPBELL, SUSAN. 'Evidence — Crown Privilege — Public Interest and Confidentiality — Inspection of Documents by Court Concerned'. (1980) 54 Australian Law journal, 364-8.

EAGLES, I. G. 'Cabinet Secrets as Evidence'. (1980) Public Law, 263-87.

GOLDRING, J.' "Crown Privilege", Scrutiny of the Administration and the "Public Interest" — A Comment on Sankey v. Whitlam'. (1979) 10 Federal Law Review, 80-92.

HODGE, W. C. 'Sankey's Case Against Whitlam: Crown Privilege'. (1979) New Zealand Law Journal, 58-64.

240 Bibliography

A clear and concise analysis of Sankey v . Whitlam as far as discovery of Cabinet documents is concerned.

JAccffl, JosEPH. 'Discovery and the Public Interest'. (1976) Public Law, 134-52.

Close discussion of a series of recent English decisions that have changed the law relating to Crown Privilege and the discovery of documents. An excellent discussion of the different classes of documents that are subject to discovery.

LUEDTKE, PAUL L. 'Open Government and Military Justice'. (1980) 87 Military Law Review, 7-72.

NOTT, SUSAN M. 'Privileged Documents — Two Approaches'. (1980) Public Law, 10-15.

PEARCE, D. C. 'The Courts and Government Information'. (1976) 50 Australian Law Journal, 513-20.

PEARCE, D. C. 'Of Ministers, Referees and Informers — Evidence Inadmissable in the Public Interest'. (1980) 54 Australian Law Journal, 127-42.

YOUNG, HUGO. The Grossman Affair. London, Hamish Hamilton and Jonathan Cape, 1976. Pp. 224.

An excellent, highly readable account of the Grossman Diaries Case, its background and impact. The case raised the issue of whether or not the Crown could claim privilege over cabinet confidences.

Freedom of information legislation

ANDERSON, STANLEY V. 'Public Access to Government Files in Sweden'. (1973) 21 American Journal of Comparative Law, 419-73.

Also considers the Finnish variant. Appendixes contain relevant Swedish and Finnish statutes.

AUSTRALIA, ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE. Policy Proposals for Freedom of Information Legislation. Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1976. Pp. ii + 112. ISBN 0 642 02660 2.

AUSTRALIA, PARLIAMENT, SENATE, STANDING COMMITTEE ON CONSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL AFFAIRS. Freedom of Information: Report. Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1979. Pp. xxiii + 526. ISBN 0 642 04524 O.

An important and wide ranging critique of the Freedom of Information Bill 1978. A good bibliography and a considerable use of comparative materials.

BOUCHARD, ROBERT F. & FRANKLIN, JUSTIN D. (eds). Guidebook to the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts. New York, Clark Boardman Co., 1980. Pp. xiv + 443. A compilation of materials intended as a practical guide to these U. S. Acts. Appendix C (pages

265-435) is a comprehensive review of State freedom of information legislation.

CURTIS, L. J. 'Freedom of Information: the Australian Approach'. (1980) 54 Australian Law Journal, 525-35.

A detailed analysis of the Freedom of Information Bill. Valuable discussion of areas of exemption and inclusion, and a short comparison with U. S. freedom of information legislation. Also looks at the machinery for enforcement and considers reverse — freedom of information litigation.

ERRERA, R. 'Right of Access to Government Documents — The Reform of the Law in France'. (1979) 4 Human Rights Review, 180-92.

Civil and political rights 241
FLICK, GEOFFREY A. Civil Liberties in Australia. Sydney, Law Book Co., 1981. Ch. 6. ISBN 0 455 20084 X, 0 455 20253 2.

A concise summary of law relating to freedom of information. Includes discussion of Crown Privilege, Official Secrets Legislation, recent machinery designed to review administrative action and briefly compares Freedom of Information Bill (1979) with UK and US legislation.

GREAT BRITAIN, CIVIL SERVICE DEPARTMENT. Disclosure of Official Information: A Report on Overseas Practice. London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1979. Pp. v + 54 + A150. ISBN 0 11 6304154.

An excellent review of freedom of information measures in various countries. Gives attention to the machinery involved and the way issues of national security and privacy are handled. Pp. A 1—A150 the text of relevant legislation in the countries studied. Countries studied: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, United States, Canada, France, The Netherlands, West Germany, Australia.

HERLITZ, NILS. 'Publicity of Official Documents in Sweden'. (1958) Public Law, 50-69. A rather uncritical account of Sweeden's freedom of information. Of particular interest is the social-political context of the law and the consequent 'philosophy of openness' in government in a tradition of openness that goes back to the eighteenth century.

HODGE, W. C. 'Freedom of Information in New Zealand'. (1978) 4 Recent Law, 284-9.


A proposal of freedom of information machinery for U. K. Broadly the proposal includes a Code of Conduct for Government Departments that will be supervised by the Ombudsman. The type of information is to be divided into (i) executive decisions affecting large groups; (ii) executive decisions affecting individuals; (iii) government policy; (iv) information not connected with any executive decision or question of policy.

LAWRENCE, FREDERICK M. 'The First-Amendment Right to Gather State-Held Information'. (1980) 89 Yale Law Journal, 923-39.

MATTHEWS, ANTHONY. The Darker Reaches of Government: Access to Information about Public Administration in the United States, Britain and South Africa. Cape Town, Juta & Co., 1978. Pp. xx + 245. ISBN 0 7 21 0940 1.

A comprehensive survey of secrecy laws and institutions in America, Britain and South Africa. Law is examined in its political and social setting.

MCGARITY, THOMAS 0. & SHAPIRO, SIDNEY A. 'The Trade Secret Status of Health and Safety Testing Information: Reforming Agency Disclosure Policies'. (1980) 93 Harvard Law Review, 837-88.

MCMILLAN, JOHN. 'At Last the 1981 F.O.I. Bill Show'. (1981) 6/7 Rupert Journal, 20-3.

MCMILLAN, JOHN. 'Freedom of Information: An Analysis of Arguments About Official Secrecy and Proposals By the Federal Government to Enact a Freedom of Information Bill'. (1981) 57(10) Current Affairs Bulletin, 4-13.

MCMILLAN, JOHN. 'Freedom of Information in Australia: Issue Closed'. (1977) 8 Federal Law Review, 379-434.

MCMILLAN, JOHN. 'Making Government Accountable — A Comparative Analysis of Freedom of Information Statutes'. (1977) New Zealand Law Journal, 248-56, 275-80, 286-96.

Countries compared: Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Austria, France, Holland, Canada, England, U. S. A. and Australia.

242 Bibliography

McNIFF, F. 'Judicial or Political Control of Access to Government Information'. (1981) 3 Information Privacy, 93-7.

MICHAEL, JAMES. The Politics of Secrecy: The Case for a Freedom of Information Law. Amersham, National Council of Civil Liberties, 1976. Pp. 49. ISBN 0 901108 80 4.

NADER, R. 'Freedom from Information: the Act and the Agencies'. (1970) 5 Harvard Civil Rights Civil Liberties Law Review, 1-15.

O'BRIEN, DAVID M. 'The First Amendment and the Public's Right to Know'. (1980) 7 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly, 579-631.

O'BRIEN, DAVID M. The Public's Right to Know: The Supreme Court and the First Amendment. New York, Praeger Publishers, 1981. Pp. ix + 205.

The author argues that the Supreme Court in U. S. should develop a more determinate and predictable approach to the problem of freedom of information.

O'CONNOR, K. 'Freedom of Information'. (1981) 13 Melbourne University Law Review, 260-3.

PEACOCK, J. R. 'Developments under the Freedom of Information Act — 1980. (1981) 2 Duke Law journal, 338-76.

RANKIN, T. MURRAY. Freedom of Information in Canada: Will the Doors Stay Shut?. Toronto, Canadian Bar Association, 1977.

ROWAT, DONALD C. (ed.). Administrative Secrecy in Developed Countries. New York, Columbia University Press, 1979. Pp. xxiv + 364. ISBN 0 231 04596 4.

A series of reports on freedom of information measures in various developed countries: Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, France, United Kingdom, West Germany, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Canada, United States.

SCHWARTZ, BERNARD. 'Recent Developments in American Administrative Law'. (1980) 58 Canadian Bar Review, 319-40.

SHULMAN, LAURENCE J. 'The Freedom of Information Act and Medicare Cost Reports'. (1981) American Journal of Law and Medicine, 543-58.

SILVERSTONE, S. 'Access to Government Information: Administrative Secrecy and Natural Justice'. (1976) 10 University of British Columbia Law Review, 235-50.

SMITH, M. 'Freedom of Information: the U.K. Lags Behind'. (1981) 2-3 Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, 243-52.

SYMPOSIUM. 'The First Amendment and the Right to Know'. (1976) Washington University Law Quarterly, 1-36.

SYMPOSIUM. 'Sunshine and Privacy Laws: Impact on Business'. (1979) 34 Business Law, 1-170.

TIEFER, CHARLES D. 'Qualified Privilege to Defame Employees and Credit Applicants'. (1977) 12 Harvard Civil Rights Civil Liberties Law Review, 143-80.

Looks at U. S. position. Copious footnotes. Argues that recent developments in constitutional (U. S.) and Common Law offer an opportunity to reduce qualified privilege in the employer and credit agency contexts.

WILLIAMS, D. G. T. 'Official Secrecy and the Courts', in P. R. Glazerbrook (ed.), Reshaping the Criminal Law. London, Stevens, 1978, pp. 154-73.

The author argues that the critical problem with freedom of information is who will decide whether or not information should be made available. He argues that the courts, as open and

Civil and political rights 243

public tribunals with a facility for formulating general rules, are the most appropriate arbitrators. Reviews the problems of Official Secrets Act (U. K.). Also argues that a Freedom of Information Act will not solve problems of secrecy — there is a need for a general right of access to government information which would change the onus of proof.

Official secrecy

ABEL, A. S. 'Administrative Secrecy'. (1978) 11 Canadian Public Administration, 440-8.

BARAGWANATH, W. P. The Opening of the Prison: The Report of the Committee on Official Information'. (1981) 7 New Zealand Law Journal, 141-6.

BAYNE, P. 'The Key to Open Government?'. (1982) 58 (2) Current Affairs Bulletin, 24-8. Critique of Freedom of Information Bill, 1981 (Aust.).

BIRTLES, WILLIAM. 'Big Brother Knows Best: The Franks Report on Section Two of the Official Secrets Act'. (1973) Public Law, 100-22.

An examination of Section 2 of U. K. Official Secrets Act and the Franks Committee's proposals, in the light of the U. S. Freedom of Information Act.

CAMPBELL, ENID. 'Public Access to Government Documents'. (1967) 41 Australian Law Journal, 73-89.

A brief but thoughtful overview of the problems of freedom of information. Concentrates on

an analysis and critique of U. S. and Anglo-Australian law. An early and seminal article in freedom of information discussions in Australia.

CHEH, MARY M. 'The Progressive case and the Atomic Energy Act: Waking to the Dangers of Government Information Controls'. (1980) 48 George Washington Law Review, 163-210.

CRANE, BRIAN A. 'Freedom of the Press and National Security'. (1975) 21 McGill Law Journal, 148-55.

A discussion of the Canadian Official Secrets Act.

FRANCK, THOMAS M. & ELSEN, J. J. 'Balancing National Security and Free Speech'. (1982) 14 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, 339-69.

FRANCK, THOMAS M. & WEISBAND, EDWARD (eds). Secrecy and Foreign Policy. New York, Oxford University Press, 1974. Pp. xvii + 453. LC 73 87619.

JACOB, JOSEPH. 'Some Reflections on Government Secrecy'. (1974) Public Law, 25-49. Critique of the work of the Fulton, Franks and Younger Committees.

JACONELLI, JOSEPH. 'The "D" Notice System'. (1982) Public Law, 37-41.

MEDOW, JONATHAN C. 'The First Amendment and the Secrecy State: Snepp v. United States'. (1982) 130 University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 775-844.

MICHAEL, JAMES. 'Access to Official Information'. (1980) 7 British Journal of Law and Society, 95-104.

MICHAEL, JAMES. 'Government Secrecy'. (1977) 127 New Law Journal, 480-2.

MICHAEL, JAMES. 'Open Government and Data Protection'. (1981) 8 British Journal of Law and Society, 265-70.

PARRY, C. 'Legislatures and Secrecy'. (1954) 67 Harvard Law Review, 737-85.

244 Bibliography
ROURKE, FRANCIS E. (ed.). 'Symposium: Administrative Secrecy, a Comparative Perspective'. (1975) Public Administration Review.

ROWAT, DONALD. 'The Problem of Administrative Secrecy'. (1966) International Review of Administrative Sciences, 99-106.

ROWAT, DONALD. Public Access to Government Documents: A Comparative Perspective. Ontario, Commission on Freedom of Information and Individual Privacy, 1978.

DE SMITH, B. L. 'The Right to Information about the Activity of the Government', in J. W. Bridge et al. (eds), Fundamental Rights. London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1973, pp. 137-49. ISBN 0 421 19130 9.

SPIGELMAN, JIM. Secrecy: Political Censorship in Australia. Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 1972. Pp. 194. ISBN 0 207 12543 O.

This book surveys the extent of official secrecy and its rationale in Australia. It includes chapters that attempt to analyse and rebut arguments in favour of secrecy in government and the public service — arguments based on bureaucratic efficiency, ministerial responsibility, candour and national security. In the course of arguing for more 'open government' the author catalogues various cases of official secrecy, and then outlines possible measures of reform including freedom of information legislation and the establishment of a parliamentary standing committee to review classification of information.

SYMPOSIUM. 'Openness in Government — A Continuing Era'. (1979) 38 F ederal Bar Journal, 1-96.

SYMPOSIUM. 'Protecting and Obtaining Commercial Information from the Government'. (1982) 34 Administrative Law Review, 107-371.

WHITMORE, HARRY. 'Censorship of the Mass Media: The "D" Notice System'. (1968) 41 Australian Law Journal, 449-53.

Short description and comparison of `D' notice system in U. K. and Australia. WILLIAMS, DAVID. Not in the Public Interest. London, Hutchinson, 1965. Pp. 224.

A seminal discussion of official secrecy in Great Britain. The book deals with the nature and working of the Official Secrets Acts, security services and security procedures, constitutional doctrines relevant to executive secrecy such as ministerial responsibility and the attitude of the courts when faced with the claims of the executive.

Freedom of movement

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