Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Put Contact cards in your hand into play (face up on the table) under your control.


You may remove Junk tokens from your writer.

Each token so removed is converted into 5 written pages.

Max hand size is 7 cards. Discard excess cards.


# = number of copies of that card in the deck.

D = Drugs

J = Junkie (Drug Addict)

K = Doctor (Members of the Medical profession)

A = Action

M = Monster

KG = Doctor & Agent

MJ = Monster & Junkie

GJ = Agent & Junkie

G = Agent (Government or Political professionals)

A = Action that requires a Junkie

AK = Action that requires a Doctor

AM = Action that requires a Monster

AG = Action that requires an Agent


Card Name # Type Notes

Junkie 8 J

Doctor Benway 1 KG Draw +1 card per turn

Doctor Doodles 1 K

The Lobotomy Kid 1 K

Autopsy Ahmed 1 K

Mugwump 1 M

Talking Asshole 1 M

Bradley the Buyer 1 MJ

Black Centipede 1 M

The Exterminator 1 G

The Sailor 1 GJ

Dream Police 1 G

District Supervisor 1 G

Unnecessary Surgery 1 AK Kill target contact

Experimental Surgery 1 AK Kill target contact

Toilet Plunger Heart Surgery 1 AK Kill target contact

Ritual Sex Hanging 1 AM Kill target Junkie

Overdose 1 A Kill target Junkie

Conditioned to Shit on Sight 1 AK Control target Junkie

Total Demoralization 1 AG Control target contact

Extermination 1 AG Kill target contact

Stash Stolen 1 AJ Remove all Junk Tokens from Junkie

Flush Stash 1 AJ Remove all Junk Tokens from Junkie

Undifferentiated Tissue 1 A Convert target Junkie into a Monster

Brain Washing 1 AG Control target contact

Imprison 1 AG Control target contact

Strangled by own Penis 1 A Kill target contact

Assimilation 1 AM Kill target contact

Flamethrower 1 A Kill target Monster

Easy Score 1 AJ Draw 2 cards

Dealer 1 AJ Draw 2 cards

Cold Burn 1 A Kill Junkie with Withdrawal Tokens

Telepathic Pictographs 1 AM Control target contact

Hooked 1 AJ Control target contact

Pusher 1 AJ Control target contact

Junk 2 D Worth 7 Junk Tokens

Horse 2 D Worth 7 Junk Tokens

Coke 2 D Worth 5 Junk Tokens

Morphine 2 D Worth 6 Junk Tokens

Opium 2 D Worth 6 Junk Tokens

Eukodol 2 D Worth 6 Junk Tokens

Dropper & Needle 2 D Worth 2 Junk Tokens

Black Meat 2 D Worth 4 Junk Tokens

Hashish 2 D Worth 3 Junk Tokens

Yage 2 D Worth 3 Junk Tokens

Mugwump Gism 2 D Worth 4 Junk Tokens


The rules & card list is a little thin.

As I find time to reread the book I will add material from it to flesh out the game.

Deck construction: there has to be a balance between the number of Junkies and

Drug tokens available (and accessible).



"The Universe is Mine! Mine! All Mine I tell you!"

----Lord Phallius, Space Tyrant----


Click here to Play Online.


Draw 10 Planets indicated by circles. Devise names for all the planets.

Make each circle large enough to hold a dozen or more chits.

The terms: Planet, World, and System are interchangeable.


Each player starts with a base on one loyal world and 7 random Unit chits in his reserve pile.

All other worlds are neutral.


All Worlds loyal to your side at the end of the turn, or

Elimination of all of your opponents units from the board.


Assassin EP Kill (Public Personality)-3

Security PP Kill (Espionage Personality)-3; Deploy Personality-3

Star Cruiser M Transport Troops; Attack Cruiser-3; Blockade; Bombardment-3

Troops M Attack (Troops, Rebels, Installation)-4; Control World-3; Subdue Uprising-4

Diplomat PP Incite uprising-3; Control World-3; Deploy Personality-4

Agent EP Surveillance, Spy-4; Deploy (Personality, Rebels)-3

Sabateur EP Sabotage (Military unit)-3; Sabotage (Installation)-4

Governor PP Recruit-5; Deploy (Personality, Troops)-5; Subdue Uprising-3

Rebel Leader EP Deploy (Rebels)-5; Incite uprising-4

Rebels M Attack (Troops or Installation)-3, Incite uprising-3; Deploy Rebels-4

Base MI Deploy (Troops, Star Cruiser, Installation)-5

Force Field MI Planet Immune to Bombardment

Ion Gun MI Attack Star Cruiser-3

Loyal World --- Recruit-5; Deploy Base-4; Deploy Personality-4; Repair-2

Worlds are part of the Map.

TYPES: PP = Public Personality Unit; EP= Espionage Personality; M = Military Unit;

MI = Military Installation


1-Recruit Phase

2-Blockade Phase

3-Surveillance Phase

4-Movement Phase

5-Action Phase


Each player needs a set of 10 "Loyal World" counters of a color unique to that player.

Each player needs a set of 30 blank "Identification" counters of a color unique to that player.

Identify your units by placing your Identintification counters under them.


Chit Mix: Make 10 of each unit type. Force Fields & Ion guns only 5 each.

Include 1 or 2 each of each of the special chits.

When making chits write the name of the unit and an identification number #1-10.


Draw 1 chit from the recruit pile per successful recruit attempt by

Loyal Planet and Governor (on a loyal planet) you control.

Only 1 governor per planet gets this benefit.

If the planet is blockaded by enemy Star Cruisers the ability of

Loyal Planets and Governors becomes Recruit-3.

Worlds disrupted by bombardment cannot recruit.

Governors on worlds disrupted by bombardment cannot recruit.

Recruited chits go into your reserve pile.

Neutral worlds and worlds with uprisings do not recruit chits.

You can have a maximum of 7 chits in your reserve before you

must discard back to the recruit pile.

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