Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Card Name: # Range Type Notes

Telekinetic Attack 1 4 A J

Electrical Attack 1 3 A Z

Sweep 2 1 A

Lunge 1 2 A

Force Block 1 - D

Parry 1 - D

Duck 1 - D

Dodge 1 - D

Disarm 1 1 X Opponent cannot attack next turn.

Approach 2 1 M

Maneuver 2 2 M

Run 1 3 M

Knock Down 1 1 A Opponent must discard a card.

Levitate 1 K M

Jedi Speed 1 - X Get +7 to initiative roll.

Meditate 1 - X Discard hand & Draw 4 cards.

Force Mastery 1 - X J. Draw 2 cards

Mind Trick 1 - X J. Opponent must discard 2 cards.

Counterattack 1 - X Defend & Attack = 1

Withdraw 1 - X Defend & Move = 1

Surge 1 - X Attack = 1 and Move = 2

Force Drain 1 2 A Z

Force Push 1 1 A Z. Move opponent back one space.

Calm 1 - X Gain back one Force Point.

Jedi Ability 2 - X Unique for each character.

Heroic Ability 2 - X Unique for each character.



Rank: Apprentice

Jedi Ability Two Light Sabers: Attack = 1 Twice

Heroic Ability Impetuous: Attack = 1 & Draw a card

Darth Maul

Rank: Jedi

Jedi Ability Double Light Saber: Move = 2 & Attack = 1

Heroic Ability Athletic Prowess: Defend & Attack = 1


Rank: Jedi

Jedi Ability Protect: Defend & Draw a card

Heroic Ability Meditate: Draw 3 cards

Obi Wan Kenobi

Rank: Jedi

Jedi Ability Force Defense: Defend & Draw a card

Heroic Ability Flip: Move = 2 & Attack = 1

Darth Sidius

Rank: Master

Jedi Ability Force Lightning: Attack = 3 or 4

Heroic Ability Imperial Command: Opponent discards 3 cards


Rank: Master

Jedi Ability Force Insight: Defend & Draw a card

Heroic Ability Leap: Move = 2 & Attack = 1


Rank: Apprentice

Jedi Ability Use the Force: Draw 3 cards

Heroic Ability Self Control: Defend & Draw a card

Darth Vader

Rank: Jedi

Jedi Ability Throw Debris: Attack = 4 or Choke: Attack = 3

Heroic Ability Negate Defense: Negate a ‘Defend’ action by opponent

Mace Windu

Rank: Master

Jedi Ability Battle Wisdom: Defend & Attack = 1

Heroic Ability Force Attack: Move = 2 & Attack = 1

Count Dooku

Rank: Master

Jedi Ability Finesse: Attack = 1 & Draw a card

Heroic Ability Retreat: Defend & Draw a card



Two player card game simulating a joust between two competing knights.


Be the first player to win 3 passes.


Players share a common deck.


There are four suites:

1. Speed

2. Aim

3. Armor

4. Courage

Each card belongs to one Suite and has a force value from 1 to 10.


The turn is divided into 3 phases:

Dress Phase

Charge Phase

Clash of Arms Phase


Each player is dealt a hand of 4 cards face up and 8 cards face down.

If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.


Players discard 4 of their facedown cards.


Players reveal their face down hands.

Each player totals their score in each of the 4 suites.

Players compare their totals in each suite.

If players tie in a suite, then neither player wins the suite (It remains a tie).

The player that wins the most suites wins the turn (hand/pass).

If both players win equal numbers of suites, then the turn is draw (neither wins).


S = Speed

A = Aim

R = Armor

C = Courage


Card Name: Type: Force:

Canter S 1

Trot S 2

Spur S 3

Gallop S 4

Stallion S 5

Warhorse S 6

Rush Forth S 7

Charge S 8

Lightning Speed S 9

Furious Assault S 10

Lance A 1

Lunge A 2

Clash of Arms A 3

Puissant Skill A 4

Fierce Stroke A 5

Smite A 6

Great Strength A 7

Prowess A 8

True Aim A 9

Mighty Blow A 10

Padding R 1

Barding R 2

Visor R 3

Hauberk R 4

Cantels R 5

Breast Plate R 6

Plate Mail R 7

Great Helm R 8

Parry R 9

Shield R 10

Foolhardy C 1

Spirit of Youth C 2

Eagerness C 3

Bravery C 4

Glory C 5

Ale C 6

Chivalry C 7

Lady’s Favor C 8

Honor C 9

Battle Fury C 10



WWI card game for 2 players.

The indecisive battle of Jutland, May 31-Jun 1, 1916 (called Skagerrak by the Germans)

involved more than 250 ships, and was the last great battle to be fought

exclusively by surface ships.


The common deck contains 52 cards.

Both the British and German card lists are shuffled together.

Cards must include the card name, fleet identification, and Force value.


Historically, both sides had reason to claim victory.

The British lost 117,025 tons of ships. The Germans lost 61,180 tons of ships.

The smaller German fleet proved superior in guns and armor.

However, the German fleet never set out to sea again to seek open battle.

The player that sinks the greatest number of enemy big and small ships is

the winner.


The game is played in 6 turns

Each turn is divided into 4 phases:

1. Sight Phase

2. Sail Phase

3. Strike Phase

4. Sink Phase


Both players may discard some, none or all of their cards.

Both players may draw replacement cards to fill their hands to 7 cards.

If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.

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