Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Before Setup each player draws 4 Upgrade cards.

The deck contains 2 of each card.

Card Name: Effect:

Extra Armor Target Meka has an extra 10 Hit points of armor.

Extra Weapon Target Meka gets an extra size 1 weapon.

Weapon Upgrade Target Weapon on Target Meka Size +1 Level.

Veteran Target Pilot gains one random skill.

Advanced Engine Target Meka gets +1 Move Point.

Ammo Carrier Target Weapon on Target Meka gets double ammo.


Before Setup each player draws 4 Strategy cards.

The deck contains 2 of each card.

Card Name: Effect:

Terrain Player may add/remove a terrain feature to the map/field.

Ambush Move one enemy Meka up to 8 spaces from starting position.

Battle Damage One target enemy Meka starts with 2D6 damage.

Surprise Get +10 to First initiative roll of game.

Support Fire One X-Large Missile attack from edge of map once per game.

Air Strike One Large Missile attack from edge of map once per game.

Minefield On one space. Write down location. Keep secret.

Hidden Meka On one space. Write down location. Keep secret.

Notes: Support attacks originate from your side of the table and

the target must be in line of one of your Mekas acting as a forward observer.

The Mine does 4D10 damage to the Meka that steps on it.

The Hidden Meka is revealed if it moves/attacks or is in LOS of an enemy Meka.

Mines and Hidden Mekas are placed on your side of the map.


1 Colonial Federation

2 Terran Empire

3 Andromeda Alliance

4 Corporate Mercenaries

5 Fringeworld Pirates

6 Templars of the Church of Mankind

7 Independent Warlords

8 Rebel Worlds

9 Planetary Defense Force

10 Alien Invasion Force


A Transformer has 2 modes. A transformation takes 1 turn to complete.

The other mode has 1 or 2 systems that are different from the first mode.

(For example: the medium mortar is 'replaced' by a pair of wings)

Weapon Arcs can also be changed.

Systems that cannot "disappear" between modes include Armor & Missiles.

(You cannot be a Transformer just to load up on Missiles)


This suggestion was made by Matt R. at

"...some friends and I have combined Mekatac and Galax. We use the

hull sizes and costs from Galax but the weapons and combat rules from

Mekatac. Works pretty well..."

We call it Starmageddon



Board & card game for 2 players.

One side is Dracula and his minions.

The other side is the Vampire Hunter and his assistants.

Action takes place inside Castle Dracula.


You win if you kill your opponent’s Leader.


Use an 8X8 chessboard.

Use chits or miniatures to represent units


# Unit Hits Notes

1 Methuselah 3 Leader

2 Elder Vampire 2

5 Lesser Vampire 1


# Unit Hits Notes

1 Lead Hunter 3 Leader

2 Companion 2

5 Assistant 1


Each player places 1 figure on each square of his back row.

Units may not stack.


Each player has a unique deck.


Players take turns.

Each turn has 3 phases:

Fate Phase

Move Phase

Fight Phase


Draw 3 cards from your deck.

If your deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.

Max hand size = 5 cards.

Discard excess cards.


Play (discard) a Move card to move one of your figures.

The move card has a number.

This is the number of spaces the figure moves.

Moves can be diagonal or orthogonal.

“Knight” type move cards allow a figure to move like a knight in chess.

Leaders can make up to two moves per turn.


Play (discard) an Attack card to have a figure attack.

The attack card has a number.

This is the range of the attack.

Attacks can be diagonal or orthogonal.

“Knight” type attack cards have a range like a knight in chess.

The enemy figure that is the target of the attack takes one point of damage.

Use chits to keep track of damage.

Killed figures are removed from the map.

Your opponent may play a defense card to negate your attack.


A = Attack

M = Move

D = Defense

V = Methuselah only

L = Not Lesser Vampires

X = Special Card

K = as a Knight would move in Chess


Card Name: # Type Range User Notes

Gaseous Form 1 D - V

Earth Meld 1 D - V

Stalk 2 M 2

Approach Menacingly 2 M 1

Run 2 M 3

Levitate 1 M K

Superhuman Speed 2 M 4

Bat Form 1 M 6 V

Wolf Form 1 M 5 L

Suck Blood 2 A 1

Superior Strength 1 A 1 L

Claws 2 A 1

Mesmerize 1 X 2 Target cannot act next turn

Possession 1 X 3 L Move target 1-3 spaces.

Fear 1 X 3 Move target 3 away from Vampires.

Regeneration 1 X - Regain 1 Hit Point

Gift of Darkness 1 A 1 L Target if killed becomes lesser Vamp

Heightened Senses 1 X - Draw 3 cards

Shadows 1 D -

Obfuscate 1 D -

Fortitude 1 D - L

Telepathy 1 X - Look at Opponents Hand


Card Name: # Type Range Notes

Garlic 2 D -

Holy Water 2 A 2

Cross 2 D -

True Faith 1 D -

Wooden Stake 3 A 1

Fire 2 A 2

Relic 1 A 1 Lead Hunter Only

Mirror 1 D -

Crossbow 1 A 3

Sunlight 2 A 2

Firearms 2 A 3 Works on Lesser Vampires only

Hunting 1 X - Draw 3 Cards

Cautious Approach 5 M 1

Hurry 4 M 2

Run 4 M 3

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