Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Draw 1 card.

Max hand size is 7 cards.

If your deck runs out, shuffle your discard and draw from it.

Discard excess cards at end of Operations phase.


Put any Permanent type cards into play from your hand.

Permanents are placed face up on the table.

A permanent remains in play until it is destroyed.

Modifier cards may be attached to appropriate Unit cards.

Leaders are a type of permanent card.


Unit cards are Permanents with a Force value.

Each of your units with a Force value may attack.

Attacks may be against your opponents power base or enemy units.

Units do damage to each other equal to their Force value.

Any unit reduced to zero Force is destroyed.

An attack against the power base does damage equal to the Force of the attacking unit.

Keep track of Power Points with coins.

The defender may block with his units to protect the target of the attack.

Units may combine their Damage when attacking or defending.

Permanents with no Force value can never gain a Force value.

Action cards are played when appropriate and then discarded.

Instead of losing a Power Point, you may discard one of your

Permanents from play.


In 2 on 1 or 3 on 1 games the outnumbered player gets to

draw an extra card per extra opponent.

Sea & Ground units cannot attack or block each other.

Bombers may not block. Bombers may not attack Fighters.

Ground Forces may not attack Air Forces.

Subs & U-Boats cannot be attacked.

Leaders may not be attacked.


# = Number of that card in the deck

A = Action

P = Permanent

L = Leader

M = Modifier


Card Name # Type Notes

Blitzkrieg 3 A Attack only. Force = 5

Junker Dive Bombers 2 P Air Force = 2

Level Bombers 2 P Air Force = 2

Luftwaffe 1 P Air Force = 2

Panzerfausts 1 A Destroy 1 Tank Unit

Panzer Tanks 3 P Ground Force = 2

Panther Tanks 2 P Ground Force = 3

Tiger Tanks 1 P Ground Force = 4

Combined Arms Tactics 1 A Force = 4

General Manstein 1 L Ground Force = 3

General Guderian 1 L Ground Force = 4

General Rommel 1 L All your Tanks get Attack +1

Hitler 1 L All your Units get Force +1

Me 110 Fighters 1 P Air Force = 1

Me 109 Fighters 2 P Air Force = 1 (3 when Blocking Bombers)

Me 206 Fighter Jets 1 P Air Force = 2 (5 when Blocking Bombers)

Hedgerows 1 A Defenders get Force + 1

Encirclement 2 A All enemy units get Force –1

SS Troops 1 P Ground Force = 3

Wehrmacht 3 P Ground Force = 2

Panzergrenadiers 1 M Tank gets Force +1

U-Boats 4 P Sea Force = 1

German Navy 1 P Sea Force = 1

Wolf Packs 2 A Negate a Convoy card & draw a card

Italian Troops 1 A Ground Force = 1

Volksgrenadiers 2 A Ground Force = 1

Industrial Might 2 A Draw 1 extra card per turn

Occupied Countries 2 A Draw 1 extra card per turn

Nazi Propaganda 3 A All your Units get Force +1

Atlantic Wall 1 P Force = 2 (Defense only)

Sigfried Line 1 P Ground Force = 4 (Defense only)

War of Maneuver 2 A Ground Force = 3

88mm Cannons 2 P Ground Force = 3

Paratroopers 1 A Ground Force = 2

V2 Rockets 1 P Air Force = 1 (Only attack Power Base)


Card Name: # Type Notes:

T-34 Tanks 6 P Ground Force = 3

Snipers 3 P Ground Force = 1

Communist Propaganda 4 A All your Permanents get Force +1

Defense of Stalingrad 1 P Ground Force = 6 (Defense only)

Human Waves 2 A Ground Force = 2

Manufacturing 2 P Draw 1 extra Card per Turn

Lend Lease Program 1 P Draw 1 extra Card per Turn

Manpower Reserves 2 P Draw 1 extra Card per Turn

Stalin 1 L All your Units get Force +1

Steamroller Tactics 2 A Attack only. Force = 5

Red Army Infantry 6 P Ground Force = 2

Russian Officers 2 P Ground Force = 1

Russian Air Force 4 P Air Force = 1 (3 when Blocking Bombers)

Rockets & Artillery 2 A Ground Force = 3

General Winter 3 A All enemy units get Force –1

Large Territories 1 P Negate 1 Attack per Turn

General Konev 1 L All your Tanks get Attack +1

Marshal Zhukov 1 L All your Infantry get Attack +1


Card Name: # Type Notes:

Decipher Enigma 1 P Look at opponents hand

Night Time Bombing 4 A Force = 3 (Only to attack Power Base)

Commandos 1 P Ground Force = 1

Stiff Upper Lip 1 A All your Units get Force +1

Dunkirk Evacuation 1 A Negate destruction of a Ground unit

Atlantic Convoys 3 P Draw 1 extra card per turn

British Empire 1 P Draw 1 extra card per turn

Convoy Escorts 2 A Destroy target U-Boat

British Tommies 4 P Ground Force = 2

Naval Power 2 P Sea Force = 3

RAF 4 P Air Force = 2 (3 when Blocking Bombers)

Spitfires 2 P Force = 2 (3 when Blocking Bombers)

Battle of Britain 1 A All your Air Units get Force +2

Code-breakers 1 P Look at next 2 cards in opponents deck

British Intelligence 2 A Look at next 7 cards in any deck

British Armor 2 A Ground Force = 1

Electronics 1 P All your Air Units get Force +1

Colonial Units 2 A Ground Force = 2

Free French Forces 1 A Ground Force = 2

Montgomery 1 L Ground Force = 3

Churchill 1 L All your Units get Force +1


Card Name: # Type Notes:

Daylight Bombing 3 A Air Force = 3

Sherman Tanks 6 A Ground Force = 2

Flying Fortresses 4 P Air Force = 4 (Only attack Power Base)

Industrial Giant 3 P Draw +1 Card per Turn

Redball Express 1 P Draw +1 Card per Turn

General Patton 1 L All Tanks get Force +1

General Eisenhower 1 L Ground Force = 3

Atom Bomb Research 1 P Win game in 10 Turns

Roosevelt 1 L All your Units get Force +1

Carrier Taskforce 5 P Sea/Air Force = 4

US Submarines 2 P Sea Force = 1

Destroyers & Seaplanes 2 A Destroy target Sub or U-Boat

General Infantry 6 P Ground Force = 2

50 Calibre MG’s 1 A Destroy target Infantry

Amphibious Landing 4 A Ground/Sea Force = 3. Attack only

Artillery Bombardments 4 A Ground/Sea Force = 3

Air Superiority 2 A Air Force = 3

Attrition Warfare 2 A Force = 2

American Fighters 2 P Air Force = 1 (3 when Blocking Bombers)

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