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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris 1 Tanggal : 19 Agustus 2010

Kelas/Program : XI / IPA-IPS Waktu : 90 menit

Semester : 1 (Satu) Tahun Pel : 2010/2011


Choose the best answer.
1. Frogs can swim because ……….. weebed feet.

A. it has B. its has C. it’s has D. they have E. their have

2. When the dog chased Hanif, ……… ran as fast as ………. could.

A. he – he B. it – it C. he – it D. him – his E. it – its

3. The English teacher said to the class, “When ….. finished ……. work, please pass …….

up to me.”

A. you – yours – it B. they – their – them C. we – our – ours

D. you – your – them E. you – your – it

4. I met Novi yesterday. ……… invited ………. to her house.

A. He – me B. She – me C. I – her D. I – him E. She – mine

5. My uncle works in a factory. …….. says that ….. a noisy place.

A. She – it is B. He – they are C. He – it is D. They – it is E. He – he is

6. Table tennis began in England in the late 1800s. Today ……. is an international sport.

My brother and I played ……. a lot when …….. were teenagers.

A. it – it – they B. it – them – we C. its – it – we

D. it – its – we E. it – it – we

7. Zubair borrowed my English books. …….. returned ……. two days ago.

A. She – it B. He – it C. He – them D. I – them E. I - it

8. You and ………. can go out together. We’ll have fun.

A. me B. I C. she D. they E. he

9. Dirga works for Surabaya Technology Development. … goes to work with ….. sister.

A. He – her B. She – her C. He – his D. She – hers E. He – him

10. Mr. and Mrs. Aji Prakoso live in Jakarta. Yesterday …….. left for Malang to visit …..

son, Jurgen.

A. they – theirs B. we – our C. them – their D. they – his E. they – their


Read the following short texts carefully and then choose the best answer.

It was cold winter’s night when I went to Tumble Wood. The full moon drifted in and out of the clouds, casting silvery light on the branches. My heart pounded like a drum and my knees shook like jelly, but I couldn’t turn back.

I had to find the gold ring I lost at the picnic, the ring my grandma gave me before she died.

All around me the trees towered like giants. The branches waved in the wind like bony fingers. Snapping branches sounded like a thousand gunshots.

I ran as fast as a cheetah until I came to the clearing. I got down on my hands and knees and began to search for the ring. Then the full moon disappeared behind the trees. The night was dark, as dark as the deepest well. I dug deeper into the frosty earth with my bare hands. Suddenly, I felt something soft but cold. I shone my torch at the muddy earth.

And then I screamed, and jumped up. I looked down at the gruesome sight. It was a hand…. a human hand !
11. “All around me the trees towered like giants.” is a part of ……….

A. Orientation B. Complication C. Evaluation D. Resolution E. Re-orientation

12. I got down on my hands and knees and began to search for the ring.

The SYNONYM of the underlined word is …………..

A. look at B. look after C. look into D. look for E. look out

13. “…, the ring my grandma gave me before she died. “ She refers to ………

A. Tumble Wood B. a cheetah C. the writer D. the full moon E. my grandma

14. “And then I screamed, and jumped up. “ The OPPOSITE of the underlined word is …

A. said B. cried C. laughed D. screamed E. whispered

15. “ .. the ring my grandma gave me before she died. “ The SYNONIM of the

underlined word is ………..

A. suffer B. dying C. ill D. sorrow E. pass away


One day a bird was resting in her nest. Soon a fox came along. He wanted to knock the tree down and then would eat the bird. “Please don’t !”

said the little bird. “I’ll give you something else to eat !” She led the fox to the road. Soon two boys came along carrying a basket of food.

The bird hopped in front of the boys. She acted as if she were badly hurt. The boys put their basket down and walked towards the bird. At once Foxy ran over to the basket and ate them all. The bird flew off when the boys got near.

Now Foxy was no longer hungry, but he wanted the bird to make him laugh. So she took him to a farm. There the farmer’s wife was milking a cow. The bird flew down and sat on her shoulder. The farmer tried to hit the bird, but he missed and hit his wife. She fell, knocking over the pail of milk.

Foxy laughed and laughed seeing this, so he forgot the bird for a while. Quickly, the clever bird flew away and she was safe.

16. What type of text is used by the writer ?

A. Legend B. Myth C. Fable D. Folklore E. Romance

17. Soon a fox came along. What is the SYNONYM of the underlined word ?

A. step by step B. slowly C. gradually D. finally E. immediately

18. The organization of the text above is ……………..

A. Orientation, Event, Re-orientation

B. Orientation, Crisis, Reaction, Coda, Reflection

C. Orientation, Evaluation, Complication, Resolution, Re-orientation

D. Identification, Description

E. General classification, Description

19. She fell, knocking over the pail of milk. She in this sentence refers to ………….

A. The farmer B. the farmer’s wife C. the bird D. Foxy E. a cow

20. The communicative purpose of the text is …………..

A. to entertain readers with fairytales

B. to retell event that happened in the past

C. to describe the step how something is done

D. to amuse readers with funny experience

E. to describe a particular thing

T he old witch locked Hansel in a cage and set Gretel to clean the house. She planned to eat them both. Each night the children cried and begged the witch to let them go.

Meanwhile, at home, their stepmother was beginning to wish she had never tried to get rid of the children. “I must find them,” she said and set off into the forest.

Many hours later, when her feet were tired from walking and her lips were dry from thirst, she came to the cottage belonging to the witch. The stepmother peeped through the window. Her heart cried out when she saw the two children.

She picked up the broom leaning against the door and crept inside. The witch was putting some stew in the oven when the stepmother gave her an almighty push. The witch fell into the oven and the stepmother shut the door.

“Children, I have come to save you, “ she said, hugging them tightly. I have done a dreadful thing. I hope in time you will forgive me. Let me take you home and become a family again. They returned to their home and the stepmother became the best mother anyone could wish to have, and of course they lived happily ever after !
21. The story is about a stepmother who ….

A. saved her stepchildren from a witch B. cried and begged every night

C. planned to eat her stepchildren D. begged a witch for money

E. tried to run away from a witch

22. Which statements is TRUE about the stepmother ?

A. She was the witch’s friend B. She loved her stepchildren

C. She hit the witch with a broom D. She locked her children in a cage

E. She visited the witch to see her children

23. “The witch fell into the oven and the stepmother shut the door. “ ( Paragraph 4 )

The OPPOSITE of the underlined word is …….

A. closed B. opened C. painted D. marked E. polished

24. I have done a dreadful thing. The underlined word means ………

A. very good B. very nice C. very bad D. very wise E. very foolish

One day Batara Wisnu (god, the protector) distributed the Tirta Amerta Sari, or the drink of the gods. Anyone who drank it would never die. Batara Kala wanted to have some, too, so he tried to chat by taking the form of a god. Batara Surya (the sun god) and Batara Chandra (the moon godness), whoever, knew of this trick and told Batara Wisnu about it. When Batara Kala’ turn came to receive the drink, Batara Wisnu shot him from the distance with his famous weapon,the “ Cakra”. It cut his head off. Some of the drink, whoever, spilled over Batara Kala’s head. This made his head live forever. From then on Batara Kala’s head has continued to live without his body.

Batara Kala was very angry with Batara Surya and Batara Chandra. He tried to eat them, but the god and the goodness escaped. Batara kala got angrier and from that time on he has never stopped chasing them.

Batara Wisnu wanted to protect the gods and the goodness. So, he ordered the people on earth to make a lot of noise whenever there is an eclipse.the noise would help Batara Surya and Batara Chandra to escape from Batara Kala’s throat.

25. “It cut his head off.” It in this sentence refers to …………….

A. The drink B. Famous weapon C.The God D.The sun god E. The Godness

26. Who shot Batara Kala’s head ?

A. Batara Surya B. Batara wisnu C. Tirata amerta sari

D. Batara Chandra E. The drink

27. Batara Wisnu wanted to protect the gods and the goodness. THE SYNONYM of

the underlined word is ………….

A. prevent B. save C. attack D. destroy E. help

28. “ … Batara Surya and Batara Chandra to escape from Batara Kala’s throat.”

The SYNONYM of the underlined word is …………………

A. protect B. run away C. hide D. prevent E. hind


Many years ago, there lived a hermit in a forest in Sumatra. He did not grow food but depended on the jungle fruit to survive. Soon, there was a drought, and all the plants and fruit trees in the jungle died.

The old man had nothing to eat now, so he turned to begging. He went to a nearby village trying to get some food. At first, the villagers were happy to help him. However, when he came continually, they refused to give him any more food. They told him to grow his own food.

One day, while the hermit was sitting in his hut, sad and hungry, he began to think about growing his own food. Just then, a boatman stopped by, and taking pity on the hermit, gave him some padi seeds.

Before the boatman went away, he said, “These seeds will grow and give you everlasting harvests if you work very hard. If you are tired of the work, the padi plants will turn into weeds.”

The old hermit worked hard to clear the land and sowed the seeds before the rains came. Strangely, after a short period of time, the padi was ready for harvesting. The old man got a lot of padi from the harvest. After each harvest, the plants grew back again right away. When the villagers heard about the hermit and his wonderful padi, they flocked to his padi field and took home as much padi as they could.

One day, the hermit became so tired of harvesting the padi that he shouted, “ Oh, stop growing, you wretched thing !” As soon as he had said this, the padi plants turned into weeds.

29. What did the boatman give to hermit ?

A. Fruit trees B. Food C. Padi plants D. Weeds E. Padi seeds

30. Why did the padi plants turn into weeds ?

A. The hermit go angry with the villagers

B. The hermit stopped growing the padi plants

C. The hermit shouted ordering the padi plants to stop growing

D. The villagers grew weeds instead of padi plants

E. The villagers took home as much padi as they could

31. “ … became so tired of harvesting the padi that he shouted, …”

The SYNONYM of the underlined word is ……………

A. said B. cried C. laughed D. screamed E. whispered

32. “When the villagers heard about the hermit and his wonderful padi, they flocked …”

They in this sentence refers to ………………..

A. the hermit and his wonderful padi B. the hermit C. the villagers

D. his wonderful padi E. harvest


Once upon a time, there was a fisherman whose name Batara Guru Sahala lived in Batak land. One day he caught a fish. He was surprised to find that the fish could talk like human being. It begged Sahala to let her free. He did accordingly.

As soon as the fish was free, it changed into a woman. She was so beautiful that Sahala fell in love with her at once. He asked her to marry him. The woman agreed to marry Sahala. However, she told him that he must never let out the secret that she was once a fish. Sahala promised her that he could not tell anyone about it.

They married happily, and had two daughters. Every morning Sahala went out fishing. His daughter would bring him his lunch. One day, however, instead of bringing the food to their father, the two girls ate it.

When Sahala knew what they had done with meal, he got very angry. He shouted at them saying, “you behave exactly like the daughters of fish !”

The daughters didn’t know what their father meant. They went home and asked their mother about it. Their mother was very annoyed. Though Sahala apologized to her later, she wouldn’t forgive him for breaking his promise.

Then the earth began to shake, and volcanoes started to erupt. The earth cracked and formed a big hole. People said that the hole became Lake Toba.

33. What does the paragraph tell us about ?

A. The earth began to shake B. The earth cracked C. They married happily

D. The legend of Lake Toba E. The volcanoes erupted

34. Which of the following sentence is NOT TRUE according to the text ?

A. They married happily, and had three daughters

B. Every morning Sahala went out fishing

C. Sahala’s wife was very annoyed to hear that Sahala had said to her daughters

D. The woman agreed to marry Sahala

E. She was so beautiful that Sahala fell in love with her at once

35. They went home and asked their mother about it. It ( in paragraph 5 line 2 ) refer to……………….

A. What their father meant B. She wouldn’t forgive him

C. Their mother was very annoyed D. Breaking his promise

E. Sahala apologized to her

36. “ you behave exactly like the daughters of fish !” The SYNONYM of behave is………

A. think B. eat C. act D. feel E. swim

Long time ago, there lived a poor woodcutter named Ali Baba.

One day Ali Baba saw a group of thieves. They stopped in front of a huge rock and the head thief said,” Open Sesame !” the rock slowly rolled open.

When the thieves left, Ali Baba went to the rock,” Open Sesame !” he said. When the rock rolled open, Ali Baba went into the cave. He saw a lot of treasure in the cave. Ali Baba brought back some of the treasure. His family was happy to see the treasure. They became rich.

One day Ali Baba’s wife bought a beautiful necklace. The head thief saw her. Seeing that she was a rich lady, he planned to rob her. The head thief went to Ali Baba’s house. He disguise himself as a traveler and asked Ali Baba for a place to rest. Being kind, Ali Baba invited him for dinner. While they were eating dinner, Ali Baba’s maid, Morgiana, heard noise behind the kitchen. The thieves had come to steal Ali Baba’s treasure. Morgiana walked very slowly to the big jars. There were thieves hiding in the jars. The clever maid quickly poured hot oil into the jars. All the thieves died. The head thief heard his men screaming and became very afraid. He ran out of Ali Baba’s house and was never seen again.

37. “They stopped in front of a huge rock and the head …” The SYNONYM of huge is ….

A. very thin B. very small C. very wide D. very big E. very far

38. Where did Ali Baba see the thieves ?

A. in the jars B. in the cave C. at rest place

D. at Ali Baba’s house E. in front of a huge rock

39. Who said ”Open Sesame” for the first time ?

A. Ali Baba B. Morgiana C. the thieves

D. the head thief E. Ali Baba’s wife

40. All of the thieves died because ……

A. they had come to steal Ali Baba’s treasure

B. they planned to rob Ali Baba’s wife

C. they had come to Ali Baba’s house to steal his treasure

D. the clever maid had poured hot oil into the jars where there were thieves hiding

E. the head thief heard his men screaming and became very afraid


Listen to the cassette carefully and then choose the best answer.


Instruction : Choose the best answer A, B, C, D, or E

1. X : People play soccer in many countries. (active)

Y : Is soccer a popular sport ?

X : Yes, soccer ………………. in many countries. (passive)

A. are played B. is played C. is play D. was played E. were played

2. X : A judge sends the bank robber to jail. (active)

Y : What happens to the bank robber ?

X : The bank robber ………… to jail by a judge. (passive)

A. is sent B. is send C. was send D. was sent E. are sent

3. X : I hear about a village in the radio. Terrorists attacks the village. (active)

Y : What happened to the village ?

X : The village …………….. by terrorists. (passive)

A. is attacked B. are attacked C. was attacked

D. were attacked E. attacked

4. X : People speak English in many countries. (active)

Y : Is English an international language ?

X : Yes. English …………………… in many countries. (passive)

A. is spoken B. was spoken C. are spoken D. is spoke E. were spoken

5. X : Teachers teach reading in the first grade. (active)

Y : What do teachers teach in the first grade ?

X : Reading ………… in the first grade. (passive)

A. was taught B. was teaching C. is taught D. is teaching E. are taught

6. X : Waitresses and waiters serve customers. (active)

Y : Who serves customers ?

X : Customers …………….. by waitresses and waiters. (passive)

A. is served B. are served C. was served D. were served E. served

7. X : People grow rice in many countries. (active)

Y : What do people grow in many countries ?

X : Rice …………… in many countries. (passive)

A. is grow B. are grown C. is grew D. is grown E. were grown

8. X : People use bulb for light. (active)

Y : Is bulb used for light.

X : Yes. Bulb …………….. for light. (passive)

A. is used B. are used C. was used D. were used E. used

9. X : Mark writes that book. (active)

Y : Who writes that book ?

X : That book …………………… by Mark. (passive)

A. is written B. is wrote C. is writing D. was written E. was writing

10. X : After class, one of the students always erases the whiteboard. (active)

Y : When does one of the students always erase the whiteboard ?

X : The whiteboard ……………… by one of the students after class. (passive)

A. is always erased B. was always erased C. are always erased

D. were always erased E. always erased


Instructions : Read the following texts carefully and then answer the questions

based on the texts by choosing A, B, C, D, or E.
TEXT 1. This text is for questions no.11.- 16

Sea World in Ancol Dreamland is a place where many kinds of fishes are kept in captivity. It is designed similar to the real underwater life There are big and small fishes, and beautiful corals. People can come and see them there. The fishes swim in an aquarium as big as volleyball court. Some people enjoy seeing the fishes, and they think that it’s important to keep some kinds of fishes in captivity so that we can study them and find out about them. They can see the underwater life without diving into the sea.

Sea World Indonesia is divided into two worlds, fresh water and salt water. In the fresh water section, you can find out about ecosystem, South American fish, Piranha, Indonesian fish, the electric eel, African fish, baby crocodiles and giant crabs. Salt water consists of jellyfish, dugong, coral reef, miniature corals, schooling fish, dangerous sea creatures, the underwater world and many more.

Diving is also an option at Sea World. You can try to dive in the giant aquarium and fed the fishes. It is very safe because our professional divers will guide you.

11. The text tells us about …………

A. Sea World B. the underwater life C. Ancol Dreamland

D. Diving E. ecosystem

12. It is very safe because our professional divers will guide you.

The OPPOSITE of the underlined word is ……………..

A. amazing B. depressing C. surprising D. dangerous E. fascinating

13. You can try to dive in the giant aquarium and fed the fishes.

The OPPOSITE of giant is ……………..

A. huge B. tiny C. thick D. big E. large

14. People can come and see them there. Them refers to ……………….

A. Sea World in Ancol Dreamland B. the real underwater life

C. big and small fishes, and beautiful corals D. People

E. an aquarium as big as volleyball court

15. What type of text is it ?

A. Narrative B. Report C. Descriptive D. Recount E. Discussion

16. What is the communicative purpose of the text above ?

A. to entertain readers with fairytales

B. to retell event that happened in the past

C. to describe the step how something is done

D. to entertain readers with funny experience

E. to describe a particular thing
TEXT 2. This text is for questions no.17.- 22


One day a bird was resting in her nest. Soon a fox came along. He wanted to knock the tree down and then would eat the bird. “Please don’t !”

said the little bird. “I’ll give you something else to eat !” She led the fox to the road. Soon two boys came along carrying a basket of food.

The bird hopped in front of the boys. She acted as if she were badly hurt. The boys put their basket down and walked towards the bird. At once Foxy ran over to the basket and ate them all. The bird flew off when the boys got near.

Now Foxy was no longer hungry, but he wanted the bird to make him laugh. So she took him to a farm. There the farmer’s wife was milking a cow. The bird flew down and sat on her shoulder. The farmer tried to hit the bird, but he missed and hit his wife. She fell, knocking over the pail of milk.

Foxy laughed and laughed seeing this, so he forgot the bird for a while. Quickly, the clever bird flew away and she was safe.

17. What type of text is used by the writer ?

A. Descriptive B. Narrative C. Recount D. Spoof E. Report

18. In narrative text, the writer mostly uses ……………….

A. The Simple Past Tense B. Passive Voice C. The Simple Present Tense

D. Indirect Speech E. Imperative

19. The organization of the text above is ……………..

A. Orientation, Event, Re-orientation

B. Orientation, Crisis, Reaction, Coda, Reflection

C. Orientation, Evaluation, Complication, Resolution, Re-orientation

D. Identification, Description

E. General classification, Description

20. She led the fox to the road. ‘She’ refers to ……………..

A. the fox B. the nest C. the bird D. the tree E. the road

21. At once Foxy ran over to the basket and ate them all.

them” in this sentence refers to ……………

A. the fox B. the bird C. the basket D. the food E. the boys

22. The bird flew down and sat on her shoulder. ‘her’ refers to …………..

A. the bird B. the fox C. the farmer

D. the shoulder E. the farmer’s wife

TEXT 3. This text is for questions no.23.- 26

One day Batara Wisnu (god, the protector) distributed the Tirta Amerta Sari, or the drink of the gods. Anyone who drank it would never die. Batara Kala wanted to have some, too, so he tried to chat by taking the form of a god. Batara Surya (the sun god) and Batara Chandra (the moon godness), whoever, knew of this trick and told Batara Wisnu about it. When Batara Kala’ turn came to receive the drink, Batara Wisnu shot him from the distance with his famous weapon,the “ Cakra”. It cut his head off. Some of the drink, whoever, spilled over Batara Kala’s head. This made his head live forever. From then on Batara Kala’s head has continued to live without his body.

Batara Kala was very angry with Batara Surya and Batara Chandra. He tried to eat them, but the god and the goodness escaped. Batara kala got angrier and from that time on he has never stopped chasing them.

Batara Wisnu wanted to protect the gods and the goodness. So, he ordered the people on earth to make a lot of noise whenever there is an eclipse.the noise would help Batara Surya and Batara Chandra to escape from Batara Kala’s throat.

23. “It cut his head off.” It in this sentence refer to …………….

A. The drink B. Famous weapon C.The God

D.The sun God E.The Godness

24. Who shot Batara Kala’s head ?

A. Batara Surya B. Batara wisnu C. Tirata amerta sari

D. Batara Chandra E. The drink

25. “He tried to eat them, but the …” Them refers to ………….

A. Batara Kala and Batara Chandra B. Batara Wisnu and Batara Surya

C. Batara Surya and Batara Chandra D. Tirta Amerta Sari

E. Batara Chandra, Batara Wisnu and Batara Surya

26. “ … Batara Surya and Batara Chandra to escape from Batara Kala’s throat.”

The SYNONYM of the underlined word is …………………

A. protect B. run away C. hide D. prevent E. hind

TEXT 4. This text is for questions no.27.- 30

When we stand in the lobby of Hotel Borobudur and look at the very busy square in front of us, we can hardly believe that in 1649 - one year after the Peace of Muenster ended the Thirty Years War in Central Europe and the independence of the Netherlands from German Empire was formally recognized – this whole area was still wild forest and swamp. A large field was granted in that same year to a certain Anthonij Paviljoen.

Some years later, in 1657, a small fort, called Noordwijk, was built not far from where the elevated railway crosses the broad street in front of the main entrance to the spacious grounds of the Istiqlal Mosque. The main purpose of this fort was to keep an eye on the cattle that grazed in the Paviljoensveld, the first of many names given to the present Lapangan Banteng.

27. What is the appropriate title for the description above ?

A. Lapangan Banteng B. Hotel Borobudur C. Istiqlal Mosque

D. Ciliwung River E. Anthonij Paviljoen

28. What is the main purpose of the Noordwijk ?

A. to keep an eye on enemy B. to keep an eye on cattle

C. to defend the area D. to protect Paviljoensveld

E. to save Netherlands from German Empire

29. What is the name of Lapangan Banteng in the past ?

A. Anthonij B. Muenster C. Paviljoensveld

D. Noordwijk E. Banteng Field

30. “ We can hardly believe that in 1649 … “

The underlined word has the same meaning with ………

A. difficult to B. are C. happen to D. can strongly E. easy to

TEXT 5. This text is for questions no.31.- 35

Sulawesi is an island with four huge peninsulas and a large traditional community. It has a long coastline. The numerous volcanoes and high limestone mountains are very spectacular. There are four distinct cultural groups in Sulawesi. The Minahasa are mainly in North Sulawesi, The Torajas generally live in the central mountains of Sulawesi. The South and South East of Sulawesi are inhabited by the Makassarese and Buginese.

Tanah Toraja is the most beautiful mountainous area of the island of Sulawesi. The Torajas are an ancient tribal people. They have unique traditional ceremonies and dances.

Menado is the chief port of North Sulawesi. The city is directly south of the Philippines. Just north of Menado is Bunaken Island. It has a beautiful coral reef. Only about 50 kilometers south of Menado is Lake Tondano. The scenery around the lake is spectacular.

31. Which of these statements has a similar meaning to this sentence ?

“They have unique traditional ceremonies and dances.”

A. Their ceremonies are found all over Sulawesi.

B. They are the only ones who have such ceremonies.

C. They have ceremonies like the Minahasa.

D. They are a bamboo culture

E. Their cultures are the same with others’ cultures

32. Where is Tanah Toraja ? It is in ……………………

A. an important part of Sulawesi B. an old cave C. coastline

D. a traditional house E. a beautiful mountainous are

33. How far is Lake Tondano from Menado ? It is ……………..

A. fifty kilometers north of Menado B. fifty kilometers south of Menado

C. fifty kilometers of North Sulawesi D. fifty kilometers of Bunaken Island

E. Fifty kilometers of Tanah Toraja

34. “ It has a beautiful coral reef.” It in this sentence refers to ……………

A. Lake Tondano B. Bunaken Island C. Makasar

D. The coral reef E. Tanah Toraja

35. What is the main idea of the first paragraph ?

A. There are four disctinct sultural groups in Sulawesi

B. Sulawesi is an island with four huge peninsulas and a large traditional community

C. The numerous volcanoes and high limestone mountains are very spectacular

D. The Torajas generally live in the central mountains of Sulawesi

E. Sulawesi is inhabited by the Makassarese and Biginese

TEXT 6. This text is for questions no.36.- 40
What comes to mind when somebody asks you whether television is also giving us disadvantages ? Are you going to say “yes” ?

But, what did we use to do before television existed ? Television has been with us for a long time and I think people have already begun to forget what the world was like without it. Before it existed, people used to enjoy simple pleasures. For instance, they probably used to have hobbies, entertain their friends and be entertained, go out for amusements to theatres, cinemas, restaurants, and sport events. They used to read books, listen to music and the radio. But many of those belonged to the past. Now, almost all of our free time is regulated by the “goggle box”.

Let’s think of what people do with the presence of television. Information can be absorbed easily and everything can be visualized. Some people feel that it is a must to watch TV to be well-informed. Television programs are considered a cheap source of information and entertainment. Watching TV program could be an easy way to release stress. We can also improve our general knowledge by watching and listening to the news and other educational programs. Of course, there are many advantages we can get by watching TV.

I like watching TV very much. I guess it is one of my hobbies and my interests. It is true that television is providing us with many advantages. However, recently, I started to think about the drawbacks. So, if somebody asks me whether television is giving us disadvantages, I must answer, “Yes, TV is also giving us disadvantages!” It is also possible that those disadvantages could give us a bad influence.

36. The social function of the text is …………

A. to give information about television B. to describe what television is

C.. to persuade readers to watch television D. to criticize television

E. to present two point of view about advantages and disadvantages of television

37. Before having TV, people used to do the following, EXCEPT …………..

A. have and do their hobbies B. go out for amusement C. read boos

D. discuss today’s program on TV E. entertain their friends

38. The following sentences are advantages of TV, EXCEPT …………

A. to release stress B. to be well-informed C. be consumptive

D. to improve knowledge E. to get information easily

39. Before it existed, people used to enjoy simple pleasures. It refers to ………

A. people B. simple pleasures C. television

D. the world E. the radio

40. “ …asks you whether television is also giving us disadvantages ? “

What is the SYNONYM of disadvantages ?

A. risk B. profit C. benefit D. advantages E. interest


Sekolah Menengah Atas Islam (SMA Islam) PB Soedirman

Cijantung – Jakarta Timur

Status Akreditasi : Disamakan

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