Joint foi responses 2016 Request Reference

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The warrants are often issued to enable these private energy companies to fit pre-pay meters to collect debt.
Police forces will often charge for officers’ services when for example policing large commercial events:
It would be very helpful if you could give an estimate of the number of warrant visits attended by your force in the last year for which data is available, and if possible, an estimate of the cost to do so.


Nothing To Disclose

Section 12


***Applicant has clarified that his request refers to Norwich City and Ipswich Town supporters***
Please could you answer the following questions relating to Football Banning Orders in your force area and consider this request under the Freedom of Information act?
1) How many under 18s in your force area have received a Football Banning Order in the last three years? With what footbal

l team are they associated?

2) How old is the youngest person to receive a Football Banning Order in the last three years? With what team are they associated?

3)How many over 50s in your force area have received a Football Banning Order in the last three years? With what football team are they associated?

4) How old if the oldest person to receive a Football Banning Order in the last three years? With what football team are they associated?

Should this be too time-consuming, could you please provide me with the age of every person to receive a Football Banning Order in the past three years, as well as the football club with which they are associated?


Full Disclosure


Good afternoon, hope you’re well. Please may I request copies of the following:

1. The total number of rewards for information relating to a crime offered by your force, and the amount offered in each individual reward, from 1 January 2010 to 1 March 2016 inclusive, broken down by year;

2. Which, if any, of the rewards for information outlined in question 1 were paid out by your force, and the amount paid out on each reward for information; and
3. The total amount paid to police informants by your force from 1 January 2010 to 1 March 2016, broken down by year and informant (ie. in 2010 the force paid out £10,000 to informants; £9,000 went to one informant, and a further £100 went to another 10 informants).


Partial Disclosure

Section 12


1. In the 2015 calendar year how many times did your force make a request to Twitter for information relating to a user in connection with a criminal case?

2. How many of these requests were complied with by Twitter and how many were refused?

3. How many of these requests were made in connection with inquiries in relation to (i) homicides and (ii) terrorism offences.


Partial Disclosure




I am already speaking with your press office regarding some of the information that is included in the following request - so apologies if there is some repetition within the below.

However, I wanted to submit the following request to your force so that I have a full and accurate set of information to work from in the future.

1. How many entries are there on your forces current register of business interests, and how many employees does this relate to?

If a recent version is not available, please provide the number on the list from when it was last updated.

The information I am requesting of course includes registered interests that may have been logged at an earlier time, but have not been removed.

This request relates to all employees across your force (including staff/civilians as well as officers), and only to interests that have been approved.

2. Please include the details of all employees across your force with a registered non-policing job or business interest - so for each individual, I would like to know his or her rank/position – and the second job/ business interest etc. and the year it was registered.

3. What percentage of your force currently has a registered business interest/second job? Please provide two breakdowns: one breakdown for officers, and a second breakdown for all other policing staff.

4. In addition, and providing you hold this information: How many persons were on your register of interests at the end of the following financial years:




This does NOT relate to how many individuals logged an interest during a given year - but the full number of people on the list at that point in time.

Please also include their rank/position in the force.
If you only hold this information from a different point during that year (e.g. at the end of 2013, or from a previous FOI request at another time) – please provide this. The information I require is exactly the same as requested in (1.) - but simply relates to an earlier period of time.


Partial Disclosure



I would like to make a Freedom of Information request. Please could you send me data on the following:
1.) The number of new officers joining Suffolk Police in the last 3 years

2.) The number of such officers with policing degrees, by gender and ethnicity if possible.


Full Disclosure


This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act.

For each of the past five years, please provide the number instances in which a reward has been given for information relating to a crime and the amount of each reward.

If this is not possible, please indicate the total amount spent on rewards for information for each of the past five years.


Full Disclosure


This FOI request relates to disability and the job related fitness test [JRFT].

For the period 1 September 2014 to 30 September 2015 please tell me:

1. What was the criteria in your police force for undertaking the JRFT?

2. What was your total police officer strength during this period?

3. How many police officers had classed themselves as disabled during this period?

4. How many police officers were classed as restricted [through medical reasons] or on adjusted duties during this period?

5. How many officers undertook the JRFT in this period?

6. What percentage of those officers that took the JRFT were disabled?

7. Of those that undertook the JRFT, what percentage were restricted [due to medical reasons] or on adjusted duties?

8. Of those that undertook the JRFT, what percentage had classed themselves as disabled?

9. What percentage of overall officers did not take the JRFT?

10. What reasons did these officers not take the JRFT?

11. How many officers have received a sanction [of any type, including management action] for failing the JRFT?

12. Were any of those officers disabled, restricted [because of medical reasons] or on adjusted duties?

13. Does your force offer an alternative JRFT for those whom are disabled or who have mobility issues?

14. If so, which alternative test[s] do you offer?

15. Please state how many officers undertook which alternatives during this period.


Partial Disclosure

Section 12


I would like to know the number of police currently suspended and still entitled to their salary.

Could you specify when the suspension began and the salary and rank of the individual.


Full Disclosure


I would be grateful for a record of all resignations from Norfolk Police Force due to mental health issues.
In particular I am keen to receive figures of police resignations due to mental health issues between the timescale between 01/01/2011 – 01/03/2016. If this is an issue and data for 2016 not yet been collated, I will accept information from 01/01/2011 – 31/12/2015. And I require the information to be set out in months of each year.
Furthermore, detail of the cause of resignation would be appreciated. If possible, I would like a breakdown of the amount of resigned officers and currently employed officers complaining of suffering from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).


Nothing To Disclose

Section 12


I would like to know for the years 2011/12; 2012/13; 2013/14; 2014/15 and the current financial year up to 21/3/2016 please:
- If the force had a specialist team working in child exploitation and sexual abuse
- If so, how many police officers and police staff worked in that team
- Among those, how many officers have been arrested or charged for any offence under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 involving a child; and how many police staff have been arrested or charged for any offence under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 involving a child.
- For those who have, the date of arrest and/or charge; details of the alleged offence and for officers, their rank.


Full Disclosure


1. Please provide or describe any policies, procedures, guidelines or standard operational practices which dictate or otherwise influence the decision as to which officers or investigative staff interview child suspects.

(An ‘interview’ is defined in paragraph 11.1A of Code C of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) 1984: ‘An interview is the questioning of a person regarding their involvement or suspected involvement in a criminal offence or offences which, under paragraph 10.1, must be carried out under caution’. A ‘child’ is a person aged between 10-17 years old. A ‘suspect’ is a person who is interviewed under paragraph 11.1A).

2. Is it mandatory for a person interviewing a child suspect to have a minimum level of training? What is that level e.g. Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 or other?

3. What proportion of interviews of child suspects are conducted by officers with Tier 1 training within the last 12 months or other recent timeframe?

4. What proportion of interviews of child suspects are conducted by officers with Tier 2 training within the last 12 months or other recent timeframe?

5. What proportion of interviews of child suspects are conducted by officers with Tier 3 training within the last 12 months or other recent timeframe?


Nothing To Disclose

Section 12


Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I seek the following pieces of information in relation to police being struck off for misconduct.
1. The total amount of police officers who have been struck off for misconduct.
2. A list of the offences that have resulted in officers being struck off.
I would like this information broken down annually from January 2012 until the time my request is answered.


Full Disclosure


. In the last five financial years, how many persons have reported being unlawfully arrested by your force? (i.e. they have made an allegation against your force relating to unlawful arrest).

2. In the last five financial years, how many people have been found to have been unlawfully arrested? (i.e. their case was proven). Please provide the reason why the arrest was unlawful. For example: Mistaken identity, etc.

For both (1) and (2) – please provide the figures relating to the year in which the unlawful arrests were reported.
By the last three financial years, I refer to: 2012/13, 2013/14, and 2014/15 - lease break down by year.
3. How much money has been paid out in compensation claims following an unlawful arrest during the last five financial years?
For (3), please provide the total sum broken down by years. I would like the information relating to the year it was paid out, regardless if the claim was submitted during an earlier year.
If possible, please break down each claim by sum, and the offence that an individual was unlawfully arrested for.

I have included a local newspaper article to help define what I mean by a wrongful or unlawful arrest.


Full Disclosure


1. Does this Constabulary advertise any ‘next of kin appeals’?

2. If yes, can you send me details of where this is advertised?

3. If the answer to question 1 is ‘yes’ under what circumstances would the constabulary launch a next of kin appeal?

4. Does the Constabulary carry out a public health funeral if you cannot locate a next of kin?

5. If the answer to question 1 is ‘Yes’, to the best of your knowledge, would this information be duplicated anywhere? For example some Local Authorities also publish next of kin appeals, could the same information appear on both datasets?


Full Disclosure


1. The number of children (under 18) detained under s136 of the Mental Health Act and held in a police cell in 2015-2016
2. The number of children (under 18) detained under s136 of the Mental Health Act between 1st January 2015 and March 2016.

Please provide detail of where each child was held (for example, a police cell/A&E) and how long they were held.

3. In these cases, how many times did the police record the use of force on the young person?


Partial Disclosure



1. How many people employed by the constabulary were overpaid in each of the financial years: 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16 so far?
2. In total, by how much were people employed by the constabulary overpaid in each of the financial years: 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16 so far?
3. For each financial year (2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16 so far), how much of this money has been recouped by the constabulary?
4a. What was the largest overpayment that the constabulary can locate in each of the financial years: 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16 so far?
4b. What position within the constabulary does the person who received the highest overpayment each year have? Eg, 2011-12: police constable. 2012-13: detective constable, etc.


Nothing To Disclose

Section 12


1. How many serving police officers employed within your force have criminal convictions?
2. What are these criminal convictions?
3. How many police officers with those convictions were convicted whilst being a serving officer for your force and in which year were they convicted?


Full Disclosure


I would like to receive itemised details of credit card expenditure made by the force between 1 April 2015 and 1 April 2016.
As part of this request I would also like to know what type of credit card was used on each occasion and what the offered APR was when that card was taken out by the force.


Partial Disclosure

Section 12


Whilst we would prefer not to have to trouble you with this request, it is a requirement of the OJEU Framework Tender process that we estimate the market size. We therefore need to ask you to complete some basic information about the current costs that you incur for the services.
The Framework tender is probably the largest Payment Service tender ever undertaken. We expect all the banks, and other payment service providers, to provide service offers that reflect this huge opportunity. Please help us to maximise the benefits by including as much of the requested information as possible.
Important Note: We do not need precise figures. Estimates are perfectly acceptable. If any part or the information request is difficult to respond to, we would prefer for you to simply leave it blank than to have to invest significant time in providing that answer.
Finally, it would be very helpful to us if your response could be made via the form which is at:
The need to cut costs wherever we can is sadly inescapable, and in many areas the Chancellor's target of 50p per £100 will be a major challenge. Hopefully the information you provide here will make a major dent in those targets, by generating average savings of £20+ per £100 spend!


Partial Disclosure

Section 12


Please could you provide the following information with regards to your Forensic Medical Examination and SARC Services Provision:
Forensic Medical Services Provision
• Current incumbent

Current annual contract value

• Current contract start date

• Current contract end date

• Possible extension periods to the current contract

• Projected dates for pre-engagement discussions

• Projected ITT release date

Contracting Authority

• Please confirm if there are any regional future framework plans?
SARC Management Provision
• Current Incumbent

• Current annual contract value

• Current contract start date

• Current contract end date

• Possible extension periods to the current contract

• Projected dates for pre-engagement discussions

• Projected ITT release date

• Contracting Authority

• Please confirm if there are any regional future framework plans?
SARC Forensic Examination Provision
• Current Incumbent

• Current annual contract value

• Current contract start date

• Current contract end date

• Possible extension periods to the current contract

• Projected dates for pre-engagement discussions

• Projected ITT release date

• Contracting Authority

• Please confirm if there are any regional future framework plans?


Full Disclosure


I would like to know the number of police officers sacked or suspended relating to claims of extremism or radicalisation. As an example, this could include an officer who was suspended for posting extremist messages on Facebook. Another example could be an officer suspended for expressing support for Islamic State. I would like this information for the last five years, broken down by year and by rank. Where possible I would like to know why they have been suspended and if they were subsequently reinstated or sacked. Please can you provide this information electronically.


Nothing To Disclose

Not Held


Good Afternoon
Can you please provide me with the following information and a FOI reference number:
Q1: Do you deploy body cameras in your force area ?
If Yes:
Q2: How many body cameras is your force able to deploy at any given time ?

Q3: Does your force deploy body cameras to regular officers ?

Q4: Does your force deploy body cameras to special constables ?

Q5: Who is the portfolio lead for the purchase, deployment and maintenance of body cameras in your force ?

If No to Q1:
Q6: Does your force propose to invest in body cameras for the safety of the community and police officers in the 2016/2017 financial year ?


Full Disclosure


I understand that if police recover a mobile phone and do not know who its registered owner is, they have to make an application under Ripa to get the information from the operator and are charged for this information.
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please can you tell me:
1. How many Ripa applications has your force made in each of the past three years (2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16) just to obtain registered owner details of a mobile phone?

2. In each year, how much money did you have to pay to mobile phone companies to obtain this information?

3. How many mobile phone handsets do you currently have in your lost property stores?


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