entparametersshall bemonitoredusing true RMSmeasurementsfor accurate(±1%) representationofnon-sinusoidalwaveformstypicalofcomputers and other sensitiveloads.
History StatusFile. AHistory Status fileshall contain all oftheinformationinthe Present Statusscreens exceptLoadkVA.The controlsystemshallmaintain thisinformationin discreet4 millisecondframes (1 millisecondresolution)updatingmemory ona First-In-First- Out basis.Thisshall providestatus recall ofa periodofat least256 milliseconds(64 frames) that is 160millisecondsbefore the malfunction fault(40frames),the faultframe,and 92 millisecondsafter the malfunction(23 frames).
SystemStatus File. The controlsystemshall monitor anddisplaythe total operatinghours ofthe UPSsystem.
DiagnosticAids. The UPSshall beprovidedwiththe built-in diagnostics for troubleshooting and circuit alignmentaids.
RemoteMonitoringCapability.Modbus (serial communications protocol), BACnet (Building Automation and Control protocol), TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) shall be standard protocols. Interface with existing monitoring system that is compatible with MD Anderson current UPC monitoring system (Foreseer by DataTrax Systems), is expected. Contractor is responsible to complete final terminations, programming, alarming, and updating the graphics.
The followingdigital alarms shall be availablefor display: InputFail
Bypass Not Available
StaticSwitch Disabled
Battery CBOpen
Control PowerFail
StaticSwitch Unable
The UPScontrol communicationcircuits shall also downloadoperationaldatafor analysis,upon requestfroma local or remoteterminal. Information availablefor display shall includeall alarms andsystemparameterscontainedinthe presentstatus,eventhistory,andhistory status files.
Aset ofeight(8)Form"C" remotealarmcontactsshall beprovidedat the SCC (System Control Cabinet) for customeruse. Thesecontactsshallindicatethesameinformationas listedinRemote AlarmPanel. Latchhornonanddisplayalarmuntil manuallyreset
Delay action fromthisalarmfor 0 to9999seconds The UPSshallinclude appropriate communications interface atthe SCC (SystemControl Cabinet). Modbus (serial communications protocol), BACnet (Building Automation and Control protocol), TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) shall be standard protocols. Interface with existing monitoring system that is compatible with MD Anderson current UPC monitoring system (Foreseer by DataTrax Systems), is expected. Contractor is responsible to complete final terminations, programming, alarming, and updating the graphics. Alarms include but not limited to:
LowBattery Shutdown
AutoTransferTo Bypass
UPSSYSTEM General.The UPSsystemshall consistofa UPS module,external maintenancebypass/output switchgear,battery disconnectbreaker,battery cabinetand batterysystem.
The UPSmoduleshall consistofa rectifier/chargerand 3-phaseinverterwithassociated transformers. SystemProtection.The UPSshallhavebuilt-in protectionagainst surges,sags, and over- currentfromthe ACsource,overvoltageandvoltagesurges fromoutputterminalsofparalleled sources,and loadswitchingand circuitbreakeroperationin the distributionsystem.The UPS shall be protectedagainstsudden changes inoutputloadandshortcircuits at the output terminals.The UPSshallhavebuilt-in protection againstpermanentdamageto itselfand the connectedloadfor all predictabletypes ofmalfunctions.Fast-actingcurrentlimitingdevices shall beusedto protectagainstcascadingfailureofsolid-statedevices.Internal UPS malfunctionsshall cause the moduleto trip off-linewithminimumdamageto the moduleand providemaximuminformationto maintenancepersonnelregardingthe reason for trippingoff line. Theloadshall be automaticallytransferredto the bypass lineuninterrupted,shouldthe connectedcriticalloadexceedthe capacity ofthe availableon-linemodules.The status of protectivedevicesshall beindicatedona graphicdisplayscreen onthe frontoftheunit.
UPS System Output. Load Rating. 100% continuous load rating at 40 deg C for any combination of linear and non-linear loads at the capacity of the connected modules or rating of the SCC (System Control Cabinet), whichever is less (Load rating is subject to system circuit breaker limitations). Ten times continuous load rating for three cycles without closing the bypass breaker.
Output Voltage Transients. Voltage transients shall be limited to a maximum deviation from nominal system output volts of ±7% with recovery to within 1% of the nominal output voltage within 50 milliseconds for each of the following conditions. Limits shall apply to any UPS load within the UPS rating and frequency shall be maintained at 60 Hertz plus or minus 0.1 hertz. The system shall not transfer to bypass under these conditions (except item c below).
100% load step.
Loss or return of AC input power, momentary sags, surges or spikes on the input to the UPS (all three phases or single phase).
Uninterrupted transfer of the critical load to and from the UPS output and bypasses power line (manually initiated or automatic).
Dropping one MMU (Multi-ModuleUnit) off the UPS output power bus by manual switching.
Connecting one MMU onto the UPS output bus.
Dropping one MMU off the UPS output power bus by internal failure.
Trip a 100-ampere branch circuit breaker with a single phase fault.
Grounding. The AC output neutral shall be electrically isolated from the MMU chassis. The MMU chassis shall have an equipment ground terminal. Provisions for bonding the system neutral to ground (customer-supplied cable) shall be provided in the enclosure containing the system bypass and isolation breakers.
environmental conditions
The UPS shall be able to withstand the following environmental conditions without damage or degradation of operating characteristics.
Operating Ambient Temperature. UPS 32°F to 104°F without de-rating. Battery 77°F ±5°F.
Relative Humidity. Up to 95%, non-condensing.
Audible Noise. Noise generated under any normal condition shall not exceed 72 dB measured 5 feet from the UPS.
Materials. All materials of the UPS shall be new, of current manufacture, high grade and shall not have been in prior service except as required during factory testing. All active electronic devices shall be solid-state. All power semiconductors shall be hermetically sealed. Control logic and fuses shall be physically isolated from power train components to ensure operator safety and protection from heat. All electronic components shall be accessible from the front without removing sub-assemblies for service access.
Wiring. Wiring practices, materials and coding shall be in accordance with the requirements of the National Electrical Code, OSHA, and applicable local codes and standards. All bolted connections of bus bars, lugs, and cables shall be in accordance with requirements of the National Electric Code and other applicable standards. All electrical power connections shall be torqued to the required value and marked with a visual indicator.
Conduit. Provisions shall be made in the cabinets to permit installation of input, output, and external control cabling, using raceway or conduit. Standard models (without input isolation transformers) shall provide for either top or bottom access to input and output connections without requiring additional cabinetry. In conformance with NEC, connection cabinets/boxes shall provide adequate space for bend radius. All copper bus bars for customer power connections shall be tin plated for connection integrity.
Construction and Mounting. The UPS shall be in NEMA-1 enclosures, designed for floor mounting. The UPS shall be structurally adequate and have provisions for hoisting, jacking, and forklift handling. Maximum cabinet height shall be 79 inches. Maximum UPS/Battery/Maintenance Bypass cabinet width shall not exceed 130 inches, including the optional input filter, for any UPS modules up to and including 225 kVA.
Cooling. Adequate ventilation shall be provided to ensure that all components are operated well within temperature ratings. The top-mounted blowers shall be redundant so that a single blower failure will not cause temperatures to increase beyond acceptable limits.
Sensors.Temperaturesensorsshall be providedto monitorUPSinternal temperature.Upon detection oftemperaturesinexcess ofmanufacturer'srecommendations,the sensorsshall cause audibleandvisual alarms to besoundedonthe UPScontrol panel.Aseparateroom ambienttemperaturesensorshall be providedto give analarmifthe temperatureoftheinlet air to the UPSisabovespecifiedlimits.Air filtersshall belocatedat the pointofairinlet and be changeablewithoutopeningcabinetdoors.No serviceclearanceorventilationshall be required inthe rear ofthesystem.
Battery DisconnectBreaker
EachUPS moduleshallhavea properlyratedcircuitbreaker(500VDC)to isolateit fromthe battery.This breakeristo be inaseparateNEMA-1enclosureinstalledwithin andaccessible through thecoverofthebattery cabinet.When open, thereshall beno batteryvoltageinthe UPSenclosure.EachUPSmoduleshall automaticallybedisconnectedfromthebattery by openingitsbreakerwhen thebattery reachestheminimumdischargevoltagelevel or when signaledbyothercontrolfunctions.TheUPS modulecontrolpanel shallhavea pushbuttonto tripthebreaker.
BatteryPlant General. Providesealed;valve regulated lead calcium,maintenance-freebatterysystem,completewith all requiredcomponentsandaccessoriesfor a completeinstallation.
Alloys. Gridsshall be manufacturedofcalciumleadalloysto assurelonglife andconsistently lowgassingrateovertheentireservicelife;allinternalwettedpartsshall be ofsimilarnon- antimoniesalloy to precludeinterfacialcorrosionat thebondedarea.
Plates. Bothpositiveandnegativeplatesshall be oftheflatpastedplatedesign to assurehighly reliableelectricalperformancethroughoutthelife ofthebattery.Positiveplatesshall be equippedwithfibrous retention mats toinhibit thelossofactivematerialasa resultofrepeated cycling.
Terminals. All batteriesshallincludecopperinsertedterminalposts allowingconnectortorque of110poundinches andcopper-to-copperinterfacewiththeinter-cellconnector(exceptfor flashing).Terminalpostsshall be ofsufficientstrength to supportnormalinter-tieror inter-step cabling withoutadditionalbracing.
Container.Thecellcontainerandcovershall be ofa flame-retardantmaterialwithanoxygen index ofat least28.Thecellcovershall includealow-pressurereleasevent.Allcellslarger than 0.25kW/cell(15minuterateto 1.67volts per cell)shallincludean integralflasharrestor.
Inter-CellConnections. For eachboltedconnection,lead-platedcopperconnectorsand corrosion-resistantboltsshall be provided;interconnectinghardwareshall besizedso asto permitdischargeat themaximumpublishedratewhileallowingno morethan30 mVofvoltage dropbetween adjacentunits at theone-minuterateto 1.75volts per cell (VPC).Alongwiththe necessaryhardware,thesuppliershall furnish terminalconnectioncoatingcompoundifrequired bythebattery manufacturer.
Battery Cabinet. The battery cabinet shall have ten-year designed life. Batteriesshall beinstalledina separate battery cabinetthat matches theUPS cabinet style to form an integral system lineup. Battery cells shall be mounted on slide-out trays for ease of maintenance. Cabinetracksshallhave weldedsteelsupportframes andunitizedrailconstructionto preventlong-term warpage and resultantstressesonthecellsandinterconnections.Allmetalliccomponentswhichdirectly contactthebattery shall beinsulatedbyremovablecovers. Casters and leveling shall also be provided with the battery cabinet for ease of installation. When the application calls for the battery cabinet to be bolted to the UPS cabinet, an interconnecting cable kit shall be available, precut and pre-lugged.
ManufacturingControls. Eachcellshall be clearly identifiedasto cell type,voltage,and capacityaswell asmanufacturingcontrolgroup for futureQuality Assurancetraceability.All cellsinthebatteryshall be testedtoverify 100%systemcapacity.Theequipmentshall be designedandmanufacturedundera Quality AssuranceProgramwhichiscontrolledand documentedbywritten policies,proceduresorinstructions,andwhichshall be carriedout throughouttheperformanceofthework.TheQuality AssuranceProgramshall conformto the requirementsofANSI N45.2,MIL-145208A,andMIL-Q-9858A.
Accessories Remote AlarmAnnunciatorPanel.Providemanufacturer'sstandardflushmountedremote alarmannunciatorpanel for thenewUPSandtheexistingUPS.
Isolation andBypass.TheinterlockedUPSsystemisolation andbypass circuitbreakersshall allowtheentireUPSsystemto be fullybypassedandisolatedformaintenancewhiletheserved loadcontinuesto be poweredfromtheutility powersource.Thebypass andisolation operationsshall be make-before-breakto provideuninterruptedpowerto theloadduringbypass andisolation.
ShortCircuit Withstand/InterruptingRating.TheUPSexternal maintenancebypass distribution panelshall besuitablefor usewiththeavailableshortcircuit faultcurrentshown onthe drawingsandtheminimuminterruptingratingofcircuitbreakersassociatedwiththeUPS external maintenance bypass distribution panel shall be greater than the available short circuit faultcurrentshown onthedrawing.