2008 R305A080370
The Development and Validation of the Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education
University of Pennsylvania
Porter, Andrew
Cravens, X., Goldring, E.B., Porter, A.C., Polikoff, M.S., Murphy, J., and Elliott, S.N. (2013). Setting Proficiency Standards for School Leadership Assessment: An Examination of Cut Score Decision Making. Educational Administration Quarterly, 49(1): 124-160.
Goldring, E., Cravens, X., Murphy, J. Porter, A., Elliott, S., and Carson, B. (2009). The Evaluation of Principals: What and How Do States and Urban Districts Assess Leadership? Elementary School Journal, 110 (1): 19–39.
Goldring, E., Porter, A., Murphy, J., Elliott, S.N., and Cravens, X. (2009). Assessing Learning-centered Leadership: Connections to Research, Professional Standards, and Current Practices. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 8: 1–36.
Murphy, J., Elliott, S.N., Goldring, E., and Porter, A.C. (2010). Leaders For Productive Schools. In E. Baker, P. Peterson, and B. McGaw (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (3rd ed.). Oxford, UK: Elsevier Limited.
Murphy, J.F., Goldring, E.B., Cravens, X.C., Elliott, S.N., and Porter, AC. (2011). The Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education: Measuring Learning-Centered Leadership. Journal of East China Normal University, 29(1): 1-10.
Polikoff, M.S., May, H., Porter, A.C., Elliott, S.N., Goldring, E., and Murphy, J. (2009). An Examination of Differential Item Functioning in the Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education. Journal of School Leadership, 19(6): 661-679.
Porter, A.C., Murphy, J., Goldring, E., Elliott, S.N., and Cravens, X.C. (in press, 2012). Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education: A New Tool For Principal Evaluation and Professional Growth. In J. Shen (Ed.), Tools for Improving Principalship. Berne, Switzerland: Peter Lang Publishing Group.
Porter, AC., Polikoff, M., Goldring, E.B., Murphy, J., Elliott, S.N., and May, H. (2010). Developing a Psychometrically Sound Assessment of School Leadership: The VAL-ED as a Case Study. Educational Administration Quarterly, 46 (2): 135–173.
Porter, A.C., Polikoff, M.S., Goldring, E., Murphy, J.; Elliott, S.N.; and May, H. (2010) Investigating The Validity and Reliability Of The Vanderbilt Assessment Of Leadership In Education. Elementary School Journal, 111(2): 282-313.
Test and Test Manuals Developed Under this Award
Elliott, S.N., Murphy, J., Goldring, E., and Porter, A. (2008). VAL-ED Handbook: Implementation and interpretation of the Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education. Nashville: Discovery Education Assessments
Elliott, S.N., Murphy, J., Goldring, E., and Porter, A. (2008). VAL-ED Users' Guide. Nashville: Discovery Education Assessments.
Porter, A.C., Murphy, J., Goldring, E.B., and Elliott, S.N. (2008). VAL-ED: The Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education. Nashville: Discovery Education Assessments.
Porter, A.C., Murphy, J., Goldring, E.B., Elliott, S.N., Polikoff, M.S., and May, H. (2008). VAL-ED: Technical Manual (Version1.0). Nashville: Discovery Education Assessments.
A Randomized Control Trial to Assess the Efficacy of the Balanced Leadership Program
Texas A&M University
Goddard, Roger
Goddard, R.D., Goddard, Y.L., Kim, E.S., and Miller, R.J. (2012). Coherent Evidence: The Roles Of Instructional Leadership, Teacher Collaboration, and Collective Efficacy Beliefs. American Educational Research Journal.
Jacob, R., Goddard, R., and Kim, E.S. (2012). Assessing The Use Of Aggregate Data In The Evaluation Of School-Based Interventions: Implications For Evaluation Research and State Policy Regarding Public Use Data. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.
2009 R305A090265
Developing and Validating the Next Generation of Leadership Evaluation Tools: Formative Assessment for High Stakes Accountability
University of Wisconsin
Halverson, Richard
Carolyn Kelley
School Leadership for Student Achievement: A Survey and Quasi-Experimental Analysis of Leadership in Florida
University of Wisconsin
Camburn, Eric
School Leader Communication Model (SLCM)
Syracuse University
Dotger, Benjamin
Project Website: http://edusims.syr.edu/
Dotger, B. (2012). The School Leader Communication Model: An Emerging Method For
Bridging School Leader Preparation and Practice. Journal of School Leadership, 21(6): 871-892.
Dotger, B. and Alger, A. (In Press). Challenging Parent, Challenged Curricula: Utilizing Simulated Interactions To Enhance School Leader Preparation. Planning and Changing.
2010 R305A100286
Assessing School Leaders’ Development of Management Skills and Leadership: A Longitudinal Mixed-Methods Study
Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
Loeb, Susanna
Jason A. Grissom (University of Missouri)
Grissom, J.A., and Loeb, S. (2011). Triangulating Principal Effectiveness: How Perspectives Of Parents, Teachers, and Assistant Principals Identify The Central Importance Of Managerial Skills. American Education Research Journal, 48(5): 1091-1123.
Myung, J., Loeb, S., and Horng, E. (2011). Tapping The Principal Pipeline: Identifying Talent For Future School Leadership In The Absence Of Formal Succession Management Programs. Education Administration Quarterly, 47(5): 695-727.
Loeb, S., Beteille, T., and Kalogrides, D. (2012). Effective Schools: Teacher Hiring, Assignment, Development, and Retention. Education Finance and Policy, 7(3): 269–304.
Beteille, T., Kalogrides, D., and Loeb, S. (2012). Stepping Stones: Principal Career Paths and School Outcomes. Social Science Research, 41(4): 904–919.
Loeb, S. Kasman, M. and Valant, J. (Forthcoming). Principals’ Perceptions Of Competition For Students In Milwaukee Schools. Education Finance and Policy.
Kalogrides, D., Loeb, S., and Beteille, T. (Forthcoming). Systematic Sorting: Teacher Characteristics and Class Assignments. Sociology Of Education.
Learning Leadership: Kernel Routines for Instructional Improvement
Northwestern University
Spillane, James
Brian Junker (Carnegie Mellon University), Richard Correnti (University of Pittsburgh)
Spillane, J.P. (2012). Data In Practice: Conceptualizing The Data-Based Decision-Making Phenomena. American Journal Of Education, 118(2): 113-141.
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