2013 R305A130118
Measuring Preschool Program Quality: Multiple Aspects of the Validity of Two Widely-Used Measures
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
Gordon, Rachel
Kerry Hofer (Vanderbilt University), Everett Smith (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Kidsteps II: Promoting School Readiness Through Social-Emotional Skill Building in Preschool
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Upshur, Carole
Melodie Wenz-Gross
Developing an Early Literacy Assessment for Spanish-Speaking Children in Preschool: PALS español PreK
University of Virginia
Invernizzi, Marcia
Karen Ford, Francis Huang, and Patrick Meyer
Related IES Projects: Designing Assessment to Enhance English Literacy Development Among Spanish-Speaking Children in Grades K–3(R305A090015)
Enfoque en Ciencia:Extending the Cultural and Linguistic Validity of a Computer Adaptive Assessment of Science Readiness for Use with Young Latino Children
University of Miami
Greenfield, Daryl
Randall Penfield (University of North Carolina), Ximena Dominguez (SRI)
Related IES Projects: Lens on Science: Development and Validation of a Computer-Administered, Adaptive, IRT-Based Science Assessment for Preschool Children (R305A090502)
Education Leadership
2004 R305E040085
Assessing the Impact of Principals’ Professional Development: An Evaluation of the National Institute for School Leadership
University of Pennsylvania
Supovitz, Jonathan
Barnes, C.A., Camburn, E., Sanders, B.R., and Sebastian, J. (2010). Developing Instructional Leaders: Using Mixed Methods to Explore the Black Box of Planned Change in Principals’ Professional Practice. Educational Administration Quarterly, 46(2): 241–279.
Camburn, E.M., Spillane, J., and Sebastian, J. (2010). Assessing the Utility of a Daily Log for Measuring Principal Leadership Practice. Educational Administration Quarterly, 46(5): 707-737.
Camburn, E.M., Huff, J., Goldring, E., and May, H. (2010). Assessing the Validity of Annual Surveys for Measuring Principal Leadership Practice. Elementary School Journal, 111(2): 314-335.
Goldring, E., Huff, J., May, H., and Camburn, E. (2008). School Context and Individual Characteristics: What Influences Principal Practice? Journal of Educational Administration, 46 (3): 332–352.
Goldring, E., Huff, J., Spillane, J.P., and Barnes, C.A. (2009). Measuring the Learning-centered Leadership Expertise of School Principals. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 8 (2): 197–228.
May, H. and Supovitz, J.A. (2011). The Scope of Principal Efforts to Improve Instruction. Educational Administration Quarterly, 47(2): 332-352.
May, H., Huff, J., and Goldring, E. (2012). A Longitudinal Study Of Principals' Activities and Student Performance. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 23(4): 417-439.
Spillane, J.P., Camburn, E.M., and Pareja, A.S. (2007). Taking a Distributed Perspective to the School Principal’s Workday. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 6 (1): 103–125.
Spillane, J.P., Kim, C., and Frank, K.A. (2012). Instructional Advice and Information Providing and Receiving Behavior In Elementary Schools: Exploring Tie Formation As A Building Block In Social Capital Development. American Educational Research Journal, 49(6): 1112-1145.
Supovitz, J., Sirinides, P., and May, H. (2010). How Principals and Peers Influence Teaching and Learning. Educational Administration Quarterly, 46(1): 31–56.
Spillane, J.P., Pareja, A.S., Dorner, L., Barnes, C., May, H., Huff, J., and Camburn, E.M. (2010). Mixing Methods in Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs): Validation, Contextualization, Triangulation, and Control. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 22(1): 5–28.
Learning from Efforts to Strengthen Educational Leadership in Urban School Districts
Quint, Janet
Quint, J.C., Akey, T.M., Rappaport, S., and Willner, C.J. (2007). Instructional Leadership, Teaching Quality, and Student Achievement: Suggestive Evidence From Three Urban School Districts. New York, NY: MDRC.
2005 R305E050082
The Coaching Model: A Collaborative Pilot Program
School Leadership Center of Greater New Orleans
Riedlinger, Brian
Study of Innovative School Leadership Performance Evaluation Systems
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Milanowski, Anthony T.
Kimball, S.M., and Milanowski, A.T., and McKinney, S.A. (2009). Assessing the Promise of Standards-Based Performance Evaluation for Principals: Results From a Randomized Trial. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 8 (3): 233–236.
Kimball, S.M., Heneman, H.G. III, and Milanowski, A. (2007). Performance Evaluation and Compensation for Public School Principals: Results From a National Survey. ERS Spectrum, 25:4–21.
2007 R305A070298
Improving Principal Leadership Through Feedback and Coaching
Vanderbilt University
Bickman, Leonard
Huff, J., Preston, C., and Goldring, E. Implementation Of A Coaching Program For School
Principals: Evaluating Coaches’ Strategies and The Results. Educational Management,
Administration and Leadership. 41(4).
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