2004 R305E040031
Low Cost Experiments to Support Local School District Decisions
Empirical Education, Inc.
Newman, Denis
Cabalo, J.V., Ma, B., and Jaciw, A. (2007). Comparative Effectiveness of Carnegie Learning’s Cognitive Tutor Bridge to Algebra Curriculum: a Report of a Randomized Experiment in the Maui School District. Palo Alto, CA: Empirical Education Inc.
Cabalo, J.V., Jaciw, A., and Vu, M. (2007). Comparative Effectiveness of Carnegie Learning’s Cognitive Tutor Algebra I Curriculum: a Report of a Randomized Experiment in Maui School District. Palo Alto, CA: Empirical Education Inc.
Cabalo, J.V., Ma, B., and Jaciw, A. (2007). Comparative Effectiveness of Professional Development and Support Tools for World Language Instruction: a Report on a Randomized Experiment in Delaware. Palo Alto, CA: Empirical Education Inc.
Cabalo, J.V., Ma, B., Jaciw, A., Miller, G.I., and Vu, M. (2007). Effectiveness of Ongoing Professional Development on Interactive Whiteboard Use: a Report of a Randomized Experiment in Forsyth County Schools. Palo Alto, CA: Empirical Education Inc.
Cabalo, J.V., Newman, D., and Jaciw, A. (2006). Effectiveness of TCI’s History Alive! for Eighth Graders: A Report of a Randomized Experiment in Alum Rock Union Elementary School District. Palo Alto, CA: Empirical Education Inc.
Greene, D., and David, J.L. (2005). Implementing Low-Cost RCTs to Support School District Decisions: Formative Evaluation Report for Year One. Palo Alto, CA: Bay Area Research Group.
Greene, D., and David, J.L. (2006). Implementing Low-Cost RCTs to Support School District Decisions: Formative Evaluation Report for Year Two. Palo Alto, CA: Bay Area Research Group.
Newman, D. (2007). Generalization and the Unit of Decision Making. Palo Alto, CA: Empirical Education Inc.
Newman, D. (2007). The District Motivation and Design Constraints of Experimental Evaluations. Palo Alto, CA: Empirical Education Inc.
Public School Choice: Magnet Schools, Peer Effects, and Student Achievement
Vanderbilt University
Goldring, Ellen
Related IES Projects: National Research and Development Center on School Choice (R305A040043)
Ballou, D. (2009). Magnet School Outcomes. In M. Berends, M.G. Springer, D. Ballou, and H.J. Walberg (Eds.), Handbook of Research on School Choice. New York, NY: Taylor and Francis Group.
Goldring, E. (2009). Perspectives on Magnet Schools. In M. Berends, M.G. Springer, D. Ballou, and H.J. Walberg (Eds.), Handbook of Research on School Choice. New York, NY: Taylor and Francis Group.
How Should We Organize Primary Schooling? Grade Span, School Size and Student Academic Achievement
New York University
Stiefel, Leanna
Rubenstein, R., Schwartz, A.E., Stiefel, L., and Zabel, J. (2009). Spending, Size, and Grade Span in K–8 Schools, Education Finance and Policy, 4 (1): 60–88.
Schwartz, A., Stiefel, L., Rubenstein, R., and Zabel, J. (2011). The Path Not Taken: How Does School Organization Affect Eighth-Grade Achievement?. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 33(3): 293-317.
2005 R305E050052
Implementing Public School Choice in Charlotte, NC: Impacts on Student Outcomes, Competitiveness and Racial Segregation
National Bureau of Economic Research
Kane, Thomas
Hastings, J.S., Kane, T.J., and Staiger, D.O. (2005). Parental Preferences and School Competition: Evidence From a Public School Choice Program (NBER Working Paper #11805). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
Hastings, J.S., Kane, T.J., and Staiger, D.O. (2006). Preferences and Heterogeneous Treatment Effects in a Public Choice Lottery (NBER Working Paper #12145). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
Hastings, J.S., Kane, T.J., and Staiger, D.O. (2006). Gender and Performance: Evidence From School Assignment by Randomized Lottery. American Economic Review, 96(2): 232–236.
Hastings, J.S., Kane, T.J., Staiger, D.O., and Weinstein, J.M. (2007). The Effects of Randomized School Admissions on Voter Participation. Journal of Public Economics, 91 (5/6): 915–937.
Cost Accounting for Student-Level Resources
Pennsylvania State University
Hartman, William
Denison, D.V., Hartman, W.T., Stiefel, L., and Deegan, M.M. (2011). A Model for School-level Resource Reporting. Public Performance and Management Review, 35(1): 29-53.
The Unintended Consequences of a Major Education Policy Reform: California’s Class Size Reduction, Student Achievement, and the ‘Social Multiplier’
National Bureau of Economic Research
Bayer, Patrick
Bayer, P., Fernando, F., and Mcmillan, R. (2007). A Unified Framework for Measuring Preferences for Schools and Neighborhoods, Journal of Political Economy, 115 (4):2001–2052.
2006 R305E060025
Do Lower Barriers to Entry Affect Student Achievement and Teacher Retention: The Case of Math Immersion
State University of New York, Albany
Wyckoff, James
Boyd, D., Grossman, P., Hammerness, K., Lankford, H., Loeb, S., Ronfeldt, M., and Wyckoff, J. (2012). Recruiting Effective Math Teachers: Evidence From New York City. American Educational Research Journal, 49(6): 1008-1047.
2007 R305A070117
Determinants of Student Outcomes in an Urban School District: Educational Interventions and Family Choices
Carnegie Mellon University
Epple, Dennis
Related IES Projects: Estimation and Inference in Education Research when Actions by Participants Impact Validity and Availability of Data (R305D090016)
Tharp-Taylor, N., Dembosky, and Gill. (2007). Partners in Pittsburgh Schools' Excellence for All Initiative: Findings from the First Year of Implementation. Santa Monica, CA: RAND DB–544.
Engberg, J.,Gill, B., Zamarro, G., Zimmer, R. (2012) Closing Schools In A Shrinking District: Do Students Outcomes Depend On Which Schools Are Closed? Journal of Urban Economics 71: 189-203.
Engberg, J, Epple, D., Imbrogno, J., Sieg, H. and R. Zimmer (2014). Evaluating Education Programs That Have Lotteried Admission and Selective Attrition. Journal of Labor Economics.
The Effects of Racial School Segregation on the Black-White Achievement Gap
Stanford University
Reardon, Sean
Related IES Projects: Addressing Practical Problems in Achievement Gap Estimation: Nonparametric Methods for Censored Data (R305D110018)
Ho, A.D., and Reardon, S.F. (2012). Estimating Achievement Gaps from Test Scores Reported in Ordinal `Proficiency’ Categories. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 37(4):489-517. Awarded the AERA Palmer O. Johnson Award, for the best article published in an AERA journal in 2012.
Reardon, S.F., and Rhodes, L. (2011). The Effects of Socioeconomic School Integration Plans on Racial School Desegregation. In Erica Frankenberg and Elizabeth DeBray (Eds.), Integrating Schools in a Changing Society: New Policies and Legal Options for a Multiracial Generation. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.
Reardon, S.F., Grewal, E., Kalogrides, D., and Greenberg, E. (2012). Brown fades: The End of Court Ordered School Desegregation and the Resegregation of American Public Schools. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 31(4): 876-904.
Reardon, S.F., Yun, J.T., Chmielewski, A.K. (2012). Suburbanization and School Segregation. In William F. Tate (Ed.), Research on Schools, Neighborhoods, and Communities: Toward Civic Responsibility. Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association.
Evaluation of the Kalamazoo Promise
Western Michigan University
Miron, Gary
Miron, G., Jones, J.N., and Kelaher-Young, A.J. (2011). The Kalamazoo Promise and Perceived Changes in School Climate. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 19(17).
Jones, J., Miron, G., and Kelaher Young, A.J. (2012). The Kalamazoo Promise and Perceived Changes in Teacher Beliefs, Expectations, and Behaviors. Journal of Educational Research, 105(1): 36-51.
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