Oasis – Open architecture for Accessible Services Integration and Standardization

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6.Cross-SPs Use Cases

This section presents 3 UCs that bind different UCs from SP2 and SP3, constituting thus synthetic UCs. The UML diagrams are also provided per UC.

    1. Cross-SP-1 Planning a car trip and being supported while on-trip

  1. Context of use (aim)

Planning a car trip, with the support of others (communication) and driving with the route guidance and telematic support applications

  1. Primary actor

√ Young elderly (ages 55-65)

√ Elderly (ages 65-75)

 Old elderly (ages 75+)

  1. Secondary actor(s)

√Family members

Informal care-givers (i.e. volunteers, neighbours, etc.)

Formal care-givers (both inpatient and outpatient)

Public / private Social security service providers and insurance companies

Service Centre

√Health care and emergency support service providers

Home automation service providers

√Leisure and re-creation service providers

Infotainment service providers

√Telematic service providers

√Elderly associations

National, local and regional authorities

Policy makers

 Other: …………………………………………………………….

  1. Connected UCs

SP3.1-SP3.4, SP2.36, SP2.41-SP2.42, SP3.11-SP3.12, SP3.23-SP3.25

  1. Priority Level

√ Essential  Secondary  Supportive

  1. Scenario(s)

The user (driver) uses the pre-trip info (SP3.1-SP3.4), in order to arrange a trip by car; he consults and communicates with his family and fellow travellers online for the best options (SP2.36, SP2.41-SP2.42). While driving, the user then makes use of the route guidance and parking availability applications (SP3.11-SP3.12), while being monitored for health problems by the Driver telematic support system (SP3.23-SP3.25).

  1. System output

Provision to the driver information about the trip (maps, special attributes, info for the destination, etc.) upon request and enabling of efficient communication of the driver with other travelers, communities, family members, etc.

Route guidance support during the whole trip and continuous monitoring for any emergency health problem: in case of a health problem detection, the system alerts the driver or performs a call to an emergency centered (imminent case), ensuring assistance to the driver.

  1. Relevant OASIS WP

WP2.5, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4

  1. Services involved

Nutritional Advisor

Activity coach

Brain and Skills trainer

√ Social communities platform

√Health monitoring

Environmental Control

√Transport information

√Route guidance

√Driver telematic support

Driver comfort support

Tourism support

Leisure and social activities support

Smart workplaces

  1. Devices & restrictions

11a. User Interaction devices & restrictions

Portable device (tablet PC, mobile phone, tbd) Vehicle Telematic Unit.

In-vehicle navigation system (on-board) and/or PDA-based navigation (off-board)

11b. Sensor devices & restrictions

Health monitoring wearable sensors; localisation on PDA, PC, mobile phone

  1. Critical success parameters


Success parameters

Transport information

Return the more convenient parking places within the time restriction of main route UCs.

Route guidance

Equal as the main UC that requested the service.

Driver telematic support

If after 2 minutes no parking information is obtained, only the local map information is shown.

Social communities platform

The system receives requests from the user, performs the correspondent action within 2 seconds and gives feedback to the user once it has been completed.

  1. Environmental restrictions

Plan a trip from current location possible only if the user is outdoor.

  1. Interaction level

Step 1 – the user wants to plan a trip. He/she selects the starting point

Step 2 – The user selects trip between bookmarked location (e.g. home, recreation centre) and a specific address or POI

Step 3 - The system asks the user whether to use the bookmarked routing options or to insert manually the following preferences:

  • Mean of transport (PT, car, pedestrian)

  • Arrival/starting time

  • Route optimization type (shortest, fastest, calmest)

  • Maximum walking distance

  • Maximum number of changes

Step 4 - The system processes the user’s query and presents the alternative routes in a textual format and optionally on a map.

Step 5 – the user requests information about colleagues (static o dynamic).

Step 6 – the system shows it in the corresponding device.

Step 7 – the user requests to store information about planned tasks, colleagues, and notes or related to the previously showed.

Step 8 – the system stores information on the user’s device.

Step 9 – the user asks for pre-defined route guidance and selects the elderly-friendly option.

Step 10 - the system provides point-by-point guidance.

Step 11 – The user has decided that he/she wants to stop to a specific place and wants to see parking availability. He/she has to configure (pre-configured values can be used) the maximum acceptable walking distance/time, price, etc.

Step 12: the system shows a list of parking places available. They can also be displayed on the map, referenced the current position.

Step 13: The user chooses one of the available options.

Step 14: the system guides the user to the parking.

Step 15 – The user would like to check his/her own health conditions and asks the system for help.

Step 16 – The in-vehicle system transmits the data read from the sensors worn by the driver to the health care centre.

Step 17 – The health care centre sends a response to the in-vehicle system.

Step 18 – The service centre delivers the response to the user.

  1. Personalisation/ adaptation level


static parameters: static user profile (i.e.: name, date of birth, etc.)

semi-dynamic parameters: type of user, user’s case history and medical data (i.e.: known pathologies, allergies, etc.)

dynamic parameters: maximum walking distance/time accepted, maximum price accepted, current values of the user’s health parameters acquired by the wearable sensors

environmental parameters/context of use: weather forecast, day and hour (to check parking opening/closing time/date)

  1. Quality of service indicators

Return of info < 1min

Return of route < 5min

Time demands: the new route does not enhance the overall journey time over …% (could be pre-selected or defined by the elderly user him/herself, as an option).

Reliability/accuracy demands: as a ‘standard’ navigation system. Recommendations of the Driving Group eCall, concerning:

  • percentage of the triggered emergency calls that reach the mobile network operator;

  • percentage of the activated emergency calls that reach the emergency centre (forwarded by the network operator);

  • latency of intervention.

Another QoS indicator that must be considered is the reliability of sensor data acquisitions.

  1. Potential input needed from other UCs (what input and which UCs?)

User location needed from UC SP3-16 “Find current location” if the user is outdoors.

Bookmarked POIs or places should be available from UC SP3-18 “Bookmark POI”.

The destination/current position has to be provided to the service centre to initiate a parking search.

The list of parking places has to be provided from the POI database, and additional information from a Service provider.

Information on the user’s vital parameters acquired by the body sensor system of Personal mobility UC1 (Driver/passenger health assistant in critical conditions) could be sent together with the data pertaining to the present UC to the emergency centre.

  1. Important accessibility attributes (per UG)

The HMI structure, must be designed taking into account the elderly user needs.

The health monitoring and alerting/emergency functions must be always available and working.

User’s profile and medical profile must be considered in order not to trigger warnings unnecessarily.

  1. Background info/ reason on selection and on assigning the priority level

See connected UCs.

  1. References

See connected UCs.


See connected UCs.

Figure 101: Cross-SP-1 Planning a car trip and being supported while on trip

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