Oasis – Open architecture for Accessible Services Integration and Standardization

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The OASIS use cases (UC) and scenarios of use have been defined based upon literature review, on-site interviews, technological benchmarking and iterative consensus building among key stakeholders, already present in the OASIS Consortium and user group representatives.
Within OASIS, a web based database was developed, in order to include all existing technologies on the mobility issues and smart workplaces area. Specific information is given for each product/technology, such as relevant technical characteristics, costs and producer/manufacturer details, as well as - when available - information on compliance to relevant standards, applications used in, type of users, method of use, usability issues, references, etc. The database consists currently of 641 Products, 47 Services and 78 Research Projects..
Furthermore, on-site interviews in 5 countries, showed that there are barriers for working in terms of on-line platforms, for the elderly. Also, although independent travelling is a must for the elderly, the lack of efficient info on time tables, delays, etc. is considered being one of the main problems. The mobile phone is seeing as the most relevant platform for info provision. In specific, carers are overally very positive towards the possibilities of technologies, but proper training approaches will be needed.

The technological benchmarking, the interviews, but also experts input during the Workshop, User Forum and Scientific Advisory Board meetings, leaded to the extraction of 38 use cases and detailed application scenarios, covering all the SP3 modules. These UCs form the basis for the project further developments and pilots conduction. There are three different priority levels distinguished for each UC (essential, secondary, supportive), of which the essential ones are these that will be definitely evaluated at the project pilots (in SP4). The defined UCs (38 in total) were then linked to the specific end user profiles and interviews results, where it was proven that they are fully in line with users expectations. In fact, none of the UCs was considered as unacceptable by the majority of the interviewees.

Moreover, in order to bind together the services and tools between SP2 and SP3 of OASIS, and be able to test them in a holistic way, at a later project stage (when the developments will be concluded), the interoperability, reliability, usability, functionality and effectiveness of the OASIS system, as a complete, integrated service for the elderly, three cross-SP UCs have been developed. These are analysed in accordance to the rest UCs.

As the use cases form an immediate reflection of user needs and relevant gaps in the area of services for the daily support of the elderly population definition of OASIS, they constitute the starting point of work for the definition of the functionality and its components, including user-computer interaction platform and properties, being the easy customisation and system reconfiguration (e.g. through assisted dialogues), personalisation to the individual need and preferences of the users, self-adaptivity of content presentation according to environmental constraints, devices restrictions, cultural characteristics, multi-services interconnection, etc.



Bekiaris E., Vosinis A., Papaioannou G., Spaepen A., Baten G., TRANSWHEEL (DE 3013/2) Deliverable 5.1, ‘Design of an enhanced comfort and maneuverability wheelchair’, 1999.

Brookhuis KA, de Waard D. Assessment of driver’s workload: performance and subjective and physiological indexes. In: Stress, Workload, and Fatigue, edited by Hancock, PA, Desmond PA. Lawrence Erlbaum Ass, Mahwah, New Jersey, 2001; 321-333.

De Becker An, Hostens Ivo, SAFEGUARD (QLRT-1999-30235) Deliverable 1.1 'Aetiology of occupational accidents and diseases of professional drivers due to seat-related discomfort’, 2001.

Fernandez Raul and Picard Rosalind W. Modeling drivers’ speech under stress. Speech Comm, 40(1-2):145–159, 2003.

Green RG. Stress and accidents. Aviat Space Environ Med 1985:56:638-641.

Kecklund Göran, Åkerstedt Torbjörn, SENSATION (507231) Deliverable 1.1.2 ‘Report on methods and classification of stress, inattention and emotional states’ 2004.

Larmen Craig, Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Process, Chapter 6 “Use Case Model: writing requirements in context”, by Stein, B, 2000 Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Loveniers K., De Becker A., Hostens I., Seghers T., Stefani O., Deisinger J., Bullinger A., Atlas D., Celiberti L., SAFEGUARD (QLRT-1999-30235) Deliverable 2.1 ‘Vehicle seat/compartment evaluation criteria’, 2001.

Martin, Robert C. (2002): “UML for Java Programmers”, chapter 5, Use Cases.

Middleton H., Westwood D., Robson J., Henriksson P., Falkmer T., Siren A., Hakamies L., Breker S., Fimm B, Arno P., Eekhout G., Martin B., AGILE (QLRT2001-00118) Deliverable 2.1 ‘Inventory of assessment and decision criteria for elderly drivers, including particular age-related disabilities’, 2003.

Web sites:

[1] http://alistair.cockburn.us/crystal/articles/o/ucai/usecasealternateintro.html

[2] http://www.ferg.org/papers/ferg--whats_wrong_with_use_cases.html (Ferg Stephen, ‘What’s wrong with use cases?’, 2003)

[3] http://www.eng.mu.edu

Annex 1: Benchmarking template

This section presents the fields of the common WP2.1 and WP3.1 database that has been developed within OASIS. This database is designed in order to include also information about the existing ontologies, thus covering also WP1.1. The template is divided in 3 areas: products, services and research results. Most fields are common for these 3 categories, but there are also some different fields for each. In addition, there are certain areas defined, according to the services offered by the project, which are common for the 3 categories. Finally, the search options (by which the users will be able to search the content of the database) are provided.
Search possibilities (common for all 3 categories: products, services, projects):

  • keyword:

  • name of product/service/project

  • area (as shown below)

  • manufacturer

  • end-user category (drop-down list):  Elderly Family members Informal care givers  Formal care givers

  • types of aging-related problems covered (e.g. visual, physical, cognitive)

  • view all

  • ontology existing:  Yes  No

Areas in which the specific database entry falls (common for all 3 categories: products, services, projects):

A. To be selected by the user as a drop-down list:

  • User monitoring

    • activity monitoring (WP2.3)

    • health remote monitoring (WP2.6)

  • Assistive applications

    • home automation (WP2.7)

    • personal sustaining program (e.g. memory trainer, etc.) (WP2.2, WP2.4)

    • support @ work (WP3.5)

    • leisure and social events (WP2.5, WP3.4)

  • Mobility support

    • travel information services (WP3.2, WP3.4)

    • route guidance (WP3.3, WP3.4)

    • driver support services (WP3.4)

  • Other (define categories and sub-categories if a database entry is not covered by the above areas): ……..

B. Business and market issues questions:

Which companies could benefit from the technology/product/service/R&D-Projects? (hint: have in mind a possible value web or business model and think about, companies from which branches could benefit from the technology/product/service?)

Who could be the possible end users from the technology/ product/ service/ R&D-Projects?

(hint: describe what end users the companies have in mind or what you guess could be possible end users)
What are the chances for the technology/product/service/R&D-Projects?

(hint: assess what chances the technology/product/service will have in the market, make a cross at the appropriate category and describe the chances below. Have in mind topics like possible prices (expensive premium products or cheap mass production), business models, cooperations, competition, regional relevance (could it be relevant for the whole EU or is it a typical Danish or Spanish product?), probability of occurrence (will the technology/product/service really get to the market?) etc.)

Select one:

very high



very low
Description of the chances:
What are the risks for the technology/product/service/R&D-Projects

(hint: Please assess what risks the technology/product/service will have in the market, make a cross at the appropriate category and describe the risks below. Have in mind topics like possible prices (expensive premium products or cheap mass production), business models, cooperations, competition, regional relevance (could it be relevant for the whole EU or is it a typical Danish or Spanish product?), probability of occurrence (will the technology/product/service really get to the market?) etc.)

Select one:

very high



very low

Description of the risks:
When will the technology/product/ service be officially launched to the market?

2010 or earlier


2016 or later

no estimation possible
When will the technology/product/ service play a relevant role in the market (e.g. has a well-known brand or a significant market share)?

2010 or earlier


2016 or later

no estimation possible
What are the possibilities for chances for OASIS?

(hint: have in mind topics like possible prices (expensive premium products or cheap mass production), business models, cooperations, competition, regional relevance (could it be relevant for the whole EU or is it a typical Danish or Spanish product?), probability of occurrence (will the technology/product/service really get to the market?) etc.)

Select one:

very high



very low

Description of the chances:
What is your estimation for risks occurrence for OASIS?

(hint: have in mind topics like possible prices (expensive premium products or cheap mass production), business models, cooperations, competition, regional relevance (could it be relevant for the whole EU or is it a typical Danish or Spanish product?), probability of occurrence (will the technology/product/service really get to the market?) etc.

Select one:

very high



very low

Description of the risks:

Product Name:



Market availability:  Yes  No

Indicative Cost:

Technical specifications(e.g. communication, interfaces, interoperability, standards compliance):

End-user category (drop-down list):  Elderly Family members Informal care givers  Formal care givers

Types of aging-related problems covered (e.g. visual, physical, cognitive):

Accessibility characteristics and features (e.g. W3C AA):

Utility/Usability limitations:

Technical Limitations:

Contact info (e-mail, web page, tel, etc.):

Need of training for use: Yes  No

Product brochures, illustrations, etc.:

Customer support (guarantee, technical support, etc.):

Recorded customer feedback (advantages vs. disadvantages):

Version history (last update):


Specification of ontology communication interface:


Service Name:



Cost (permanent, subscription cost, …):

Technical specifications (e.g. communication, interfaces, interoperability, standards compliance):

End-user category (drop-down list):  Elderly Family members Informal care givers  Formal care givers

Types of elderly problems covered (e.g. visual, physical, cognitive):

Accessibility characteristics and features (e.g. W3C AA):

Utility/Usability limitations:

Technical Limitations:

Contact info (service url, tel, etc.):

Need of training for use: Yes  No

Service brochures, illustrations, etc.:

Recorded customer feedback (advantages vs disadvantages):

Version history (last update):

Accessibility level (e.g. W3C AA):



UDDI server publication:

Existing Ontologies:

Public availability:

Ontology Representation Languages:

Number of Concepts:

Number of Relationships:

Structure Consistency: Yes  No

Ontology Standardization Bodies:

Web Service Standards:

Ontology Documentation:
Research results (previous or ongoing projects)

Project full name:


Project web site:

Start date (duration):

Status:  Successfully completed (which year?)……..  On-going

Relation to the OASIS thematic areas:

Description if research result (system):

Technical specifications (e.g. communication, interfaces, interoperability, standards compliance):

End-user category (drop-down list):  Elderly Family members Informal care givers  Formal care givers

Types of aging-related problems covered (e.g. visual, physical, cognitive):

Accessibility characteristics and features (e.g. W3C AA):

Utility/Usability limitations:

Technical Limitations:

Reference (e.g. deliverable that the specific system is described):

Need of training for use: Yes  No

System brochure, illustrations, etc.:

Evaluation results (main user feedback):

Version history (last update):

Availability as a commercial product after the research:  Yes  No


Related Ontologies:

Public availability of ontologies:

Ontology Representation Languages:

Ontology Standardization Bodies:

Ontology Documentation: Yes  No

Ontology Authoring Tools:

Reasoning tools:

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