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Title: Solvent Extraction Research and Development-Japan

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Title: Solvent Extraction Research and Development-Japan

Full Journal Title: Solvent Extraction Research and Development-Japan

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? Ohto, K., Senba, Y., Eguchi, N., Shinohara, T. and Inoue, K. (1999), Solid phase extraction of metal ions on resins impregnated with carboxylates of phenolic oligomers. Solvent Extraction Research and Development-Japan, 6, 101-112.

Full Text: 1999\Sol Ext Res Dev-Jap6, 101.pdf

Abstract: Four types of resins impregnated with phenolic oligomer carboxylic acids have been prepared to investigate the adsorption behavior of divalent metal ions, such as lead, copper, zinc, and cobalt, and leakage of the impregnated extractants to the aqueous solution. The loss of the extractants to the aqueous solution was negligible except for the monomeric extractant. The impregnated resins have been found to be capable of extracting metal ions. The following sequence of metal ion selectivity was found for all resins. Pb >> Cu > Zn > Ni. This selectivity is in accordance with that observed for liquid-liquid extraction reagents. The adsorption of lead on all resins is significantly high, while that of other ions is very low. In particular, that of other metal ions on the resins impregnated by calix[4]arene carboxylate is remarkably low. This may be attributable to the size-exclusion effect.

Keywords: Solvent-Extraction, Calixarenes, Derivatives, Acid, Separation, Calix<4>Arene, Selectivity, Silver(I), Sorption, Behavior

Title: Sorption and Biosorption

Volesky, B. (2003), Sorption and Biosorption, BV Sorbex, Inc. Montreal, Canada.

Title: Sotsialnye Aspekty Zdorovya Naseleniya

Full Journal Title: Sotsialnye Aspekty Zdorovya Naseleniya

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? Kaĭgorodova, T.V. (2009), Information support for decision making in medicine and health care. Sotsialnye Aspekty Zdorovya Naseleniya, 12 (4), 17. Electronic resource (Date Treatment May 7, 2011). URL:,ru/

Full Text: 2009\Sot Asp Zdo Nas12, 17.pdf

Title: Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya

Full Journal Title: Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya

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? Fomin, E.A. and Fedorova, N.M. (1999), Health attitudes strategies. Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, 11, 35 (7 pages).

Abstract: ‘Health attitudes strategies’ (by Eduard Fomin and Nataliya Fedorova) is based on a survey of the life quality indicators and attitudes of the population towards individual health. The empirical basis of the study is formed by a survey carried out in the large cities of Russia (Petersburg, Samara and Pskov) involving 2800 persons aging over 18 (1997, jointly with Finnish Institute for professional health). Health was seen in the study as a natural and social resource and a factor affecting general evaluation of the life quality as a whole. A particular aspect of the study formed the attention paid in the survey to the gender variations of the urban inhabitants’ attitudes to their health. The findings and their implications are extensively discussed.

Title: South African Journal of Botany

Full Journal Title: South African Journal of Botany

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ISSN: 0254-6299


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Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Erftemeijer, P., Semesi, A. and Ochieng, C. (2001), Challenges for marine botanical research in East Africa: Results of a bibliometric survey. South African Journal of Botany, 67 (3), 411-419.

Full Text: 2001\Sou Afr J Bot67, 411.pdf

Abstract: A bibliometric review was made of published and grey literature on marine botanical research in the Western Indian Ocean (1950-2000) to evaluate the current status of marine botanical research in the East African region. All literature references indexed in Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts, Life Sciences Collection, and other computerised databases, as well as annual reports, bibliographies, web-sites, review articles, cross-references, papers and reports published in grey literature - obtained from various institutions and libraries operating in this region - were systematically analysed to provide a diagnosis of strengths and weaknesses in the marine botanical research in the region to date. The results of the analysis are discussed in order to identify the main challenges to be faced as a solid basis for future research efforts in marine botany in the East African region.

Keywords: Africa, African, Analysis, Annual Reports, Bibliographies, Bibliometric, Bibliometric Survey, Databases, Diagnosis, Indian, Indian Ocean, Institutions, Literature, Papers, References, Research, Review, Status, Survey

? Nigro, S.A., Stirk, W.A. and van Staden, J. (2002), Optimising heavy metal adsorbance by dried seaweeds. South African Journal of Botany, 68 (3), 333-341.

Abstract: Industrialisation has resulted in large-scale production of anthropogenic pollutants, particularly heavy metals. Existing industrial techniques for the purification of waste water are expensive. A cheaper alternative may be ‘bioremoval’, that is, the accumulation and concentration of pollutants from aqueous solutions using biological material. The adsorption of copper, zinc and cadmium using two dried seaweeds Ecklonia maxima and Laminaria pallida (order Laminariales) and Kelpak waste (also made from Ecklonia maxima), a byproduct from the manufacture of the seaweed concentrate Kelpak, were investigated under laboratory conditions, to determine some factors affecting heavy metal adsorption. Ion adsorption from single and mixed metal ion solutions of 10 mgl-1 and 100 mgl-1 containing copper, zinc and cadmium were tested at various temperatures and pH. Optimum adsorption occurred at pH 3 and pH 7 and Kelpak waste had equal or superior adsorption ability to dried Ecklonia maxima and Laminaria pallida, particularly for copper. Optimum adsorption occurred at temperatures of 20degreesC and 30degreesC. Heavy metal adsorption trends by the individual seaweed biosorbent remained constant regardless of the species of anion present. Drying of the experimental material (fan air and oven drying at 85degreesC) prior to adsorption cycles resulted in more efficient ion uptake, particularly after additional rehydration. Heavy metal uptake was monitored over a number of semi-continuous adsorption cycles, using the same biomasses. Ion uptake was the most efficient after 2-4 adsorption cycles.

Keywords: Adsorption, Removal, Biosorption, Copper, Derivatives, Cadmium, Biomass, Ions

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