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Title: South African Journal of Chemistry-Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir Chemie

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Title: South African Journal of Chemistry-Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir Chemie

Full Journal Title: South African Journal of Chemistry-Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir Chemie

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ISSN: 0379-4350


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Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Ofomaja, E.A., Unuabonah, I.E. and Oladoja, N.A. (2005), Removal of lead from aqueous solution by palm kernel fibre. South African Journal of Chemistry-Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir Chemie, 58, 127-130.

Full Text: 2005\Sou Afr J Che, 58, 127.pdf

Abstract: The sorption of lead on palm kernel fibre, an agricultural waste product, has been studied. The sorption process was studied as a function of initial lead concentration and initial solution pH. The percentage lead removal was found to increase with increasing initial solution pH up to pH 5 and then to decrease as pH was increased to 6. The pseudo-second order kinetic rate model was employed in the analysis of the kinetics of lead uptake onto the palm kernel fibre. The results show that the pseudo-second order model fits the experimental data with high coefficients of determination (r(2). The equilibrium sorption capacity was found to be 33.33 mg g-1 when 1.0 g of fibre was contacted with 90 mg dm-3 of lead solution at pH 5. Mathematical expressions were derived to relate the pseudo-second order rate constant, k, and the change in solution pH with initial lead concentration.

Keywords: Palm Kernel Fibre, Kinetics, Lead(II), Sorption, Change in Solution pH, Sorption, Blood, Adsorption, Exposure, Children, Cadmium, Waste, Ions, Peat, Dyes

? Israel, O.K. and Ekwumemgbo, P.A. (2010), Kinetics of the adsorption of bovine serum albumin of white wine model solutions onto activated carbon and alumina. South African Journal of Chemistry-Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif Vir Chemie, 63, 20-24.

Full Text: Sou Afr J Che63, 20.pdf

Abstract: This study investigates the kinetics of adsorption of bovine serum albumin, BSA, in white wine model solutions onto activated carbon, AC, and alumina, AL. Pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order models were applied to determine the rate and mechanism of adsorption of the white wine protein during the haze removal process. The results showed that the average amount of adsorbed BSA onto AC was 1.10±0.07 times higher than that onto AL. Statistical analysis by two-way ANOVA showed no significant difference in the amount of BSA adsorbed onto the two adsorbents, but a statistically significant difference existed in the amount adsorbed by variation of incubation time. A positive correlation exists between the amounts of BSA adsorbed onto AC and AL. The kinetics of the adsorption were found to be based on the assumption of an intra-particle diffusion-controlled pseudo-second order mechanism, with adsorption rate constants being higher at lower adsorbate concentrations.

Keywords: Activated Carbon, Adsorption, Adsorption Rate Constant, Haze Removal, Kinetic Modelling, Kinetics, Removal, White Wine

Title: South African Journal of Library and Information Science

Full Journal Title: South African Journal of Library and Information Science

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Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Ocholla, D. and Onyancha, O. (2005), The marginalized knowledge: An informetric analysis of indigenous knowledge publications (1990-2004). South African Journal of Library and Information Science, 71 (3), 247-258.

Full Text: 2005\Sou Afr J Lib Inf Sci71, 247.pdf

Abstract: The paper analyses and demonstrates the application of informetrics by use of descriptive bibliometrics to determine the status and trend of indigenous knowledge (IK) development from 1990-2002. IK records published during that period have been analyzed by use of eight databases hosted by EBSCOHost and SABINET by document type, by growth of the literature over the period, by source where the document is published, by document affiliation, by subject domain, and by nature of authorship among others. A positive growth of IK is observed with strong representation in AGRICOLA database and recommendations are given for a follow up and further research. It is recognized that the paper could provide useful information for decision support in knowledge management in general and knowledge management in particular.

Keywords: Affiliation, Analyses, Analysis, Application, Authorship, Bibliometrics, Database, Databases, Decision, Decision Support, Development, Follow-Up, General, Growth, Indigenous Knowledge, Information, Informetrics, Knowledge, Knowledge Management, Literature, Management, Publications, Recommendations, Records, Representation, Research, Source, Support, Trend

Title: South African Journal of Psychiatry

Full Journal Title: South African Journal of Psychiatry

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:



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Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Vogelzang, B.H., Scutaru, C., Mache, S., Vitzthum, K., Kusma, B., Mutawakel, K., Groneberg, D.A. and Quarcoo, D. (2010), Cannabis publication analysis using density-equalising mapping and research output benchmarking. South African Journal of Psychiatry, 16 (4), 131-137.

Full Text: 2010\Sou Afr J Psy16, 131.pdf

Abstract: Background. Canrabis has been a topic of political and medical controversy in many countries over the past century. Although many publications on this topic are available, there is currently no comprehensive evaluation of global research activities in the field. Objective. This study was conducted in order to provide a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the worldwide research output on cannabis. Methods. In a quantitative approach, items concerning cannabis published between 1900 and 2008 were retrieved from the ISI Web of Science databases developed by the Thompson Institute of Scientific Information and analysed using scientometric methods. In a second step, research fields of growing interest were identified. Results. We found that publications on this topic increased during the late 1960s, as well as during the period 1990 2008. We noted that South Africa was one of the countries with a high research output, having published numerous articles on cannabis. A comparison of cannabis with other drugs (e.g. alcohol, tobacco, cocaine and heroin) showed that in relation to the proportion of respective drug users, cocaine and heroin are overly represented in terms of research output. When analysing the main subjects of the publications, psychiatry was prominent, especially with regard to research on psychosis. Conclusion. There is increasing interest in research on cannabis. The research only partially reflects the drug’s importance with regard to number of users.

Keywords: Africa, Alcohol, Analysis, Approach, Benchmarking, Cannabis, Cocaine, Comparison, Databases, Drug, Drugs, Evaluation, Field, ISI, ISI Web of Science, Mapping, Medical, Methods, Psychiatry, Psychosis, Publication, Publications, Qualitative, Qualitative Analysis, Research, Science, Scientometric, South Africa, Tobacco, View, Web of Science

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